Recent content by aeriatty

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    Khatakorn Sanaeha (Love Killer)- CH.2.2 [11/24/14]

    I'll be waiting here patiently..hehe
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    Roy Ruk Glaang Talay Sai - CH.1, 10/28/2014

    Adora, you're really full of ideas and thatsouthernasianchick i'll be looking foward to this fanfic..also the other fanfic that you wrote..
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    Lords of Wicked Story #1: Tempted By Her Kiss [Ken T. & Aom S.]

    just wow, when you're going to post the new chapter..i'll be waiting
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    Love's Forbidden Passion (04.12 - CH 2)

    noy, please continue this ff..i've been dying to know what will happen next..pleaseeee :drools:  :drools:  :drools:
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    [Ch3] Abb Ruk Online (Thong Entertainment)

      it's Mark Prin in the photoshoot with Kim for a magazine not too long ago, i think..
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    Khatakorn Sanaeha (Love Killer)- CH.2.2 [11/24/14]

    yay :woot2:  :woot: more update..thank you na :dance1:  :dance1:
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    Mia Karmalor Jaa /my darling (fake) wife

    oh my dear, why you don't continue this fanfic..i lovin it..just from the character developmen :cry:  :cry:  :cry: t
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    Khatakorn Sanaeha (Love Killer)- CH.2.2 [11/24/14]

    Really made my day..Now i'm all set up for my mid semester exam..just hoping that surgery paper will be nice to me :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:
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    [Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)

    Just wanna share our Kimmy's picture from Siam Paragon Celebration of British Icon event recently..She look so elegant here :dance1:  :dance1:  :dance1:     picture from Kimmykimberlyofficialfanpage
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    [Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)

    the video for the photo shoot is out at the Kimmykimberlyofficialfanpage but i guess we'll need to wait for the subtitles from kimmystationworld first..loving the playfulness of the photo favorite one was the one in black... they look so good on black
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    [Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)

    haha, when i said that the picture looks kinda a weird to me, i should be more specific.. what i meant by weird was some kind of brownish marking on both Kim and Mark..but i guess it could be the editing.. the look awesome as always..with or without the weird looking mark on their body and face
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    [Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)

    why the picture looks weird..kinda 
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    [Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)

    yeay, finally its coming...woah, what a long waiting..
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    [Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)

    i saw ig picture of kim posted on her fanpage..i guess they are filming today
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    [Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)

      this scene look likes they're fighting over Kob decision to stay  at Bua house.. :numchuck:  :numchuck:  :numchuck:   please ignore me..i'm just being delusional again :dance1:  :dance1:  :dance1: