Recent content by exp0

  1. E


    I saw a flyer posted at Viengchan Market here in Florida for ID Fly, but didn't say Annita will be showing up... is she going to be here too on Saturday?
  2. E

    new lao singer

    Her voice is alright. But I like Kik Dozo's single. Thanks for sharing!
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    Convergence Love 1

    Howard still looks the same... he needs to work out... lol. I like Gypsy's song better. What's the parent company? RS Promotion, GMM Grammy or Sony?
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    Pae Arak Says Thai Girls Are Much More Beautiful Than Laotian Girls

    That could probably what the solution may be. Especially the Laos gov't themselves are pricks! Good relations between two countries will always have a flaw. [I'm just stating it as a fact, we all know this by now, but it can happen with this incident also.] :sigh: We will always live in a time...
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    Khun Mae Jum Laeng(Cholumpi)

    He did play as a gay guy... remember Iron Ladies I & II? He's one of the main characters...
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    Lao people!! Where are you??!

    So, for our new year couple months ago. Did you go to that Wat in Sanford?
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    [10.23.2009]Saw VI

    The chick that won Scream Queen will have a role in it. It was a mystery but by now, everyone should know that the detective has taken over for Jigsaw. Too much gore, but hopefully it doesn't disappoint on this next installment.
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    Bang Ja Kreng TV show

    Hosted by Willy, Hoy, Ple and Kotee Just wondering if any of you guys watch this at all? Guarantee it will make you smile if your day hasn't been going well. By the way, how old is Kotee? Dude is like a dwarf but taller than average dwarfs. lol
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    About Chocolate Boy MV By Sam In(damn his last name is so long and difficult to spell. lol), Kave of L.O.G. and VJ Anita Anyway, what I'm going to ask you all is... Is it just me or Kave of LOG reminds you of of the Black Eyed Peas? I see some resemblance. lol
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    Lao people!! Where are you??!

    What part of Florida are you living in ladyofdarkness? I live around the Tampa Bay area...
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    Dara@The Gala Night of Mea Nak Prakanong the Musical

    Who is R The Star dating again? lol, I'm slow on Thai celebrity hook-ups. Please inform me.
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    Dome, Film, Mario, & Tol

    Is that Bank Clash flexing his biceps?
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    I KISSED MOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dang girl. You are lucky. Thanks for sharing the photos. He looks really skinny... Did he sang all of his hit songs from the new 9th album of his?
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    Clip & Cap of Ch 3 39th Anni. Soccer game

    I remember it used to be Ch3 vs. RS What happened?
  15. E

    omg now be aware of your eyes!!

    Botflys, not suprising. It happens when a mosquito (sp?) carries that bites you. I remember watching 4-5 people who posted themselves up with botflys in their legs and back on YouTube. lol. It states that you'll get it from countries in South America.