AFN (Asianfuse network)

Lol, you should get use to it by now. If the media didn’t post that low resolution pic, Matt wouldn’t have posted a better picture. This girl doesn’t give a crap anymore, it seem.
@Koy123 I think she should’ve waited a few more days because I was just informed that today is peemai’s bday. I feel that was a bit inconsiderate of Matt lol Plus is Matt really that naive to think that there won’t be people that will try to sneak pictures of them in their private time? It comes with the celeb lifestyle unfortunately
She knows very well that it comes with celeb lifestyle, I think. I think she’s doing they to also make some noise for her current airing lakorn. Maybe she doesn’t know that it’s Peemai’s bday.
That’s a bit messed up of her not to know her boyfriends daughters birthday. I’m sure she knows. That would be wierd if SK didn’t tell her. Yeah it’s probably noise for her new lakorn but dang she should’ve laid lower for awhile more. I need to stop being so harsh with her lol
I need some translations of the comments under her post lol I’m sure they are gonna be as funny as last time haha
She said that peole dont have to sneak a picture of them. If they wanted one, just ask and they will happily allow those people to take good pictures. Matt is right that she shouldnt be walking on eggshells determing what is proper or not or be mindful of this person and that person. She really doesn't care. Trolls will find something to bash no matter what. Especially trolls from those yesterday fcs lol.
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@KitKat516 where have you been girl? I haven’t seen you for awhile! I hope you’re doing okay :)
Lol i went to Dallas for a week before Christmas for training then i went home (thailand) for the holidays. Just got back yesterday and im still jet lagged. Waaaahhhh