Search results

  1. b4nl8er

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Still waiting FOREVER when the day this LAKORN AIRS!!!!!!! T^T
  2. b4nl8er

    [OneHD] Cheewit Puer Kah Huajai Puer Tur (Exact - Scenario) : Jes Jespipat/ Mo Monchanok

  3. b4nl8er


    My latest photoshop of the new Taiwanese drama "Extravagant Challenge" I ship GongXi&Shang! a.k.a Kyoko&Sho! :thumbsup:
  4. b4nl8er


    I'm so glad you loved it! but apparently I haven't been updating due to youtube stuff so I haven't really wrote it yet so sorry! whenever I do get the chance I'll give it to you...
  5. b4nl8er


    thanks so much girl, I just started asianfuse and don't know how to work around it! but thanks so much!!
  6. b4nl8er

    [Ch7] Pin Anong (Moom Mai)

    Yea a new lakorn from NEW! and I like MIN! can't wait for this drama and pairing! :slapandkissse3: Who ever disagrees got issues! :thumbdown: If you don't like New then why the f*** are you doing on this forum! (someone's a hypocrite!) :rant: ! anyway yea NEW FAN FOREVER! There are MANY fans...
  7. b4nl8er


    Oh Pangia I'm not trying to steal him! I'm promoting him because he deserves IT!!!!(I Like Him)and if I an trying to steal him don't you have a "GUY" already???!! :whistle: LOL j/k......... :rofl:
  8. b4nl8er


    Here's another one! or you can say the book cover! but I'll be updating my stories on a blog! If you want the link you can ask me.... :thumbsup:
  9. b4nl8er


    Hey girls! I'm gonna start uploading some of my artworks here! This is my first artwork post, I will write a fanfiction story about this in the future :dance1: