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    LeeKong's new album 2012

    Does anyone have his new album that came in on J4th tournament this year? I would like to listen to the songs or can anyone post up the songs to see if I should buy the album if it's good! :)
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Aww... I'm so really going to miss them! Hoping to see aum and ploy on screen again with another hit lakorn! :yes:
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Is this one of her kids in the lakorn?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    I know but at least make her become his sister or someone related to family instead of his wife.
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Why didn't he just have the 2nd wife as a special lady in this house? Why become his 2nd wife?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    So what did ploy ask Aum's friend the girl at the end where she hears that Aum is dead? Translation please!
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    What happens here?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Hmm.. Well this will be different then. Let me know about part 2 of this if it is true Alice! Thank you too!
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    [Ch3] 3 Musketeers Series 1: Maya Tawan (Tv Scene)

    Oh wow! Love this pairing! Both beautiful and handsome cast! I'm tuning in for this one too! :)
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Whoa... Really? If it does become real than wonder how the story will be like.
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    So did they have kids at the end? I remember seeing a behind the scene picture of Aum and there was 2 kids with him.
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    So for episode 14, what will happen? Translation please! :)
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Ahh I love the way Ploy thinks and turn down her enemies! :) I don't know how to compare this to other period lakorns but this one seems very good and interesting to me! I just love the chemistry between both Aum and Ploy! They really know how to into Character! :) I really want to know what...
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Oh so that was what both of them were talking about that night?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Btw... Can someone translate the conversation between Aum and Ploy when they were together at night but the willing scene didn't happen? I really want to know what is said please! :weee:
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Haha! I totally agree! They are great together and I really feel their chemistry in this lakorn! Hope there will be a reunion like this one soon! :)
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Oh okay! :) I'm happy to hear that! Thank you for notifying us! :)
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    I will be upset if they cut off the willing scene since they put it up for episode 12 preview! Hope it will show in the beginning of episode 13.
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    So what happened to the "willing scene" or "hug scene" for today's episode? Will it show for tomorrow's episode then? O_O
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Oh really? It's gonna end real soon? How many episodes will it have?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Hey Alice. What is this video about?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Oh but I thought the engagement would still go on even though Aum came?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Oh I see.. Hmm.. So how did the engagement get ruin this time?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Haha! Oh yes I know! I really can't wait! Hopefully it comes to that scene! But maybe it might not happen? I just want to see if there's a kiss scene? :) and so I'm kind of confused? So the sweet scene will be after he is stabbed from saving the king or after ploy's engagement day?
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Thanks for the video even though I don't quite know what they are saying! :)
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Oh yes! I know how school can be and u have to focus on that first! :) I still want to know what is said in the conversation between aum and ploy when she went to go visit him in jail! :) sucks that no one is subbing this high budget lakorn! :(
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    I totally agree! It is so funny yet exciting! Lol! Episode 11 is so sad but good! Really can't wait for Monday's episode.. I want to see the sweet scene between Aum and Ploy! =)
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    I do hope so! But Rei Rai is still mad at Sema! Urg.. I hate Duangkae and Khan! >_<
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Is this scene going to happen for the next episodes?! =)
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    [Ch3] Buang (Broadcast Thai)

    I agree! I do learn from these genre of lakorns! It's a life lesson to learn from! :yes: But she is mentally crazy to me! :eyetwitch:
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    [Ch3] Buang (Broadcast Thai)

    That's a really nice cover of the song! I was thinking about watching this lakorn too but I'm a bit too afraid and can't handle the whole revenge thing! I watched a few of the episode but that crazy girl is psycho! :weee:
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    [Ch3] Khun Seuk(Tv Scene)

    Oh I know! I wonder how Reirai will find out the truth and feel how stupid she is to misunderstand Sema! Why can't Monday just come by now?! :/