Over Religious Idiots.


Staff member
Yes, it's another one of Tina's complaint towards religious people again LOL. For the record I don't want to be offending anyone so Please don't take this as offense if you are a very religious person. If you read this thread and see the person I am talking about and you're nothing like them then it's not directed towards you. It's directed solely towards the person I had the altercation with.

At a store in the magazine isle looking for random things and happen to see a cover with Buddha on it. I pick it up

Random lady; "Are you buddhist?"
Me: Yes I am.
Random Lady; So you don't believe in God?
Me: I believe in God, But I am also a buddhist
Lady: Is that possible? Isn't the Buddhist teaching that God doesn't exist?
Me: No no that's a common misconception, but Buddha does in fact say that he acknowledges that there are higher deities and beings
Lady: but he doesn't worship god?
Me: Well it's not really about who does and doesn't worship. It's about how he has detached himself and found inner peace ...
Lady: How can you worship a man who denies the existence of God?
Me: He doesn't deny... nevermind.... I'm sorry
Lady: Do you go to church?
Me: No I don't.
Lady: Then how can you say you believe in God?
Me: I don't believe that I have to go to Church to prove I believe in God..... I believe in him and he knows that .. thats good enough for me
Lady: I'll pray for you.......... and starts going into a rant about how going to church is good for you..

The stupid thing is ... she made a horrible mistake of saying, "you should consider going to church and pray for your sins god will forgive you."

me: so I can do whatever I want wrong and all I have to do is pray and good will forgive me?
Lady: Yes. As long as you go to church
Me: so I can have a lifetime of wrong doings and sins committed and go to Church one day and pray and all will be forgiven?
Lady: Yes as Long as you pray to god.
Me: so if i go and kill 20 people right now and go to church and pray to god then I'll be forgiven?
Lady: as long as you are truly sorry
Me: What if I am but I do it again?
Lady: Just pray to god and he'll forgive you...
Me: I can go and rape like 10 girls murder them and pray to god and all will be forgiven?
Lady: Yes just pray to god he'll answer your prayers
Me: Ok that sounds stupid. Why would god continuously condone you committing the same sin repeatedly and still forgive you? I'm pretty sure GOD does not condone you attempting to change my faith. I think believing in him is enough and secretly worshiping him in my heart is enough. I don't need to go and prove to anyone ... I can choose to be Buddhist also because Buddhism isn't a restriction on your religion..
Lady: God bless your heart. (Southern Slang for saying you're dumb or an idiot or ass.)
Me: No, God bless your heart.. you need it more than I do. ( I didn't realize I was actually saying she's an idiot I was being sarcastic and mocking her back didn't intend it to be the way she used it towards me)
Lady: Excuse me? I find that offensive?
Me: What? That I asked god to bless you?
Lady: That you're insulting me and calling me an idiot..
Me: I don't recall using that word?
Lady: God bless your heart isn't calling me an idiot?
Me: I didn't have the intention of using that way, but apparently you did? I should be the one offended you said it first. Wait I didn't even know that phrase is used to call people idiot isn't that somewhat blasphemous? You're using god to insult someone....

Her face was flushed cause she was freaking embarrassed LOL because she was thinking "oh shit she didn't know what."

Score 1 for Tina Religious Lady -10!

*I don't mind religious people I really don't but please please don't try to push your beliefs on to me and tell me what I do is wrong. I can get really condescending


sarNie Oldmaid
That is funny, and you sure teaches her not to bs in other people's believes. "God bless her heart". LOL :lol: Bravo for Tina. ^_^


Staff member
Lol maya ;p yeah I run into them all the time. I use to ignore them, but now I get really bishy because it just gets to the point like deng back off and mind your own business ....I guess Texas is a very likely place to run into them


sarNie Oldmaid
i know there's "stupid" people like that. "you can't go to heaven cause you don't believe in god"


Oh you go Tina! That lady is a big ol' jerk. Sorry if this is offensive but I dislike/hate it when people try to change your beliefs or look down on you for the things you don't believe in. We are all different and its not her choice, its yours. Lol if it was me or my sister, we'd be arguing away forever. That lady got what she deserved, you made her look dumb and sound stupid at the same time! Lol


I dislike people who try to shove their religion down your throat too. It's sooooo annoying. One time this missionary dude on campus tossed a bible into my hands while I had to hurry into lecture and I'm like sorry I'm not Christian, I wouldn't know what to do with it. He refused to take it back so I ended up recycling it. At least the recycled paper would be of some good use.


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
I'm a christian but i understand what you're trying to say.
It's alright :D
to be honest, I also do DO what she does but i don't try to like really
change their minds since i do respect people in what they believe in & So.
frankly, I do feel hurt for some odd reason with the convo. but it's not my problem. Lol
hope i'm not saying anything wrong. ahahaha confuse with my own words as well. :p

@Nai_1_1; Ahahaha You should of sent it to me.
I could use a new bible. Lol :p


Hahaa, she just got told! Go Tina! :D

I dislike people who try to shove their religion down your throat too. It's sooooo annoying. One time this missionary dude on campus tossed a bible into my hands while I had to hurry into lecture and I'm like sorry I'm not Christian, I wouldn't know what to do with it. He refused to take it back so I ended up recycling it. At least the recycled paper would be of some good use.

OMG! The same thing happened to me too. The bell ringed and my friends and I left to the back gate of school to get picked up, and there was this dude standing there handing people mini orange bible. He handed my friends and I one and we replied the same thing, "Sorry, not Christian, don't know wat 2 do with it." He refused to take it back, but I didn't recycle it I end up handing it to my Mexican friend. LOL, the bible was in Spanish! :p


sarNie Adult
I'm not religious at all, but my cousin is Christian and I find it so annoying that he tries to also make me become Christian too!. He keeps nagging me to buy a bible and be close to God... He also blames his bad stuff on what the devil told him to do... I just find it annoying when people also try to turn a whole country into another religion.. like what some people are doing in England right now. So I know how your're feeling P'Tina. It's just I like to go my own way instead of following others.


sarNie Oldmaid
my brother has became a mueslim (or muslim) and it bugs me a lot when i have to cook:
my sister likes eating pork (ham... )
my mom likes eating pork too
my nephew like eating pork too
my brother doesn't eat pork and only eat hallal meat
>>> hallal meat is more expensive than non hallal meat and often i buy it in a supermarket but my brother can't eat it. my answer? cook it yourself!


Staff member
Thanks everyone for responding o.o I just needed to semi-rant ...

I'm a christian but i understand what you're trying to say.
It's alright :D
to be honest, I also do DO what she does but i don't try to like really
change their minds since i do respect people in what they believe in & So.
frankly, I do feel hurt for some odd reason with the convo. but it's not my problem. Lol
hope i'm not saying anything wrong. ahahaha confuse with my own words as well. :p

@Nai_1_1; Ahahaha You should of sent it to me.
I could use a new bible. Lol :p
Rose I don't mean to offend you sorry. I don't mind religious people it's just that this lady was trying to call me an idiot just because I didn't go to church and thats what angered me more then her trying to tell me what church is about. Sorry if I did offend you.


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
Thanks everyone for responding o.o I just needed to semi-rant ...

Rose I don't mean to offend you sorry. I don't mind religious people it's just that this lady was trying to call me an idiot just because I didn't go to church and thats what angered me more then her trying to tell me what church is about. Sorry if I did offend you.
Oh no. It's alright i can see where you're coming from. I can take it. ahaha
that was wrong that the lady was calling you an idiot when you didn't even think that far.
It's all cool :D No worries okay! ^___^

I myself have not come towards people like this before as a christian, not that i know of. Lol.
I'm always more around the humble&Dedicated (to god) people.
When people does this, it makes most people think that all Christians are like that.
Frankly, not all are like that. It really depends on who the person is&their background.
So i don't really like it when they go overboard with being a christian..
cause it comes to an extent when we get disliked & it hurts.
I enjoy being a Christian & i have my times when i don't like what a certain christian person is doing.
But it's okays :) lol

btw, not talking about any certain someone just in case. ahaha just stating my opinion also :p


Expired Sarnie
Ah, I am open minded when it comes to religion/beliefs but to pushes on me is a different story.


Staff member
Yeah I mean I don't mind telling me about your religion and why you believe in it. The thing I mind is being insulted for believing in what I believe in. Religion is always a controversial topic. In my region or where I am people take religion very serious. Some of my hubby's old co workers use to carry a pocket book version of the bible and every time they get into a discussion over religion it would turn into a heated debate to where they would have to pull the pocket book bible out of their pocket -.-"

I think the worst experiences by far I've had were with Baptist and Jehovah's Witness. A Baptist once told my 7 year old sister that he'll pray for her soul because she didn't attend church. I was baffled and shocked. Why would you do that to a 7 year old child? I know you believe strongly in your religion, but at what cost? The other involves a Jehovah's witness it happened to my mother, but I also saw it happen to someone else before the situation was very similar to my mom's. I think I posted about the other person experience in a different religion thread i started awhile back lol. I don't really want to tell of the experience I had dealing with my mom it works me up to much and gets me emotional -.-"

I never had any bad experiences with Christians or Catholics or Any other Religion aside the two listed above -.-" normally Christians are really nice and understanding when there is a religious discussion. Once or twice I run into someone who is a little too serious about it, but they've never come off as insulting like the lady above did.


sarNie Adult
You tell her Tina!
Urgh, I get so irritated by idiots like that too. I've learned long ago it's best to end the conversation as soon as possible as soon as I figure out what kind of a person they are. Trying to reason with someone like that is a waste of breath and energy, it's like talking to a wall. Nothing gets through. They really only have one argument and it's like their brain hits the play button when they encounter someone of different beliefs, and it goes on repeat every time they come across something that doesn't fit into their "truth". <_<


Professional Lakorn Watcher
Tina, that lady is an ignorant religious fanatic. She's an idiot. I wouldn't have given her my time at all, instead I would have told her to fuck off!

Props to you for having the patients to deal with ignorance like that.


Professional Lakorn Watcher
Oh and you should have said.. if I punch you in the fucking face right now, and then pray to god to forgive me.. will I be forgiven? LOL.. she'll be running off like crazy.

You know.... I love GOD and I love Buddha. so it pisses me off when people like her go around using God as an excuse to bully other people around. Just like Pat Robertson who says Haiti's earthquake was because of their pact with the devil. That fucking bigot is the DEVIL himself!


Staff member
this is freakin funny and a bit sad for those that try to persuade other to convert.

like thailakornfan said 'I don't believe that just by going to church, you'll be rid of all your sins' i too feel the same way.