Jay Chou


hmm..i was going to change the Initial D thread into Jay Chou's thread, but i thought we've only talk about the movie in that thread...so i might as well make a new thread for Jay....so here it is...this contains all about JAY CHOU!!! :D


latest news from today

周杰伦领衔 ‘成就辉煌 百事群星演唱会’
Jay Chou leading singer in “Multi stars concert” in June

Concert Time: 16/06/2006 19:00 – 21:00

周杰倫即將來長!周杰倫將于6月16日獻歌長春南嶺體育場!相信這個消息足以讓數萬名長春歌迷 興奮不已。
Jay Chou will coming (to Chang Chun) soon! Jay will be performing at the Chang Chun Nan Ling stadium on the 16th of June! This piece of news will be a good one for his fans in Chang Chun.
日前,“成就輝煌 百事群星演唱會”的巨星揭曉發布會在長春舉行,同時,廣大觀衆企盼以久的“謎底”也終于浮出了水面。經過長 達一個月的群衆投票,最終周杰倫以3233票成爲廣大觀衆“欽點”出來的“百事巨星”,據悉,6月16日周 杰倫將攜手南拳媽媽、許巍、花兒樂隊、愛戴等多位當紅歌星,在南嶺體育場爲廣大長春歌迷獻上一場精彩的演唱 會。有傳,得票數僅次于周董的蔡依林也有機會到場獻技。
The press conference for the event was held at Chang Chun yesterday. At the same time, many “mysteries” surrounding the concert were made known yesterday. After a month long of voting, Jay was eventually voted the fans “King of Idols” by the fans with 3,233 votes. Reportedly, Jay will be performing at the event together with Na Quan Mama, Xu Wei, Hua-er Yue Tuan, Ai Dai and other stars in a splendid concert held at the Chang Chun Nan Ling stadium. Rumour has it that Jolin Tsai may be amongst the list of stars that will be performing at the event.

Forecast of songs Jay will be performing

發布會結束後,記者還從長春百事方面負責此次活動的關小姐口中得知,爲了充分體現消費者就是上帝的理念,長 春百事將推出“精彩絕倫”系列活動。由廣大觀衆可通過發短信的方式,‘欽點’周杰倫在演唱會上的演唱曲目。 此外,廣大歌迷還可登陸長春百事的網站,爭當當場演唱會上的獻花使者。
After the press conference, reporters continued to probe Miss Guan, the person responsible for organising the concert, in order to get more information on the grand concert event. The songs Jay will be performing can be speculated from the short hints dropped to members of the public (by the organisers). Many fans were “fighting” on the concert’s website to present flowers (to the performers) at the event.

Confirmed songs so far: “Hair Like Snow” and “Nocturne”

據悉,現在‘欽點’周杰倫演唱歌曲得票統計前8位分別爲《發如雪》、《夜曲》、《霍元甲》、《東風破》、《 簡單愛》、《黑色毛衣》、《七裏香》和《珊瑚海》。
The reported 8 songs that Jay will be performing at the event at the moment are, “Hair Like Snow”, “Nocturne”, “Fearless”, “East Wind Breaks”, “Simple Love”, “Black Sweater”, “Common Jasmine Orange” and “Coral Sea”.

從得票統計中大家可以看出,像《擱淺》、《借口》、《止戰之殇》、《安靜》、《晴天》、《四面楚歌》等一些 被周杰倫稱爲很有內涵的歌曲,都沒有入選。隨後記者詢問了自己身旁的一位杰迷,對于想親耳聽到周杰倫唱什麽 歌,她笑著說:“《發如雪》、《東風破》、《簡單愛》、《雙截棍》之類的歌,經常可以在電視上看到周杰倫現 場演繹,所以也就沒有太大的興趣了。相反像《米蘭的小鐵匠》、《威廉古堡》、《半獸人》、《止戰之殇》、《 擱淺》、《借口》等一些只能在CD上聽到的歌,卻挺想看看周杰倫現場是怎麽演唱的。”
From the voting ticket results, it can be seen that all time favourite Jay songs such as “Stranded”, “Excuse”, “The Youth that Ends War”, “Silence”, “Cloudless Day” and “Besieged from All Sides” were not voted. Reporters than asked around some fans at the press conference, what songs did they want to hear Jay sing. One fan laughingly said, “Songs like “Hair Like Snow”, “East Winds Breaks”, “Simple Love” and “Nunchucks” and songs of that genre are those I get to see Jay sing on television rather frequently, I don’t have too much of an interest (in those songs) already. On the other hand, songs like “Blacksmith of Milan”, William Castle”, The Youth that Ends the War”, “Stranded” and “Excuse” are songs that can be heard on his CD, (but) I would like to see him sing them live.”

Source: jaycn.com
Translation: stitchphil (jay-chou.net)
credit- azn download


sarNie Juvenile
i love his november chopin album! he is really cute. but he looks a bit old in his recnt pics. but still cute. :wub:


sarNie Juvenile
they look cute! good news fan of jay. Jay will be releasing his 8th album this coming August!Plus,he will be doing the videos filming in Londo!

thanks to jay-chou forum! can't wait to grab one!


sarNie Juvenile
i don't really know much about him... but some friends of mine obsess of his song "Hair Like Snow" or something...?? is it good?


:w000t: he's having a new album!!! thanks for sharing the news...

hair like snow, it's my favorite song from his november chopin album...love it!


pii-nky said:
i don't really know much about him... but some friends of mine obsess of his song "Hair Like Snow" or something...?? is it good?
Yes! Really good.

A new album?! Yay, I love his composings. ^_^


sarNie Hatchling
Yeah he does have a new album out...I think its coming out around august hopefully they won't push the date back! I can't wait to watch his new movie 'golden armour' this time its an ancient movie where hes going to star alongside great actors like chow yun fat!


sarNie Adult
WOW! i haven't knew that he's going to work with chow yun fat. that's a great news. i love chow yun fat too.


Jay Chou’s new album is estimated to be released in August, a few days ago he flew to London in England keeping a low profile to film an MV for his new song.

The album of young heavenly king of the Chinese music industry Jay has always been a strong album in the holidays, last year he delayed his album release because of filming the movie “Initial D”, he released “November’s Chopin” at the end of the year, this year Jay will resume his past album release schedule, he is going to release his new album in August.

Even though he is doing the filming for Zhang Yi Mou’s new movie “City Full of Golden Armour”, but music is what Jay sees as the most important work, for his new song’s MV, he especially flew far from Beijing to London while he had some free time during the filming work, he is using the breath of the English noble antiques to match his new song’s style.

Jay’s schedule for both movies and music are full to the brim, he will fly to Hong Kong from London today to participate in the 25th Hong Kong Film Awards.

Besides this, the nominations for this year’s Golden Melody Awards is to be announced next month, Jay has revealed that this year he wants to win the “Best Music Video Award” the most. Jay, who has a great interest in directing, is going to direct the MVs in his new album.

credit- asianfanatics


sarNie Egg
iknow this is abit late but yeah anyways,
jay has a new album title "still fantasy"
and it's about to release in sept or so i heard.

so far i have heard two songs which are : a thousand li away
or a thousand miles away and lady butterfly.

they're both really well done.

here is a vid of his song a thousnad li away


sarNie Juvenile
woa. the mv looks really nice. just finish listening to his new eight song. the song from the mv is the best.