Tonight at 23.20, let's meet NY in the show "
ชีวิตดี๊ดี = Life's so good"
Clip: (fast translation)
Mik: How do you plan your future life?
Yaya: she makes moves with her hand like "I don't know, let's Barry talk first lol"
Nadech: Now, let's start at this moment, I would like to finish my master degree, I'm studying, firstly, I have to make and finish my project & reports. Then after finishing my master, I have a dream! I may study things that I would like to study.
Mik: can you gossip what is it?
Nadech: It is related to design (architecture)
Mik: Oh at that moment you told that you would have liked to be an architect
Nadech: Yes, this is a new update that comes to my mind.
Yaya: ohohoh!
PS: Notice how Yaya was concentrated when Na talked about his future plans lol.
NY's upcoming offcial events together, Schedule 2018 (Update)
23-10-2018 : Nakee2 Promoting
- at Fashion Island Departmentstore 2.00-2.30 pm.
- at Major Ratchayothin 4.30-5.00 pm.
- at The Mall Bangkapi 6.30-7.00 pm.
28-10-2018 : Kathin ceremony at Wat pa phutubburg
1-11-2018 : - Ch3 Market at Maleenon Tower, 10.00 am.- 2.00 pm.
3-11-2018 : Kathin NY 2018 at Wat buraphatis
Also, according to review banteung, they said that NY will come to promote Nakee2 on 19th october at CH3 so stay tune!