Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


maplestory addict xD
GAH!!!!!! y are u running away from YOUR FAVORITE SISTER? lmao the others are worse than me trust me been through all dat............ hahahhah
lol...im actin like So!
u noe,in other forums i entered...there are time
when we all gather and made our own drama in the thread..its sooooo cool!

me here,its friday alrdy!

where are my darlings today?
sleepun i guess

GAHA yeas darlin gi kno i have extremely weird dreams very very weird dreams lmoa
i have had my fair share of weird dream lol


sarNie Adult
I have been gone from this thread for the longest.
Just miss all of you ladies so much.
Been so busy like non-stop.
I'll see if I can come on next week, because I'll be out of state this weekend.
Well Love all of you ladies.
Enjoy chattin without me.


Staff member
OMG FORGOT, muaha hey ATTENTION all sisters ...NEWS UPDATE FROM BAU BAU... please find ure name/group on my plant list:

BAU, RR, SALA - tap water
AMI, MOH, RAIYA - creek water
STARRY, VAN, LALA, PRISNA - distilled water
CIKNA, EL, AIKO, AN - bottled water
CECI, PZE, SARN, SARAH - mineral water

As i mentioned about a couple of days ago, im doing a plant experiment and testing out all the waters that i listed. instead of one plant, ive got five plants and named after all you sisters in groups (lol because i do not have 15 plants)...i will take picture of plants tomorrow for everyone to see na.
wow im bottled water xp lol.. kekeke ..


Staff member
oh man! I'm so behind if you get to page 750...but that's okay...need to catch up though...LOL
I miss you AIKO! I did not catch you for almost 2 days now i think...Hugs and kisses!
i know ellem but sson we'll catch eachother xp lol.. yay 750 has not been taken yet.. i still have a chance xp lol..


Staff member
oh...yeah..juz knew it!lolllll
ok,juz out of curiousity,even if u guys r in US n AUS
r u guys thai ppl or what?
coz i gt no relation with thai but hey,Aum is hot! :lol:
hwz ur game gurl?have a nice rest ;)
*huggles* :kiss:
lol...i mean i shuld b hapi coz..at least im in the bottled water group =D
lol.. an im hmong xp lol.. kekeke lol...


Staff member
AN, im half thai/cambodian. i think most of us are either half something whether it be hmong, cambodian or thai etc.
LMAO my basketball game, hmm better than last week...got 20 points at least :rolleyes: !
u seem really good at b-ball bau.. kekeke.. luv ur sporty goodness xp..


Staff member
OMG, I ALMOST FAINTED...from playing basketball. like im running up and down the court (cause most of my team mates sucks lol - it's the truth) x 100 and im like screaming at the top of my lungs at the same time for them to get down the court to defend lmao. at the end of the game i was like a freakin red TOMATO!
lol.. red tomato wow.. lol.. kekeke i could picture u .. im like that too when playin v-ball or tennis.. lol.. but mostly around family lol..


Staff member
heya Van...hehe..if ur most innocent..i'll be the naughtiest then! :D
hehe..there will be tough job for the oter sisters to take care of me then..hehehe :p
oki..Harit is so urs...but Aum n Aff is mineeeeee -_-

*huggles to u too*

lol..its 10.35pm here...nitey nite allz!
lol... there gonna b anotha fight muahaha lol.. **ugghhh** my back hurts.. where r u rr .. help air rub me xp lol..


Staff member
Van and PZE are the morning casts in the JLR Thread and the night casts are RR, Bau, GP, Ellem, AN and aikoden.

Off and On casts are Ami, Raiya, Cecilia, Starry, Sarah, and Moh!!!

Hardly On Casts are LaLa and Prisna!!!
yup in the morning i got school so i cant spam here with u all sistaz so that sukks n so i spam in the night im lukky if i catch all the sistaz .. xp lol..


Staff member
good afternoon! i slept in lol! so lazy! ^_^ kekeke how are you gals doing this afternoon? :yahoo:
im doing fine sarah only prob is that my back hurts.. me n my sis swap backpacks aftaschool n her bag is hella heavy n mines was like light xp lol. .. so now my back hurts..


lol...im actin like So!
u noe,in other forums i entered...there are time
when we all gather and made our own drama in the thread..its sooooo cool!
me here,its friday alrdy!
sleepun i guess
i have had my fair share of weird dream lol
LMAO hahaha we are the JLR drama lmao