Didn't go through the thread yet, wanted to post what I watched so far from today's episode for you, before I go to school.
It begins with Bow flashing back to the rawr, choppers fly by but they don't hear her. Thot says people who do bad things can't be heard or saved...something like that. He's looking up at the sky, talking to Nee, asking her if she's testing him, then takes a knife and says he would love to see Bow's heart since she's so cold-hearted, then he drags her by the chain.
Chai, Khae and Baam are in a restaurant wondering where Bow is, since she's not with Thot. Meanwhile, Thot dras Bow into the forest, hurting her leg, and makes her dig dirt for him. He tells her a story about how he used to love playing with dirt as a kid, and since Nee was sit, she couldn't play, she could only watch him dig. He leaves her there, but Bow runs back to the hut, sees a fire, and has a plan...but Thot gets there, they struggle with the torch, she kicks him in the stomach, then throws the fire towards the hut. He puts out the fire before he chases after her. She's at a disadvantage because of the chain.
This is when she jumps in the river, Thot obviously is worried about her when he jumps in to look for her . He even smiled when he was able to wake her up, she asks him why he saved her, and he responds by saying, "Nee won't be happy if you're not well."
There's a lot of Baithong scenes, but I'm gonna skip that and go to their scenes. The storme, Thot goes to find Bow in the collapsed hut, and she hugs him out of joy and relief, he takes her into the cave. He is really really sorry, he takes a rock to break the chain and calls himself stupid for doing these things to her. He hugs her and apologizes and calls her "tee ruk", asking for forgiveness, telling her that if anything happened to her, he wouldn't be able to go on with his life...they kiss, and pull away, Weir has this hot ass smile on his face, then they...you know...do it.
She was excited cuz he told her he'd take her home, but faints, and he takes her to a house somewhere. When she wakes up, she sees a note from him, saying he went to get her food, and to wait for him, cuz he'll be back...She waits happily for him there...
All this Baithong drama happens, so by the time he gets to return to her, he's a jerk to her all over again...because Baithong told Thot that Nee's dying wish was to see her whore-ass take care of Thot, the baby, the ranch, everything in her place...and that Nee never trusted Bow, so that's why he's pissed at Bow, cuz he believes Baithong...
That's all I saw so far, I think Baithong might find Bow in this episode, not sure...
But gotta go to school now!!! Talk to you gals later!!!!