I'm just going to continue where i left off.
Din tells her to go home and takes her by her hand. :wub:
Lin realizes that Din loves her and she him!
Lin tells Kom that she wants to keep somethings because she will get married to Din. Kom is surprised. Leks mother asks him why Lin isn't marrying him. He then tells her that they didn't love each other. His mother yells at him and asks if it was because of Ta. He tells her that it is because the only woman he will love is Ta.
Kom wakes up from a nightmare and tells Lin that he dreamt Din got married to her.
Lin then tells him that she wants to get Din and the company so she goes and take over.
After Lin took over the company she asks Kom g=to get Din for her but he refuses and say that Din is his friend so he can't. So Lin goes to Ta for help. Ta is surprised that She wants to help her but She tells her what she had to do to get Din.
Loom sees the new of Lin not getting marries to Lek and is happy. Once he goes home he finds some thugs who beat him up for not returning the loan. He asks Nam for help but she refuses.
Trying to meet Din, Lin asks the little girl to help her bring him out. Kom doesn't realize until the boy talks to the girl about what Lin wanted. He confronts her about and leks secretary over hears that she wants to marry Kru Cook, she is shocked but it turns into a smile as it would be a big story.
Din does come and meet the girl and she gives him the book that Lin gave her.
Din looks at the book and sees the gold pen that was inscribed "Cook's Girl" (I thought that was cute)He reads the book and sees that Lin had changed the scores but isn't very happy.
Lin comes out and is about to tell him that she loves him but he stops her and tells her that she doesn't love him. She grabs him and tell him that she really does but he tells her that she should love a guy like him and leaves. Lin is heart borken.
Epi 14 preview: Lek is trying to get Taa back. Lin goes and help Din at the funeral. The Korean Wannabe confronts her about Kru Cook and the two fight. At a newpress Lin tells every one that her and Kru Cook are together. Din goes to her place and there she dress nice for him. The two almost kiss which makes them both shy. Din is slowly going back to Lin. :wub: