I think I've lost my graphic skills since I'vent actually done nothing in photoshop cause I think I always
fell to acomplish the simplest thing.
I guess summer and chirstmas and long holiday breaks is the best time to check it out
In considering it doesn't consider me photoshopping for some...
So right I'm busy these days I'm lazy to do stuff actually
but I guess school is school
I rarely get on to talk anymore
So heres a few work I've did in the past two months
yawn puah I call myself a loser. Comments??
You guys am I only one who can't get into flash chat? I've been trying to get on it for awhile and I seem I can't get in. I tried to contact p'Tim but he is sleeping. So anyone can help me out. Please do so.
I will probably choose Full House over My Girl.. My Girl is kinda sad at times; give me some tears! Full House is funnier. I think its really similiar to me; Full House is good then My girl. But if I were to choose the top 3 its will be both! :yahoo:
I have a job yes.. but some websites provide .net for free as I heard but never tried it cause I heard it last year... and a few weeks back someone in college mentioned it so I was trying to find it but its kinda hard since its just hard!
I didn't mean when said that I'll die. I die cause of searching too much and its not good for my poor young eyes.
No harm but please please help me and tell me where I can get a free .Net Domain Host...
My website is gonna be named www.na-rak.net no luck I search 3 months and wasn't able to...
you should be able ... you dont want to try cause you have to buy credit... and stuff.. not really helpful cause you don't get to watch stuff.. before they mess it up and changed stuff it use to be free!
Too much stuff I have to do..... request for graphic have to do.. Will i get fired? I have to upload Sunghorn... I'm itchy.. I have to watch p'Chai.. OMG I have homework to do.. Wheres everyone? Ok.. I have alot of stuff on my mind now lol!
OMFG You sound soooo damn good girl!!!! Really like a prefessional singer!! Ahh you should go to thailand one day and try out for a real singing career!! Girl you should sing more!!!
lol I don't know everyone except p'lek! I'm on no one list :thinking: well I hope I get to know more people in SW!!
Its hard to stand out and people know you!
You can use Photoshop Cs2 because you could add and make your own unique covers... or use Nero Cover Creator... it should be in the
Nero packages.
I hope I can help.. If you want more programs go to download.com
where there are plenty of sharewares and freewares you can download! All you have...
I have to say I got friends in SarNworld... but I dunno if we cool 'n stuff. I hope she does accept my friendship!!!
My best friend is:
p'Lek if you read this do you accept me as your best friend on SarNworld? :unsure: :w000t:
HEYYYYY Not fair I agree to ICE!!! Por is hotter then Ken!!
DAMNNN Nooo!!Why didn't Mos get in it? I mean hes my favorite pra'eks Man the magazine is wrong!! "Ennnneee"
So pretty voices... I lost my voice the day I was recording it :loool: OMG people I know can sing... weeeee!
My vote hadn't cast out yet but here is the people I am going for!
Saifah - You go girl! You sang the song I wanted to sing!! YAY
Chan - Another cute voice I love and want to have...
I just re-link to BBtv where you can stream online on new lakorns such as airing lakorns or rerun lakorns. You can also find concerts...and variety shows. Some people get their lakorns from BBtv.. and I was wondering how in the world do you stream download it to your own server?
BBtv says you...
this must be reported to the king or somthing.. This is so nasty.. what if they had a baby... that will be much harlious though they don't know who the father is.
eww.... Is that movie out? I would want to watch it. Not be nasty or anything.
IS there any more actress or actors in the movie beside her? Like mmmm .....Preb Savot or somthing?
Who is she? Is she new or somthing?.. Me and my sister thinks shes old looking... Can someone tell me about her?
Damn Khmer stars .... $ 500?ahh :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO
Sarnworld has:
Me dumber cause I never do my school's assignments
Made me smarter in graphics...
Lovin family
Encourage me to gain weight! (haha 101pds)
Got a sweet tooth from eating candy!
Nah I don't love pizza.... Not a fan of it .. I just eat when I am hungry!
The person below me have a box of Reese's Pieces next to them! (I have two boxes i'm almost done with the first boz!)
oOoOo isn't that nasty? do they wash their mouth afterwards kissing?
I just love when Dan kissed Janie hahaha I was totally piss off!!
What were you thinking Janie? Kissing my man like that.. by the way is his kiss sweet? :lmao:
that guys said " I love kids" What the hell he say he loves kids when he actually murdered one? dam this betta be the last murdered in thailand.. or our fellow thai people will start murdering too!
I am just posting this for the people who wants Ringtones.. I only make Thai ringtones.. If you want english/korean or any type of ringtones other then Thai please have a link to the song.. so I can d/l it!
I am doing this since many on other forum people asked about Thai ringtones.. and here...
yeah.. p'sam I love to follow you around in this part of the thread.. for somereason I always have to reply you!
The person below me is going to Burger King with me for lunch today!
Hmm......... Telehubbies.. haha I have heard it before never once watched it? I mean I only been in the usa not so long!
What is the most embarssing moments that happened in freshmen?
I love stuff animals.. I collect them.. meeh= stuff animal freak.. my older brother thought it was cute.. is it?
the person below me want to take me to the beach today!!
mm I don't like donuts.. it remind me of Dan's Dimple.. But I enjoy the strawberry filling or just powder donuts. :wub:
Do any kind of food remind you of anyone?
Dark guys....????? I dunno.. Is Dan considered a tall dark guys if he is I love them.. if not plezzzzzzzz
the person below me is always hungry like me..his/her lunch time is 10:30 AM(thats meeh)?
I mixity! I am Thai,Khmer,Chinese,and little koreany
Thai 'n Chinese my mummy...
Thai 'n Korean my daddy.....
Their mothers are half khmer.. so that make me
Cool huh? Not really I loook more thaish! My skin tone is kinda koreany with Thaiy
.. Anyways ThaiMaiCeseOrean IS...
mm this Is hard cause this is my career... mMmMmm...........
Hey you guys I got a new laptop and was wondering whats the link to the forum DREAMS.. I can't quite remember and I hope someone of you guys in here know the link. I would appericate if someone tell me cause I'm dying to know the link since I haven't been active on the forum.. :lmao:
All you guy's poem are so good! Sadly I don't write poems when I feel sad,mad,broken,or bored. I write quotes and long long long long novels! Since I been studing to be a directior and a screenwriter writing novels improve my grades in college. All these years since I was like 11 to 19(now) I...
I prefer watching Ch3 their lakorns are the best; and when I mean the best is for example... the genres. If its funny its funny I always laugh my butt off :lmao:. If its sad I cry with a box of tissue. If its romany I feel good. To Ch7 there lakorns are just plain boring. When its suppose to be...
cool thanks! ^_^ Though its not free. I suggest D/L a ringtone and graphic program at download.com and make them yourself and upload it to sendspace.com;megaupload;yousendit or any webhost. And type it in your fone and download it. This won't cost money and you won't have to pay anything only...
I have 5 servants in thailand. My mum and daddy never miss - treated them. When ever I vist my parents they act normal never miss treated. Though my 22 older sister always miss treated them like .... when she get dump she get drunk and she beat up one of the servants. -_- My mummy and daddy...
I have to say Namfon.. Pat and Por is a cute couple but I don't think they make a good couple. I have to say Namfon for now.. shes pretty and she and Por is a good love chemistry!
A Big Mac from MC.. theres alot of fat in those!
If your boyfriend love you and you love him but you know he have a girlfriend and his girlfriend saw you kissing at the pool. How would you react?
(Question based on the lakorn "Brap Rak Ta-lay)
I'm listening to .. Golf and Mike.. Tee Bab Nee? Somthing like that.. I watched the MV on tv the other day and I like the song also the MV is NARAK so I am listening to the song now. ^_^
Heres mines..
Men See You As Understated
You are an intreguing mix of girl and woman.
You're feminine, quiet, and a total mystery to most men.
Yet they often feel the urge to protect you, even if they don't know you.
You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know well...
heres mines!!!!!!!!!!!
Name Nathalie
Age 19
Fav Color Green
Your Gentleman will be Funny
... Smart as Hell
... Owns a House in Tahiti
Have A Smoking Body
Annual Salary $454,033.02
Will Spend the Rest of Your Lives Together (8) - Yes - definitely. - (8)...
Heres mines.. I don't got an idea what it mean! :lmao:
Your Love Element Is Earth
In love, you have consistency and integrity.
For you, love is all about staying grounded and centered.
You attract others with your zest for life and experiences.
Your flirting style is defined by setting...
Heres mines... I thought it wasn't true :lmao:
You Are a Natural Flirt
Believe it or not, you're a really effective flirt.
And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting.
Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt.
And the fact that you don't know it is just that...
mm chicken stir fry!
mmmmmmmm drinking 7 cups of 8.12 fl oz coffee or 6 cups of 1 gallon of coffee?
(bare with this one I dunno what to type this time) :lmao:
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa are you seriousssssssss???????
I'm my mother oldest sister last life time; and died in the khmer rouge war....cause I took a handful of rice.
Pork Cause ...... them make those nice asain style steak.. you know the pork on ther stick(dunno wat the name)
Staying up late to watch lakorns or Eat all nite
Ther person below me stayed up to watch lakorns last nite( I did.. I watch the first day of airing p'CHAI!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I upload from live tv or streaming live thai tv online.. like ch7..ch5..ch3..rs..grammy...iptv.. stuff like that. But to upload lakorns form these channels you have to stay up pretty late and must have atleast 2 computers if you decide to record two or more lakorns at the same time.. I usually...
I really don't remember.. we girls or some of girls usually look at ourself in the mirror before we leave the house. So there probably isn't that a much of a chance that we forgot to zip or zippers ^_^
so pretty can i request a new paula taylor banner and a matching advar?.. and also if you don't mind i am gonna use the one you made of paula areadly! :wub:
me too same happen to me a few mintues ago.. and i thought that my internet connection was stupit. I called my internet provider for nothing.... :lmao: :shock: <_<
it been only opened for 2 months and my other admin computer broke down... i have studing to do so .. i dont have time to update 'n stuff but i'll try to do my best anyways its my first forum :sweat:
Hey you guys,
I am looking for Admins to help run my forum. By this Thur August 3,06
Is the deadline.(or next week thursday)PLEASE PLEASE someone apply for a postion. If no one applys I have have have to shutdown the forum; which I don't want to do.
IF your interested PLEASE post a reply in...
i haven't seen beam and tong's new lakorn yet so since i just watched duay rang hang rak i think Ice was a sad part cause he was crazy at the end. does that count?
I'm not quite sure I read some of it and it says they preforming some kind of romance lakorn somewhere but I am not sure where it is.. I'll tell you guys tomorrow .. what the rest of the article says. :sweat:
I'm 4'9 or 4'10 for a 17 yr old teenager.. I wasn't born in the USA.. so I won't be taller then 5'4; its average for asain girl to grow who were raise in asia. I feel good to be short. But when I get tease in school I kick them in the leg if a white/black/mex girl whos is taller then me. Other...
Well Noon says she not seeing anyone latley. I am cheering for her and Mos to be a couple! But if Noon go back together with Kade I will still be cheering for Mos. But if Noon choose Todd/Kade/Mos everyone should be happy with the man she choose... its her life.
Also Todd and Noon dosen't...
my first date was on the my birthday we went to the beach together for one week .. we did everything together.. haha
wasn't actually my boyfriend; but i think that my brother told him to act nice to me..(my bro likes me to hang out with his friends)