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  1. M

    Never thought I would party with BigM in Vegas

    Never thought I would party with BigM in Vegas
  2. M

    ❤️[ONE31] The Love Proposal (The One Enterprise): Fern Nopjira / Tre Porapat / Toyy Pathompong

    Can’t wait for this! I watched all of Ferns dramas lol surprisingly. I like the leads and cast and storyline.
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    ❤️[CH3] Saan Sanaeha (Wave TV Company): Toey Pongsakorn/Mint Chalida

    I think her acting is good in here, there is just some scenes that it’s so-so. She’s doing better and this role is different so I can see her breaking out. I think the scene where she was explaining to Toey about the water was so-so lol she looked robotic trying to explain her lines. But her...
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    ❤️[CH3] Saan Sanaeha (Wave TV Company): Toey Pongsakorn/Mint Chalida

    The first episode was good but Mint’s acting is so and so.. I hope it progresses as she goes on but so far I like it. I liked their last lakorn together. This lakorn, I love Mints character and how she fights back. The husband is an a*****. The dad is also. I can’t with these traditional close...
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    ❤️[Ch3] Game Prattana (RakLakorn): Alek Teeradetch/Nychaa Nuttanicha

    Oooomg Nychaa and Alex have such cute chemistry! It’s probably the best I’ve seen in a long time. They are so cute and all their scenes are amazing!!’ Especially at the beach. My heart always flutters. It did take a few episodes I feel like for it to progress and grow but now it’s super fire lol...
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    ❤️ Various ET News

    The ceremony was so beautiful. One video of Noon greeting Mo’s bf made me want to cry. I’m so glad so many people are supporting him at this time too cause he needs it the most. May Mo Rest In Peace and I’m wishing and hoping she gets justice if there was foul play as we expect.
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    ❤️[CH7] Koei Baan Rai Sapai Hiso (Media Studio): Mookda Narinrak / Kem Hussawee

    Gooooosh they are so cute!! My fave onscreen pair lol. The chemistry is still strong and this lakorn is so light hearted! It’s such a big step up from all the dramas I’ve been watching lol
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    ❤️]CH7] Samee Chua Keun (Mongkol Karn Lakorn): Euro Yotsawat/Pinkploy Paparwadee

    Omg that was a fun willing scene hahaha and they were so cute!! Glad to know they wouldn’t hit us by surprise with who the father is LOL
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    [CH7] Lhom Pud Parn Dao (Dreamers Society Creation): Tik Jesdaporn/Aum Patcharapa/Kem Hussawee

    Whoa!! But Tik and Aum’s acting has gone downhill as they are older lol. Aum was more bearable in the one with Mik recently though so I have hopes for her. Tik it depends on what he’s trying to play, hopefully not like the one with Mew cause I couldn’t finish cause of him lol. Kem is a good...
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    ❤️[Ch3] Game Prattana (RakLakorn): Alek Teeradetch/Nychaa Nuttanicha

    First episode is boring, second episode picked up and is actually pretty interesting. I’m excited to see how this goes. I think Donut is helping Alex and Chai so might be really backstabbing Sam and Nychaa. I don’t really like Nychaa’s character but it makes it better cause I want her to bicker...
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    ❤️]CH7] Samee Chua Keun (Mongkol Karn Lakorn): Euro Yotsawat/Pinkploy Paparwadee

    Lol I’m sure Euro is the father. I get so annoyed at how weak PinkPloy character is. When they did the fake scene where she fought back I was so happy then got it ruined when it was just an imagination!! The only thing keeping me going is the chemistry between Euro and PinkPloy. However her...
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    ❤️[ONE31/Disney+ Hotstar] Love and Fortune (The One Enterprise): Toyy Pathompong / Bint Sireethorn / New Thitipoom / Paifah Orranut

    Wow you said everything I wanted to say LOL. Nice review!! It was hard for me to like New cause his character seems so unjustified lol and like only had redeeming qualities towards the end. Like did he really think plotting against his dad by tagging along with Pei was a good idea?? Lol
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    ❤️[ONE31/Disney+ Hotstar] Love and Fortune (The One Enterprise): Toyy Pathompong / Bint Sireethorn / New Thitipoom / Paifah Orranut

    ending tomorrow. I really can’t with this lakorn. If you want to pull your hair out then watch it. Cause the characters are all so dumb and Toy’s character is too goody two shoes!! But it kept me watching it LOL. I guess I like the nam nao storyline. Nang aek is so pretty though I’m looking...
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    ❤️]CH7] Samee Chua Keun (Mongkol Karn Lakorn): Euro Yotsawat/Pinkploy Paparwadee

    Euro pissed me off in the most recent episode cause he didn’t try to stop the nang rai!!! And PinkPloy is weak until someone does something to her son. I feel like I’m watching a 90s lakorn where nang aek doesn’t stick up for herself. But PinkPloy is so pretty and I love the chemistry with her...
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    [Amarin] Fai Luang (Change2561): Son Yuke / Pim Pimprapa / Bee Namthip

    I’m surprised I thought younger peeps would be casted! But I like older gen better. Not too fond of Andrew’s acting in this generation though but at least he has experience lol. I really like Bee so I hope she stays!
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    The ending was so good! Think it’s the first time I rooted for the cheating couple to get together. Hahahah. But the way Peter ended up loving Green was good and they got closure and glad she got pregnant again. Can I just say it was so well excited except we don’t know what happened to Kratip...
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    6.5 is the average!! Can’t wait to see what the last episode brings. Hopefully it’ll be a hit! But it’s already one of the highest rating lakorns this year. I don’t think it’ll beat Wanthong but kudos to still being up there!
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Holy crap everyone’s acting in here is so good!! I couldn’t stop bawling my eyes out in todays episode. This lakorn has perfect acting and direction I’m in awe! It’s so well produced and everything flows really smoothly. I actually really like Peters acting in here. He was never too strong to me...
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    5.3!! It was a good episode! Dominating in ratings rn
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Whaaaa it’s ending soon! I had a feeling since they pretty much killed Kratip off lol. The ratings are steady but I hope it’s a big jump on the finale. Omg I almost cried in todays episode when Peter said by to Green and her mom haha WHY AM I FEELING SORRY FOR A CHEATER. That never happens. But...
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    ❤️[ONE31/AIS Play] Bad Beauty (Change2561): Green Ausadaporn / Pim Pimprapa / Son Yuke

    Yayyy!! I been watching more of her projects on OneHD so this is so good! Hope it’s a p’ek like Jes, Bright, etc that I’ve enjoyed in the past. She was good with Kang too.
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    ❤️[ONE31] Somewhere Our Love Begins (The One Enterprise): Esther Supreleela / Jes Jespipat

    Looks so good I can’t wait! Thanks for updates @inbetweener_guy
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    [CH3] Nang Fah Asun (Ap Production)

    Uhhhh this lakorn is actually good and interesting!! Reminds me of the early 2000s/late 90s! P’aek is pretty savage haha and kidnaps nang aek cause her dad won’t give his boat back for his line of work. His gf scammed him out of all his money and nang aek promised to talk to her dad to get the...
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Hehe yeah! If I had more time I would do summaries too but life is hectic these days, miss the old days where I’d be on here for hours lol. but basically, Got’s father is head honcho and I think some type of mafia leader. He resents his kids for not being a part of his business plans and Got...
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Ahhh episode 10 was good!! Still fierce and interesting. I am really scared it’s going to drag lol. Noon and Got are wonderful, the whole cast is!! The latest rating is 4.9! Way to go!!
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Surprised at the comeback rating. It’s lower than yesterday I wonder what happened. Other lakorns seem lower too. Anyways take away the ratings the newest episode was bomb! Loved the dialogue and direction. Holy smokes Ram is out for vengeance. Noon looked really pretty too in all her outfits. I...
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    Dao Pra Sook (2nd Version)

    Whoa that this topic is brought back up cause I just read Kem is rumored to be in a remake of this! That would suit him lol
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Can’t wait!! Her and Yui’s reruns are taking over with ratings rn and this lakorn is up there with a 3.1! Whoa haha
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    ❤️[CH8] Mongkut Karma (Kiatrapee): Ann Sirium / Oil Thana / Um Amarin

    Can’t wait! I loved the old version and this cast is definitely doing me justice! I super adored Oh and Ann in the last version and of course Nok. This lakorn made me cry so much! The twins in this one might like each other like the last one which I hated but luckily it wasn’t too bad lol
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    [ONE31] The Giver (The One Enterprise): Tor Thanapob / Plengkwan Nattaya

    For some odd reason I’m the opposite of your statement haha. I’m excited for Plengkwan and Ben but I’m not too into Tor. I like his movie projects better than his lakorns. Im still going to give this a try though!
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    [CH3]Mat Huajai Yai Sup Tar (Kai Varayuth): Janie Thienphosuwan /Gulf Kanawut

    Aww dang, she’s starting to look like Ice. Janie always had a fresher look to her growing up watching her so it’s weird to see her so washed out.
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    The more episodes I watch she does! And surprisingly Es has more with Rodmay LOL
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    Ewww I knew Note and Mo Amina were gonna be a thing. They kept dissing each other to only be sleeping together. And they wanna diss on Now/May but she literally slept with her sisters brother! Lmao. also the snake is kinda cute in here. Loool I hate snakes and don’t ever think they can be cute...
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    12th Nataraja Awards (2020) - Drama Category

    I’ve never liked this award show lol they’ve snubbed Noon so many times, when her lakorn caused a lot of talk and trend. I still am bitter about TNG lol.
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    Her mom was a second wife to the dad. I’m not sure how they all died yet but they all died. The snake is a protector of Now since birth. Now’s mom has a adopted brother who came to live with them and told Now’s mom that the snake is good and will be good if treated kind. So ever since that the...
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    Lol he has better chemistry with Preaw. Their scenes were so good on his last lakorn!
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    12th Nataraja Awards (2020) - Drama Category

    I agree about Bangkert Klao! I liked the acting in that one and Num did surprisingly good too haha. I’m glad at least one of the non-main channels are getting recognition.
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    12th Nataraja Awards (2020) - Drama Category

    Wow, the list really sucks. Nothing outstanding. I swear there were better lakorns in 2020. Was So Wayree in 2020?! Lol out of all One31 dramas too it’s Rak Laek Pope. I didn’t even find that one super compelling!
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    Hehe, he already likes her and is heart broken when he found out she was seeing someone, then got upset cause it was his brother in law. Now used Jinn to get back at Es and I actually liked it! Lol
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    This lakorn version might be different. It already is a lot different from the movie version with her supposed to be sleeping around and all that. I think they made her a little more innocent in here from what I’ve seen so far haha
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    I think Es will drown. Notice in the first episode he mentions he’s scared of water and Now comments on his name Chanachon having to do with being scared of water. In the movie version he drowns, supposedly she dies too but somehow comes back and then gets with the brother — wonder if they’ll...
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    Ehh those are mutually exclusive. Just because I don’t really like his character doesn’t mean I can’t think they can have chemistry or not. There’s been times where I’ve thought the main actress had better chemistry with the villain haha. I don’t really see her having all that good chemistry...
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    I am so annoyed by Es/Chanachon. That cheater, liar, and manipulator. He’s such a scum! I love how Now/May is handling things. She really doesn’t want to involve herself with a married man. I do think it’s her father’s karma for what he did to the mom though. And I really don’t want to see...
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    [CH7] Mea Bai (A Supachai Production): Es Kantapong / Now Tisanart

    Yes!! It’s good. Now is gorgeous!! The acting, storyline, effects, and all that are really good so far. I’m looking forward to episode 2!
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    [ONE31] Hongsutai Maai Layk 6 (The One Enterprise / Pordeecom): Fern Nopjira / Petch Boranin / Plengkwan Nattaya

    Ok this lakorn isn’t actually bad haha and dang Plengkwan has improved. I feel so sorry for her character! TW: Sexual Assault It’s like those Thai movies with the horror and comedy combined. It kind of works here or else it’d be way too depressing haha. Also @inbetweener_guy — Bright shows up...
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    ❤️[CH3] Ruk Nee Run Juntra (Cholumpi Production) : Ken Theeradeth / Ice Preechaya

    Super cheesy and try hard. The acting is bad in here LOL. It tries to be like so sweet and sentimental about love but it’s kinda too much. Ken comes off as creepy even though he’s been waiting for Ice since the past life. I see where they are trying to go but it’s not executed that well lol...
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    [CH9] Mae Nak Phra Khanong (Yama Entertainment): New Chaiyapol/ Kwan Usamanee

    I watch it on Malimar but I guess you can find it on YouTube with the link I sent lol. Latest episode is so sad. Poor Nak, waiting for Mak and being protective of him—worries about him finding out she’s a ghost. Glad she got revenge on the midwife! I have never been so pissed off at an old...
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    ❤️[Ch7] Lhong Krin Jun (Prakotkarndee): Tubtim Anyarin/Thanwa Suriyajuk

    Lol I was gonna come in here and say one of the members guessed right. This lakorn dragged so bad. I had to skip episodes. This production always does this. Need to cut it short lol. The ending was okay lol I feel like we kinda all guessed it.
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    ❤️[CH3]Kaen Ruk Salub Chata (Magic If One): Alek Theeradeth/Namtarn Pichukkana/Krating Khunnarong/Bua Wansiri

    No! He’s lucky both the sons and mom are forgiving. He could have easily got jail time too but I guess they all let it go and want to move on. Agree with Thaet and Jinny! So cute how she was upset that Thaet was going to go to jail for Wat and was like what about me and thought he didn’t care...
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    [CH9] Mae Nak Phra Khanong (Yama Entertainment): New Chaiyapol/ Kwan Usamanee

    It’s not that scary lol it actually uses comedy to counterbalance out the ghosts and stuff. Not sure how scary it’ll be with Nak being a ghost but Kwan extrudes really innocent features so not sure how scary she’ll be haha.
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    [CH9] Mae Nak Phra Khanong (Yama Entertainment): New Chaiyapol/ Kwan Usamanee

    This version is so good and so dang sad. Nak just died in today’s episode and my heart aches. The acting is really good in here and the scenery and cinematography is so nice in here. I can’t believe how bad and evil is towards Nak and it’s so different from the other versions since I remembered...
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    ❤️[CH3]Kaen Ruk Salub Chata (Magic If One): Alek Theeradeth/Namtarn Pichukkana/Krating Khunnarong/Bua Wansiri

    Wow! Great ending. Loved how they didn’t do the typical switch back. I think the boys belong in their respective bodies and really think it was destiny haha. This lakorn was one of the better ones from CH.3. Haven’t watched one fully yet this year from them lol
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    ❤️[CH3]Kaen Ruk Salub Chata (Magic If One): Alek Theeradeth/Namtarn Pichukkana/Krating Khunnarong/Bua Wansiri

    Hehe it’s confusing at first but Chai hired a lady to be a surrogate. I’m assuming he used the mom’s eggs with his sperm and had the mom give birth to their real son (Krating/Thaet) and had the surrogate carry the other kid (Alex/Wat) who he raised for his revenge. So Wat is actually supposed to...
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    ❤️[CH3]Kaen Ruk Salub Chata (Magic If One): Alek Theeradeth/Namtarn Pichukkana/Krating Khunnarong/Bua Wansiri

    So latest episode just revealed that Chai used IVF to have another kid which is really Thaet. His revenge was to basically switch kids. That’s why he hates Wat/Alex so much since it’s not his real kid. So Thaet grew up without his real dad but still loves him cause he raised him.
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    ❤️[CH7] Khem Son Plai (Magic If Entertainment 2): Nune Woranuch / Thisa Varitthisa / Boom Kitkong / Euro Yotsawat

    Excited for this one :) I’m glad Pim is no longer with CH.7 cause I feel like she woulda been cast in here LOL. I’m a bigger fan of Thisa.
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    [CH3] Supta 2550 (Citizen Kane): Ann Thongprasom/ Ken Theeradeth

    I’m very happy! This sounds better than their rumored cheating lakorn. I remember people complained about Noi not wanting Anne to work with Ken but by the looks of it, it’s working out haha. Also, I actually like this production. Noi does go all out if it’s a project she feels more intertwined...
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    ❤️[CH3]Kaen Ruk Salub Chata (Magic If One): Alek Theeradeth/Namtarn Pichukkana/Krating Khunnarong/Bua Wansiri

    This scene is so touching! My heart pours all over seeing how much love and support they have for another. Got me tearing up LOL
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    [ONE31] Hongsutai Maai Layk 6 (The One Enterprise / Pordeecom): Fern Nopjira / Petch Boranin / Plengkwan Nattaya

    What happened to Bright? Was he ever supposed to be in this? LOL. Dang I was looking forward to this but the trailer looks kinda dumb.
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    ❤️[CH3]Kaen Ruk Salub Chata (Magic If One): Alek Theeradeth/Namtarn Pichukkana/Krating Khunnarong/Bua Wansiri

    I’m team Jenny and Thaet!! I don’t really like Kul’s personality lol or Wat’s.
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Nooooo bad idea. Tawan Tok Din in the making lol
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    [CH3] The World of the Married: Anne Thongprasom/Ananda Everingham

    I’m also excited for their reunion. I don’t mind cheating drama if done right. I hate the ones where the cheaters get away with everything and the one cheated on just cries and can’t fend for themselves lol. Also, Ken and Ann are top tier at acting so I can’t wait to see angst, heartache, etc...
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    [CH9] Mae Nak Phra Khanong (Yama Entertainment): New Chaiyapol/ Kwan Usamanee

    Airing tomorrow! I’ll come back with my thoughts. I’m pretty picky with how they executive this lakorn lol. Kinda wished a major channel picked it up but then again the production of this one looks really good nonetheless! I don’t have high expectations but I want to enjoy it haha
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    [CH3] Hai Ruk Pipaksa: Dare To Love (Cholumpi Production) : Bella Ranee / Peak Kongthap

    LOL! I agree with you. Seems so slow. Trailer seems a bit boring. It looks like it’s trying too hard to make it Korean like. The formula just doesn’t seem to work. And the male lead is not it… LOL. I want to watch this for Bella and Pinky though so I will give it a shot. But I personally don’t...
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    [CH3] Hai Ruk Pipaksa: Dare To Love (Cholumpi Production) : Bella Ranee / Peak Kongthap

    Well also his dad is a well-known actor, could be connection there lol They look so much alike I cannot unsee it hahahaa
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    [CH8] Reuan Rom Ngiw (Montage Entertainment): Pinky Savika / Golf Anuwat / Aun Wittaya

    The ending was good! So happy to see a happy one for the leads even though I was skeptical LOL. But I really enjoyed Golf and Pinky together!
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    ❤️[Ch7] Lhong Krin Jun (Prakotkarndee): Tubtim Anyarin/Thanwa Suriyajuk

    Yeah!! There’s many suspicious characters too even the Uncles chick is kind of weird and I wonder why she was targeted and not killed! And who left the paper on the front door LOL. Watch it’s one of her friends the silly guy who’s the killer haha he was trying to seduce the nurse and make it...
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    ❤️[Ch7] Lhong Krin Jun (Prakotkarndee): Tubtim Anyarin/Thanwa Suriyajuk

    I just caught up and oooomg this lakorn is sooo goood!!! It has good comedy in it too! I couldn’t stop laughing when Tubtim got drunk with the other cop and his wife haha and then when she was scared of the cockroach and fell on Thanwa lool theyre so freaking cute. I love the dynamics of the...
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    [CH8] Reuan Rom Ngiw (Montage Entertainment): Pinky Savika / Golf Anuwat / Aun Wittaya

    I just caught up LOL. So do we know how Pinky actually dies?! I liked the latest episode with Golf getting back at Aun.. he did so well with his acting and crying. I’m enjoying him in this role haha
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    ❤️[Ch7] Lhong Krin Jun (Prakotkarndee): Tubtim Anyarin/Thanwa Suriyajuk

    I liked it too! I thought the leads scenes were funny especially Tubtim going into Thanwas house then them finding out about each other’s profession. The editing and storyline is really good so far. My mom of course loves it, she says it’s probably gonna be her fave out of the lakorns airing at...
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    [GMM25] An Eye for an Eye (GMMTV / Anda99): Aom Phiyada / Krist Perawat

    I’m liking this one so far! Fah is so pretty! Her acting is getting better. Seems like she’s had back to back with GMM. LOL. Can’t wait to see how the story unfolds. I had to drop Nabi, it was just slow and not getting anywhere lmao I really like Aom so had to watch this for her. Her role is...
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    ❤️[Ch7] Lhong Krin Jun (Prakotkarndee): Tubtim Anyarin/Thanwa Suriyajuk

    Haha hi!! Let me know your review for the first episode. I don’t mind the leads. Not a bit Thanwa fan but I can watch him LOL. I like Tubtim, she’s always been very versatile to me! I’ll give this one a shot definitely haha I like the mystery in it! My parents liked their other lakorn together...
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    5.5?!! Omg. To me, it already a hit! That’s really good, especially for how low ratings are usually these days. So proud. Can’t wait to come back to this for new episodes once it’s out. It was a guilty pleasure for the time being haha
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    ❤️[CH7] Khem Son Plai (Magic If Entertainment 2): Nune Woranuch / Thisa Varitthisa / Boom Kitkong / Euro Yotsawat

    Hehe I had a feeling you might post this cause of Newwie! I have been following this news. Thanks for the updates!!
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Thanks Rae for keeping us informed! You are great at relaying the news/information. I’m really hoping the next portion of it will be good and that it doesn’t disappoint. If it does, at least this first part made me already satisfied with how Ping handled the situation. Like I said I kinda wanted...
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    I’ll treat this like an American series and say it’ll be back for another season. Still sucks but will make me look forward to it. They better take that time to make these last half episodes even better then! Lmao
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    I’m seriously so surprised. I thought they finished filming. Doesnt OneHD usually film all of it first before airing?! Ughhh this is really upsetting. How much more do they have to film. Do we have to wait another year or what cause that would be such a waste to the entire lakorn.
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    WTF!! I’m so upset. How, why, what?!! LOL omg I was waiting for this to blow up with ratings too. This could probably either hurt it or make it better. We’ll have to see LOL.
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    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Holy crap! 4.7?! That’s great for how much it picked up since the first episode. So proud of the team!! I wanted Got and Green to have a lakorn with good ratings too!!
  79. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    OOOOOMG!!! THIS WAS THE BEST EPISODE EVER!!!! Everything I wanted to happen just happened in the best way ever! Totally unexpected!! I want it to end right here cause it was such a jam packed episode I don’t wanna see Peter trying to mess things up! But even if he does I’m so glad Noon has the...
  80. M

    [CH7] Soi Nakee (Kantana) : Cast unknow

    I watched the last part of Reya and it was so sad lol. I felt like Yard and New would end up together but it was a sad ending for them too! Wishing you all the luck in moving!! also, missing Nao already. I will have to catch Mae Bia for sure when it airs. I want her in another slap kiss...
  81. M

    ❤️[Amarin] The Folly of Human Ambition (Change2561): Yui Chiranan / Ohm Atshar / Namtan Chalita / Nhing Nirut

    I’m actually watching this too and just got caught up haha. Everyone is doing a good job and the way it’s setup storyline wise is trashy but yet classy. Idk how to explain it haha but I like it! It has a diff feel to it. I like all the outfits and the setup too everyone looks amazing!
  82. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    ahhh yay @Koy123 you finished it! The storyline is kinda messed up in essence haha but yes i liked it too and their chemistry was great. I really liked her with Joss and I feel like his acting got better throughout the lakorn! @kjc1994 omg same here! TNG is one of my faves from Act Art and I...
  83. M

    [CH7] Soi Nakee (Kantana) : Cast unknow

    Haha nice! Are you also preparing with moving too?? I bet it’s been busy even more than me LOL. Oh nice! I dropped Reya, it just came too much I lost track. I might pick up haha. Omg I want to start Pinky’s! You know us we like the family drama and all sorts of mishaps that deal with the...
  84. M

    [CH7] Soi Nakee (Kantana) : Cast unknow

    Haha they do, but Chap isn’t bad. His acting actually accounts for his looks and his voice is deeper haha. I kinda liked him more than Boom in nang rai. Idk why but Boom’s roles always annoy me LOL but he’s not bad. Haha yes I am! It’s been hard catching up with everything so I’m just watching...
  85. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Wow the first episode was already very Raeng. Danggg to Green for rocking this role! She would NOT shut up lmao she was talking directly back and forth like she owned everyone and did not hold back. She bickers with Peter a lot so I’m surprised if they end up cheating together. I think it might...
  86. M

    [CH7] Soi Nakee (Kantana) : Cast unknow

    Haha I feel like he fits those types or roles better. The leading ladies are so pretty. I did wish it was Big M, Mik, Weir, or Kem. I was hoping even someone like Louis, Chap, Euro, or Ko would have been okay. I’m seriously surprised it’s Blew... lol
  87. M

    [CH7] Soi Nakee (Kantana) : Cast unknow

    Oh hahahah, they look similar to me then. But see how relevant he is to me? I can’t even differentiate him from supporting material LOLOL. I actually think I might like Bom more. Blew in HJLP was tough to watch haha
  88. M

    ❤️[One31] Ley Luang (The One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Pooklook Fonthip/ Jes Jespipat/ Ann Siriam/

    Okay I finished the lakorn and it was really good! It was very modern and had so much good directing and executing that I was able to follow everything and still feel like I didn’t know what was going to happen. The whole cast did an amazing job and Pook had chemistry with both Bright and Jes...
  89. M

    [CH7] Soi Nakee (Kantana) : Cast unknow

    Wow I’m so disappointed. My poor girl Now.. she’s gonna kill it and overshadow everyone lol. I don’t really like Blew he’s such second p’ek material. He’s lucky to star with Now. Why wouldn’t they give her a better p’ek? She needs to leave channel 7 after this lakorn LOL however, I remember...
  90. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Plerng Barb Ayuttithum (Maker K) : Boy Pakorn & Yeena/Gina Salas & Bomb Tanin

    Awwh okay thanks for reassuring. My mom and I were getting irritated. I don’t think she’s too bad but it just irks me that a lot has happened to Boy and she tries to misinform him so many times and I understand it’s her brother but Boy’s character has gone through so much. Haha I’m like pretty...
  91. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Plerng Barb Ayuttithum (Maker K) : Boy Pakorn & Yeena/Gina Salas & Bomb Tanin

    Am I the only one annoyed by Gina’s character? I feel so sorry for Boy in here lol. Yoghurt’s character I kinda pity too. I hate the brother/sister duo... ugh haha. I was happy that Boy told Gina off in today’s episode cause he’s been through so much...
  92. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    This is such a good looking cast! I’m really excited haha I watched Green recently in her latest lakorn and she was so good. I know she’ll pull this off well I’ve always enjoyed her acting!
  93. M

    ❤️[One31] Ley Luang (The One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Pooklook Fonthip/ Jes Jespipat/ Ann Siriam/

    This lakorn is actually really good! I have been quiet reading since no ones been really watching but Pook and Jes’s chemistry is great. Many times I wanted to cry for how sweet Jes is to her. Cheer is doing a great job being conniving and “strawberry”. Bright is doing really well in his role...
  94. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Both girls are so beautiful in here. Looks really raeng and like it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. But Got and Noon look physically great together. I’m excited!
  95. M

    [CH9] Mae Nak Phra Khanong (Yama Entertainment): New Chaiyapol/ Kwan Usamanee

    My favorite lakorn! I like both New and Kwan but I haven’t really followed their most recent work. I liked New with Mai in Plae Kao. I liked the CH.3 version the best out of all the versions of Mae Nak. I’m hoping this one follows similar route. The most recent one on CH.8 sucked LOL I’m hoping...
  96. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    The ending was super cute. Wanted to cry with Now every time she shed a tear haha she’s so good. Porshe is such an awesome actor. The whole crew did amazing!! I love Film’s acting. I don’t think I can see her in an innocent role anymore. She can evil cry and laugh. One of the best I’ve seen! Did...
  97. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    Can’t wait to watch tonight’s episode! So sad that it’s come to an end. I’m really going to miss this lakorn. Now and Porshe are so cute together! He’s probably my favorite co-star so far for her. They have such amazing chemistry.
  98. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    I like the storyline with kidnapping and stuff haha it’s typical in Thai lakorn which I love. I don’t really like K drama or C drama. I can’t get into it. I will always pick a lakorn over it lol im a targeted audience LOL. I can’t get into k drama or c drama. Find them really boring and long lol
  99. M

    ❤️[CH8] Reya (MAX MAGIC): Ploy Chermarn / New Wongsakorn / Iang Sittha / Yardthip Rachapal

    The first one was called Mongkut Dok Som, the second called Dok Som See Thong! Dok Som See Thong is what got Chompoo Araya more famous at channel 3 haha. I’m trying to connect the dots since I haven’t really watched the last one. I’m going to maybe watch it just to see what is what LOL. I’m...
  100. M

    ❤️[CH8] Reya (MAX MAGIC): Ploy Chermarn / New Wongsakorn / Iang Sittha / Yardthip Rachapal

    Haha I feel like anyone rarely watches other channels besides 3 these days so it’s nice to see someone like you expand your taste outside other channels. LOL. I know!! It was so mean. I could see the hurt in Reya’s eyes. Did you watch the previous one? I skimmed it but didn’t watch much. It was...
  101. M

    ❤️[CH7] Talay Luang(Media Scene): Mik Thongraya/Sammy Cowell

    I’m picking this up from the latest episode. Not a fan of memory loss haha so glad Mik got his memory back and it’s quite cute how he plays around with Sammy loool
  102. M

    ❤️[CH8] Reya (MAX MAGIC): Ploy Chermarn / New Wongsakorn / Iang Sittha / Yardthip Rachapal

    Omg hey lakorn bestie! LOL yesssss you said everything I did! I’m on Reya’s side! I want her to revenge CK and his family LOL. I’m excited to see Ploy and Yard reunion. This is like their 4th lakorn? I actually watched all their lakorns together hahaaha
  103. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    Omg you said what I exactly said about Mia Jumpen. I dropped that lakorn because Tote showed me what a real p’ek should be like! LOL
  104. M

    ❤️[One31] Ley Luang (The One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Pooklook Fonthip/ Jes Jespipat/ Ann Siriam/

    Oh yay!! I know the cast in here probably doesn’t have much fandom but I really like the cast so I’m going to tune in haha I’ll let you know my thoughts!
  105. M

    ❤️[One31] Ley Luang (The One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Pooklook Fonthip/ Jes Jespipat/ Ann Siriam/

    I’m looking forward to this. Seeing Bright as a villain makes me want to see him in a slap kiss lakorn lol Oh and I really love the OST!! Something different and kinda EDMish haha
  106. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    I recommend this lakorn to anyone who hasn’t had anything to watch! I know people are thrown off by Porsche and his looks but trust me, his acting makes up for it! I don’t think he looks that bad and he actually looks and suits Now very well!
  107. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Wanthong (The One Enterprise): Mai Davika / Pong Nawat / Chakrit Yamnarm

    I agree! Though not everyone can agree with this type of storyline or what it shows, I can actually gain a lot of life lessons, history, and get a meaning from the moral of the story. My parents know this story and it has been passed down and it’s not to make us super involved or in love with...
  108. M

    ❤️[CH3] Maya Sanaeha (TV Scene) : Ken Phupoom / Ice Preechaya

    Nothing captured my attention for this lakorn since I just looked at the lead’s names haha but since I see a Mam and Ann reunion in here I’m def watching now!
  109. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    Film — Baithong, could be in a horror lakorn easily! She scares the hell out of me haha her acting is really good!! She has that pale/dead looking ghost face that could easily make her a good horror candidate hahah.
  110. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Nabi, My Stepdarling (GMMTV / Sparkling Blue Productions): Nat Myria / Joss Way-ar / Fah Yongwaree

    Looks so good!! I can’t wait! Josh and Fah look good together and I like this storyline more than their last one!
  111. M

    [CH3] Sapai Sai Strong (Good Feeling): Pon Nawasch/ Nychaa Nuttanicha

    Ahhh my favorite Channel 3 pair! I'm super duper excited. The storyline sounds good!! I want to rewatch their last lakorn, I loved it so much!
  112. M

    [CH3] Mia Jum Pen (D One TV) : Mai Warit / Pie Rinrada

    I dropped this cause I hate Tomorn's character. Not gentleman at all, with Tawan "being raped" and her having her arms open to hug him and he just didn't want to hug her. Honestly, rape victims deserve all the hugs and even a hug even if she wasn't raped since she was tortured. I saw that some...
  113. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    Omg... haven't liked a lakorn like this in a while. It's soooo freaking funny! Now and Porshe have awesome chemistry and I love both their characters. They balance each other out well. I love mean p'ek's that still respect nang aek and do everything for them. Porshe's character is such a sweet...
  114. M

    [ONE31] The Two Fates (The One Enterprise / Bear in Mind Studios): Green Ausadaporn / Kang Vorakorn

    First episode was really good. I love Green, she can act. I've been wanting her in a lakorn like this even though it can be very typical but I like it haha. The old version I still remember the OST. I usually hate remakes but I'm liking this one so far.
  115. M

    [CH3] Mia Jum Pen (D One TV) : Mai Warit / Pie Rinrada

    Super annoyed with today’s episode. I don’t like the little sister and the nanny, I just want to punch them. I also am starting to hate p’ek so I can’t imagine how annoying he’s gonna be when he finds out about nang aek later. I do like the scenes of nang aek and p’ek bickering though and think...
  116. M

    [CH7] Tarng Suer Parn (Dramagic Studio): Chanapol Sataya/Hana Lewis

    Lol my mom is loving this lakorn right now. She says it’s her favorite and she cried lots already. She’s trying to get me into it but I never gave it a chance. It sounds good if you’re continuing it! Like you said we share super similar taste of lakorn and generally the lakorn world haha. I’m...
  117. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wong Wien Hua Jai (Kantana): Porshe Saran/Now Tisanart

    You said everything I said!! I actually liked it and I’m going to continue. Porsche’s character I was surprised they showed that side of him rehearsing, I literally said what a dork when I watched it LOL. Now is freaking stunning. I think her acting always makes me able to watch her lakorns no...
  118. M

    ❤️[CH7] Raang Rak Praang Jai(Mummai): Donut Phattarapon/Pupee Kessarin

    Oooh I liked Donut and Pupe in their last lakorn. Pupe isn’t the best actress but I have a soft spot for her loool
  119. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Roy Leh Marnya (Maker J Group) Pope Tanawat & Bella Ranee

    ok thanks! I was thinking that but it was weird to see them visit her in the hospital and I couldn’t tell if it was really that way haha. Oh yeah I also forgot to mention it’s kind of weird since Bua and Louis were a couple in Plerng Boon but are bro and sis in here hahaha
  120. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Roy Leh Marnya (Maker J Group) Pope Tanawat & Bella Ranee

    I’m liking it so far lol. So I’m confused about Wawaa. She’s not Bella’s real sister, but she seems like she’s a love child from someone? I was thinking that Bella’s parents just helped out Wawaa and her mom and they are close like sisters but ugh I’m so mad that Wawaa is gonna stab her in the...
  121. M

    ❤️ Various ET News

    Wow reading everyone’s comments made me tear up and it’s in such a random section lol. But I also take care of my mom. She’s stage 3 cancer right now and it was a such a scare for me. Thank god my job allows flexibility but I have so much appointments to take her to. Dealing with insurance here...
  122. M

    ❤[GMM25] Fai Sin Chua (Goodboy Entertainment): Yardthip Rachapal/Ying Rhatha/Fluke Krekpon/Bie KPN/Joss Wayar/Off Jumpol/Fah Yongwaree/Fon Sananthacha

    Omg for real. She had so much issues I’m like she needs to be in a mental ward lmao. I was surprised Yard survived. Homegirl got shot like 50 times hahahaha!! I felt like Yaya Ying got shot less and still died. And like I guess they kept Yard alive so that she could show character development...
  123. M

    ❤[GMM25] Fai Sin Chua (Goodboy Entertainment): Yardthip Rachapal/Ying Rhatha/Fluke Krekpon/Bie KPN/Joss Wayar/Off Jumpol/Fah Yongwaree/Fon Sananthacha

    I finished it. It was draggy but I wanted to see what happened lol. I couldn’t accept the whole mother sleeping with the daughters husband thing but it wasn’t so bad near the end. The last episode was a weird episode with revealing another sibling lol like wth.. it took up all the episode when...
  124. M

    ❤️[CH7] Fah Mee Tawan (Mongkol Karn Lakorn): Donut Phattarapon/Prapye Ramida

    I like the pace lol kinda reminds me of Hua Jai Sila but with its own flavor. At least he won’t sleep with a sister in here hahahah. Prapye is cute! She has pretty eyes and I like her hair and makeup. I’ve liked Donut since his lakorn with Noon. He was vengeful in there too so I could see him in...
  125. M

    ❤️[CH7] Korn Tawan Laeng (Dara Video): Poom Kiatipoom/Mamaew Pornchada

    I think this lakorn ends today. My mom got me into it but it’s one of those lakorns where it takes forever for the mom and daughter to find each other, until literally the very end. Makes me pissed lol. I can’t believe I watched most of it hahaha
  126. M

    [Ch3] Poot Mae Nam Khong (minds_at_work):Mai/Oom/Yiiwha

    Yeaaah!! I liked the old version. Can’t wait. The cast is good enough for me. I was waiting for this remake lol
  127. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Loved the ending!!! Everything about the lakorn was so perfect!! They finally let Mookdas hair down at the last of the episode lol I kind of wish she had more hairstyles but I can see where the stylist and director were coming from to show she was a fierce baddy! Lol. Anyways I don’t think I...
  128. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Finally caught up. Been reading your comments lol still loving this lakorn just don’t have time to express it in an essay like I always do LOL
  129. M

    ❤️[CH7] Prom Pissawad (Magic If) : Boom Piyaphun/ Pim Pimprapa

    Let me rephrase.. ONE of the worst. And dumbest.. haha but my opinion. LOL
  130. M

    ❤️[CH7] Prom Pissawad (Magic If) : Boom Piyaphun/ Pim Pimprapa

    This lakorn pisses me off to the max. Pon is so unreasonable and is easily one of the worst p'eks to exist in a lakorn. IT was good the first few episodes with his a-holeness but there is literally no character development. IF anything, he is worse than before. I don't care about how much hurt...
  131. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Omg I just watched it and she’s preggo too. I want to quit it so bad but I’m waiting for justice for his heart to get broken. Seems like it gets worse each episode LOL. But you are right! I can see a modern day remake with the two. I hope they get more slap and kiss lakorns after this. I mean it...
  132. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Oh and don’t get me started on Prom Pissawat. No rape happened in there but that lakorn pisses me off to the max. I despise Pon more than anyone in this lakorn and that says a lot since there are some pretty bad characters lol
  133. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    I think you could still love it while accepting the flaws. I mean we grew up watching lakorns like Sawan Biang and Jam Loey Ruk and those were way worse. If we keep pointing out it’s flaws and what is wrong with the opening episode then it makes hard to enjoy anyways haha it’s like we’re passed...
  134. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    I felt like I caused this and I wanted to sincerely apologize to you both! I didn't mean to sound negative, or attacking Bow. I understand how it came off and I wanted to say I didn't mean it to sound the way it did. I did refute my earlier comments though mentioning I am still willing to give...
  135. M

    ❤️[CH7] Prom Pissawad (Magic If) : Boom Piyaphun/ Pim Pimprapa

    Yeah they’re gonna get married in the upcoming episode but there was a scene that p’ek talked shiii about nang aek behind her back because he hates his dad so much. He said he would marry a low class, gold digger (lack of better term lol) just like his dad to show people he’s just like him and...
  136. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Yes no hate! Bow is a really pretty gal don’t get me wrong hehe but people have their faves and I respect them. I’m actually going to watch her lakorn with Ch. 3! I can’t wait. Plus she has like the best voice I know from anyone. Putting that altogether I think she’s still super pretty but not...
  137. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Omg I agree with you! Haha yes sorry to Bow fans. I actually haven’t ever finished a Bow lakorn before. My parents love her though. I just can’t get much into her but happy for her and her fans. I actually think Bow to me personally is more plain Jane put aside to Mookda although I can see why...
  138. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Who are you thinking?! Lol
  139. M

    ❤️[CH7] Prom Pissawad (Magic If) : Boom Piyaphun/ Pim Pimprapa

    Omg the Noon cameo was so funny haha cute how Jeab included her! I really like the scenes between Pim and Boom. Nice seeing the nang rai go in at it with the mom LOL. The drama is so heavy in this one though that I’m like ugh I just wanna slap everyone haha there’s not really a likeable...
  140. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    I actually agree with you! I’ve never been really fond of Mookda personally. She never has that aura or appeal to me but once she dazzles up and is glammed out and gets into character she does well! Her other lakorns she was very plain Jane looking to me. This one made me change my mind! It just...
  141. M

    ❤️[Ch7] So Wayree (Ninobrothers): Kem Hussawee/Mookda Narinrak

    Ahhhh loving this lakorn! Kem has definitely improved and is so compatible with Mookda! I love their scenes together haha and she’s so freaking pretty! okay before I start off... but BUDGET?? Like I’ve never seen so much name brand in my life! Nang aek and her friend are drizzling in gucci...
  142. M

    [CH3] Long Khong (Art of the Devil Series): Ticha Wongtipkanon / Prem Warut / Fluke Pongsapat / Boun Noppanut

    I didn't see a thread for this one and I binged up to the latest episodes this past weekend and I'm liking it a lot! The episodes are short and only come every Sunday though, so that's a bummer. I am really into Art of the Devil trilogy and I loved each of the movies. They were really...
  143. M

    ❤️[CH7] Raang Rak Praang Jai(Mummai): Donut Phattarapon/Pupee Kessarin

    LOL yes same here! The storyline does sound better. Let’s do it! Haha and I’ll look forward to any spoilers that you come across hehe
  144. M

    ❤️[CH7] Raang Rak Praang Jai(Mummai): Donut Phattarapon/Pupee Kessarin

    She looks gorgeous! Hopefully this twin one is better haha did you watch Song Naree? I couldn’t get too into it. Lol
  145. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Peters probably playing something similar to his real life character hahaha so he will nail his role.
  146. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Wow thanks for the updates!! Geez this is a good looking cast and it’s going to air on One31! I am even more excited seeing the cast together. The wardrobe is nice too. Excited for Green to take on more daring and challenging roles! She will do great. And so happy Got won’t be the cheater. I am...
  147. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Haha me too!! I really like Got. I felt like there weee too many actors at Channel 3 they were trying to promote so its good he can branch out and they gave him good leads. I know Noon likes to work with new people too and is usually very friendly with her co workers so I think they’ll get along...
  148. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Haha I know it sucks. I’m kind of sick of these storylines too. They should just save it for a Club Friday episode or something and put these actors in a better drama— mystery like you said would be awesome. It seems like Change doesn’t really do period dramas too, they should try hahaha
  149. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Typical trashy cheating storyline with the Mia Luang and Mia Noy lol but you know me I will watch it LMAOO. Especially if it’s for the actors in here. Noon will probably be the Mia Luang but they said she has a backbone and is feisty. The old version was Sam and Noi. I never watched it but also...
  150. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Only You I Need (Change2561): Nune Woranuch / Green Ausadaporn / Peter Corp / Got Jirayu

    Oh yay!! I had a feeling it would be Noon since it said top actress lol. I’m excited. Hopefully she doesn’t look too old next to Got lol but she looked fine with Joss so I shouldn’t worry. How exciting cause I like Green too!
  151. M

    ❤️[CH7] Prom Pissawad (Magic If) : Boom Piyaphun/ Pim Pimprapa

    I'M REALLY LIKING THIS LAKORN!!! I wasn't going to give it a try cause I'm not fond of Boom and Pim, but they're really good in here! Their acting has improved. Boom was kind of stiff before especially in the lakorn with Now but he's doing so well being angsty and assholeish in here LOL. I hate...
  152. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Rerng Rita (Sparkling Blue Productions): Grace Kanklao / Amy Klinpratoom / Smart Krissada / Lee Thanat

    I liked the first episode! Grace is really cute in this type of role, but I'm not sure if that's what they're going for hahah. She is definitely supposed to be raeng and I'm sure it'll show up in later episodes but right now she's cute to me haha the way she dances and acts. I like her with Lee...
  153. M

    ❤[CH3/Netflix] The Miracle of Teddy Bear (Tanadlakorn): Sarin Inpitar / Job Thuchapon

    haha yeah I actually think he’s perfect. He wasn’t really convincing in Fah Fak Kiri Dao with Pon.. he tried to act tough but was just very soft all around. I think he suits softer and more gentleman like roles haha. I just didn’t want Channel 3 to use this to their benefit with the news cause...
  154. M

    ❤[CH3/Netflix] The Miracle of Teddy Bear (Tanadlakorn): Sarin Inpitar / Job Thuchapon

    So are they using this lakorn as a cover up or a confirmation of his sexuality? I’m just curious cause it’s like why do all of this, and I don’t agree on outting but I also don’t agree on dragging it out to unnecessary measures lol
  155. M

    ❤[GMM25] Fai Sin Chua (Goodboy Entertainment): Yardthip Rachapal/Ying Rhatha/Fluke Krekpon/Bie KPN/Joss Wayar/Off Jumpol/Fah Yongwaree/Fon Sananthacha

    Haha yay you’re watching!! I watched Reun Sai Sawat too but I didn’t think much since it was a period lakorn LOL. My parents got me into watching Yard more. Funny cause I used to watch her old lakorns but her move to freelance was a good idea cause she’s playing in more daring and challenging...
  156. M

    ❤[GMM25] Fai Sin Chua (Goodboy Entertainment): Yardthip Rachapal/Ying Rhatha/Fluke Krekpon/Bie KPN/Joss Wayar/Off Jumpol/Fah Yongwaree/Fon Sananthacha

    I really like this lakorn! I gave it a try cause of Yard and Joss. Yard def looks too young to be a momma but it makes sense since she adopted haha. I don’t think it’s weird for Joss and Fah to like each other cause I didn’t think that they would have already liked each other before being...
  157. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Hehe, yes love the ending!! Wipes out my past bitterness about the lakorn and I'm satisfied! Can I say KUDOS to GMM25 for doing this? What a perfect opportunity to change the ending to a lakorn through a re-run. Has this happened before with any other lakorn?! It should be a thing with bad...
  158. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

  159. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Yessss!! It’s so funny cause of your earlier comment about the alternate ending. You really are bringing things into existence. If the new ending sucks I will boycott GMM25 lmfao here’s the confirmation of new ending:
  160. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    WAIT!! Did I just read this will have a new ending with the rerun?! Where can I watch and when will it air?? @kjc1994 omg lol will it the other ending you read?!
  161. M

    ❤️[CH3] Karat Ruk (Good Feeling): James Jirayu / Anne Thong / Sam Yuranunt

    I missed Ann! I don’t mind the pairing actually. They always pair older dudes with younger girls haha and I think if this works out it can really set a new kind of normalization in this modern era. I remember that lakorn Muang Maya with Nok Sinjai. The dude was a younger baby face looking dude...
  162. M

    ❤️[CH8] Reya (MAX MAGIC): Ploy Chermarn / New Wongsakorn / Iang Sittha / Yardthip Rachapal

    Dang is this like a Raeng Thian reunion lol. I enjoyed that lakorn minus the ending. I don’t have any high expectations for this though cause it’s weird to continue it from where Chompoo left off. My parents are going to be excited cause they loved Raeng Thian with Ploy/Yard lol
  163. M

    [One31]Ruk Laek Pop : Film Thanapat/ Vill Wannarot/ Bifern Anchasa

    Looks good! I think they look good and also him with Bifern lol. @kjc1994 are you going to read spoilers?! Hehe let me know if you come across anything. If I start liking the lakorn I might dig deep into finding answers too lol
  164. M

    ❤️[Amarin] The Folly of Human Ambition (Change2561): Yui Chiranan / Ohm Atshar / Namtan Chalita / Nhing Nirut

    Wahooo!! I'm so happy for Yui! It's been about time. I will def tune in to both her lakorns. I want to see her in a OneHD lakorn too!
  165. M

    ❤️[CH3] Oak Giab Hak Ab Rak Khun Samee (Thong Entertainment): Mew Nittha/ Mark Prin

    Episode 4 felt all over the place and random at times. I didn't like the editing and the jumpy scenes lol. Muey and Thien are so cute haha but sometimes Muey is just too creepy. I think they're overdoing her character at times, like when he was sleeping and she was blocking the light?? That was...
  166. M

    ❤️[CH7] Tawan Arb Dao (Prakot Karn Dee): Kem Hussawee/ Thisa Varitthisa/ Chiranan Manochaem

    I'm so behind! I really like the second couple too haha I don't think they're annoying, they add some comedic relief lool. I'm going to catch up soon since I have more time to binge lol I've been watching clips here and there with my parents. Freaking Yui kissing Khem all over loool I couldn't!
  167. M

    ❤️[CH3] Oak Giab Hak Ab Rak Khun Samee (Thong Entertainment): Mew Nittha/ Mark Prin

    I actually really liked the first episode! Mew was kinda annoying how she is I think it's too much obsessing over him like creepy stalker way when she had his pics. But then it's cute cause it's a lakorn lol. I feel like Koy will be annoying later urrggh but her scenes with Nat are so...
  168. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    I overheard my parents asking each other who's side they're on in terms of the brothers and they said they're on both sides, but they're just against nang aek. Hahahha.. for reals though. My dad and mom are annoyed of nang aek and frankly I am too from just skimming some episodes with them lol.
  169. M

    [GMM25] WHO ARE YOU (GMMTV): Namtan Tipnaree / Krist Perawat / Kay Letsittichai

    Omg this looks good. I’m going to check it out. Thanks for the updates @inbetweener_guy! :)
  170. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    Omg seriously!! You read my mind. Ploy was a biatch and the modern time was so bad!! I couldn’t even watch it happily because like you said in your other post nothing made sense or connected together haha.
  171. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    Ok, someone else who watched it LOL. Did you like this or Wimarn Montra more? I thought Dida had better cameras and the quality was better, lol.
  172. M

    ❤️[CH7] Tawan Arb Dao (Prakot Karn Dee): Kem Hussawee/ Thisa Varitthisa/ Chiranan Manochaem

    Okay, I watched the first episode and I really like Thisa's acting in here and she looks great with Khem haha. Khem has improved a bit, but I feel like his tone sometimes makes his acting less good if that makes sense haha it's kind of like he's reading a script. I also just read the spoilers...
  173. M

    ❤️[CH7] Tawan Arb Dao (Prakot Karn Dee): Kem Hussawee/ Thisa Varitthisa/ Chiranan Manochaem

    You have great taste in lakorn and I love reading your comments! LOL I'll start soon, hopefully when I get one of my bigger projects completed this weekend. I don't want to be too behind in this lakorn haha. I like Kem and Grace too. Chat is okay for me, she acts pretty well though so I don't...
  174. M

    ❤️[CH7] Tawan Arb Dao (Prakot Karn Dee): Kem Hussawee/ Thisa Varitthisa/ Chiranan Manochaem

    You’re making me want to watch it but surprisingly COVID had made me busier with work and school so I don’t have time :( I love Yui though so I gotta check it out soon!!
  175. M

    ❤️[CH3] Toong Sanaeha (Good Feeling) : Top Jaron/ Toey Jarinporn/ Bomb Tanin/ Denkhun Ngamnet

    I just watched the last episode but skipped majority of it cause I didn't have time to watch it haha. I just got info from my parents. The best part of the ending and performance was with Noi and Namfon. They did great!! I almost shed a tear. The son is sooo damn cute. I love how he loves Noi...
  176. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Woon Ruk Nak Kaao: Andrew Gregson / Noon Woranuch

    Awww I was hoping she would announce she accepted new lakorns. It looks like she turned down 9 in a row haha. It’s okay though she’s been having like 3-4 dramas back to back haha. Hopefully her new dramas will be fierce and interesting storylines.
  177. M

    ❤️[CH8] Pbop Phee Jao (?): Nampueng Natrika / Smart Krissada / Pang Ornjira

    Is this a remake of This scared me as a little kid haha it was Noon's first lakorn. I'm only thinking this is the remake because all I can hear is "Yhak Gin Leurd" which is the term used fairly in the lakorn.
  178. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Club Friday the Series 12 (Change2561): Various actors

    These storylines are getting recycled. That trailer up above is like the storyline w/ Noon and Aum's celebrity installation one. Noon's sister liked Aum and they had a thing.. lol. I guess there's only so many ways to come up with cheating storylines. The next thing you know they'll include...
  179. M

    ❤️[CH3] Toong Sanaeha (Good Feeling) : Top Jaron/ Toey Jarinporn/ Bomb Tanin/ Denkhun Ngamnet

    I like it so far!! I like Bombs character haha he seems silly. More drama is def gonna happen can’t wait to see it unfold. Thanks for the spoilers! I had a feeling it was going that direction cause there’s so many characters. I like everyone in here haha which is crazy cause it’s some of the...
  180. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Woon Ruk Nak Kaao: Andrew Gregson / Noon Woranuch

    I’m gonna watch the whole episode and get back. I watched half and I like it so far! I think even if Andrew and Noon hate each other, their scenes are pretty entertaining and I feel the chemistry. Doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic but more of they go along really well, acting and look...
  181. M

    ❤️[CH7] Sapai Import (Pordeecom) : Mik Thongraya/Min Pechaya

    Lol you’re so funny! Surprising right?! I usually don’t find comedy funny and the comments here says the lakorn isn’t that funny but I think I’ve been too much into heavy dramas that this is actually funny HAHAHA. Also I don’t have high expectations for comedy, so I just watch it for whatever...
  182. M

    ❤️[CH7] Sapai Import (Pordeecom) : Mik Thongraya/Min Pechaya

    Lol I like this lakorn. Mik and Min are super cute. I love Mik’s mom in here haha and how she’s always on Min’s side. It’s light hearted and an easy watch
  183. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wimarn Montra (Dida) : BigM Krittarit/Toon Pimpavee

    This lakorn started out so good but when it went to the modern time it was SO STUPID. I can’t believe it took one of the worst turns and it started to get so dumb and all the characters in the new life like the couples are so annoying and cringey!!
  184. M

    ❤️[CH3] Toong Sanaeha (Good Feeling) : Top Jaron/ Toey Jarinporn/ Bomb Tanin/ Denkhun Ngamnet

    Ooooh I'm excited for Noi!! She's gonna kill it. Can't wait, love these types of lakorns LOL
  185. M

    ❤️[ONE31/Netflix] Sleepless Society: Two Pillows & A Lost Soul (The One Enterprise / GMM Studios): Bee Namthip / Not Vorarit

    Haha she did a horror lakorn alooong time ago back in 2004. It was one of my favorites cause it was scary lol She also did a horror movie recently, but that doesn't really count since its a movie haha. As for comedy, she had that one sitcom. I...
  186. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    They can't do this to us!! I'm watching midway just skimming cause I don't want to be too invested. I guess they kept true to the original storyline but like WHY. I usually like sad endings but this one is an exception where it was NOT necessary lmao. Can we get a Noon/Joss reunion? This is way...
  187. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Yuph I think the ending remains the same. I don’t think I’m going to watch it but I think I will just so I can get over this lakorn and not worry about the what if’s haha. Dang it they shoulda changed it! Idk if ima be sad or really angry watching this last episode!!
  188. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Ok, never mind. F this lakorn haha. I think many fans are going to be upset lmfaooo especially the Chinese ones!
  189. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Spoiler pics has given me hope, you all! Look at this:
  190. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Omg looks like a totally different lakorn!! Lmao how did I forgot THAts what it looked like?? I think I like Noons wardrobe and look haha she looks more fierce but in the actual lakorn she’s toned down so much haha the settings look so different too and why does the bed scenes look more risqué...
  191. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Thanks for the spoilers! I’m going to see what happens. The director has had good endings for me in the past so hopefully he makes it a way that doesn’t make it suck if he still has to follow the original storyline!
  192. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Rerng Rita (Sparkling Blue Productions): Grace Kanklao / Amy Klinpratoom / Smart Krissada / Lee Thanat

    So many former Channel 7 faces! I’m glad Grace and Amy are in here!! I like the director. He's directed many lakorns that I've liked, such as Ra Rerng Fai! Even if the storyline kinda sucks, it seems like the director can pull in ways to make the lakorn more interesting with the acting and...
  193. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Thank you! What would I do without you haha. Dang, that seems so long. I thought this was going to end at 20 episodes. :(
  194. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wimarn Montra (Dida) : BigM Krittarit/Toon Pimpavee

    YUI DESERVES AN AWARD!! She’s doing so amazing in here but she never ceases to amaze me. She’s been with Channel 7 sooo long. She’s a great actress and this lakorn is so good! I hate Toon and Ek in here. I’m on Yuis side slapping and killing them loool
  195. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Woon Ruk Nak Kaao: Andrew Gregson / Noon Woranuch

    Dang Noon looks good! I thought her wardrobe in Game Ruk was good but she looks dazzling here. Her character looks biiishy though haha but maybe the original Andrew is an ass haha can’t wait to see this! I’m surprised they’re airing this first. Isn’t there like 10 other lakorns ready to air for...
  196. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wimarn Montra (Dida) : BigM Krittarit/Toon Pimpavee

    OMG I'm shocked as well hahah but the funny thing is Toon is playing Yui's role in the CH.3 lakorn! How weird since this is like her last CH.7 lakorn and its with Yui hahaha
  197. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    So much happening next week!! :O. Khed gonna find out?? Pong being suspicious of Arisa?? Mor finding out about Pong as Khed's son?? Will Khed use her ex baby daddy's sperm? LOL. I should go read the spoilers but I want to see how everything pans out lol. There were a ton of cute scenes between...
  198. M

    ❤️[CH7] Wimarn Montra (Dida) : BigM Krittarit/Toon Pimpavee

    I’m liking this one! Yui is doing great! I’m siding with her even though she’s evil LMAO. She has reasons hahah. The quality is GOOD. Damn Dida. I used to hate Dida productions but they’ve improved and they look high budget!! This makes DaraVdo look more like sh*t lol
  199. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Nee Sanaeha (The One Enterprise): Nus Nussaba / Noona Nuengtida / Ice Paris / Pete Thongchua

    I like it lol. They’re cute together and the storyline is so typical nam nao haha gotta love it. Lily is really pretty in here. I think looks wise she outshines Noona but Noona is doing a great job!! Her and Ice are cute. Didn’t think he could act but he is pretty good lol has he played in...
  200. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    yay more cute scenes tomorrow!! I enjoyed today's episode but can't fully enjoy it knowing it's not gonna last lol. Omg the preview for tomorrow's episode was like 5 minutes LOL did anyone catch that? I felt like I watched everything already lmao
  201. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Noooooo!! I hope this ends at 20 like Raeng Thien. If it’s gonna get complicated cause all I want is Pong and Arisa. I’m guessing next week will be the calm before the storm??
  202. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    BEST EPISODE TODAY!! The willing and then the morning after is my favorite part cause Risa finally confessed her feelings instead of acting dumb like usual lakorns haha and she was so happy seeing that Pong was willing to wait!! And he asked for a hug. They're so damn cute!! And the bet part...
  203. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    I KNOW!! And what's even worse is MOR!! He literally said that Khed is better in bed than Risa, but the only reason he doesn't want to divorce from Risa is cause he doesn't want to be defeated or "pae". OMG what in the actual f#$@!. So basically if he wins Risa back he's gonna have her and...
  204. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Thanks for all the spoilers and episode summaries! I’m excited for episode 10!!! Haha
  205. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    @Koy123 hahah you know me so well! The drama was heavy in Reaun Manoot loool and I enjoyed that one. I'm usually not a big fan of cheating/adultery lakorns but idk why I end up watching these type of dramatic ass lakorns lol. I still need to start Mike and Mookda's. Finals are done this week so...
  206. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    NOOO... gotta wait til next week for the next episode. It looks jammed pack!!! Risa loves Pong, she knows it. But she thinks its morally wrong because she's still with her husband legally and also, she is probably insecure about the age gap and thinks working it out with her hubby is easier than...
  207. M

    [Netflix] The Stranded (Bravo Studios): March Chutavuth / Pat Chayanit / Oab Oabnithi / Beam Papangkorn

    I love this show!! I finished it all last weekend hahah the quality is superb and the acting is really good. So many mysteries!! I want to know everyone's theories of what the hell is happening haha. The last episode was crazy and omg Tor shows up! He's gonna be in season 2?? Lol I'm...
  208. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Not enough Risa and Pong today!! But for what we got, ahhh loved it. Loved their scene in the autoshop!! You can tell Risa has feelings because when Mor touches her, it's just not he same. But there it is again where Risa is easily influenced. She has so many people to tell her to stop her...
  209. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    UGHHH. I feel like it's gotta be Pong's baby but Arissa is going to use it to her advantage to make Mor miserable!! Or she might be persuaded again since she's always easily persuaded lol. She's still living with Mor because she doesn't want to lose all her assets. She invested in the MIL...
  210. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    The episodes are too short!! I can't wait for next week, ugh. I loved how Joss got a job and wants to work and get his life together cause he wants to be with Arissa!! It was cute how he called Arissa to check up on his grandma too. I hate how Mor is doing everything to get Arissa back but I...
  211. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Ahhh loving the chemistry between Pong and Arissa. I'm so annoyed of Mor wanting her back now!! I love everything Pong does for Arissa. Their scenes are so cute. I loved when he hugged her at the hospital.
  212. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    Haha same. Mor is the worst! He only wants Arisa back because she doesn't need him. But when she did for moral support, he goes and cheats on her. He's the worst human being... and he's going to judge Pong for being a manwhore but at least Pong doesn't cheat! Lmao. OMGGG that would be the best...
  213. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    Dang the ratings for this lakorn are LOW. This ended today by the way, so any admin can move this to the old lakorn section. I can't believe I finished the whole lakorn haha. I think I'm only one of the few that even watched this. I actually enjoyed this lakorn. It wasn't the best, probably...
  214. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    ME TOO!!! Pong is so good to her and really cares for her. They're so cute! I like the height difference too and their chemistry. He's willing to help get Mor back for Arisa, but ugh I don't want Arisa to get back with Mor. Arisa's character is ugh sometimes. She gives in and just goes with peer...
  215. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    That's awesome!! I'm definitely enjoying it. Can't wait for next week haha. I can't wait until Noon gets back at Beam and his mom. They're b*tches!
  216. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    NOOOOOOOOOOOO today's episode SUCKS. My two favorite characters died. :( I don't wanna watch anymore hahah but I wanna see what happens lol.
  217. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    I do, too! I wish there were subs for you or this was put on an easily accessible streaming service so we could talk about it haha. But I enjoy your updates, so thank you so much. Thanks for the names! Wow, that's great to know. I think I stopped Hormones before Pea appears cause I don't really...
  218. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    I'm still watching this haha, thanks for all the names. I don't know these new actors. Are they new? I know sometimes they play in some dramas I don't watch initially haha. Junior (Tote) is going to be used by Nui and the grandma. He isn't even the real child but they cut off his toe to match...
  219. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Game Rak Ao Keun (Sparkling Blue Productions): Nune Woranuch / Joss Way-ar / Beam Kawee / Pat Napapa

    I just watched the first episode and I liked it! Noon looks good with Joss haha even though there's a big age gap. I'm interested to see how this will unfold. I love Pat too, I haven't been able to watch any of her recent dramas but she's still a great actress from what I watched today. Noon...
  220. M

    [PPTV] Glarb Bpai Soo Whan Fun: Pok Piyada / Oil Thana / Smart Krisada / Beam Kawee

    The first episode was gooood! Thank god PPTV is partnering up with good studios. This is a CHANGE lakorn, so the acting, cinemtography, etc. looks modern and not low budget. The quality is good! So Pok isn't going to be her younger self! Makes sense!! She actually is going to become her niece...
  221. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    OMG Nui is doing such a good job!! I've never seen her act before and dang she's impressive. She plays the lowkey shady biatch well. She reminds of me Nampeung lol.
  222. M

    ❤️[ONE31] My Ambulance (The One Enterprise / Nadao Bangkok): Sunny Suwanmethanont / Mai Davika

    lol I’m not even gonna watch the ending cause she chose Chalarm. Ugh lmao
  223. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    You’re right haha I think Ja and R will have a daughter and she’s going to play the flute like the dad. She kinda looks like Ja too. It was so unexpected what happened to Nott. I didn’t think he’d become paralyzed and a vegetable. He’s so dang useless. He kinda pissed me off cause he really...
  224. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Dao Lhong Fah (Jun25): Masu Junyangdeekul & Natalie Panalee

    Haha I haven't had a chance to catch an episode yet but a lot of my friends and family are loving the lakorn. I need to binge!! Maybe I'll see you there soon haha :) I like Natalie too. This lakorn seems a bit too raeng for her though.. judging from the trailer.
  225. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Dao Lhong Fah (Jun25): Masu Junyangdeekul & Natalie Panalee

    Teaser credit to CH.3 and Rakdara Idk what I'm doing in this thread. I don't watch either of the leads haha.
  226. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    The first episode wasn't the best, but dang the 2nd episode and on is pretty good. I can't stand how weak Noon is but I know she'll have her vengeance and reading the summary, I knew that they had to beat her down before she becomes evil. So for me, I don't mind haha. I was worried how bad she'd...
  227. M

    [PPTV] Glarb Bpai Soo Whan Fun: Pok Piyada / Oil Thana / Smart Krisada / Beam Kawee

    Dang. This looks so good! I'm excited to try it. Such a different storyline. I didn't know it would have to do with a ring taking her back as a younger version of herself.
  228. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    I'm loving this lakorn haha but it's probably cause I enjoyed the other installments. Basically, Cheer is telling the mom that how come it's a big deal that she goes out into the forest to do a dance/ritual for her Mien culture, but when she almost got killed and injured, no one goes out and...
  229. M

    [ONE31] Leh Pummared (The One Enterprise): Tre Porapat / Marie Broenner / Janistar

    Haha I loved the one with Pong and Pim. The storyline is so messed up but I loved it. Can't wait to see who they cast. Nussaba was the older sister in the last one, they'll probably cast an older veteran for her role. I can see Tangmo, Pinky, etc. in that role
  230. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    Loving this lakorn. Cheer is so good! I love the whole cast. Captain plays the annoying player well ugh haha I just wanna slap him. I really like Organ. Her and Cheer remind me of Noon and Noon's servant in Reaun Benjapit. Is anyone watching this that watched Reuan Benjapit?? It's really...
  231. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    Airing tomorrow. If an admin can please pin this up, thanks! Here are like 5 more teasers lmao. Credit to Ch.7 youtube
  232. M

    ❤️[ONE31] My Ambulance (The One Enterprise / Nadao Bangkok): Sunny Suwanmethanont / Mai Davika

    I agree!! Its such a disappointment cause it was getting good and everything seems so random now. I feel what you said, things seem so forced. And like the characters have no development or any logical reasoning behind some of the stuff they do. I feel like there's just fillers in there to...
  233. M

    ❤️[ONE31] My Ambulance (The One Enterprise / Nadao Bangkok): Sunny Suwanmethanont / Mai Davika

    Im loving this lakorn so much!! This is the only thing I'm watching and I'm super surprised cause the trailer threw me off but I'm love with the series now. I love everyone's acting in here, especially Mai! She comes off cute without being annoying haha. Oh I don't like the second girl though...
  234. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    Pupe has never caught my attention and there's something I can't put my hands on but I can't get into watching her lakorns. If this lakorn is good enough it'll be my first time finishing her lakorn haha. I'm def gonna give it a try since it's Noon's comeback lakorn to CH.7 but it doesn't look...
  235. M

    ❤️[CH7] Song Naree (Pordeecom): Min Pechaya/ Thanwa Suriyajak/ Great Supol

    LMAO true. I was like why do they have nice bods too most of the rapers are old and gross some looked like they worked out hahah. Lol same with me except I didn't watch the original but my sisters did and they enjoyed it hahah. Lol thats a channel 7 lakorn for you, but you kinda get used to it...
  236. M

    ❤️[CH7] Song Naree (Pordeecom): Min Pechaya/ Thanwa Suriyajak/ Great Supol

    Wait... did Neung really hire those guys to rape her?? That was the first part, wtf kinda messed up shiii as that??? I never liked Min's acting lmao but I'ma tune in just to see how this goes first eppy
  237. M

    ❤️[CH3] Daai Daeng: (???) :: Poh Nattawut / Cris Horwang

    I liked the first episode!! Haha wow this is an AMAZING cast! I feel like I have to watch it cause I honestly like everyone in here. I love Joy R!! She’s good in here haha finally. I love when she plays good roles but she is so talented she can do both and her as the good girl after being bad is...
  238. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Siang Euan Sateuan Dao (The One Enterprise): Kaimook Snickke / Point Cholawit

    I like this lakorn! Kaimook I’ve always admired! She still has room for improvement but she’s doing good as her lakorn debut! Point is always on point haha I love his acting! I hope he gets more leading roles!! He can play good or bad and be good at it haha. The songs are good and I love the...
  239. M

    ❤️[CH7] Hua Jai Look Poochai (Media Studio): Now Tisanart / Kem Hussawee

    OMG!! I'm only on episode 9 and I wanna smack Nop!! It's a nope for me lol. He drew the line. My poor Bpin. She deserves so much better! She loves him sooooo much. All these past episodes gosh Now acts so damn good, it's like she's really in love with him. Every emotion she's shown has been so...
  240. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    I just watched the ending after stopping from episode 3. The ending was okay haha Prim is a MILF. Why didn’t they give her wrinkles lmao. It was funny seeing James call her Nah when she looks exactly like Kasalong reborn haha. I give props to Yayas acting. It was so phenomenal. James did ok haha...
  241. M

    ❤️ Various ET News Here is a link to an article for more info of the pageant drama lol. I guess Coco doesn't give a rats about what anyone thinks. She probably feels more...
  242. M

    ❤️[CH7] Reua Manut: Om Akapan/Grace Kanklao

    You know what was sad? She stated at the beginning of the episode selling flowers but ended with finale with selling her body. It’s so sad but it’s truth, and I like how you stated that her mom wanted the easy way out for her. Awwh I give you props for watching it raw lol. Let me know if you...
  243. M

    ❤️[CH7] Reua Manut: Om Akapan/Grace Kanklao

    Wow, did you catch all the episodes already? Haha thanks for talking to me. I never came back to the thread cause it was so dead lol
  244. M

    ❤️[CH7] Hua Jai Look Poochai (Media Studio): Now Tisanart / Kem Hussawee

    I'm behind in a lot of lakorns I want to watch. This is on my list haha I'm glimpsing through episode 1... why does this feel like the Man Series part 1?? Ugh the brother is the exact same, wanting to be doctor.. P'ek gets misunderstood, nang aek is rich.... hahah the leads are more appealing...
  245. M

    ❤️[CH7] Reua Manut: Om Akapan/Grace Kanklao

    Ok I finally caught the ending. It didn't really meet my expectations. The lakorn was really good throughout each episode and I felt like the payout at the ending wasn't as satisfying. It did have a lot of teachings, but I felt like everyone just "redeemed" themselves way too fast. I felt like...
  246. M

    ❤️[CH7] Reua Manut: Om Akapan/Grace Kanklao

    Awwh you're too sweet. Thank you, that made my day! Haha I totally agree with you. Not everyone in this lakorn is perfect. I hated Nussaba's character and thought she was so self-centered and selfish, but she does have some character progression throughout and the thing is, I like how Grace...
  247. M

    ❤️[CH7] Reua Manut: Om Akapan/Grace Kanklao

    Hahah yeah! I'm on the last episode this week since I was busy with a family funeral last week I'm not all caught up. I can't believe I watched this lakorn entirely lol. I liked it, there was enough of the storyline to keep me watching without getting bored. I really liked Carissa as Kiew in...
  248. M

    [CH3] Lai Kinnaree (Act Art): Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya

    omg!!! I forgot about Kleun Cheewit. How did I forget??? My sister and I wanted to strangle him in there lol. I have PTSD of him from that lakorn lol maybe that's why I forgot. I can only imagine him being that way again in a lakorn like this haha. Jason Young would be good haha I'm watching his...
  249. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    Lol she's saving most of his scenes for real though hahaha. Yeah the second girl she's really likeable hahah she's not those slaves who try to stir up the pot, she just has to have Songpeep's back or else she'd get smacked up hahaha. I think Yaya's scenes this week seem comedic cause the way...
  250. M

    [CH3] Lai Kinnaree (Act Art): Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya

    Tik being dropped in general is an upgrade haha. I'm excited for this lakorn, the storyline seems really good! I hope they don't cast Louis as the french guy. He plays the second annoying lead very well.. like in Sawan Biang/Bupphae Sanniwat/Plerng Boon/ everything lmfao. I like him better as...
  251. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    I'm all caught up now but there's not much to talk about haha. It's not one of those lakorns where I'm like OOOH can't wait until blah blah blah lol. It's more like, lets see how this develops type of lakorn lmao. If Yaya wasn't in here I'm not sure if I would watch either. I think the storyline...
  252. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Bai Mai Tee Plid Plew (Change2561) : Push Puttichai / Bifern Pimchanok/ Sam Yuranant

    Yesss thank you for this!! Makes sense. I haven't ever known about the surgical process or what trans people go through. This is an eye opener and very knowledge gaining.
  253. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    I haven't watched it yet. I will be back with my thoughts!! :)
  254. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Bai Mai Tee Plid Plew (Change2561) : Push Puttichai / Bifern Pimchanok/ Sam Yuranant

    Haha I think the same. But I felt like it was such a random scene to put in. I can see them putting it in later, so we can see maybe she has some sort of reasoning or she's so raeng that she does it just because she does it. But it was still early on, I don't think we needed that yet LOL. I'm...
  255. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Bai Mai Tee Plid Plew (Change2561) : Push Puttichai / Bifern Pimchanok/ Sam Yuranant

    Lol well I understand that it’s the whole plot of the lakorn LOOOL. Doesn’t really answer my question haahah
  256. M

    ❤️[CH7]Jao Sao Gae Kat (59 On Air): Chap Vorakorn/Grace Patsita/Sun Pichayadon/Libya Nattarin

    Thanks @xdanavelvetx for the review. I like Grace too so I'm going to try it for her. I wanted to kill her in Lhong Ngao Jhun but she did so well I couldn't just stop going back to like her. Haha I like Chap too so I'm curious to see how things play out with them two.
  257. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Bai Mai Tee Plid Plew (Change2561) : Push Puttichai / Bifern Pimchanok/ Sam Yuranant

    Anyone try the first episode? I like it haha but the scene where the mom gets into the accident was so under budget using CGI. It looked like a cartoon animation/Tesla dashboard presentation. I also don't understand the dildo scene? Why did Baifern stick it up herself when she wasn't even...
  258. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    The first episode was good and as others has said it wasn't phenomenal but I thought it did a good job introducing the modern times. I think Ya is acting great as the bratty Pimpisa haha when she does it, I don't get annoyed since I have seen some actresses portray bratty but come off too...
  259. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    I am still really into the lakorn! The weekend was way busy with too many events. I finally caught up and all I have to say is DAMN. Every episode was jammed packed!! Friday's episode was so raeng with the whole medicine scenario, then Saturday's episode was so crazy with Ben's accident along...
  260. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    Yeah I read the summary! I hope for the best. Even if his acting has sucked I’ve seen him progressively try and like KitKat said, he had an awesome coach like Donut haha I thought I was the only one! This lakorn hit me by surprise. I didn’t know I would be so engaged in it and now I’m feeling...
  261. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    Haha there's something about James that I like and draws me, so I don't completely shut him off. But I just haven't found a lakorn that I liked the overall acting, production, storyline etc. from him to recognize his acting hahah. But from clips and stuff I watched with my parents he doesn't...
  262. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    Oh yeah Ka Badin, hahah that was when I was on lakorn break and I didn't get to watch it. And now I don't really have much interest to go back. I haven't even finished a Matt lakorn haha not sure why. My parents love James though hahah they've enjoyed most of his lakorns where I haven't really...
  263. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    Oooh thank you for the info! Noi Busakorn, Ken's wife is gonna be in Toong Sanaeha and I look forward to it! She hasn't acted in forever haha so I'm hoping this lakorn will be her great comeback. Knowing that Nychaa will be in the latter part makes me want to watch it even more now hahah...
  264. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    Hahahha I knew I would get called out. Idk, my parents love James but I haven't seen a role from him that's pulled me in lmao. Yaya next to him just makes him more average than he already is. But they do look cute together haha and from the MV, they got some intimate scenes. I just need some...
  265. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    I'm so excited for this one haha. Yaya is so gorgeous. I really love her voice haha. Can't wait to see her skills in this one, I know she'll do great! Here is the OST!
  266. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Raeng Ngao 2 (Broadcast Thai) : Janie Tienphosuwan / Ken Phupoom

    Wait I saw some clips that Oom was not bad after all she was just part of a plan?? Like wth lmao. And it ended?! That was quick!!
  267. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    I agree, it was so sad to see. Yoghurt is perfect at her role too. She plays the mischievous scheming wife well haha. I don't even know if it's getting buzz but I hope it is and it gets lots of recognition. For a cast that no one really wanted to follow, since it wasn't ideal pranangs, it sure...
  268. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    Wow still a great pace!! Haha damn Nychaa, loving her in here. She plays the fierce revenge-seeking Kalin well. And I really like that the storyline didn't drag her being stupid for too long head over heels for In. I'm glad she gets to see his true colors in the middle of the episodes and I love...
  269. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    Haha I love it!! I'm glad there's another lakorn we can talk about together haha. I can't believe Pam is lesbo!!! I was shocked to see her all over Thi. No wonder she is so possesive. Honestly, Thi should get with Pam instead of In hahahaha she gets treated so badly by In lmao.
  270. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    This is the only lakorn I look forward to hahaha. Omg I love it. I love the storyline and I love how the time jump is portrayed. In my personal opinion, I feel like this lakorn is very well written. The flow is super smooth and in the beginning I was worried it was just going to be too much...
  271. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    Just watched episode 2! I'm liking it a lot haha probably the only lakorn that interests me at the moment. I like how Nychaa goes back in time, although her past character is killed off already. But at the end of episode 2, she looks like she gets to roam around. How does her hair pin work...
  272. M

    ❤️[CH3] Plerng Prang Thien (Good Feeling Production) : Toey Pongsakorn / Nychaa Nuttanicha

    I just caught the first episode. It was actually really good. I like the cast haha and Nychaa, this is the most excelling role I've seen of her! This is the first lakorn I've seen of the friend in here played by Saimai and I think she's super good. I had to look if she's had main roles before...
  273. M

    ❤️[Ch.On31] Sleepless Society The Series (?) : Ploy Chermarn/ Mild Mac

    This one is actually really good. The editing/camera quality/storyline/acting is pretty professional. It's mysterious too! I recommend it if you like thriller/horror. It's not that scary but gives you creepish vibes lol. I'm wondering what's going to happen and if Ploy's child is really back or...
  274. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    I think it's ending tomorrow. Please... everyone is already killed off LMAO
  275. M

    ❤️[CH7] Fai Hima (Polyplus): Kwan Usamanee/Louis Hesse

    Oh did I not watch it fully?? Haha what a tease. Okay, thanks for clarification. Sorry for everyone who read my spoiler being sad xD Okay, I understand my confusion hahah I watched bits and pieces with my parents and they told me that ending version, so when I went to skim through myself I...
  276. M

    ❤️[CH7] Fai Hima (Polyplus): Kwan Usamanee/Louis Hesse

    I didn't watch this one fully but was super surprised by the ending. Did anyone else see that coming? It's quite sad :(
  277. M

    ❤️[CH7] Reua Manut: Om Akapan/Grace Kanklao

    The first episode was actually really good at introducing all the characters and setting up the storyline. I feel like each person has their flaw and I want to see how everything unfolds/develops. Carissa is going to get with Nussaba's husband, played by Santisuk. I'm ready to see her ahah she's...
  278. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    I'm still watching hahah but there's not much to talk about. I kinda put it in the background when I'm doing other stuff though lol but I don't miss much when I do hahah
  279. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Raeng Ngao 2 (Broadcast Thai) : Janie Tienphosuwan / Ken Phupoom

    Thank you so much for the clarification!! Yes, this drama is a MESS. Like I can't even keep up who's plotting against who and who's motives are what. And it's going to even be more complicated as Peter and Oom are added. I agree, I don't think they needed to add this part. I think they did it...
  280. M

    ❤️[Ch3] Raeng Ngao 2 (Broadcast Thai) : Janie Tienphosuwan / Ken Phupoom

    I didn't really watch the first one either and I tried the first episode. I get it without really watching the first one, but I'm honestly really pissed watching this. All the characters suck!! Moonin's work is sooo stupid, and all the characters are trying to cause unnecessary drama. I just...
  281. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    The story is about the two Yong brothers, which are Captain and Nott. The brothers are the best cloth traders of Pra Nakon city. Something happened where Nott has to travel to the Mien tribe in order to get the best silk worm for their cloth trade (this may be the same golden silk worm that was...
  282. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Ra Rerng Fai with Ken and Noon! I loooved them as a couple.
  283. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    This lakorn put me on an emotional rollercoaster! It was such a great lakorn. I'm going to miss it so much. I love the recap at the end. They basically put the whole lakorn in a montage with the theme song playing. It just got me feeling all the feelings I did in each scene all over again. They...
  284. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    I'll come back to read all your thoughts! Cause seriously, this lakorn will stick with me for a long time now and all the emotions I'm feeling will still be the same :(
  285. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    I'm loving the closure between Reynu and Philai. I didn't think we'd get this! Kudos, so much closure haha. Oh and same!! I was like, there's gotta be something... and yes we were right hahha
  286. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Me too!! OMGGGGG one spoiler I didn't know!
  287. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Oh no.. Yoi found out about Chai from the newspaper. All her flashbacks are making me so sad. :( omg chills...
  288. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    So true.. knowing how selfless Reynu is, she'll take her if Khun Noo will let her hahah.
  289. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Hopefully that is the last of her haha cause I wanna punch her face. What happens with his daughter with her though?? I mean she'll be fine cause she's gonna be well taken care of, but she might have a few step dads lmao.
  290. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    She's such a biatch. She rather have Chai die than to deal with him being disabled and taking care of his bills. Her face was basically like "good riddance". Can we have an extra 10 mins to see her karma??? lol
  291. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Damn.. Chai's accident, brutal. I just feel bad for Yoi.. she's going through her own health problems. So sad she's having the same dream as Ah See when he passed. Her seeing Chai, gives me the chills. Hehe, Pok getting lessons from Yoi to not tease his little brother and to take care of his...
  292. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Does he even know who his mom is?? For a kid that is straight up, he's still denying it hahhaha
  293. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    He tells it as it is, unlike his mom. Hahah she said she lies to herself to make things better. Pok's probably been through a lot with the monks and they probably taught him to just be straight forward hahhaha
  294. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Ok your spelling, way better. Hahah Pranoth.. love it lol omg Pranoth the only one smiling in the pic hahah so cute lmaoo
  295. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Poor Reynu, all the hurt that has been built throughout the years without Chai. Must be so hard to face him. He is so ugh still, he still seems so reluctant to win Reynu back. He needs to show more emotion!! Fight for her. Yell for her back haha. But his personality, he's so calm lmao. He's like...
  296. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Damn 6 to 7 years?? Reynu knows Chai's schedule to avoid him! Haha so cute how they visit Ma but separate. I think Pok is still a good son cause he listens to his mom haha but he's just a natural teasing meany lolol I still am angsty towards Chai but for the sake of Reynu... my heart!!
  297. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Ahhh why is Reynu giving false hopes hahah. What if Chai doesn't come back?? Oooh looks like they're living in a new nicer home. Never noticed lol. Ma is so good to her grandchildren. The one daughter likes to sew... what if she's Ah See reborn?? So sad.. since the love of his life was a sewer...
  298. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Imagine them having their very own Bae boys but in their town hahaha. Reynu's first son Bok is so mean! Wasn't he raised in the temple lol, he needs to be nicer to his younger brother hahah.
  299. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    omg soooo many kids! They're all so cute haha. So manyg girls! Ah Chai
  300. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Same.. it is going to be a rushed ending. Like many years went by but it seems like it's only been 2 hours that went by LOOOL.
  301. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Omg... Ah Tong and Boonplook LOOOL. This is the first lakorn I'm watching live. I didn't know it was just 7:30 am here in the state I'm in lol
  302. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Dang... awesome performance by Pear!!! The tears, the frustration, the acting... she's sooo good!! She deserves so much recognition. I almost cried and why the hell am I feeling sorry for the rai?? Holy.. she may be bad but she shows she is human for just wanting to live a good life.
  303. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Raeng Tian : Ploy Cherman/New Wongsakorn/Yardthip Rajpal/Khun Chanon/Gina the Face

    Omg, Yard and Ploy reunion?? I loved them in their lakorn with Paul!!! Omg only if Paul was in here. Seems like the roles switched up where Yard is the baddie now! New is okay to me, I'm looking forward to new pairings at a new channel. Exciting!~
  304. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    Maprang is super pretty. She dances very well too from the little spoof we got of her being possessed. She acts good too.. I want to see her in a different lakorn now lol as a main lead with Bright. They're cute but not enough scenes. The lakorn is kinda repetitive. Back and forth. Wish it had...
  305. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Sorry, my summary wasn't so good haha it was more of my thoughts on today's episode! But here's a better summary of today: The doctor Pilai contacted came to cure Yoi. He proved to everyone she was under a curse when he broke the egg yolk and blood came out. He also got Yoi to spit out blood...
  306. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Haha so nice seeing Pilai go crazy! Did Tim ever pull through with putting black magic on her? It seems like it, but at the same time I think it's her own karma! She was so money hungry, she now has the jewels that Cherd stole. This was such a jammed-packed episode. You could still tell Yoi is...
  307. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    I was kinda thrown off by Jame's acting during his scene with Mai. He didn't even shed a single tear. It was hard to watch, especially when those suckier actors like Denkhun and Richie can cry on queue lol. He's still a great actor, but it didn't feel as real as it should have. Maybe he's all...
  308. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    The side chick was paired up with Aun in Ra Rerng Fai and I hated her character cause she was weak and annoying even by her looks. Now her looks in here make me annoyed of her too haha she still hasn’t given me the best impression lmao
  309. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    I just finished episode 15 and dang, so much angst, heartbreak, and drama! I live for it haha it was a great episode. I about shed a tear when Wahna put Ah Si's shirt onto his casket and loved how Reynu observed it all. I loved how that scene was executed. It made it more sad to see that her...
  310. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Yeah! She did! So this goes with the whole spoilers in the past from Bit and Kaetlyn of who took off the black magic first. Pilai still is going to take it off even though it may be out already. I think she just wants to prove to everyone Reynu used black magic to spite her. I could be wrong, I...
  311. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    I think he's the doctor that Pilai has been trying to get Yoi to see and get her black magic taken off. This might set the story for the villagers throwing eggs at Wahna and Reynu.
  312. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I've just been reading comments cause it's hard to catch up in this thread haha but I'm so disappointed by Sila. I don't care if it was in the book, remakes change all the time. And I don't care if he's slept with countless women, but he came back into Min's and Kwan's life around the same time...
  313. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Yesterday's episode was really good. I think the pace started to pick up, last week it felt a bit slow like Karn and Pen's story dragged but now they are happy and things are resolved, it feels like things picked up. I loved how Asa brought Pen's parents to them and they were all tough and...
  314. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Starting to hate Chai and don't want him with Reynu LOL.
  315. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    Haha I didn’t watch the old version of Hua Jai Sila too! But I watched this version hahaha I really like the nang aek she’s cute! I like the nang aek in here too. She has cute personality lol Lol Diew was also Pims drunk hubby in Sai Ruk Sawaat. It’s just crazy to me he was p’ek in old version...
  316. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    Haha not sure, I didn't see the old version. But I suspect she kills em all... got to hahaha. He's 32! According to his Wiki lol
  317. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    Someone in here who has watched the old version! Hi!! I don't know why I didn't watch the old version. I watched all of Fang's lakorns back in the days. Homegirl has hella remakes from her lakorns although she's not memorable as a nang aek her lakorns were good haha. Like Hua Jai Sila is being...
  318. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    I really love the song! It's so sad. Charabelle looks so scary in the water haha. I'm already gonna hate the Mhor Phee/Tao. I was catching a glimpse of the old version. It looks like nang aek's mom gets powers later to fight Euang Jun?? Lol. I think pranang are really cute together haha they...
  319. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    omgggg today's episode lol. my parents were rooting for Reynu to slap Pilai one more time at the temple and BAM... she spits!!! So satisfying hahahahh.
  320. M

    [ONE31]Pathu Kat: Tre/Plengkwan/Neng/Bifern Anchasa

    I'm actually excited cause I liked Mam and Plengkwan in their last lakorn together haha but I don't think they're going to be mom and daughter again. The p'ek I never heard of.. lol. I like Bifern too so I'll check this out. Hopefully the storyline is interesting lol
  321. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    I’m not sure! But if it follows the other lakorn it’ll be at least 20 something haha. Yeah they don’t suit each other but at least they don’t end up together haha. I honestly feel like Charabelle is so young still. She could have gotten the daughter role but I guess they casted her as the ghost...
  322. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    I think the storyline will be a prequel actually when I think about it. I think it's unrelated to Ruen Benjapit but the mask might be the thing which connects them, which in my theory this one might talk about the origin of the mask, and that's only because I'm putting clues together from...
  323. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I'm just catching up on episode 9 and how the hell did I miss that it was "Devil's Club" and not "Da View Club"?!! OMGGG hahaha everyone pronoucing it like 'Da View' made me call it 'Da View Club' too hahaha. It wasn't until Ceeda's sister found the card I realized this LOLOL.
  324. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    Yay!! You're back haha. I missed you from the other thread lol
  325. M

    [GMM25]Nang Marn: Nike Nitidon, Jakjaan Akhamsiri, Kratip Sawankorn, Yingying Sarucha

    I’m so confused with this lakorn lol. I’m watching for Jakjaan!
  326. M

    ❤️[CH3] BROKEN 2 (Master One) : Alex Theeradeth & Ja Jittapa

    I think the same production would be good. Do you know why didn't Maker didn't take this and Act Art did? Haha I do get a different feel from the two lakorns and it seems inconsistent. I was rewatching Sood Kaen scenes and sometimes it doesn't seem like they're in the same universe/era lol. The...
  327. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Okay just finished episode 11! The Richie/Denkhun drama is getting repetitive. I'm glad by the middle of the episode, it's not much of them. Just Richie fainting and our angel Asa giving her a place to stay until she can figure what the hell she gonna do with her life lmao. I thought she was...
  328. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    Ahh! Wonder if it's going to be the original cast in here. I feel like Cheer may be one of their daughters and they'll just cast older generation for the parents.
  329. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Omg! The guy playing young Ah Tia sounds just like him hahaha. But the girl doesn't give me Yoi vibes. She seems too calm lmao
  330. M

    ❤️[CH3] BROKEN 2 (Master One) : Alex Theeradeth & Ja Jittapa

    Hahah I totally get that though. I don't think it's good as Sood Saen and I'm a bit dissapointed in some of the scenes too that could be more raeng but nothing really to watch at the moment. I think what gets me going with KK is the spoilers I read.. I wanna see how everything goes down haha...
  331. M

    ❤️[CH3] BROKEN 2 (Master One) : Alex Theeradeth & Ja Jittapa

    Hahah wahooo thanks for your recommendation lmao. My parents didn't watch the first one either and started this one. They don't know all the different types of conditions these kids have lol they don't understand autism and addiction, etc so it's hard to explain to them but as they watch it...
  332. M

    ❤️[CH3] BROKEN 2 (Master One) : Alex Theeradeth & Ja Jittapa

    Haha that makes me feel better with putting it off Mel. Thanks! Lol I never watched the first one and to be honest it's because I don't usually watch Ja or Alex and thought it'd was like those skippable evening lakorns. But dang I was so judgmental haha. Should I just watch the first one now...
  333. M

    ❤️[CH3] BROKEN 2 (Master One) : Alex Theeradeth & Ja Jittapa

    This lakorn is so well produced and gives me such modern vibes. The way things are directed and how the ending credits come up, I'm like wow they're so professional and detailed. I liked the first episode but I don't have time for all these lakorns haha. I might put this back and binge it. But I...
  334. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    I caught the first episode and I feel so bad for Charabelle's character. Hoping to get her revenge for all they did to her and her little brother. Also, I thought Captain was going to be bad but I guess he's good afterall. Unfortunate they couldn't be together. I think nang aek is going to be...
  335. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Can't wait to see today's episode haha. I caught yesterday's episode but nothing much to talk about. I like the mutual brother/sister relationship between Asa/Phen. It was sweet how she cried after Asa had left. I feel like she feels so thankful and lucky to have been married to him and not some...
  336. M

    ❤️[Ch.One31] Reuan Mai Majurat (One Enterprise) : Cheer Thikumporn/ Captain Phuthanet/ Organ Watcharapolmek

    So is this a continuation of Reuan Benjapit??? Cause they made it seem like there's a new mask at the end and all. I liked that lakorn, I was hooked! Lol
  337. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Yayyy Khun Tri survives this version. Not as bad. Pawanee killed like only 2 people! Haha the lawyer and Por Namngeun. I liked how they did the ending with Dao and Tri. It was satisfactory but nothing oozing of greatness or wowness. Haha is Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn after this? Looking forward to...
  338. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Hahah I get that, but to me he got another girl pregnant. He don’t need another girl pregnant especially when it’s out of lust hahah. That horny boy. You’re right though about the cramp and soap thing LOL
  339. M

    I feel like it's so people can rewatch to prepare for Raeng Ngao 2. I think that's airing soon haha.

    I feel like it's so people can rewatch to prepare for Raeng Ngao 2. I think that's airing soon haha.
  340. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Just caught up to the latest episode. It's still good and I'm loving the lakorn still. I am hopeful I finish this lakorn cause I couldn't finish BPS and PKNH... although I think Bella is an amazing actress haha. My first reaction to this episode was DAMN when Ah See choked out Mala. Hahah...
  341. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Ending tomorrow! We get a fight between Amy and Aom. I'm so sad for Jes. I love his character and how much he loves Vill. He's super understanding and I'm sad he's put in the position he's in.
  342. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Whoever is still watching or needs to hear this: they finally meet in yesterday's episode and today they just found out about Nott's character dying. The preview for tomorrow says one more person will die.. who will it be? Well in the old version it was 2 more people haha so they cut down the...
  343. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Wow thanks for the spoilers. I love the details @bit @Katelyn! I'm so shocked to read these spoilers cause it doesn't seem like all of this would happen but so much still needs to happen and it does teach karma. Loving the lessons.
  344. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Today’s episode was so good. Richie has definitely improved lol. Denkhun’s performance is amazing. I feel so sad for his mom. When I see them crying it breaks my heart. Loving how Yoi is buying out the clothing store for Reynu and Wahna. Wahna is so adorable haha I really enjoy her scenes with...
  345. M

    ❤️[CH7] Lhong Ngao Jun (?) : Thanwa Suriyajak / Sammy Cowell

    Haha I kinda wanna rewatch the old one. I thought Kob and Stefan were so cute. But I remember the old one made me upset too haha. Khem this version is really raeng like I feel like she’s more evil this version. And the mom in the last version wasn’t even memorable to me but this version she’s so...
  346. M

    ❤️[CH7] Lhong Ngao Jun (?) : Thanwa Suriyajak / Sammy Cowell

    Damn it. Yeah I remember the old version he wasn’t. I meant whore as in just loving Khem hahaha not being with multiple women LOL. Thanks for the info you have great memory lol
  347. M

    ❤️[CH7] Lhong Ngao Jun (?) : Thanwa Suriyajak / Sammy Cowell

    I don't remember the old version, is Benz supposed to get with Amp?? He's a whore in here and I don't want them to end up together haha. I want her to end up with Thanwa's friend, Aek. Lmao I'm just snooping by this but it's pretty enjoyable. I'm just not fond of Thanwa but giving him a shot...
  348. M

    ❤️[ONE31]Kaew Khon Lek: Cee Siwat/ Noona Nuengthida/ Ohm Atshar

    Trailer credit to OneHD Wow still crazy to me to see both Cee and Rome in another channel and together. The plot seems interesting but the CGI and supernatural stuff is not my taste lol
  349. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    I like the second OST too. Denkhun's acting is pretty good in here and he made me teary when he was crying on his mom's lap. Richie is doing pretty well compared to the previous work I've seen of her. But I'm not sure if it's her acting or if she's just good playing these depressed/expresionless...
  350. M

    ❤️[CH3] The Man Series Part 3 : Pat (Master One VDO Production) :: Cake Nattavat / Nink Saranya

    I gotta start this one. It's my mom and dad's favorite part out of the whole series. My mom says she cried a lot lol
  351. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    I'm still watching this. I'm sad for Nott this version. He became good early on but his tactics were kind of dumb to get his wife to know the truth. I feel like there is so much communication errors lol. And Point is soo annoying. I don't remember Puri being this annoying. I feel like his dad...
  352. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    This lakorn was hard to start for me, idk why haha. I'm still one episode behind but I am enjoying it so far! I'm really loving everyone's performance. I didn't like Mai's acting at first but I think I'm warming up to her. On the first episode, I was thinking why they couldn't cast a veteran...
  353. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    I think this is ending in a week and a half. I can't see them dragging it out further. Plus, the old version when the dad started to get poisoned by was about to end lol. Hahah I'll just talk to myself and give updates to those who wanna watch but aren't watching LOOOL. It'll help you...
  354. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Ugh Point knows the truth but won't spoil it cause he doesn't wanna lose his mom. He's exactly like his dad!!! Lol so many miscommunication issues. Nott shoulda just told Amy himself but I think he was too scared and didn't wanna hurt her so he put it in a message. Jes is dumb.. he's seen Vill's...
  355. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    I end up hating Boom's character cause I hate his family LMAO. I liked Now better with Chap too. Boom is not p'ek material when he talks lol.
  356. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    If I remember vaguely.. P'ek was useful I think in some way. I think he figures it out cause he's onto his mom and plans a meetup between the family. But then it gets depressing. So not sure if you wanna continue it hahahah
  357. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Yessss thanks Mel for coming in clutch hahah. I'ma say that to my parents from now on hahahah "Pom keu Sila" LOOL
  358. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    Yeah! 1.5 is good. I say if it goes up to a 3, it's considered a hit for OneHD hahah.. they like those numbers. I think highest was 6.4 for Mia! Pitsawat came in second with a 5.4. Wowwww, Tor's so intense. His emotions are everywhere and I feel his pain. People may see crying as weak but I see...
  359. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    So close... I like this version's portrayal of the adoptive dad. Nott is killing it. So many emotions. I almost cried when he let Amy go and dropped her off. I think he might die cause he's the one that knows the truth and he's trying to do good. But this was closer to the end last version...
  360. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I have half an episode left. I like Ferny!! She's so cute haha. Noon is a plus.. she's looking fierce. I feel like Tor fits the role but his voice is so kinda high pitched. But not enough to bother me that much... I gotta get used to it. I think him and Ferny are cute hahah
  361. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    I'm not sure if it works on mobile, but it works here for the latest episodes haha. I'm not sure about live, I subscribe to to get both the latest episodes/live/Ch.7 lakorns lol...
  362. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Club Friday Series 11 : Cheer Thikumporn/ Indy Intad/ Cee Siwat/ Noon Woranuch/ Buachompoo

    I watched the first episode for Cee/Noon and I like it haha. It's okay, not too bad. I want to watch the other parts though.. holy the cast is crazy! Bua is back??? I wanna see haha. Damn most of them are CH. 7 vets too. I like seeing Ohm in another channel. Feels fresh.. just wish this would...
  363. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Okay, I'm all caught up! WOW a lot of changes this version!! I want to rewatch the old version to compare haha I forgot some things. In the old version, Puri was Bee's fake brother -- did he have a S/O? No right? I don't remember there being a second couple haha. Anyways the second girl in here...
  364. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Honestly, I think it's cause the 2nd wife's role is muuuuuch more significant. It's basically her lakorn, so to have Amy take over and Aom to play just a wife that forgot her memory is kinda giving her a support role. I don't think it matters about who was younger in which roles from the...
  365. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    He feels bad later, haha. Just at the moment he doesn't wanna lose them. But of course with Exact/OneHD they wait til the last minute he becomes good but then . I'm 3 episodes behind hahah still catching up. This week has been busy
  366. M

    ❤️[Ch7] Buang Sabai (Pordeecom) : New Wongsakorn/ Tubtim Anayarin / Green Atsadaporn

    I wish I watched more of this. I really like Green's acting and Tumbtim is good too. I think the storyline is really changed from the book. In the book, it was Putjeep (Green) loving the slave guy that Kaew (Tubtim) is with. Something happens where they can't be together, and she kills...
  367. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Club Friday Series 11 : Cheer Thikumporn/ Indy Intad/ Cee Siwat/ Noon Woranuch/ Buachompoo

    I agree! The storyline throws me off. He's willing to stick by her side and she still cheats??
  368. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    Hhahah I liked Fai Luang! I get what you mean.. the quality is choppy. It's hard to focus hahah I can barely see faces. Ehh I might say screw it and wait for this version lmfao.
  369. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    I’m gonna find time to watch the old version. I’m hyping myself up lmfao. Mel did you watch the old one? Hahha
  370. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    Haha I agree. But then nowadays remakes just suck cause they fall in the hands of the wrong production/casting is usually downgraded too. Just like Prissana you mentioned haha. I don't like dark dramas to be remade either.. haha if they remade TNG again I know I won't like it. I just won't be...
  371. M

    ❤️[GMM25] Club Friday Series 11 : Cheer Thikumporn/ Indy Intad/ Cee Siwat/ Noon Woranuch/ Buachompoo

    Ahh freelance work has brought these two back together. I'm excited.. the storyline seems good. I like how its short too so I don't have to commit long if I don't like it hahah.
  372. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    Hahah that’s why I enjoyed Pitsawart lmfao, I liked Ngao too. And then there’s lakorn with family drama involving karma like Sood Saen Kane Ruk and Tong Neua Gao. Hahah this one seems to combine all aspects so I’m hella excited Lolol I love lakorns with teaching. I enjoyed Plerng Boon not for...
  373. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    I’m excited for this storyline and the pairing hahaha I haven’t seen the old one but I read about the storyline and watched some clips. I like Mew but never watched her tbh lol she was an actress that I kinda skipped. I think this storyline is my cup of tea especially the whole karma thing and...
  374. M

    ❤️[CH3] The Man Series Part 1 : Phupaa (Sonix Boom) :: Sarin Inpitar / Pie Rinrada

    Hahah ok thanks Mel! My parents are obsessed with this lakorn haha idk how to tell them there's a second and third part. I feel like they never finish series.. they like to pick and choose lmao. Hahah I agree about Weha.. can't believe he told everyone his mom was his maid. I didn't even think...
  375. M

    ❤️[CH3] The Man Series Part 1 : Phupaa (Sonix Boom) :: Sarin Inpitar / Pie Rinrada

    I hate Weha!!! The parents pissed me off so much lol. I love the grandma tho. I'm so behind but I'm watching here and there hahah
  376. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Episode 3 was so gooood. This lakorn always makes me want more hahaha can't wait til Monday. It's airing 4 days a week right?! Wahoo lol. I loved the interaction between Jes/Vill and I like how he's so mean to her. Hahah I can't wait for him to change his mind about her and start liking her...
  377. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    Makes sense! Thanks @SuzieJ. Haha, I will check Great and Diana's lakorn when it airs, would be great if Namwhan played rai cause I actually think that girl can excel in various roles!
  378. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Ok.. got to see Jes and Vill today. Vill is good in these types of roles, but I think they made her have more of a backbone than Bee in the last one (hopefully). I think when Aom comes she's gonna get a good a$$ whoopin lmao and she's just going to be weak cause she's pretty much powerless. I...
  379. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    Hahah, oooh I can't wait to watch it for Yaya. She's looking great and her acting looks fierce. This role will be killer cause its twins hahah I love twin lakorns. I like the OST from the snippets I heard. Lol the teaser coulda def went harder but you know, I'm glad they didn't give out too much...
  380. M

    [CH3] Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang (Sonix Boom) Mario Maurer / Kim Kimberley

    I really like Kim's character Chaba hahah she's funny. Namwhan is pretty and her acting is good! I like her as Pong. However, I hope she doesn't get annoying later like claiming Thong Eak just cause he cured her lol.
  381. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    I finally got to catch up on Thong Eak haha that's why I didn't get a chance to reply but Namwhan is really good for a newbie.. she's played in another lakorn though right? Someone mentioned Great/Diana lakorn lol but I never checked that out. Still, for what she makes out to be she's...
  382. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    LOLOL Mel, I remember when I first found out I was hella excited and I found out from you!!
  383. M

    ❤️[CH3] King Kasalong (No problem): Yaya Urassaya/ James Ma

    Looks so good!! I’m excited to see Yaya in this role.. she’s so dang good.
  384. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    So good!! Loved the first episode. Aom isn’t as raeng in here as Nok but she brings her own spice and is doing well. Love Amy she’s very convincing. Her and Nott make a great pair! Never thought I’d see this. I’m anticipating the next episode! It was good. All the babies are so dang cute!!
  385. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    OMG it aired today?? I need to watch it when I get home! I love Aom/Amy/Tang. Jess and Vill are cute... to me it's whatever if they aren't as great cause I'm watching for the vets allll the way. I usually complain about remakes but they matched my expectations this time. They probably knew they...
  386. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    Did you know Nok Chatchai and Nok Sinjai are in here too?? Haha I just found out and I think I'm def gonna give this lakorn a try for them and Namwhan. I like Chatchai when he's in father roles and not trying to get with the leading lady hahah. In and Pon could be hit or miss but Pon has a...
  387. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    Hahah makes sense since they are Ae's connections/kids. Lol I wanna check out Krong Kam for sure. Isn't Pie in there too? Hahah. Omg really?? Haha I like Mint N though, in my opinion I think she's versatile and take various roles. When she first came out she was kinda buzzin, people were saying...
  388. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    Hahah is she? I don't follow much on her. I think I somewhat heard she did fine in the one with Andrew haha but I didn't watch. I think she went back to rai and supporting after tho right? Haha yeah..some people are better off supporting. Some supporting I feel like should be leads. Vice versa...
  389. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    Haha you're right. I thought about it again after my post actually and it seems like they're just trying to fill in these lakorns with newbies they think have potential. As in promoted, kinda like pushed is what I meant haha with some opportunities that may not be given to others atm. I'm...
  390. M

    ❤️[CH3]FakFah kiri Dao (Puajinjong) : Pon nawatch / Sarin inpitar / Namwhan Phulita

    Wow Sarin and Namwhan are in Thongeak together right now! I feel like they’re getting promoted well. Sarin especially, he has Puppa and Thongeak airing simulataneously right now.
  391. M

    [Movie] Brother of the Year: Nong Pee Tee Rak (GDH 559)

    I have mixed feelings about this movie hahah. On one hand, I enjoyed it, on the other hand I kinda hated it. I admit that I did cry though at the end but I think it was a mix of sadness, frustration, and relief lmao. Yaya did such a great job in here. I always enjoy her acting haha she's so...
  392. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Poot Pissawat (Montara Entertainment Co., Ltd.) : Film Thanapat/Bifern Anchasa/ Pinky Savika

    This looks good! I don’t remember nang aek being a vampire though only a ghost. This one looks hella crazy though but Bifern and Film look cute!!
  393. M

    [PPTV] Luang Kha Lah Ruk: Pinky Savika / Art Phasut / Carissa Springett

    I really think Pinky was one of the best actresses at CH. 7. I always thought she was better than Kwan lol Omg!! Namfon Kullanat is producing this. I adore Namfon. Even more reasons to check this out!
  394. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Kammathep Pid Kiw: Chakrit Yamnarm / Noon Siraphun

    Omg thank you haha that’s what I was thinking lolol
  395. M

    PPTV - shoots fired ....hahaha

    I agree! In the other thread I was talking about how much I doubted hearing about PPTV. When True came out all their lakorns were not tasteful but they had big budgets. But looking at PPTV, their trailers were actually very appealing and the storylines didn't come off Nam Nao lol although I'm...
  396. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Kammathep Pid Kiw: Chakrit Yamnarm / Noon Siraphun

    All this time I was thinking the channel was going to come out like True and be looking very cheapish with bland storylines and mediocre actors/actors given the wrong roles. I was wrong.. they got so many old veteran actors. People that can actually act. If the storyline is good and the...
  397. M

    ❤[CH3] Tukata Phee (Kantana Evolution): Top Jaron/Aom Sushar/First Ekkapong

    I watched the first two episodes and it's actually pretty good. Kantana's really good at horror lakorns haha. This lakorn gets me upset though.. Chai's character is the worst!
  398. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Kammathep Pid Kiw: Chakrit Yamnarm / Noon Siraphun

    I'm not sure if the title is right. I'm thinking it's supposed to be like Queue or Cue lol like english meaning is something like Cupid Wrong Queue. Admin can change the title with better suggestions lol. I love Noon S. Going to check it out for her...
  399. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Thida Satan (Kantana) : Maria Sky / Apple Lapisara / Tia Tavee / Jazzy Chewter

    PPTV is producing this. Here is a teaser cr: rakdaradotcom and PPTV
  400. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Gak Nak Rak Sa Loey: Tui Teerapat / Donut Manasanan

    Oooh this was a surprise to me. I haven't seen Donut with another channel and never though she'd pair with Tui. They make a great looking pair from the teaser. I'm def going to check this one out. Cr: Rakdaradotcom and PPTV
  401. M

    [PPTV] Luang Kha Lah Ruk: Pinky Savika / Art Phasut / Carissa Springett

    I think Pinky plays twins in here. I am a fan of her acting so I'm glad she's getting a lead role or something close haha. Cr: rakadaradotcom IG and PPTV
  402. M

    [PPTV] Glarb Bpai Soo Whan Fun: Pok Piyada / Oil Thana / Smart Krisada / Beam Kawee

    Another lakorn with PPTV. This one looks good too. It's about Pok going to her younger self I think. She still looks so good and young! cr: Rakdaradotcom and PPTV
  403. M

    [PPTV] Montra Maha Sanae: Oil Thana / Benz Punyaporn / Namwaan Kannaporn

    Not sure if this thread was created yet but another lineup in PPTV lakorns. They got a lot coming! This one looks good. I created a thread for it cause I love Benz P and I'll check this lakorn out for her haha. cr Rakdaradotcom IG
  404. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Woon Ruk Nak Kaao: Andrew Gregson / Noon Woranuch

    Haha yes! @KhoOnxNouxWanxJai thank you so much! And the production is TV Thunder haha. I just realized that after looking at the poster lolol. So is TV Thunder still doing lakorns for CH.3 at all?? this interview made me laugh hahah.. Andrew and Noon seem to be playful. They've met on the set...
  405. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Woon Ruk Nak Kaao: Andrew Gregson / Noon Woranuch

    Ooh thanks for that haha. I would love to see Andrew with Aump too. Although I think Andrew's acting has been dry lately but the last lakorn I tried him in was with Matt. I think he'd come off better with Aump LOL. It would be cool to see all 3 in a lakorn together but yeah that's more than...
  406. M

    ❤️[PPTV] Woon Ruk Nak Kaao: Andrew Gregson / Noon Woranuch

    Guess Andrew and Noon will be joining in on the PPTV craze with their own lakorn. I think the lakorn is about two competing news reporters and it gets crazy. Romantic comedy. Credit to PPTV website and Pantip
  407. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    Hahah I’m gonna come back episode 2 and share my thoughts!! Don’t skip out completely yet I gotta read what you say LMAO.
  408. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    Oh I know!! I was saying stalking if you watched Ra Rerng Fai LOLLL. Not once do i have a complaint about Ken T lol
  409. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    True hahah we got used to Ken in Rarerng Fai anyways right?? Hhahaha. Damn that's a lot of buzz. See that's why I love hearing feedback from you cuz I don't know that side of lakorn world of who's talking about what. That's crazy though it's receiving that attention. Hopefully enough for Now to...
  410. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    Lmao Mel, for some reason I was thinking of you when I was tuning into this. I know you'd be entertained as much as I was hahah. I agree lmao her family is so ratchet. I can't even with them. I feel like she isn't the real daughter?? The dad keeps saying stuff when he's drunk and they look like...
  411. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    haahha me too!!! it's kinda like mae ai but without all the rape and boujee stuff lol. it didn't take much for Now to start becoming an actress in here lmao
  412. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    She's sooo good. Watch the part where she auditions for nang rai. HOLY. She can play main character rai in a lakorn... I want a role like that for her! The way she was expressing her anger, emotions, and the way she cried so effortlessly. Her acting is great but I feel like everyone else's...
  413. M

    [CH7] Nang Rai (Mongkoldee) : Now Tisanart/Boom Kitkong/ Chap Worakorn/Maggi Apa

    omg... why did they make Boom stalk Now first episode LOL. I'm no lakorn writer but couldn't they just have made her drop something and made him try to return it ?? Instead of looking all creepy following her haha. Now is gorgeous in here. The cast is very appealing.. I'm like 20 mins in haha...
  414. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    Hahah yes! And with his freelance work, he's starred in GMM and True. Not sure if his lakorn "Ngao" is still airing right now haha.
  415. M

    [CH3] Chumpae (Step Onward): Denkhun Ngamnet/Mew Laknara

    Wow I didn't know Denkhun sang the OST. I really liked it and noticed it was him!! His accent is good. I'm going to check out the first episode cause of the OST hahahah
  416. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    I wonder how dramatic this version will be. Last version Nok Sinjai killed everyone and their maids lmfaooo. I’m excited for the Vill/Aom collaboration!! They go so well together hahah
  417. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Heeb Lhorn Sorn Winyarn : Bright Nonpat/Maprang Alissa

    I freaking adore Charabelle. She really is taking a challenging role in this one!! I know she's going to kill it. No matter if she's rai I'm always rooting or her haha. I'm not sad she's not nang aek.. this lakorn will def contribute to her acting haha. She's sooo pretty too!! Ahhh I'm...
  418. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Omg... it looks so good. I usually don't like remakes but I'm living for this.. Vill is glowing, she looks great with Jes! I love Aom and I love Amy. Plus Nott as Amy's new husband on the island?? Whaaatttt, such a good cast!! I loved the old version so I'm so ready for this hahahha.
  419. M

    News : Kwan, Pooklook, and New to leave ch7

    Oh dang. Pooklook to me is a great actress so hopefully other channels see that. I think Kwan sucks big time.. she’s had so many years to improve and she’s just so monotone and expressionless. New is a decent actor.. now he can stay away from most CH. 7 girls lol. Maybe Now will follow his...
  420. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    You guys I am so sad cause her and Aum Atichart are so close haha he commented on her pics for the lakorn and I’m like.. it coulda been you... how epic would it be to grab a CH.3 veteran for a CH.7 veteran comeback?!! I could tell Noons comfiest costars are Aum A and Pong lol
  421. M

    ❤️[CH7] Plerng Sanaeha: Noon Worranuch/Kelly Thanapat/Jeab Sopitnapa/Donut Pattaraporn/Pupe Kessarin

    Why Kelly!! I called it would be him since there’s no appropriate p’ek lol but as long as it’s no more Sammy with him. I wish it was the rumor where she starred with Aum though haha but I’m so excited!! Awesome comeback!! Noon is one of the few veterans who’s starred in most of all channels —...
  422. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    I feel like if Chompoo was free from her babies she would be a potential candidate lol but I'm not sure if she'd be a good choice in my honest opinion. Aff could be a great comeback but I'm not too into her acting and who knows how it is now since she's been gone for a while. I would have loved...
  423. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    I actually agree that New out of all the guys is the best actor LOL. I wish it was Aum A!! But I really can't see them casting him. I feel like they would gravitate towards an actor who has stuck to the channel for a long time. What other possible options are there that are better than Vee...
  424. M

    [CH3] Jao Gum Nai Wen (Metta and Mahaniyom) : Mario Maurer/ Yaya Urassaya

    Awww dang it, I was waiting for this lakorn to get started. I would have loved it Kob was chosen! She needs a comeback lakorn. No wonder they reran Noon's lakorn Dao Peun Din. Lol I was so surprised they would air it cause CH. 7 is kinda salty towards those who have left. I'm glad that they...
  425. M

    ❤ [CH8]Sin Lai Hong (Dee Keun Dee Wan) : Nike Nitidon/Knomjean/Nussaba/Tong P/Colonel Bird

    She’s basically the main nang aek! I like to say “nang aek rai”. Lol. I think they always have to have a “goody” nang aek and I think that’s the third girl. Her other sister lol idk her name haha
  426. M

    ❤ [CH8]Sin Lai Hong (Dee Keun Dee Wan) : Nike Nitidon/Knomjean/Nussaba/Tong P/Colonel Bird

    You’re right! I watched more of it. I think they’re half siblings. I have a feeling Tong is her real mom in the last life. I haven’t seen her appear in the last life yet hahah but in the present life Tong is basically like her mom! Btw Tong is doing great. She really looks like she has a hunch...
  427. M

    ❤ [CH8]Sin Lai Hong (Dee Keun Dee Wan) : Nike Nitidon/Knomjean/Nussaba/Tong P/Colonel Bird

    In the past life, Baitoey wasn't related to them I don't think. But when she reborns, she's part of their family. I need to watch more -- the flashbacks are minimal in the first two episodes to explain everything haha. Nike is actually not a male whore in here hahahha surprisngly... well so...
  428. M

    ❤ [GMM25]Ngao: Aum Atichart/Pang Ornjira/Kao Jirayu/Pattie Ungsamalin

    I'm starting epi 3 this week. This is the only interesting lakorn on right now lol
  429. M

    ❤ [CH8]Sin Lai Hong (Dee Keun Dee Wan) : Nike Nitidon/Knomjean/Nussaba/Tong P/Colonel Bird

    This is actually good. I feel like if it was another channel, it would be a ground breaking role for Baitoey. I feel like this lakorn will generate memes hahahha. In the last life, Baitoey got her head chopped off by the royals (Nussaba, Nike, Knom Jean, Colonel Bird). She put a curse on them...
  430. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Poot Pissawat (Montara Entertainment Co., Ltd.) : Film Thanapat/Bifern Anchasa/ Pinky Savika

    Hahah that's true too. When he played Noona's dad in Rachinee Morlum I'm like NO. Hard NO. LOL
  431. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Poot Pissawat (Montara Entertainment Co., Ltd.) : Film Thanapat/Bifern Anchasa/ Pinky Savika

    Damn Pinky is smoking! She looks so young still and she’s glowing!! I’m excited haha. I don’t remember the rai in the old one dressing like how she is. I wonder if they’re making her more significant haha
  432. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    This lakorn is super slow.. I can't get into for some reason. Something is missing for sure. I find myself snoozing off from time to time. I didn't have high expectations coming into this either. I really like the cast and I genuinely want to like the lakorn. I gotta give it another shot lol
  433. M

    ❤ [GMM25]Ngao: Aum Atichart/Pang Ornjira/Kao Jirayu/Pattie Ungsamalin

    Yes, it did! I started the first 10 mins at work, but haven't had time to go back to it haha.
  434. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    Haha yes, exactly my thoughts! I'm gonna keep going and see how the rest is, along with episode 2!! :)
  435. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    I'm halfway on the first episode. Editing kinda sucks honestly.. it jumps everywhere like wtf. Haha but the quality is so good and everyone looks nice. I just don't feel the flow.. hopefully it picks up.
  436. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    Wow, they had Touch sing this song. That's awesome! I like it better than the girl theme haha.
  437. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    Mew is freaking gorgeous in the screen cap. She looks so good! Haha.
  438. M

    ❤ [GMM25]Ngao: Aum Atichart/Pang Ornjira/Kao Jirayu/Pattie Ungsamalin

    Wow... this makes the Channel 7 one look bad LOL. I'm excited!! I wanted a good remake but couldn't stand Channel 7's. Still love the original song, it brings back memories haha
  439. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    I dropped the lakorn but I'm watching the ending ahhahah. It's one of those lakorn .. lol
  440. M

    ❤ [CH.One31] Nakark Kaew (?) : Captain Phutanate/ Pok Piyatida/ Film Thanapat/ Ani Anipornr

    I'm so confused from the trailer lol but I'm going to check it out cause I like Film, Pok, and Captain haha.
  441. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    Haha I actually really like Jes and Vill but they’re kinda like the actors I watch if I have nothing else to resort too cause not all their projects are that appealing lol. Butttt this lakorn is appealing!! What 6 lakorns did Jes have this year? I swear I only can name 3. Kahon w/ Vill...
  442. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    I'm so picky but the song is really not doing it for me lol.. it's not... there. Haha. The trailer looks good though and it seems like it's really focusing on the first life time more than others. I didn't know there was another ghost too.. looks like Tao Sarocha playing the ghost. Wow, a lot of...
  443. M

    [CH7] Nang Thip (Media Studio): Min Pechaya/Om Akapan/Pooklook Fonthip/Mookda Narinrak

    I wish /: Channel 7 likes to keep track of their lakorns and block if. I’m watching it through Malimar lol
  444. M

    @[25620:@rainx1] :)

    @[25620:@rainx1] :)
  445. M

    Watching Poo Praiya and Golf’s movie called Realms. Perfect for Halloween! They speak English...

    Watching Poo Praiya and Golf’s movie called Realms. Perfect for Halloween! They speak English majority of the time and it’s so good!
  446. M

    ❤ [Ch3] Mee Piang Ruk (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth and Toey Jariporn

    This lakorn looks sooo corny. Noi isn't the best producer but I think her stronger suit is drama. The teaser kinda give me cringey vibes lol. Can Ken be in another lakorn to make up for this? Glad I enjoyed RRF though.. haha.
  447. M

    ❤️ [OneHD] Taley Rissaya: Jes Jespipat, Aom Phiyada, Vill Wannarot, Amy Amika, Tang Saksit

    OMG THIS IS A REMAKE OF TALAY RISSAYA!! WITH BEE AND PONG?? I loved this lakorn!! It was one of my faves. It was so thrilling. Nok Sinjai did a wonderful job and Bee and Pong were so cute!! I'm excited. So Aom is going to be in the lakorn? Awesome since she is known to adore Vill. I hope she...
  448. M

    [CH3] Likit Ruk (Thong Entertainment) Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya

    Yes!! The Mae Nak thing happened and I guess my grandpa witnessed it. It was scary but I never did get enough details from him. There's also Pitsawat.. I think the main actress was Christian or something, didn't pray or really believe in it... and coincidentally died in a car accident. I think...
  449. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    Whatever lakorn it's replacing needs to end, like rn. Hahah. Even if there's numerous lakorns in its slot before it airs hahaha.
  450. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/

    I'm so excited for this lakorn!! Noon S. is in here too!! Her and Ann... YES. Then there's Tor, Ferny, and Ben!! I didn't watch the old version haha but I feel like it's already raeng with Noon and Ann!
  451. M

    [CH7] Nang Thip (Media Studio): Min Pechaya/Om Akapan/Pooklook Fonthip/Mookda Narinrak

    I tried the first episode and I was hesitant cause I realized it was Media Studio who butchered Mae Ai. Anyways, looks so much better and clear lol. It's pretty interesting! I'm not fond of Min or her acting but she's pretty and I can bare her lol. I think Om is actually doing a great job...
  452. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    This is my all time favorite song and I can't believe it's from a lakorn I barely watched lol. The lyrics are sooo good. The thai instruments are beautiful in it. If they do a new song, I hope they can achieve a similar style. Plus, there's a modern version too. I used to like the thai...
  453. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    I hope they keep the old song or incorporate it in somehow. The song was better than the whole lakorn LOL
  454. M

    [CH3] Nakee 2 (Act Art)

    Looks good!!! The teaser didn't capture me but the trailer definitely did! Wish I could see this in Thailand haha but I'll wait for the bootleg/streaming lmaoo. Taew and Yaya are so pretty! Yaya speaks the dialect pretty well. I'm glad they kept the dialect and still has the whole village...
  455. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    Yeah her weights fine. If she should fix her weight, Tik should fix his teeth. That’s more bothersome lol
  456. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha it can happen! Nune's known to work with the same p'ek again due to the great relationship she establishes with her co-stars/crew. I think she really works well with teams that have great work ethics and morals. Like I've seen her go to the temple and do merits with Noi too. Yeah!! I saw...
  457. M

    ❤️ Various ET News

    Haha yeah and the next 2 years was no different. Taew got an award for Nakee and then there was some drama. I guess Todd threw shade and stated his opinion that Nune shoulda got it for Pitsawat or some recognition that year. Something like that. Haha. Nune just said it was his opinion and that...
  458. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha yeah!! And Noi supports Nune so much too, like her restaurant and just misc thing. They’ve taken a few trips together just for the sake of it. It’s cute how they’re close. So if there’s another production that wants Ken, I hope she lets them collab. Even a movie would be good haha. I think...
  459. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    Namfon's acting is the best out of the whole cast. I think the friend is good too. Everyone else seems to be lacking somewhat lol
  460. M

    ❤️ Various ET News

    I love this lakorn so much. It was the highest rated CH.3 lakorn during that year, I think 20.6! It has such good moral lessons that I have taken away from it. Plus the cast was amazing from the mom, to the siblings, to the son. I feel like if they remake this in the future, it will be a hit or...
  461. M

    [CH7] Cha Cha Cha Tah Ruk (Dida): Hone Thanakorn/Jammie Panichadar/Khawtu Ponpaj/Gookgiik Kochakorn

    I loved the old version. Nothing can compare lol, that was is nostalgia haha. I like Jammie though. Does anyone know the fornite dance?? They incorporated into one of the music scenes!! WHAT IS THAI LAKORN ANYMORE. lmao look at 0:50 seconds haha This was my jam back in the days haha
  462. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    Tik's acting is driving me off the edge. In the first episode when he saw Worada, omg his reaction was like wtf. My 6 year old nephew can act better than that lmao. Mew's voice is bothersome at times but she's not that bad haha. So I vividly remember the last version. Kob already knew she was...
  463. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Just saw this pic and made me miss them and this lakorn. It's great that they're all so close still. I can see both Noon and Ken be great veteran actors in the future to be paired like Jintara/Santisuk. I want to see Ken's new movie!! It looks good haha.
  464. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    Hahhahah TRUE. So what would we rather have? Younger looking and can't act (Tik), or older looking and can act (Chakrit). Or best of both worlds (Ken)? Haha I rather have Ken but I think Chakrit would still be my second choice. Tik looks younger on the outside to me but when he starts...
  465. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    Now I'm imagining Chakrit. Did you see his lakorn with Mew in Sai See Plerng? OMG I was bawling hard tears. I wish they had another lakorn where it had happy ending. That's actually when I first saw Mew lol
  466. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    LMAO.. I literally was imagining Ken too. I wish he was in here... lmaoo
  467. M

    [Ch3] Duay Raeng Atitharn (Guts Entertainment) : Tik J/Mew Nittha

    I'm going to give this a try! I like Mew. I really liked Tik in his prime, but goooshhhh he lost his touch in acting. You'd think a veteran that had much experience as him wouldn't be so bad and stiff. I haven't been able to finish any new Tik lakorns since he's returned to acting. I really...
  468. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Yeah... don't set your expectations too high. Haha. If I didn't read that it was getting replaced tomorrow I didn't even think it would have ended today! LOOL do you want me to spoil it for you?? Here it is in case: . Yeah I wanted to see more sweet scenes. I was guessing Point was going to be a...
  469. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Ended today! It felt rush. But it was cute haha. I kinda forgot already, but I think he raped her cause they were lovers before. He wanted more than just money, he wanted to bang the hottest actress of the time LMAO. He didn't he think he'd get her pregnant but yeah.. lmao. Wow... Charabelle...
  470. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    HAHAHA he's been shot, stabbed, beat up, hell -- he has more than 9 lives. LMAO. Still ain't dead hahah
  471. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Me too!! Lol. I feel like her and Charabelle kinda stealing the show haha. I'm watching today's episode right now. No one is dead yet lol..
  472. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    I think next week! It is getting replaced on Wednesday. Kinda odd. So we have like 2 more episodes after this week!
  473. M

    [CH3] Nakee 2 (Act Art)

    I love your response! I also think that fans should come together instead of attacking one another.
  474. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Lmao no one yet. I think Charabelle's dad does.. and Charabelle shoots him... hahah I'll give you updates from today's episode LOOOL
  475. M

    [CH3] Nakee 2 (Act Art)

    I'm super excited but it's a bummer I don't have access to the cinemas since I don't live in Thailand. I'm going to have to wait and it's gonna kill me cause I love the storyline and I want to see how it connects to part 2. Being curious, I just watched this video lol I guess part 2 is about...
  476. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

  477. M

    [CH.One31] Barp Ruk (?) : Willy McIntosh/ Kob Kongying/ Sean Jindachot

    I find him to overreact too. Lol. I didn't want to say anything at first but the more I watch, the more I shake my head haha.
  478. M

    [CH.One31] Barp Ruk (?) : Willy McIntosh/ Kob Kongying/ Sean Jindachot

    Who says Kob cheats in here? Is that like the old version? Haha. I don't think that's considered cheating. Willy was the one cheating. She's just trying to get out of the relationship and doing everything she can to divorce but there's so many obstacles. Obviously they both don't have feelings...
  479. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Haha yeah Exact had some good dramatic lakorns. I also enjoyed those as well. And a few others. But I didn't expect them to remake Maya Pisawart LOOL. That's like so random and uncalled for. I feel like if anything they shoulda remade Saeng Soon. It's a twinish lakorn.. I could see Susie...
  480. M

    [CH.One31] Barp Ruk (?) : Willy McIntosh/ Kob Kongying/ Sean Jindachot

    Just finished episode 2. It's getting good. I hate Willy's character. Expect to have Kob but wants to have a side chick. Then he beats Kob too. I hate when the husband lays his hand on the wife, and also vice versa. I feel like it does happen, but consistently?? You can't love someone who you...
  481. M

    [CH.One31] Barp Ruk (?) : Willy McIntosh/ Kob Kongying/ Sean Jindachot

    I can't bring myself to find Willy loving Kob. If he's cheating on her, I can't seem to bring myself to see he loves her. Maybe kind of in a caring way, but not romantic? Idk.. it's hard to grasp when you've been in the position haha. But I agree with you guys! I feel like Sean is way better at...
  482. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Oh yeah haha! And in the most recent episode she thinks she succeeds LOL. I guess they toned it down to only one person instead of multiple loool. Yeah i bet it’s ending next week which sucks cause idk what to watch. You’re right about the next lakorn. I suck at following murder mysteries too...
  483. M

    [CH.One31] Barp Ruk (?) : Willy McIntosh/ Kob Kongying/ Sean Jindachot

    I think I’ll continue this. I like how Kob is pretty strong but holds back for her kid. Once her kid passes, she rages! Willy is such an ass, but he plays it so well. Just like Pong haha. I understand why Sean will become a gigolo. Haha. I hate the grandma in here but I can’t wait for the war...
  484. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Haha it is fun! I feel like the drama isn’t too heavy. I love the mother daughter duo, well the main leads of course haha. And I’m digging Jes and Plengkwan. They’re really compatible and I don’t mind seeing them in another lakorn. Haha I only think she’ll die cause it’s an Exact lakorn but yet...
  485. M

    ❤️[CH7] Song Naree (Pordeecom): Min Pechaya/ Thanwa Suriyajak/ Great Supol

    I don’t like Min that much either but she was cute with Porsche in YLM. That’s why I prefer him but if Thanwas in here I feel like a total skip cause I’m not tuning in for either hahah
  486. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Omg!! Haha I love how you're still tuning in. I'm glad I have you lmao. No.. none of that is revealed yet! I think it's gonna be at the end kind of thing. I bet it's gonna be dramatic like he shoots his own daughter and Ann screams and goes.. you killed our daughter hahhaha. Something Exact...
  487. M

    [ONE31] Leaut Kon Khon Jaang (Nadao Bangkok & 4NOLOGUE): Tang Saksit/Mam Kathleeya/9x9 Members

    Omg Mam and Tang!! More of them hahah I honestly don't mind watching more of them. Loving them in Wimarn Duang Dao rn haha Omg looks good! I think Mam and Tang are siblings in here though.. weird hahah. This looks like a GMM lakorn. The quality and style of it. Nice! I'm excited lol
  488. M

    ❤️[CH7] Song Naree (Pordeecom): Min Pechaya/ Thanwa Suriyajak/ Great Supol

    I wanted it to be Porshe! Thanwa is a total skipppp...
  489. M

    Thaiflix shutting down... how do you watch your thai shows?

    5.99 for one channel is a rip off. They're lakorns aren't even that high budget to be charging that much hahahah
  490. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    THAT'S SO SHORT!! This is the only lakorn I'm watching right now. Darn it. Haha but I don't see where else they can go with the storyline. I bet it ends next week. Spoiler: the truth is out and Tang finally accepts Plengkwan. The other drama is Jes's dad not accepting Plengkwan cause she is...
  491. M

    Thaiflix shutting down... how do you watch your thai shows?

    Oh nooo.. I wonder if Malimar is next with not posting Channel 7. How do you even get a copyright clearance? Channel 7 sucks. My parents watch it so much... so they're gonna have less lakorns to watch now.
  492. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    I think people are haha. It's not as high as Mia for sure but it's doing pretty well for a OneHD lakorn hahaha. Ughh the paternity for Charabelle didn't come out yet. Stupid Ann doesn't want to tell the real father. He's being stupid too since he wanted to expose her but now he's holding back...
  493. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    OHHH ANDDD AND I forgot to mention the most important part: Jes confessed his love for Plengkwan!! Ahhh he told his mom. I love that
  494. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Not sure.. I need to go find pics hahah. Cee isn't the main lead, he'll be in his own horror lakorn. I love horror but ehh, I feel like it could be a hit or miss. I know Charbelle will slay it either as a ghost or the nang aek. Haha. I like Charabelle as rai too. There are some rai that are...
  495. M

    [CH8] Payak Ka (A Plus Production) : Iang Sittha/Nutcha Jeka/Aerin Y/Guzbel/

    OMG... those kisses are so R-rated (in lakorn world) hahahah. Wow Ch. 8 is so juicy. Ch. 3 needs to step up and learn LOL
  496. M

    [CH7] Jao Sao Jum Yorm (Pordeecom) : Mik Tongraya/Pooklook Fonthip

    I'M SO ANNOYED OF RUT AND BPIN. They suck. They are the most irrelevant side characters ever. I'm going to have to skip their scenes!! I love Kade and May. I love how Kade always has May's back lol.
  497. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Haha it’s like Thaiflix, has all the lakorn online or on a multimedia device like the Roku or Firestick. Haha I’m not too fond of Pong but he plays in good lakorn LMAO. I feel like he’s being type casted now but I did enjoy him when he wasn’t. I haven’t watched Mia yet even tho I love Bee...
  498. M

    ❤️[CH3] Kao Waan Hai Nou Bpen Sai Larb : Grate Warintorn/ Kao Supassara

    Omg so excited!! They all look so good. Kao is so pretty! I like Yard and Mint.. that's a plus.. but Pie?! Omg she won me over in RRF. Hahah wow I'm super excited for this. Kao and Great have amazing chemistry from the pics/bts/even their other lakorn.
  499. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Haha no, I'm paying for Malimar subscription so I just watch it the day it's out. Dang OneHD is slow! Haha she can be rai or a weak character. Her first lakorn w/ Pong she was pretty weak at acting though, so hopefully Plengkwan follows her path and becomes a great actress like Charabelle. Omg I...
  500. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    There's 7 episodes so far and it'll be 8 tomorrow :). Haha I think they have chemistry too, I think they suit each other well. Only if they gave Charabelle better roles, she could easily be paired with Jes. Sighs... haha. You're probably gonna want to punch Tang in these next episodes you're...
  501. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Oh yay! I have a friend! Yeah Plengkwan isn't the best but she has some likeability to her. There's some people who can't act and you just start flat out hating them. Maybe I see she's trying? Hahah. Omg I know Charabelle's dad is so young lol even with the grey hair, I don't think he looks that...
  502. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    I think I'm the only one watching this lakorn at the moment haha. It's actually my fave lakorn right now! Jes and Plengkwan are so darn cute together. I'm so glad they're paired. The way he treats her is so cute. I wanted to cry when he donated blood to her mom. Ann Sirium is sooo evil haha she...
  503. M

    [CH7] Jao Sao Jum Yorm (Pordeecom) : Mik Tongraya/Pooklook Fonthip

    lol. Maybe you should start a separate thread on these celeb's personal stuff in the Thai section. I think most people wanna read about the lakorn, the acting, script, etc. in this thread. It's just a suggestion. I bet you'll get many hits too. :)
  504. M

    ❤ [CH3] Pee Kaew Nang Hong (Maker J) : Grate Warintorn/Bella Ranee

    Haha it's quite different. The ending to that one was more like going into monkhood to pay tribute to the country/his past. This one they died together in a fire and he stayed with her, probably as ghosts.
  505. M

    [CH7] Jao Sao Jum Yorm (Pordeecom) : Mik Tongraya/Pooklook Fonthip

    Ehh, she's still an actress and the lakorn is still good hahaha.
  506. M

    Desperately searching for this Thai Lakorn horror movie

    Is it a movie or a lakorn/drama? It sounds like Pret Wat Sutat. It is actually one of my favorite lakorns haha. Hope this helps!
  507. M

    [CH7] Jao Sao Jum Yorm (Pordeecom) : Mik Tongraya/Pooklook Fonthip

    I personally think Pooklook is an AWESOME actress. To me, she's one of the best at Channel 7. I felt like she did so well speaking the esarn accent in Nai Hoi Tamin! She also did really well in the lakorn with Weir. I agree that I don't see her in the same roles as she played before, which is...
  508. M

    [CH7] Jao Sao Jum Yorm (Pordeecom) : Mik Tongraya/Pooklook Fonthip

    This lakorn is soooo good!! I love Mik and Pooklook!! So many freaking cute scenes!
  509. M

    Thai Stars with perfect english

    I just came across this YouTube series called Loukgolf's English Room. It's so entertaining! Haha I'm not sure if it's brought up yet but they're are so many episodes. From actors to singers, just fun interviews in English. I also love the opening where they mention that not everyone's English...
  510. M

    [ONE31] Wimarn Duang Dao: Tang Saksit & Mam Kathaleeya

    Once again I'm going to be watching for the veterans haha. Geez why does Plengkwan always have to be in these lakorns where they're hella good veterans? Does production know that her acting needs it or something? Haha they carry her honestly through the lakorn. She's improved in this one though...
  511. M

    ❤️[CH7] Song Naree (Pordeecom): Min Pechaya/ Thanwa Suriyajak/ Great Supol

    Also Aum and Aff lol. At one point Rome and Rita?
  512. M

    [CH7] Look Mai Laai Sonthaya: Pim Pimprapa/Sean Jindachot

    Same lol. It has a mystery component. I bet Pim sings the OST? It’s really good haha. Sean was funny looking at her naked lmao
  513. M

    [CH7] Look Mai Laai Sonthaya: Pim Pimprapa/Sean Jindachot

    The first episode was actually good LOL. I haven't finished a lakorn with Sean yet. I kinda watched the one with Vill. I hated Leh Ratree, but I did watch his ghost movie. I knew he was a good actor just didn't like the lakorns he was in. Hopefully I can stick to this one! I liked Pim in the...
  514. M

    ❤️[ONE31] Poot Pissawat (Montara Entertainment Co., Ltd.) : Film Thanapat/Bifern Anchasa/ Pinky Savika

    Omg, according to ThaiDramatic_update, Film is p'ek!! Dude, he got so popular off of Mia! I remember I was following his IG when he played in Reun Benjapit and he only had like 5k likes, now he has 150+k likes on each picture! I'm so happy for him. I loved him in Reun Benjapit and I still need...
  515. M

    [CH3] Nang Barp (Duang Malee Manee Jun) : Top Jaron/ Yiwah Preeyakarn/ Donut Manasnan

    Thanks for the summary, Tina! I hella forgot the old verison haha I had to go back and read it. Now I remember lol. So I'm into the lakorn for 5 minutes and Fai (the girl who plays Yard) really sucks. This is why I hate watching the old version because Ae and Benz were awesome. Well, Donut is...
  516. M

    Thaiflix shutting down... how do you watch your thai shows?

    Yes! You can watch it with your phone. I do all the time haha. Malimar is nice right?! Haha, one time I started speaking Lao to them and they knew I could speak English so they started speaking English. But I didn't know they could speak all languages, so funny lol. They helped raise money for...
  517. M

    Thaiflix shutting down... how do you watch your thai shows?

    Oh what the heck. I saw it when i logged in and now it’s not there anymore ...
  518. M

    Thaiflix shutting down... how do you watch your thai shows?

    Wow Malimar is having a sale, 30% off!! They know about thaiflix shutting down lolol. I’ve browsed around and honestly seems to have a lot of dubbed stuff. I got lost sometimes trying to look at all their content haha. But I never had thaiflix so I don’t know. How I feel like I missed out lmao
  519. M

    Thaiflix shutting down... how do you watch your thai shows?

    Note sure if Seesan has Roku option, but I know Malimar does. What you could do is probably a free trial with both to see which you like better :)
  520. M

    Thaiflix shutting down... how do you watch your thai shows?

    Wow.. I wonder why it's shutting down. It seemed to have great content. I really love as an alternative. It has Thai, Lao, Hmong, Khmer, etc. My family and I have been with them for over 5 years and never had a problem. They are super responsive and their headquarters are in San...
  521. M

    ❤️[CH3] Kao Waan Hai Nou Bpen Sai Larb : Grate Warintorn/ Kao Supassara

    I’m really excited for this! I was really sad when they casted Margie though. I’m just not into her acting. I’m so glad it changed to Kao!
  522. M

    [OneHD] Pidsawat (Exact) : Noon Woranuch Pong Nawat

    I love your comments!! Haha I wished the thread was more active when it was airing but it’s nice to see more viewers due to the subbing from Netflix and all!!
  523. M

    [CH.OneHD31] Mia : Pong Nawat/ Bee Namthip/ Marie Broenner/ Film Thanapat/

    Thanks Spanky! You're the best!!
  524. M

    [CH.OneHD31] Mia : Pong Nawat/ Bee Namthip/ Marie Broenner/ Film Thanapat/

    Lol reading all these comments make me want to watch this. I really enjoyed Plerng Boon so the storyline for this couldn't be as bad haha. I gotta give this a shot. Anyone watched PB and compared it to this one? How do you like it? Haha. Also, how different is this one than the one with Aom in...
  525. M

    [CH3] Nang Barp (Duang Malee Manee Jun) : Top Jaron/ Yiwah Preeyakarn/ Donut Manasnan

    I'm really excited. The teaser looks good. I really enjoyed the last version with Ae and Benz. Donut is such an awesome actress. She's going to kill the role of Yod.
  526. M

    [OneHD] Pidsawat (Exact) : Noon Woranuch Pong Nawat

    YAY!! I'm going to rewatch it. Seriously such a great lakorn.
  527. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    Oh no doubt Bella will do well. That’s why I’m glad she’s in here or I’d be so disappointed haha. Taew’s okay to me. She gets overhyped at times. I agree she’s super talented but for the amount of years in industry she’s barely started to grow on me and prove to me she’s a great actress.
  528. M

    ❤️ [CH3] Kong Karm (Act Art) : Bella Ranee / James Jirayu / Phet Thakrit / Mai Charoenpura

    I’m excited for this lakorn cause it reminds me of Tong Neua Gao especially when this is coming from Off’s production. My family and I loved that lakorn so much. Even more excited cause it’s connected to Sood Kaen and that’s a good ass lakorn too. Haha I like these types of storylines but the...
  529. M

    Preferred Leads in Sawan Biang Remake?

    I agree haha. Mark looks the part but I think just needs more acting lessons. I agree with Yaya although I said I could see her in here Lolol. I say no Matt either. I honestly don’t know who would be good. Haha. If they do remake it, I also feel like it’ll be really watered down. No more rape...
  530. M

    Preferred Leads in Sawan Biang Remake?

    Please no Mark. Lol. He proved me to me in KC that he was too weak of an actor to play anything like Kawee’s role. I can see Yaya though. I honestly don’t know who’d make a good pair in this day and age. All I know is we’re going to get a screwed up pairing. Hahaha
  531. M

    [CH3] Likit Ruk (Thong Entertainment) Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya

    I liked episode one! I wasn’t in love with it haha but I’m love with all the things about it lmao, so contradicting right? I felt like it was sooo dramatic the opening scenes lol it reminded me of James Bond!! Too much slow mo and dramatic music butttt then when all that ended it was hella good...
  532. M

    [CH3] Likit Ruk (Thong Entertainment) Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya

    Can’t wait to give this a try. So much eye candy in here and no lakorn has really gotten my attention lately haha.
  533. M

    CH7] Lep Krut (Nine Bever Films) : Cee Siwat / Yui Chiranan

    Dang he’s good. I can’t even hear an accent on him on the English lyrics lol. Is he pretty good at English? I know Amy is fluent right cause of her dad?
  534. M

    [ONE31] Sai Ruk Sai Sawat : Bifern Anchasa/Camilla Kittivat/Tongtong/Captain/Fluke/Dom/Tre

    I’m loving this lakorn so far. People are commenting on Pims looks?! She looks great!! I couldn’t even tell she has been through Chemo if i didn’t know before. I’m so proud of her. And as always, her acting is solid! On the other hand, Mo looks so unnatural to me. I missed her so much but it...
  535. M

    [ONE31] Sai Ruk Sai Sawat : Bifern Anchasa/Camilla Kittivat/Tongtong/Captain/Fluke/Dom/Tre

    Omg hell yes. I'm glad you love her as much as I do! I miss her now lolol. She woulda killed whatever role in here!
  536. M

    [ONE31] Sai Ruk Sai Sawat : Bifern Anchasa/Camilla Kittivat/Tongtong/Captain/Fluke/Dom/Tre

    WOW! I’m so excited for this. Haven’t been following a lakorn as much as I wanted so this sounds like it’ll do it for me haha
  537. M

    [ONE31]Dao Jarut Fah: Toomtam /Noona/Tai Orathai/Pai Pongsakorn/Fon Thanasoonthorn

    Omg this lakorn is good haha. The drama is great but the chemistry between Noona and Toomtam is what gets to me! They’re so cute in here always flirting and teasing haha. They got the best singers and cast in here. It’s great since I was disappointed in the Rachinee Morlum remake.
  538. M

    [CH7] Mae Ai Sae Eun (Media Studio) : Om Akapan/Mamaew Pornchada/Pooklook Fonthip

    I’m gonna just watch the end of this. But I saw some clips and it doesn’t look as sad. Kinda choppy. Ahh I had to much expectations for this remake I think. It’s cause I adore Pooklook and she did all her roles really well. Maybe it’s the production cause when she was in Peun Paeng, that was so...
  539. M

    [CH7] Mae Ai Sae Eun (Media Studio) : Om Akapan/Mamaew Pornchada/Pooklook Fonthip

    I can’t bring myself to finish this. Noons version was so much better.
  540. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Yeah same! Maybe Phet we still start to develop feelings for Yard not in a pity way but finally he lets Ahnong go and he can start fresh. Plus, his mom did want him to get with Yard and maybe it’ll be a fulfilling wish he grants his mom. Lol I think Kik is under the mask too. Her role was so...
  541. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    I'm so pissed!!!!!!!!!!!! The ending made this lakorn the worst lakorn ever. I hate Rit still and he ends up with Ahnong. He's a jerk. Phet's the perfect child!!! Eff everyone, except Yard. I like her lol. I want to see her in more lakorns where she deserves love. Actually the lakorn isn't that...
  542. M

    [Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

    Today’s episode was so funny hahah. I love jealous Khun Date!! Ahhh how Reung looks at Karaked! Sooo cute. I want Bella and Punjan to pair one day. Gosh the two servants are so ratchet hahaha I love them! They were gonna fight Prik for Karaked hahah. They’re so down! The two actresses that play...
  543. M

    [Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

    I hate to be the one that says it but I’m so glad it’s Bella and not Chompoo who ended up as nang aek. Just my exact thoughts on RRF. Haha Chompoo pulling out of lakorns has made some great results LOL. I can’t wait to catch up! Everyone’s comments are keeping me going haha.
  544. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    I agree!! Ugh! I love Yard. I wanted more scenes she’s great.
  545. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Omg you hella said everything!! I agree 100000% lol
  546. M

    [Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

    Hahah my favorite part was the drunk scene!! That was gold! Pope did great I was laughing so hard hahaha
  547. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    ITS COME DOWN TO IT!! PIN IS EVIL YALL. Dang that’s gonna break Waen’s heart! She’s even willing to kill Waen’s son Phet cause he’s protecting Yok. Honestly I love Phet in here over Rit. Rit is getting on my damn nerves!! Idk how I feel about Tubtim right now. She seems like a better character...
  548. M

    [CH7] Wihok Lhong Lom (Daravideo) : Sammy Punthita / Boom Kitkong / Kelly Thanapat

    I’m enjoying g this haha. Sometimes I wish the real Peung was present cause I hate seeing weak Nuan getting slapped around haha. I hate Ying!! She’s a bitch and Dao too. Uhmm Khun Chai tries to rape Nuan??? He seems like a gentleman but from next weeks preview when they’re alone it looks like...
  549. M

    [Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

    I can’t wait for episode 2! Wanna get off work early to watch lolol. Episode 1 flew by so fast cause it was so good haha. My sister and I were laughing our butts off when she was eating too haha. No I love evil Karaked too! Haha she’s evil but like she makes it so fun to watch lmao.
  550. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Damn that’s high! I’m getting pissed in these last episodes. Does it end today?? Like I can’t believe not 5 BUT 10, 10 people can’t beat an old granny!! Yai Parng has to go down as the strongest character of all time cause no one could beat her!!! So annoying. I thought Tubtim and Bin got all...
  551. M

    [Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

    From the preview on the ending credits they showed us more evil Karaked. I think they’re gonna give us flashbacks so we get more background!
  552. M

    [Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

    I LOVED THE FIRST EPISODE. Bella is steadily becoming my favorite actress cause she’s so talented. She’s doing the role justice. Her and Pop are cute in here haha. They suit each other well. I am so excited that they are gonna show more of evil Karaked. We get more background on her next...
  553. M

    [CH3] Buang Ruk Satan (Polyplus) Dome Pakorn / Margie Rasi

    I heard they didn’t want to air this yet because it was going against Mae Ai Sa Eun so they wanted to replace it with a stronger lakorn that would be up to par and that was Ngern Pak Pee. Not surprised they went back to edit it, since they have more time now.
  554. M

    ❤ [Ch3] Mee Piang Ruk (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth and Toey Jariporn

    Awwh I miss RRF.. knowing that this is Ken and Noi’s production again. RRF exceeded my expectations and I said I’d try another Noi lakorn so I’ll give it a shot although I don’t find Toey that appealing haha. She’s cute though.
  555. M

    [CH7] Wihok Lhong Lom (Daravideo) : Sammy Punthita / Boom Kitkong / Kelly Thanapat

    I love her feisty character cause she stands up for who she truly loves and she is just a brat cause she’s been spoiled but she doesn’t step down to anyone haha. Kelly honestly wants to marry her cause his dad owes a lot of debt to Sammy’s dad. Sammy’s family is freaking wealthy af. He’s gonna...
  556. M

    [CH7] Wihok Lhong Lom (Daravideo) : Sammy Punthita / Boom Kitkong / Kelly Thanapat

    Gosh Booms character is a b*tch! Sammy did so much for him. She loves him so much. I have a feeling he’s gonna cheat with Namwaans character. She hasn’t shown up yet though
  557. M

    [CH7] Wihok Lhong Lom (Daravideo) : Sammy Punthita / Boom Kitkong / Kelly Thanapat

    Damn this ones good lol. Sammy is doing a fantastic job and it’s not a surprise. I can’t stand Kelly haha he looks like Janie to me lmao but he’s kinda okay in here. Honestly Sammy is stealing the show and the screen time so it makes it really good! I feel bad for the poor one but I love the...
  558. M

    [CH7] Mae Ai Sae Eun (Media Studio) : Om Akapan/Mamaew Pornchada/Pooklook Fonthip

    I'm trying so hard to watch this but its so slow. I do feel like Pooklook's version is more of a victim and I can't help feeling sorry for her. When Noon played her I hated Daonin. When Pooklook is playing her I feel super sorry for her and can actually see a side of her that made her the way...
  559. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Glad all the ladies found each other but pissed that Ahnong and Rit have Hella scenes together and are having feelings towards each other just cuz one tried saving another’s life. I don’t wanna see Belle with Film like @spanky said cause thats just a pity pairing. If anything Film should just be...
  560. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    OMG I been trying to reply!! Still into this lakorn. I agree with you that I love how they’re not dragging this out with knowing who’s dead or alive lol. @KhoOnxNouxWanxJai did you see the part where Pin found out who Rit was and said she would die for him?! Omg that’s how much she loves Waen...
  561. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I really wanted someone for Kwan though! Haha my sister and I wanted her to get with Krit’s bodyguard. Haha wow that would be an awesome sub story haha weak girl gets with baddy Mafia bodyguard lmaooo
  562. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    This is the best review I’ve read haha love this!!
  563. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Ahhh I miss this lakorn. I’m enjoying your commentary @phatman. When I have time min going to rewatch. Right now I’m just revisiting old clips and pictures. The feels! I don’t have anything going on on Monday and Tuesday anymore :(
  564. M

    [OneHD] Kahon Maha Ratuek (Exact) : Pong Nawat / Vill Wannarot

    Daaamn I’m loving the cast! I know more than 90% of the cast and I am fond of them! This is a big project and the teaser/trailer looks appealing! Definitely tuning in :)
  565. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Lol Tina are we the only ones watching this? Haha well I'm glad you are watching this cause we can go on this journey together when things get revealed. Okay, so I did some major stalking cause I'm like so curious to know more aobut the hi-so girl haha I guess she's had a lot of previous work...
  566. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    OMg goes to show you how well I know the newbies haha thanks for clarifying!! I want Kang to get with the hi so daughter but he kinda fits Plengkwan too. Haha he’s in Dom kaew part 2 and my parents didn’t know he was in both. They said he looks better in the other lakorn lolol
  567. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Yes!! It's fraternal twins!! Plengkwan is Lift's daughter! So basically Kang was engaged to her but her family lost money and Noon didn't want them together anymore so called off the wedding and now wants Kang to get with the other girl (is it Kemisara, what's her name)? So Mos is fed up with...
  568. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    EPISODE 14 (FINALE) Part 2 Flashback to when they talked before Krit left: She asks how he’s going to get out of the industry, and he says he says what industry? He tells Da that she makes it sound like a boxing/fighting industry or something. She says he industry of mafia haha and he tells...
  569. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    This is probably a bad idea but I capped the last episode cause it's the least I can do for loving this lakorn and Noon/Ken haha. I know those who need subs aren't even that far, so feel free to skip this if you don't want to be spoiled. The ending to me was good, not over the top great but it...
  570. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Omg Waen and Bin can end up being lovers hahah if you saw the recent episode you’ll see they are so loyal to one another and would die for each other, and if they could run away together they would. Reminds me of another lakorn where there were hella wives involved and one of the wives that got...
  571. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Lol no she didn’t die haha but it took so mich screen time she might as well have died! Haha The only way to get out of the gang is to kill the gang leader lol. Jk haha but maybe ?? He does that?? Lol They better end this whole mafia dadddy issue thing right at the start lol
  572. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Loolol, that's so true! It's been crazy since the first episode. I was thinking the same about PlengKwan and also the weird stuff! I know I bring it up a lot but it has a lot of similarities of Rueng Saneaha, did you ever watch that? Well, that one was always using the spider to paralyze people...
  573. M

    Lakorn Rumors/Updates

    Hey everyone! I thought it would be a cool idea to have a lakorn rumor thread for lakorns that we don't know officially are going to happen or are most likely going to happen but it may not be confirmed soon. I read into some instagram pages and articles and notice that I'm never confident...
  574. M

    [CH7] Mae Ai Sae Eun (Media Studio) : Om Akapan/Mamaew Pornchada/Pooklook Fonthip

    UGHHHH the production tho. Okay before I talk about how amazing Pooklook and her dancing is in the lakorn, can I just say this production makes everything seem so choppy? The ransitions SUCK. You literally see someone's face and bam, next scene without realizing it. I was so confused for a...
  575. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    OMGGG, anyone watching hahah today's episode was crazy!!! I don't know how to feel. I kind of understand where everyone's coming from. Maybe I'll just point the fingers at... Mos lol. It's the guy's fault for all of them wanting to fight over him hahaha jk. I can't believe Bin cut off her arm...
  576. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Oops, i'm finally on computer and not on mobile and I saw big x next to your earlier comment @phatman, haha I apologize I think I accidentally clicked it, I tried to like the video above.. gosh I hate my phone. I need an update. Anyways, I only come on computer after episodes so I can just type...
  577. M

    [CH7]Bpom Ruk Akart Kaen (Kantana Movie City) : Kob S

    Omg this would be so crazy! Ploy in a channel 7 lakorn. I’m excited haha I miss seeing her. I couldn’t get into her recent lakorn with Oil and Kao.
  578. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I’m definitely going to miss your guys comments and excitement for this lakorn, the same excitement we would get together haha. It was fun to share some caps and artwork and read along to spoilers and get each other in on what was going on :). I think it will be a happy ending! As long as...
  579. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Can’t wait for for tomorrow!! Im kinda sad it’s ending this week but I hope we get good episodes!! Someone made this fan mv clip and it’s so cute!! Can’t wait to see what happens. The IG page releases so many clips!!
  580. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    LOl my sister loves Krits mafia side and said that’s perfect to her hahahah
  581. M

    [ONE31]Mueng Maya Live The Series: Bunlang Maya : Noosaba / Mam Katreeya

    Omg so they ended up really doing that? God if you have to go that far in exposing someone then you should really question and revalidate your life. Who has that kind of sick mind? Why would you want your son to sleep with your enemy to get them back? What kind of son would wanna do that for...
  582. M

    [ONE31]Mueng Maya Live The Series: Bunlang Maya : Noosaba / Mam Katreeya

    Ok, did some research. Mam's part does end on episode 4, that's why they do a live segment so we as viewer gets to decide the fate of the characters lmao. Next part is Bee Namthip/Son's part. I don't know the storyline yet, but it seems to follow the same format with the last/4th episode being...
  583. M

    [ONE31]Mueng Maya Live The Series: Bunlang Maya : Noosaba / Mam Katreeya

    I've been watching this since it came out and I've been quiet about it haha but glad to see others watching it. It's GOOD! Over the top, just like an exact drama is supposed to be LOL. So this is a "series?" Meaning what? Will it have different parts to it? Cause it looks like the part with...
  584. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha to me it’s believable, I look at as when Krit found out about the baby he went all out and did some hardcore research of where to take her to learn more about pregnancy and did some hard core YouTubing or something! Haha he was so scared of every little thing Da was doing especially...
  585. M

    [CH7] Mae Ai Sae Eun (Media Studio) : Om Akapan/Mamaew Pornchada/Pooklook Fonthip

    I agree, Pooklook looks really good doing the dancing scenes. She is so talented.. this girl has starred in many lakorns that takes challenge and hasn't disappointed me. However, I can't stop thinking about the old version or comparing it to that one. I really loved that one. I'm just glad this...
  586. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    AHHHHH LET ME JUST RANT. This episode was one of the best episodes ever in my opinion. Okay, yall can disagree but it was so damn cute lol. First off, I LOVEEEE protective Krit. He does EVERYTHING for Yada! It's funny how Khem talks crap on Krit for not being there for Da but how little does she...
  587. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    YEah the music is kinda annoying haha the sax is a little too much! Khem did do something stupid lol she released the pic of Trai and Nhee for the whole world to see and it caused so much drama and it caused Trai to get beat up and I think he ended up getting a concussion by the end of the...
  588. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    OMG I knew I was gonna like this lakorn!! I already loved the older generation and watching them in their roles made me love it even more. Everyone is doing a great job! I'm on Noon's side. She's so pretty in here, well she always is but gosh she has that glow to her.. really outshines the other...
  589. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    HAHA I’m getting old. I feel like I’m still holding onto Noon as one of my last and favorite actresses I still admire and hold loyalty to cause a lot of veteran actresses are going MIA, directing, or getting really supporting roles, or I feel they lost touch in acting since they’ve done it for...
  590. M

    What lakorn(s) do you think should be remade but haven’t yet?

    I still have been waiting for Fai Luang to be remade!! Maybe Nadech but idk how his acting would be. I wanna see him in a slap/kiss though! I liked Mark in KC but I feel like he needs to toughen up his acting a bit to be a little more stronger, tougher. He just seems sweet still trying to...
  591. M

    [OneHD] Ban Saranlan: Pong Nawat/Noon Woranuch/Bee Namthip/Punjan/Noona/March/Tao

    I think someone created another thread for it here :). Maybe an admin can merge.
  592. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha yeah they threw in some random songs from other lakorns! But I like it, the songs are really good haha and it’s better than hearing the same old OST each time. I’m not too fond of Peters but it’s still pretty good to me! But listening to it in many scenes got tiring so the other songs felt...
  593. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Kudooos to today's episode! It was worth the break. So addicting!! Gosh when the family starts coming together is when all hell breaks loose for all the couples. I understand both sides and today, it looked really wrong and things are just full of misunderstandings. BUT you have to remember...
  594. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha sorry.. the "D" in the slang we use with my family and friends mean the "D*ck". Haha. We joke around saying people get more happy after getting the "D" all the time haha.
  595. M

    [OneHD] Ban Saranlan: Pong Nawat/Noon Woranuch/Bee Namthip/Punjan/Noona/March/Tao

    I loved the first episode. Noon and Pong are so funny lol. Noon's a single mom and she moves into a house next to her ex, which is Pong. Her last marriage didn't work out and basically she can't get into contact with her ex hubby -- he doesn't even wanna see the kid. The mom got them into debt...
  596. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    The holidays I was so sick.. lol and dang I got sad there was a break but thank gosh there was cause it gave me time to recover and catch up hahaha. Awwwh truly loved today's episode. They sparked it up with cute scenes definitely between all the couples. Makes me feel lonely lol. I agree that...
  597. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I don’t think it’ll be 10 episodes anymore, maybe 12. Those were just rumors as the lakorn before like Buang Banjathorn was only 10 episodes. But the Wiki does show 10, so who knows?? Hopefully no more than 12 or it’ll be draggy lol. The summaries go up to 12 but after reading it, it seems like...
  598. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha I agree Thip!! My sister punched the couch because of how stupid she was. I haven’t seen a lakorn get to my sister this bad as in terms of hating a character haha. However, we both watched the most recent episode together and my sister warmed up to her and isn’t that annoyed by her anymore...
  599. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I love your comment haha I agree. I agree the ratings are so low for this. Despite it being low, I still don’t mind watching it :). I’m scared they might cut it short to 10 episodes for real now with how the rating is. You couldn’t have said it better. The right word for Da is reserved! She...
  600. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Since next Monday is Christmas, I probably won't be on here and doing caps or be around. It'll be busy but hope you guys enjoy :). I may or may not have time with the holidays to do anymore of these but this week, I did my best lol. EPISODE 6 Part 2
  601. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha I won't make a long post about today's episode since most of my commentary is in the screencaps! But I loved loved Da/Krit's scenes today. They're stinking cute and I can't wait for the next episode. I don't think the old verison had Mafia stuff so idk how it fits into this storyline and it...
  602. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Awwh you're honestly so sweet! Thanks for your appreciation. I appreciate your kindness and encouragement. People like you are the reasons why there are still subs and lakorn sharing nowadays! It is totally worth it :) You couldn't have said it any better!! I love your thoughts, couldn't agree...
  603. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Haha you’re so sweet! Thank you. Yes haha I haven’t seen the episode yet. I wait to watch it with my sister after I get off work then right after when the family sleeps I stay up to do the screen caps basically rewatching it haha. Maybe the directors intenitons were to make it seem kind of...
  604. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Awwh dang :(. From the previews it looked like some good chemistry. Maybe no screen caps then, I might just fandom on my own lol. Doesn’t seem like this lakorn is that popular to do so anyways haha.
  605. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Thank you guys so much!! I might do episode 6 caps tonight, at least I have some people reading it. Makes me happy since I enjoy the lakorn a lot. I have been waiting for Noon and Ken to pair ever since Noon was still with channel 7 so this is one of my dreams coming true! Plus, they both have...
  606. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Okay, I definitely had some free time today. Takes so much work idk if I can do this again hahaha but it was fun for this episode! ALSO, I apologize for the 3 separate posts. The forum wouldn't let me post more than 20 images per post so I had to split them up :(
  607. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Today's episode was really good!!! Lol I'm saying that about every episode. I'm just obsessed..almost as much as Shakrit is obsessed with wifing up Yada! I loved their interactions today. Krit keeps asking Yada for marriage and she keeps telling him "I'd rather die!" then Krit goes "or do you...
  608. M

    [ONE31]Ruen Benjapit: Kang Vorakarn/Plengkwan / Mos Patiparn/Noon Siriphun/Pang Ornjira

    Reminds me of Reun Sanaeha and I loved that lakorn. Why do they have such a good older gen cast!! Ahh hope it’s good!!
  609. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    @Katelyn OMG THOSE ARE FIRE!! I have seen some of the celebs repost your work too! Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to see more of your work ❤️. Your artwork is really inspiring. The one with the gif movement looks super tedious!
  610. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I miss Paul onscreen! I heard he's doing good with business or something now? He was a good actor :). Trust me, I've watched I think 3 of New's lakorns and it was hard haha but I still managed to finish them. Haha that is true. Even with Kleun Cheewit it was PG. I think I just enjoy the...
  611. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I felt the same with Paul/Noon haha but they grew on me. I was against him being p'ek at first but his acting made up for it to me haha. Oooh, I feel like Ngao Hua Jai is very underrated and people missed it cause of New :(. But it was really good. It's one of mine and my family's favorite haha...
  612. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Oh that makes sense haha :). Yes Ken is very good in here! He makes me hate/love his character. Your photo looks good :) I love the artsy feel to it! If you ever have time to watch, my favorite dramas from Noon with the revenge storyline are Rahut Rissaya, Ngao Hua Jai, and Kha Khong Khon. I...
  613. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I agree! They do really good in dramas so it's nice to see them in here. I was watching the old version and the way Yada was portrayed by Noi and Shakrit portrayed by Johnny was very comparable. It seems to me they studied their roles very well! Although I agree Ken and Janie have awesome...
  614. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Thank you! This means a lot since I am rusty. I wished I did more artwork and was consistent with my work back then haha.
  615. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Thank you for your appreciation! If I had more time I would definitely do screencaps and summaries but haha.. but too much time :(. I want everyone to watch and enjoy as much as I am currently LOL
  616. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I'm so obsessed with this lakorn, I came back to do artwork. Mind you I haven't done artwork for years hahah. Only if the lakorn gets me interested LOL. I'm loving the forced kisses Shakrit pulls on Yada and when he proposed to her, told her not to let go and when she tried to leave.. he kisses...
  617. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    @jjinxx no problem! I tried to be very understanding of Khem too but there's a point where I can't stand to see someone throw away their own family who's loved her since she was born compared to a guy she's only known for a month. I guess Khem was written that way so she can later have character...
  618. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I the next rumored lakorn (Likit Ruk with Nadech and Yaya), will take over this M-T slot and is rumored to air January 4th. Leaving this lakorn with limited episodes.
  619. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    @preetam yes you said it! The cinematography is so good. The houses are to die for in here! I love Yadas house! Her room has its own swimming pool in the back! And Kens condo has such a beautiful view. I really undeerestimated Noi and thought she was going to be cheap in this one but it looks...
  620. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    @jjinxx he's basically being very manipulative and getting into her head. He keeps telling her to face reality, either that or if she's too weak to basically leave and run away. He's convincing her to be strong and stuff but from his tone, body language, and attitude -- I'm thinking he's making...
  621. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    The little girl who gave him money was Aun’s younger sister with the asthma problems :)
  622. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I LOVE LOVE your video!!
  623. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I can’t wait for tomorrow! I been thinking about this lakorn this whole weekend hahaha.
  624. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Awwh I bet the video was very nice! <3. I hate how Youtube blocks a lot of things :(
  625. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Episode 2 was soooo good. I think this lakorn is good now. Episode 1 was kind of slow but thinking back it was good buildup. I don't like rushed lakorns and they built up the storyline really smoothly! Today didn't have useless side characters scenes haha, everything tied well into each other...
  626. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I can’t wait for today’s episode. I have to watch it after work but gosh seems like it’s progressing with more scenes!! Aggressive Shakrit is coming out and I’m liking it!
  627. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Yeah I noticed in some scenes Noons aged where other scenes she still looks good. I was thinking back and Ice looks actually comparable to her age like in some scenes. Especially the day after she went to Auns house she looked a lot older.. maybe it might be the makeup but they’re 13 yrs a part...
  628. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    I think they changed this version a lot with the sibling dynamic. Aun was supposed to be Ken's brother but is now just his best friend whereas Pie was supposed to be his real sister but is someone who grew up with him since they were young. I wonder why they changed it, but hey.. hopefully it's...
  629. M

    ❤[CH3] Ra Rerng Fai (Citizen Kane) : Ken Theeradeth/ Noon Woranuch

    Yeah Ken is so good! I can see his hurt too. I’m gonna be crying with him when he cries. It’s gonna be so sad and sweet at the same time when we see his character develop more. I agree about Ice. I was never really fond of her and she’s ok to me in here. I think she’s ok at crying but the way...