[CH3] Likit Ruk (Thong Entertainment) Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya


sarNie Oldmaid
There are probably many that don’t see it yet or questioned that.

For Dawin, there was a connection based on respect and appreciation and that develop into love. Beach scene, episode 3 or 4, he acknowledged that she’s the right person to rule Hrysos because of her tender heart and selfless acts. In the beginning, Pra’ek cannot actually love her when he doesn’t know her. He feels attracted to her and when he had an idea of whom she is, he starts loving her. At Chiang Rai, he smiled and I am sensing he’s feeling proud that she knew when to lose. She was putting others feeling before hers.

You can see the feeling that Alice starts developing for Dawin. She discovers it over time. Her flashback of him giving her his shoes is one example. She realized something there and smiled when thinking back. She started trusting him and promising him of her intentions before acting on it. He was always there for her; she’s happy (at times) when he’s there. After their fake marriage, he/she are each other everyday partner; they ate together; him doing housework/while she’s reading. She started caring and took his words into consideration. For example, to be Naree, she attempted the housecleaning, redecorated the house, cook dinner, and waited to dine with him. She was upset when he didn’t return her 238 calls – she called him that much for a reason. In later episodes, in the hospital – she looked for him when he wasn’t there. She found him and gave him coffee. It’s the little things like this that makes you know that someone care for you. In the Chiang Rai, she started getting jealous when she thought there’s another woman after him She’s upset when she thought he’s getting married, etc. (If you don’t have feeling for someone, you could care less about another woman).

It’s not what they said to each other, but what they’ve done for one another that made their love believable to me. It takes time to create a connection for the two of them and it started from episode 2. Watch the entire lakorn from start to current because the connection and the development were there. Watch an episode here or there will get oneself only a glimpse of it.
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sarNie Adult
I like how the photos he posted are of him EDITING LOLOLOLOLOL he's like, my people...... hahahahahaha

Yah ch3 was like thanks for the money stupid baiiiii It was the easiest money they ever made. They didn't have to do anything ahhahaa

LR didn't even go on the Today show WTF ahahhahaha :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The concert will shoot on Saturday but they will air it on Sunday. I'll watch the fan vids to give them the views.
Omg I was gonna ask u about the tonight show . Usually they go on it . Man Chanel 3 could have made so much more than 50 mil baht if they r open minded to other countries and not lazy smh .


sarNie Adult
There are probably many that don’t see it yet or questioned that.

For Dawin, there was a connection based on respect and appreciation and that develop into love. Beach scene, episode 3 or 4, he acknowledged that she’s the right person to rule Hrysos because of her tender heart and selfless acts. In the beginning, Pra’ek cannot actually love her when he doesn’t know her. He feels attracted to her and when he had an idea of whom she is, he starts loving her. At Chiang Rai, he smiled and I am sensing he’s feeling proud that she knew when to lose. She was putting others feeling before hers.

You can see the feeling that Alice starts developing for Dawin. She discovers it over time. Her flashback of him giving her his shoes is one example. She realized something there and smiled when thinking back. She started trusting him and promising him of her intentions before acting on it. He was always there for her; she’s happy (at times) when he’s there. After their fake marriage, he/she are each other everyday partner; they ate together; him doing housework/while she’s reading. She started caring and took his words into consideration. For example, to be Naree, she attempted the housecleaning, redecorated the house, cook dinner, and waited to dine with him. She was upset when he didn’t return her 238 calls – she called him that much for a reason. In later episodes, in the hospital – she looked for him when he wasn’t there. She found him and gave him coffee. It’s the little things like this that makes you know that someone care for you. In the Chiang Rai, she started getting jealous when she thought there’s another woman after him She’s upset when she thought he’s getting married, etc. (If you don’t have feeling for someone, you could care less about another woman).

It’s not what they said to each other, but what they’ve done for one another that made their love believable to me. It takes time to create a connection for the two of them and it started from episode 2. Watch the entire lakorn from start to current because the connection and the development were there. Watch an episode here or there will get oneself only a glimpse of it.
You earned this medal for most obsessed ahahahhahahahahahha



Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
You don't offend me, In fact you've got me curious? How in the world did you not get affected by the last two episode's sweetness????? Are you serious? Anyway...
I think their relationship roots deeper than being touchy or kisses like in other dramas. There is actually progress in terms of pra nang's relationship but theirs gradually develop from from trust and respect. And about the whole princess bodyguard forbidden love thingy.... Isn't that the whole point of the story? so i guess we should continue to watch to find the answer
Hmm... In defense on Yaya's acting, I think it is in Princess Alice's character to be regal and it comes along with being cold and serious. Take note that she is aware of her relative's hatred towards her so I would be surprised if an orphan princess who grows up with only her grandfather be cheerful and soft and all positive. Actually, she is softening up to Dawin now so... yeah they're giving me all the feels. I say, it makes sense :naughty2::naughty2::naughty2:
Hm.... in terms of Ya being scornful/cold and distrustful to her evil and malicious cousins I totally understand that bc she knows they’re malicious and have this cruel intention to overthrown her. I don’t question her being hard on them at all.

But my point was more towards her and Na, the p’ek. It’s very scornful and again “ดุ”. I just think that if you believe they have developed their relationship then the way they talk to each other would be more consistent, soft through out, not hot and cold? Yes, Yaya is a princess but I think even if you’re a princess when you’re talking to the person you’re potentially loving, you should show a more softer tone, not the commanding or cold voice. In that scene where they were going to go help rescue his mom, she was very firm, serious and almost disregards p’ek concerning for her. Almost like she’s brushing him off. I know people probably have different interpretations and takes on what one should act when in love or not, but Na’s eyes def convey more sorrow to me. I feel his aching pain, but from Ya’s side is still cold and “ชิงชัง.” It just doesn’t flow to me. But oh well— maybe it’s just me watching and not getting haha :p


sarNie Oldmaid
You earned this medal for most obsessed ahahahhahahahahahha

I accept because it more valuable to me than any “like” others have given me. I will wear this metal whenever I go out to battle on behalf of my pra’nangs. This valuable metal of obsession will be pinned next to my heart and no opinions will be able to pierce through it. :thumbup::risas3:


NY 4ever
Hm.. maybe it’s just me but watching Yaya is that her acting is very “ดุ” serious and just very scornful in her voice. I have always said I wish Yaya soften up her character/acting sometimes... not make it so cold, serious or distant. I think it’s hard for Thai audience to relate or make relatable to the lakorn and characters in here bc the plot/location is totally beyond their reality. So people aren’t really getting the point? Honestly even I get confused sometimes lol :p Ahahaha! I don’t find the issue with editing so much anymore or any less ahaha. But there’s also lacking in pra’nang relationship? How are they gonna fall in love when their relationship is mostly a commoner vs a princess and the way p’ek talks to n’ek is he really treats her like a princess, someone he’s not allowed to change or make a move on? So how could they just have them like fall in love at the end bc the lakorn is ending?? when there was never much development in their relationship??

Also I think I would even understand that even if there was no pra’nang development, at least if they both had conveyed in their eyes and emotions they love each other, understand each other then I would say it makes sense for them to fall in love at the end. But so far—- I’m not really seeing the good/romantic relationship between them??

Hope I don’t upset any NY fans.
I think that's the character, the personality of Alice that make Yaya to act like that, espescially, in Alice's case, she can't really trust anyone except her grandfather. She has many enemies around her, who want to kill her and take the crown.
But when she meets Dawin, he makes her believe that there's still someone that she can 100% trust and rely on. That's how their feeling began to grow up.

And if you rewatch the safe house scene at the end of Ep7, Alice actually says that she's not kind of that sweet person, who can say something pleasing to ear or sth sweet. Dawin says that he knows all of that, and he also knows that inside that cold person, she's very soft-hearted.

Personally, I love the way they make these two fall in love, it's the way they treat each other, what they've done for each other, what kind of obstacle they've overcame together. It's much more valuable than to say kind of: "I luv u" to each other or some scenes like when the nang'ek falls down and the p'ek helps her to stand up and than music+ slow-mo for 5 míns. (I hate that kind of sweet scene and it's really common in Thai lakorn LOL)

Anyway, like i said, we can always find something new when we rewatch a film or drama, sth we missed in the first time watching it. So take your time to rewatch it and you won't be disappointed. :pancarta::pancarta:
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sarNie Juvenile
@xodxo, not sure if we are talking abt the same thing but i mentioned b4 that i find her acting abit forced in certain parts be it happy/sad/angry. It kinda reminds me of a stage drama. It was the same in Kleun Cheewit last yr. I still enjoy LR!

Off topic..
Im soooo tired cos i only slept 4 hours as the new drama i mentioned yesterday was reali good and i cld not stop! Both the leads have good natural acting and the transition from scene to scene is great that even the expressions match up. I think Mookda might be the next Yaya? She also started very young, pretty and very natural with her acting. Those who need a distraction from LR like me, pls go watch. Hah!
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sarNie Oldmaid
@xodxo, not sure if we are talking abt the same thing but i mentioned b4 that i find her acting abit forced in her certain parts be it happy/sad/angry. It kinda reminds me of a stage drama. It was the same in Kleun Cheewit last yr. I still enjoy LR!

Off topic..
Im soooo tired cos i only slept 4 hours as the new drama i mentioned yesterday was reali good and i cld not stop! Both the leads have good natural acting and the transition from scene to scene is great that even the expressions match up. I think Mookda might be the next Yaya? She also started very young, pretty and very natural with her acting. Those who need a distraction from LR like me, pls go watch. Hah!
She’s cute but I watch lakorn for only pra’ek and I find the pra’ek unattractive. As in plastic surgery ugly. Sorry just my opinion.

Yeah kind of superficial like that but if I want to see average looking people, I’ll look at people in my daily life - lol.


sarNie Juvenile
She’s cute but I watch lakorn for only pra’ek and I find the pra’ek unattractive. As in plastic surgery ugly. Sorry just my opinion.

Yeah kind of superficial like that but if I want to see average looking people, I’ll look at people in my daily life - lol.
Hahahahah! So honest you! Interesting that u watch a show cos of the female lead. Im always abt the story but the cast plays a little part too. Like for example even if i like NY in this drama, i may not watch their next drama if i dont like the story or the character they play. So i think i love characters, not actors. I was pretty surprised myself.
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Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
@xodxo, not sure if we are talking abt the same thing but i mentioned b4 that i find her acting abit forced in certain parts be it happy/sad/angry. It kinda reminds me of a stage drama. It was the same in Kleun Cheewit last yr. I still enjoy LR!
Haha maybe :p


sarNie Oldmaid
Hahahhaha! So

Hahahahah! So honest you! Interesting that u watch a show cos of the female lead. Im always abt the story but the cast plays a little part too. Like for example even if i like NY in this drama, i may not watch their next drama if i dont like the story or the character they play. So i think i love characters, not actors. I was pretty surprised myself.
Haha let me correct that, I watch lakorn for the handsome pra’ek 99% of the time. The two exceptions that I made to watch were of Alex T. And Boy P. That was because they are funny dudes and I was looking for a funny time filler and it served the purpose.

I love character which leads me to love the actor. Come on who in this forum knows the actor personally before loving the character they played in a lakorn?

My ideal lakorn is gorgeous pra’ek in slap/kiss and revenge type. Oh it helps that nang’ek is pretty too. Don't give me no average looking nang’ek. Nothing worst than a good looking pra'ek with an average nang’ek. Even in reality that’s sort of a no no.


sarNie Adult
Lol same here!!! The main guys MUST look good in order for me to watch, but nangek gotta look somewhat good looking too. Lol I guess that's why I dont watch much kdrama anymore. The youngee are unattractive. Haha


sarNie Oldmaid
Lol same here!!! The main guys MUST look good in order for me to watch, but nangek gotta look somewhat good looking too. Lol I guess that's why I dont watch much kdrama anymore. The youngee are unattractive. Haha
That's why I don't watch Kdrama PERIOD! Chinese I did at one time. LOL.


sarNie Juvenile
I love kiss slap too and that is what got me into thai dramas. For me i dont care abt the looks, im more abt the acting n story for chinese, taiwanese, korean n thai shows. You know how some pple support their fav actors no matter how much their acting sucks? Esp in korean dramas. Im not one of them. ^^

Alex Randell is so damn good at angsty roles. Boy.P i think his acting is not bad bt i only watched like 1 or 2 of his dramas.


sarNie Juvenile
Reali? Some korean newbies are damn fineeeeeee looking. But i do miss the older korean dramas that got me hooked 10 to 20 yrs ago. These few yrs k dramas are pretty mehhhh...

Yayyyy eng subs out for the variety show above. Tkx!


sarNie Oldmaid
I love kiss slap too and that is what got me into thai dramas. For me i dont care abt the looks, im more abt the acting n story for chinese, taiwanese, korean n thai shows. You know how some pple support their fav actors no matter how much their acting sucks? Esp in korean dramas. Im not one of them. ^^

Alex Randell is so damn good at angsty roles. Boy.P i think his acting is not bad bt i only watched like 1 or 2 of his dramas.
I like Alex is very good but too bad he's cute like my brother. I don't ga ga over my brother.

Regarding my comments about Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, etc. - I am too lazy watching dramas that I don't understand. Too much work to read and not pay attention to their reactions - lol.

Lakorn is my guilty pleasure and I want as less work as possible when I am watching them. I am the type that rather watch a pretty/handsome face then an unattractice pra'nangs ( that can act). If we're talking about 2 hours max viewing time like Hollywood movies or American programs then that's fine, I'll tolerate your unattractiveness for the storyline and suspense. However, if I am going to be investing about 28 hours of my free time for a drama/lakorn then you better be good looking. :) Luckily for me - Nadech fits the bill. Yes, he may overact at times, but I can't be mad or annoy at that dimple smile :love:


sarNie Egg
As much as episode 9 will be sad, Dawin will somehow be needed in Hairy Sauce lol and his handsomeness and protectiveness will win her over. The sad part is that there’s only 4?episodes left...

I only watch NY lakorns so I hope I get another one soon. I can’t watch Nadech with another female lead, I did watch KC cos I initially liked Mark with Yaya all those years ago... put I was dragged onto Nadech’s side when he played Khun Charles..