So many scenes had me blushing today! Seiko & Takeshi are so sweet. Takeshi seems to always be saying he loves her with his eyes. When they stopped at the end of the bridge and Takeshi kissed Seiko on the forehead.... *aaaaaaah!* The rain drops were coming down.... *faints*
The funniest scene was when Seiko picked some books and you see Takeshi right there smiling like a big dork! 555555! It would seem really creepy in real life, but for Takeshi, he was na rak t'sut! (the cutest) And then he tells her, "You're friend is correct. You are the best choice as the Mistress of Onizuka." :heart: :heart: Omg, oak ja thaek thaai!!! MY HEART WAS GOING TO BURST! :heart: :heart:
Aiko, is really crazy possessive. She's the type of woman that will kill the guy if she doesn't get him. She thinks if she can't have him, no one can. What a psycho. And her father is one too. Jealously must run in that family. I think that Riki (Aiko's father) has something to do with Ichrio's death. Tsktsk. Backstabbing no good friend.