[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


Keep On Smiling
Good morning everyone.
Thanks lu for the beautiful mag. pics.
Yadech look  great in all these mag.   Can't wait to see them all...........

Woody would like Mae Keaw to invite and convince Nadech to attend Kerd Awards on December 18 at 4pm at Siam Niramit.

cr:NY home at pantip & @woodytalk 


sarNie Adult
:coverlaf: Luloveyaya, I couldn't help it. :lmao3: His looks for LS remind me of Pit from RP. So handsome! :wub:
Wow! Yadech has so many magazine covers. They are truely a hot couple. :cloud9:  :wub:
Well, I sure hope his mama will convince him to attend the Kerd Award. He always looks so good when he attend. Is Yaya attending too?
Seem like he is really back to working out! Good Job Nadech!


haha, this is so what I would do! Lmao

Thanks Bubba! Oyy, they look so HOT in these! :clap2:  :crush:  :heart: 



Live Love Laugh
:thanks: so much bubba and m9 for sharing :coolpix: ...!!!
Yadech fans are so lucky with all these Yadech magazines coming out, but on the other hands they must be broke by now or have to work overtime...
The prom king and queen cover is still my all-time favorite.  I prefer the Traveler's Companion Italy issue over the Germany one.  Not sure about the IMAGE cover yet, will have to wait and see.   The Volume cover is HOT and the Kuen Rueng cover is simply sweet.  They both look good.
Aha, Woody needs Mae Keaw help to pursue Nadech to attend the Kerd Awards.  It will be the day after his birthday and both him and Yaya will be at his home town Khon Khaen to do merit for his birthday.   Yaya wasn't nominate for any categories so I don't know if she will be going.....Nadech should go though, it is good PR and he was nominated in the "Born to be Hot" category.
The admins at NY Family at Pantip sure have a great sense of humor....they said, Yaya is very sexy for this photo shoots, but her Pe Chai allowed it because she was with him.... :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  



Vimalee said:
:thanks: so much bubba and m9 for sharing :coolpix: ...!!!
Yadech fans are so lucky with all these Yadech magazines coming out, but on the other hands they must be broke by now or have to work overtime...
The prom king and queen cover is still my all-time favorite.  I prefer the Traveler's Companion Italy issue over the Germany one.  Not sure about the IMAGE cover yet, will have to wait and see.   The Volume cover is HOT and the Kuen Rueng cover is simply sweet.  They both look good.
Aha, Woody needs Mae Keaw help to pursue Nadech to attend the Kerd Awards.  It will be the day after his birthday and both him and Yaya will be at his home town Khon Khaen to do merit for his birthday.   Yaya wasn't nominate for any categories so I don't know if she will be going.....Nadech should go though, it is good PR and he was nominated in the "Born to be Hot" category.
The admins at NY Family at Pantip sure have a great sense of humor....they said, Yaya is very sexy for this photo shoots, but her Pe Chai allowed it because she was with him.... :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  
thanks Vimalee
if ever nadech could not come it means yadech are enjoying their private bonding moments in khon khaen so they prolong their stay in nadech's hometown :heart: (hahaha :loool: another inspiration for my delusional mind :clap: )
ausa said:
At mey, key and Mao ... I don't know about any preorders yet, but one way is just to email ethaicd, they could probably help us out. Let me know if anyone else is interested and we can ask for them to set it up.

Btw if anyone does want the kwanruen mag ethaicd has it.

And the IMAGE mag
I'm going to be in Thai town in LA in two weeks, and I'll definitely be dropping by the Thai bookstore Dokya.  I checked their website and for sure they have the Puern Dern Tang magazine with Yadech and it's only $9.00!  I bet that they'll have the newer magazines of Yadech in stock by the day that I go there, so I can grab a few of each if any of you ladies are interested.  I can't promise that they'll have all the issues, but I'll get at least one of each Yadech magazine that they have.  If anyone wants one, please list the magazine title and the number of copies you want and I'll buy it and ship it for you; you ladies can just pay with Paypal.


sarNie Adult
THANKS FOR ALL THE UPDATES EVERYONE!!!! I miss you all mak mak! I have one more exam tomorrow and then I'm done with school for the year! Thanks to those who wished me luck! I cannot waittttttt for this weekend to come so I can come on here and read and watch all the news on Yadech! I just want to stop by and thank you all! :heart:


bubba said:
@Neezy, Good luck on your exam. Su su na.
Wow.... wow........wow...........once again, an Image mag. 

cr:image mag. @nyclub
thanks bubba 
like a husband and wife  :heart: the wife is giving massage to her tired husband on his chest then nadech giggled with goose bumps :heart:  :heart:  :drool:  :drool:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:


sarNie Hatchling
Vimalee said:
:thanks: so much bubba and m9 for sharing :coolpix: ...!!!
Yadech fans are so lucky with all these Yadech magazines coming out, but on the other hands they must be broke by now or have to work overtime...
The prom king and queen cover is still my all-time favorite.  I prefer the Traveler's Companion Italy issue over the Germany one.  Not sure about the IMAGE cover yet, will have to wait and see.   The Volume cover is HOT and the Kuen Rueng cover is simply sweet.  They both look good.
Aha, Woody needs Mae Keaw help to pursue Nadech to attend the Kerd Awards.  It will be the day after his birthday and both him and Yaya will be at his home town Khon Khaen to do merit for his birthday.   Yaya wasn't nominate for any categories so I don't know if she will be going.....Nadech should go though, it is good PR and he was nominated in the "Born to be Hot" category.
Woody should hv know better and extend a special invitation to yaya, that would hv make nadech leap at the chance attending Kerd Awards ;)  ;)  ;) 
@yk... lol u comments crack me up... he might be having goosebumps over yaya massage or probably from her plucking at his chest hair, we know that's her fav teasing method with her p'chai lol