[Ch3] Ruk Ork Akard (Polyplus)

ka kha

sarNie Juvenile
The new couple for this lakorn see so boring. Cherry is too old to wear again student in school's clothes. Just got to see the pictures of cherry and aom, they didn't match together that much like aom and ploy. Cherry her face see so skinny and her body.This lakorn is going to be fall down, anyways.


sarNie OldFart
i don't care who Om pairs with. I love seeing the guy. Although i like Cherry, her face looks to old for Om.
I agree! I Love him so whoever he is pair up with I am still going to watch his lakorn
even if the nang'ek don't match him.Look, at Bundai dok ruk I don't even like Min P,
because her voice bugs me a lot but I manage to finish watching it.ha.So, I cannot wait
to see this come out! Love Om!


Staff member
i like cherry and all too but i prefer a different n'ek -- who suit Om more .. A younger n'ek would be okay for me too ..


sarNie Oldmaid
Cherry looks cute and young in school uniform ^__^ I will probably tune in this lakorn. Unlike most of you, instead of changing nang'ek, I would like praek to be someone else since I'm still not fond of Om, yet! Lol.


sarNie Tombstone
Cherry looks cute and young in school uniform ^__^ I will probably tune in this lakorn. Unlike most of you, instead of changing nang'ek, I would like praek to be someone else since I'm still not fond of Om, yet! Lol.
I'm ok with Cherry as much as u too Bliss ja i use to be fond of Om but now he seem to
look terrible and tired lost weight he should gain more muscle to look hot again.


sarNie Adult
Pics from Polyplus Entertainment FACEBOOK

:yahoo: Rak Ork Arkard Opening Ceremony will be held on June 10th. :cheer:


sarNie Oldmaid
Omg Om is so hot, so Hot!!! I like what he's wearing, it gives him an edgy look like those bad boys type. His face is glowing, and his bonestructure is so sexy! I have to say the last picture of Om next to the girl in pink, they're looking so hot together. Wow! I don't know her name but I always find her so beautiful... Thanks for sharing the picture, it's such a tease. Seeing this picture makes me feel Ploy could've been in here with sexy Om, but they will get their chance together.


sarNie Tombstone
it doesn't matter me cos either Cherry or Ploy they both look and sexy with Om already
Cherry look so good when she's back to the aggressive and strong character again she
fit this sassy role more than when she's weak in Tard Ruk. This is what i wanna see
from Cherry my idol.


Staff member
okay .. after seeing these pic -- i guess it's not a bad idea to have cherry in here as she sort of remind me of Jui at some angle? not comparing but i think i might like this once it's out .. Om's looking fine !!! and YES, I prefer Cherry in sassy role too .. it's more of her b/c she has the face feature for it more than a soft and orn ae n'ek.


sarNie Adult
Looks interesting! What is the summary for this lakorn? I just read about this lakorn the other day and see that they are already filming for the lakron. Om is cute, good to see that they are pairing Cherry with other guys (getting a little bored with Mart). Looking forward to this lakorn. Om is lucky to be able to work on both Channels.


sarNie Tombstone
yeah i do reckon Mart his getting boring maybe cos his acting is lacking with
improving and doesn't convincing a changes at all and glad Cherry get to pair with
Om he has the hot look and acting aren't bad either


sarNie Tombstone
pictures credit from kumaEntertainment Facebook fan page



sarNie Adult




Hi..ja cupid candy :D

yes.s.s. Om looks so hot. dark tall & handsome. :yummy:

Om & cherry are cute together :thumbsup: