2004 OST ... I want to cry thinking about Angsumalin & Kobori:
Finally found part of the 1988 version (watched this very version in 1993 w/my grandma :wub
Tragic! Tragic .. let's reveal some KOO GUM history from REAL FAN trivia show.
1. Mam Jintara and O Warut's 1988 was known as the 'MOST BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME Angsumalin and Kobori'
2. Mam Jintara played as both Angsumalin and her mother (Koo Gum 1988 & Koo Gum 2004)
3. Ah Ning Nirut played as Kobori and his uncle (Koo Gum 1978 & Koo Gum 2013)
4. Koo Gum 1990 was the first ever to have the HIGHEST rating (40) !
5. P'Jie played as Yai Mien in two Koo Gum versions (2004 & 2013)
6. Koo Gum 1996 was the first one to be name 'SUNSET AT CHAOPRAYA' for international release purposes
7. Koo Gum 1973 has two n'ek as Angsumalin ( I don't understand why there are two lol - One for Thai/One for Japanese? lol)
8. Sirapong Chatree played as Vanus and Vanus's dad (Koo Gum2: The movie 1995 & Koo Gum 2013)
9.Khun Mitchai (1970) just returned from study aboard and became the first Kobori. People believe that he's really one b/c he couldn't speak Thai well (He owns a condom restaurant atm)
10. Koo Gum 1973 was the only one that made khun Thommyanti received an award as best writer
11. Koo Gum 1988 marked O Warut's debut career (he received an award for this role 'Popular Actor')
12. OST of Koo Gum 1990 and OST of Koo Gum 2013 are written by Chompoo Fruity
13. Duangdao Jarujinda dubbed P'Mam's voice in the 1988 version
14. The very first OST sung by the n'ek of Koo Gum was in 1990 w/Kwang (Sung live with Rainbow)
15. Koo Gum 2013, the movie, Hideko OST was written and sung by Yasuke Namikawa w/Nadech singing the Thai version.