Chai Chai Ruk Rue Plow?


sarNie Egg
This song name is "Chai Ruk Rue Plow" which mean "Is this love?"
This song is sang by Saranrat Wisutthithada or Lydia.
Once upon a time. She has been titled as "Queen of R&B" in Thailand.
I just listened it recently and I liked it very much so I like to share here   :)
in case that you guys never hear this song before...
If I have time. I'll make a translation of this song.    [Translated]
Translation.....Fron Thai to English
I don't know what I am right now.
That's my hand are chilling and my heart are shaking.
I don't know why when we are greeting.
It seem that my heart is beating harder than it used to be.
Whenever our eye make a contact.
My heart just flown away....
Na Na Na Na
*Is this love?
Gray colored horizon suddenly become brighten. ("Gray colored horizon" can refer to gloomy mood)
I just don't know that can call it "love" or not.
I still don't sure.
Only thing I know is...It's happen because of you.
I don't know what's cause this to me.
Something that already good just get better.
Even sound of the wind that blowing.
It's seem that become melodious sound from before.
I don't know what I am feeling right now.
No matter what everything I look. Its color turn to pink.
*Chorus : Can you tell me or not?.
Why I can't be myself from formery days.
About my own real self in the moment that I still didn't know you.
You just change me to another person.
Circumlocution all about you.
I speak nonsense all day and night because of you.
no~~~~~~~~~ nah nah nah nah~~~~~~~~~
I don't know what I am feeling right now.
No matter what everything I look. Its color turn to pink.
*Chorus : Can you tell me or not?
(*) Choir


Staff member
Thanks for sharing the mv & translations as well :D
"Once upon a time. She has been titled as "Queen of R&B" in Thailand." <----- yes, very true on this..  though she's not as active lately... :(