Very interesting thoughts you all have here
. Immortality & Eternal Youth are very tempting. If I was given a wish for both, I would choose it only if I could return back to a normal human being when I want to lol. Aging, Sickness & Death do scare me when I see these 3 things happening around me every day besides Birth.
If everyone was to live forever then we would not need the quote "don't take life for granted" then. And the human race will increase & how Earth will manage our growing presence? If I was the only immortal in the world then I could not live my life the ways I want to because I would live in fears, fear that people will question why I don't age, fear that I would be a guinea pig for research, fear of seeing people I love & care for going through the process of aging, sickness & death, leaving me behind on Earth one by one. I will be sad every time someone I love & care for passes away, my heart would not withstand the sorrow, sadness & loneliness.
I think Aging & Death are not as scary as Sickness. You lose your beauty by Aging, you lose your life by Death, but Sickness if they are the types that make you suffer then it is worse than Death. Therefore, there are assisted death, euthanasia & suicide.
I am very tempted to take the wish because Sickness scares me lol. I don't care if I grow old but I do care if I am healthy or not lol. I do like to experience what Life has to offer, growing old, feeling the pain of being an old woman, get sick & the ultimate ending of my life on Earth. And what lies for me after that does scare me just thinking about it now hehehe...this is where your faith will help you. I guess we all will know once that happens, you have to experience it to know what lies ahead after Death.