Kaen Lum Khong

Can a buddie in here translate the songs in Kaen Lum Khong... The songs are really nice, but i dont get the whole songs. Someone please translate the one that Oi sing and goes like this... "Fao tae ror ror ror ror" thanks so much..


sarNie Hatchling
yingerbug said:
Can a buddie in here translate the songs in Kaen Lum Khong... The songs are really nice, but i dont get the whole songs. Someone please translate the one that Oi sing and goes like this... "Fao tae ror ror ror ror" thanks so much..
Fao Tae ror ror ror....mean just waiting, waiting, waiting,,,because ror mean waiting, fao tae is also another word for waiting...I think this song is basicly waiting for love or something...


sarNie Hatchling
hey yinger,

oh cAn i ask if anyone had this series could u pls reup ep. 3, 4, and 14 for me i'm missing these ep.s..... i havenot gotten these ep.s yet so if somebuddie had the whole set could u reup these ep.s for me..... thanks....