Life In His Hands [Chapter 9-12.18.10]


sarNie Egg
Chapter 9:Another Heart With Love

Dream walked into the house excited. She held her mother’s freedom in her hands. It felt like the world was finally beginning to reward her for being such a filial daughter. There was nothing that would bring her happiness to a shatter. Nothing until she walked through the door of her house. She noticed her sisters huddled in a ball crying. She quickly ran towards them and asked for an explanation.

“What’s wrong? Why are you guys crying? Did someone hurt you? Who hurt you?” Dream asked without taking a breath. She then proceeded to look around to see if she could get a glimpse of her mother anywhere. She noticed that her mother was nowhere to be seen.
“Where is mom? Where is mom? Lada… Where is mom?” Dream asked in a panic state. She was afraid that the loan sharks had come to take her mother. “They couldn’t have… it isn’t time yet.” Dream added.
“She… she …. She…”
“She what Lada?” Dream asked attempting to get a sold answer from her younger sister.
“She left. She left P’Dream! She left us to die for her mistake.”
“Left? What do you mean left?”
“P’ Dream Mother. She abandoned us. She packed her bags and as we tried to stop her she pushed us away, got into the cab, told us to fend for ourselves and run, and she left!” Lada exclaimed. Dream couldn’t believe what she just heard. Did her mother really leave her sisters to fend for themselves.
“Lada.. Lada… listen to me.. did mother tell you where she was going?”
“No.. she just said that one day when everything is ok she will come back. She told us to leave and run away. She told us that she can’t save us.” Lada responded in tears.
“Lada listen to me. Go upstairs and pack your stuff. Pack everyone’s stuff. We have to leave her as soon as possible. You have to leave here as soon as possible.” Dream said.
“But how about you?”
“I will pay the loan sharks when they come, but those people cannot be trusted. I don’t know if they will do any harm to you guys. So I need you guys to go. Go until I clear it all up.”
“No we don’t want to leave you.” Little Minnie said hugging onto her older sister.
“This an order. Go NOW!” Dream screamed. Her sisters afraid quickly ran upstairs to do as she commanded.
At Puran’s House
Lada, Waen, Jin, and Minnie arrived at Puran’s house with some of their important belongings. Puran had been expecting them because Dream had called him few minutes ago to inform him she will be sending her sisters over for a few hours. Puran didn’t find anything out of the ordinary because Dream often sent her sisters to their house when their mother was out gambling while Dream was working. However, the fact that they brought luggage by striked him as strange because it appeared as though they were moving.
“Lada. Why are you guys so packed up? Are you guys planning to live with me?” Puran joked.
“P’ P’ Dream told us to bring this stuff.”
“Because our mother ran away and left us. The loan sharks gave her until today to pay back 2 Million Baht, but she knew P’Dream couldn’t get the money in time so she left because she was scared of getting killed.” Lada cried. She ran over and hugged Puran tightly. Puran was now worried about Dream. He wanted to go to Dream’s house to make sure she would be alright, but he couldn’t leave the girls at his house by themselves. Just as they were walking inside the house a familiar voice stopped them.

“Sir.” Ranchana exclaimed over the fence. Puran turned around to see this colleague Ranchana standing outside his fence.
“Ranchana what are you doing here?” He asked confused.
“The Police General would like to speak to you. He attempted to call you, but he couldn’t reach you through the phone so he sent me here to find you.” Ranchana responded.
“Ok. Ummm…Umm…. Is it important?” Puran asked really not wanting to leave the girls alone.
“Yes he said it was urgent.” Ranchana responded like a trained monkey.
“Ok. Ranchana… can you stay here with my sisters? I don’t want to leave them alone.” Puran asked in an awkward tone. Ranchana took a look at the girls and counted 4.
“I… I am not a babysitter sir.” She responded.
“I know you are a babysitter, but I can’t leave them alone. They are going through something and their mother has just abandoned them. They need a friend.” Puran countered.
“Isn’t it to late to feel abandonment? Your mother has been gone for several years.” Ranchana said really not wanting to look after 4 young girls. Ranchana wasn’t very good with kids and she was afraid of being a bad babysitter. Especially since the girls are her boss’s sisters not to mention the man she had a crush on. She thought about her answer and felt slightly embarrassed. She had sounded rather rude. Babysitting 4 children would have been a better mistake to make then what she had just said.
“Hey hey! I know my mother passed away already, but they aren’t my real sisters. They are my best friends sister.” Puran said. He walked over to the fence and looked Ranchana up and down. She stood stiff in her spot. “So are you going to do this for me or not?” He added.
“Ok sir.” Ranchana responded nervously.
“That was all I needed.” Puran said opening the gate. He walked out letting Ranchana in. Arguing with Ranchana made him completely forget how worried about Dream he was. Puran got into his car that was parked in the street for that night as Ranchana made way inside the house with the kids trailing behind her.
“Ma’am…. Are you P’Puran’s girlfriend?” Waen asked as they walked into the house. Ranchana blushed and turned to look at the young girl.
“No Ja.. he is my boss. I am under his command.” Ranchana responded embarrassed.
“That’s too bad because you are very pretty and you would be a great girlfriend for P’Puran!” Lada said aloud.
“Oh no don’t say that he is my boss. Anyways what are your names so I can know how to refer to you?” Ranchance asked.
“I am Lada, This is Waen, Jin, and Minnie.” Lada said pointing to her sisters as she named them off.
“Are you Khun Bpraiya’s younger sister?” Ranchana asked. Ranchana was very familiar with Bpraiya because at one point she believed that Bpraiya was the woman that Puran was waiting for. Ranchana knows that the only woman in Puran’s heart has and will always be Bpraiya. This is the reason why she dare not think about ever being with Puran.
“You know about P’ Dream?” Lada asked confused.
“Yes. She is the woman that Khun Puran loves.” Ranchana responded with a few strings in her heart being yanked.
“Ohhh no! No! P’ Puran and P’ Dream aren’t a thing. Why would we suggest you as his girlfriends. They are more like brother and sisters. P’ Puran use to love P’ Dream, but they only have brother and sister love now.” Lada said. For some reason what Lada has said made Ranchana feel at ease. She was happy hearing it.
At Dream’s House
Dream sat at the table waiting to hear the loan sharks calling for her. Time appeared to be moving slowly. As she sat at the table she wondered how her mother could have been so cruel. So cruel to leave her sisters alone. As she thought about it she heard the voices she had been waiting for. She quickly got up and rushed outside and to the fence.
“Do you have our money?” The scary stranger asked.
“Yes.. Yes… I do…” Dream said reaching into her pocket. “I’ll be right back.” Dream said running into the house as she forgot the check inside on the table. As she picked up the check and started to head back outside the door she was startled to find the 3 men standing at the door.
“What.. what are you doing in here?” Dream asked afraid.
“We came to have a word with your mother.” The stranger said.
“She .. she isn’t here. She left. Here is your check.” Dream said handing them the check.
“A check? I thought you were going to withdraw money? Why did you make us wait an entire day if you were just going to write a check?” The stranger said walking towards Dream. Dream backed away and felt herself hitting the table.
“I…. I…. I couldn’t so I borrowed the money from a friend.. the check is good I guarantee it.” Dream said
“Good? How could we trust you after you just lied to us.” The scary stranger said walking towards Dream. “Maybe, we should take you with us until this check clears.” He added with tone that sent a piercing pain up Dream’s spine. Dream tried to move away from the table, but he had grabbed her by the wrist.
“Where do you think you are going?” He said pulling her closer. Her chest were now pressed against his. “By the way I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Daed.” He said smiling. Dream tried to maneuver out of the hold but he continued to pull her closer. Dream felt her life slipping away before her hands. She attempted to fight her way out, but Daed was just to strong.
“Get away from the girl.” A voice said entering through the doors. Daed and his 2 men turned around to see a unfamiliar face with a gun entering the house. He let Dream go and turned his attention to the stranger.
“Who the hell are you?!” exclaimed in anger. No one has ever pointed a gun directly at his face. Dream noticed the man who had entered her house was Witarwin. She quickly ran over to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him. Again he was her knight in shining armor.
“Dream get behind me.” Win ordered. Dream immediately complied as win made his way around the 3 men with his gun still pointed towards them. He watched as they attempted to reach for their own gun.
“Don’t do it I will blow your brains out right now.” Win added to stop them for reaching for their guns.

“Who the hell are you and what are you doing in here?” Daed asked again.
“I’m her fiancé the person wrote the check. What are you doing harassing her. She gave you the check. It pays you back what more do you want?” Win asked angry.
“We don’t know if this check will clear. She told us that she would bring us cash not a check.” Daed responded.
“The check will clear. Look at the name on the check. I’m sure you’ve seen it.” Witarwin responded. Daed took a look at the check and read aloud.
“Witarwin Panidanan.” His stomache immediately became uneasy. The last name Panidanan was very familiar to him. It was familiar to all criminals. Pinyoh Panidanan who is Witarwin’s grandfather is the Police General who has put many big name criminals away. Although Daed in his own right was a very fierce individual dared not mess with this family. His boss and many other crime bosses have instructed to walk the other way if they ever came face to face with an officer or anyone at all under Pinyoh’s bubble. A problem with someone in the Panidanan family will surely ensure their demise.
“Ok. I will leave. I’ve got my money. There is no more reasons for me to be here.” Daed said. Daed has actually grown quite fond of Dream. He was only a few years older than she was and quite handsome, but his career as a criminal has made him intimidating. He smiled as he took one final glance at Dream.
“By the way.. .. Dream, you smell amazing. Your also very warm.” He added with a grin.
“Get out of here!” Win exclaimed furious. He was angry that another man had dared touch his woman. As the 3 men left Win quickly turned to examined the frightened Dream.
“Are you ok? Did they hurt you?” Win asked concerned.
“I’m… I’m ok..” She said attempting to control her tears. The more she attempted to conceal her tears she wanted to cry more. She wrapped her arms around Win and fell into his chest. Tears began flowing as she cried.
“It’s ok. I’m here now. I will never let anyone hurt you again.” Win said wrapping his arms around her.


sarNie Hatchling
This story is sooo sweet!!! Plz continue with this one! Why did you stop writing this one i ♥♥♥ this story!!! :bravo: