Lost my purse!! :(

Muddie Murda

Gosh I'm so freaking out T___T

I lost my purse and it had my life in thereeeeeeeeeeeee!! All debit cards....and.......my SSC and Birth Certificate.

I KNOW! Kill me! :( I needed those official documents for something so I kept it in my wallet (yes my birth Certificate fits right in all handy...stupid crap).

*sigh* I don't know what to do :( I called everywhere and looked everywhere! I last remember having it in my night class after exam, so we were the last ones in there. Gosh, I don't know why my teacher didn't bother to look at my side of the room. I guess I could cheat and he wouldn't even know -_-

Anyways...All I have to do now is wait around and hope it's in the hand of a very kind person who would return it to me :(

I've been sooo good this year! :( Helped everyone as much as I could and only pwned ONE person! Just one this year!!!!!!

Could I do something like report to the police or something? I want to protect myself from getting my freaking identity stolen..........
(And so my mom won't kill me cuz she don't know my SSC and BC was in there too :x)


N i n j a
aww mud love. so sorry to hear that. i wish i could help, but my friend went through the same thing. she managed to get everything back(had to redo everything again, --canceled her credit cards and such). i hope it turns up for you. i lost my stuff one time and the person that found it, actually returned it to my door. very lucky at the time.


sarNie Adult
First thing I would do is call the bank and credit card company (if you haven't) and tell them to freeze the account cus you lost your debit card, credit card, etc. Eventho the person that found your purse can't withdraw money but he/she can still purchase stuff with it i.e gas, food, clothing etc.

Next, would call the Social Security to report the lost SS card so they know.


sarNie Adult
damn! whatta bitchsnap...soo sorry muddie. yeah, u gotta do what fluffly says up there. hit up the bank RIGHT NOW...it's 24 hrs, find that 1800 numero, get everything frozen and contact authority ASAP on ur birth cert & ssc. good luck yeah...


i found a wallet before and shipped it back to the owner... without my info of course just in case something was missing and i happened to have found it...

i hope someone would return it to u mud! i know the feeling of having my identity stolen... it screws bad.

did u check lost and found? did u check ur car on the sides it might've slipped into a gap somewhere...? i hope everything will be ok with u.

Muddie Murda

Thanks guys!

I looked up on what to call for my SSC, online on their official site, they said there's nothing they could do about it and to just reorder another one.

But I've read other stuff and they said to call SSC so they could put a red flag up or something. :\ And SSC office closes weekend, like ppl don't get their stuff lost or stolen on weekends -sigh-


sarNie Adult
Thanks guys!

I looked up on what to call for my SSC, online on their official site, they said there's nothing they could do about it and to just reorder another one.

But I've read other stuff and they said to call SSC so they could put a red flag up or something. :\ And SSC office closes weekend, like ppl don't get their stuff lost or stolen on weekends -sigh-
MAKE sure u stay posted on ur accounts (check ur statement monthly). and most importantly, get your free credit report EVERY SINGLE year to make sure there's no new accts or debts incurred under your name that's questionable, if so, there's steps on the report that will tell you how to contact the credit beareau and authorities to bust the mofo who jacked it.

i've lost my fav. monkey wallet (named J****S) a couple years ago also with my SSC and the rest of my life. those bastards incurred about $200 worth of charges from some gas station between the time it was lost that nite and the time i called (less than 6 hrs). i got my money back of course upon reporting it to the bank and my credit card co. and so forth. but since then, i've had to keep tabs on my credit report every single year, and recheck my bank statement (though there's prolly only $8 every month in there anyhow). i haven't found anything fishy yet, but knock on wood. so it definitely helps to be more cautious than screwed later.


Tell me about it.
damn i wanted to reply so i spent about 10 minutes trying to log-in as Penny, then i remembered it wasn't Penny anymore -___-
happened to me. muddie i can cry for you, after i cry for myself. gotta spend mola to get new SSC too man. wait, do you have to spend money, cuz i lost my card too and need a new one.


sarNie Adult
I got my wallet stolen at the hospital while i was in the emergency room but newayz i had to report it to the cops and cancel all my cards and then i jus remade a new ssc but now i don't carry my ssc anymore b cuz my prend yelled at me well i couldn't get my stuff back as long as no one steals my identity i'm happy


sarNie Adult
i hope that by now it has been found or something.
but if not, you should be a step ahead whoever found it,
and call to let the places now that you lost the ss and such.
just to be on the safe side.
and you're older now, it's okay if you feel like you dont want to tell your mom,
but it's always good to have another opinion.

be smart, be ahead.
just incase it was found and someone wants to do bad things.
notify the bank, etc.

good luck.
let us now how it turns out.


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
wow. dang mud. that happened to my mom once.
BUT. someone jacked her purse and went down
to taylorsville and spent $250 bucks at food lion.
yeah. you better be careful. >_< my aunt lost
her purse and so she lost all her children's ssc and
birth certs since she was going to do her citizenship
thing. and yeah. her husband was pissed off.

dont worry so much. i'm sure it'll turn up somewhere.
you're not a bad person, so your luck wont be so bad.
best of luck, hope you find it soon. <33


yeah sorry to hear about your purse...When i find a purse i usually dig through it for a number that i can call to reach the owner...or if it's at a store i just turn it in to the customer service...hope whoever finds it is as kind as meeh...hahaha

Muddie Murda

Ahhh thanks a lot guys!
I had like an odd breakdown with all the stress over the purse and everything else. huahuahuahua

But um I found my purse!!!!! I'm so dumb T__T
I looked in my bookbag over and over. And one day, I just got mad and picked it up to yell at it :p and I was like "hmmm it seems heavier than it should be..." It was a laptop bag and my purse was squished down at the bottom on the other side of the flap. T__T Gosh I was so relieved yet felt so dumb. I handed my SSC and birthcertificate straight to my mom. So if she loses it, she won't yell at me. :p

Sorry to have you guys worried but thanks for the response!

How embarassing....