Hello everyone, I am a part of the subbing group called "ThaiLakornSub" (excluding Polkadotsubbers). We at ThaiLakornSub had been on a hiatus for quite some time but now we're active once again.
Due to our hiatus, we've lost some dedicated and contributing team members. Right now it is just me and the other Admin Saiy. We would like to recruit some new members to be a part of our subbing team.
You don't have to be a professional in this subbing/timing/etc.. field. It will be nice though, if you do know of them before hand. If not, don't worry. We'll kindly teach you the steps for each part. I must say that due to the hiatus, even me and Saiy have lost our touches so we'll be slower than our usual speed before. But once again, do not be afraid We really don't bite. We just want to continue sharing lakorn to the world.
Our current projects that we've been working on are Daddy Duo, Jao Ying Lam Sing, and Monthra Hang Ruk. Our main goal is to finish Daddy Duo first and then the other two. After that, we'll like to start fresh on some newer lakorns or older ones depending on polls and such.
Positions available are:
Translator: To translate the dialogue spoken in the lakorn for viewers to understand. You don't have to be 100% fluent in the Thai language. It'll be nice though. Even if you're not fluent, every bit of help is useful.. so just translating those tadbits can help the other translator go over and skip them.
Editor: To edit and correct grammatical errors from the scripts the translator has made an error on or to give a better understanding of the dialogue etc.
Timer: To time the translated dialogue script that had been edited by the editor.
Encoder: To encode the timed translated script from the timer into the actual video file. This is called Hardsubbing.
Uploader: To split and upload the hardsubbed video from the encoder onto video sharing sites such as Youtube, and so forth.
Video provider: To provide us with the "RAW" files of lakorns we are taking up.
You can take up more than one position too. For example, I am an editor, timer, and uploader.
If you are interested, please send me a personal message through here or comment below which position etc you would like. You can also visit us at our forum too. Don't be afraid to ask questions
TLS Forum - z15.invisionfree.com/thailakornsub
Thank you for reading, and hopefully joining our team. We are very thankful to all of those who can help contribute to our team.
Due to our hiatus, we've lost some dedicated and contributing team members. Right now it is just me and the other Admin Saiy. We would like to recruit some new members to be a part of our subbing team.
You don't have to be a professional in this subbing/timing/etc.. field. It will be nice though, if you do know of them before hand. If not, don't worry. We'll kindly teach you the steps for each part. I must say that due to the hiatus, even me and Saiy have lost our touches so we'll be slower than our usual speed before. But once again, do not be afraid We really don't bite. We just want to continue sharing lakorn to the world.
Our current projects that we've been working on are Daddy Duo, Jao Ying Lam Sing, and Monthra Hang Ruk. Our main goal is to finish Daddy Duo first and then the other two. After that, we'll like to start fresh on some newer lakorns or older ones depending on polls and such.
Positions available are:
Translator: To translate the dialogue spoken in the lakorn for viewers to understand. You don't have to be 100% fluent in the Thai language. It'll be nice though. Even if you're not fluent, every bit of help is useful.. so just translating those tadbits can help the other translator go over and skip them.
Editor: To edit and correct grammatical errors from the scripts the translator has made an error on or to give a better understanding of the dialogue etc.
Timer: To time the translated dialogue script that had been edited by the editor.
Encoder: To encode the timed translated script from the timer into the actual video file. This is called Hardsubbing.
Uploader: To split and upload the hardsubbed video from the encoder onto video sharing sites such as Youtube, and so forth.
Video provider: To provide us with the "RAW" files of lakorns we are taking up.
You can take up more than one position too. For example, I am an editor, timer, and uploader.
If you are interested, please send me a personal message through here or comment below which position etc you would like. You can also visit us at our forum too. Don't be afraid to ask questions
TLS Forum - z15.invisionfree.com/thailakornsub
Thank you for reading, and hopefully joining our team. We are very thankful to all of those who can help contribute to our team.