[RECRUITING] ThaiLakornSub


Staff member
Hello everyone, I am a part of the subbing group called "ThaiLakornSub" (excluding Polkadotsubbers).  We at ThaiLakornSub had been on a hiatus for quite some time but now we're active once again.
Due to our hiatus, we've lost some dedicated and contributing team members.  Right now it is just me and the other Admin Saiy. We would like to recruit some new members to be a part of our subbing team. 
You don't have to be a professional in this subbing/timing/etc.. field.  It will be nice though, if you do know of them before hand.  If not, don't worry.  We'll kindly teach you the steps for each part.  I must say that due to the hiatus, even me and Saiy have lost our touches so we'll be slower than our usual speed before.  But once again, do not be afraid :)  We really don't bite.  We just want to continue sharing lakorn to the world.
Our current projects that we've been working on are Daddy Duo, Jao Ying Lam Sing, and Monthra Hang Ruk.  Our main goal is to finish Daddy Duo first and then the other two.  After that, we'll like to start fresh on some newer lakorns or older ones depending on polls and such.
Positions available are:
Translator:  To translate the dialogue spoken in the lakorn for viewers to understand.  You don't have to be 100% fluent in the Thai language.  It'll be nice though.  Even if you're not fluent, every bit of help is useful.. so just translating those tadbits can help the other translator go over and skip them.
Editor:  To edit and correct grammatical errors from the scripts the translator has made an error on or to give a better understanding of the dialogue etc.
Timer:  To time the translated dialogue script that had been edited by the editor.
Encoder:  To encode the timed translated script from the timer into the actual video file.  This is called Hardsubbing.
Uploader:  To split and upload the hardsubbed video from the encoder onto video sharing sites such as Youtube, and so forth.
Video provider:  To provide us with the "RAW" files of lakorns we are taking up.
You can take up more than one position too.  For example, I am an editor, timer, and uploader.
If you are interested, please send me a personal message through here or comment below which position etc you would like.  You can also visit us at our forum too.  Don't be afraid to ask questions :D
TLS Forum - z15.invisionfree.com/thailakornsub
Thank you for reading, and hopefully joining our team.  We are very thankful to all of those who can help contribute to our team.


sarNie Adult
Maybe I might want to be the encoder or editor, but I not sure, so it's a maybe. Oh and may you please tell me which one is the easiest. Srry I not that good so I kinda want the easiest. 


Staff member
YaMaMiKi said:
I Can Help With Uploading
Thats A Promise
Awwwe, thanks sweety.. Any help is fine. <3 Joop Joop!
Falada said:
Maybe I might want to be the encoder or editor, but I not sure, so it's a maybe. Oh and may you please tell me which one is the easiest. Srry I not that good so I kinda want the easiest. 
Hmmm, I would say the simplest job would be the editor, since you'll basically be reviewing the script for any grammatical errors etc.. but it can be a bit confusing too in a way since some sentences are hard to translate accurately.  But overall, I'd say that job is the simplest.
Translating and Timing takes more time.. encoding is alright.. if you know how to encode :) so encoding is the second easiest I would say.


sarNie Adult
ok, Thanks! May you please give me an example or tutorial for the editor and encoder, so that I can understand it more easy and know what to do exactly. THANKS! :D


Staff member
For editor - You just really need to know the basic grammars in sentences etc.. Like for example if "receive" is used in the sentence but it was spelled "recieve" instead.. you'll just correct it to the right one.  And also edit the sentence if it seems to be like a run on sentence.. etc.. Though this may look easy, it can be a bit confusing too like I said beforehand.  Some things said are hard to translate, so be aware of that.  We'll most likely have parenthesis or quotations used to give a note or heads up to the viewers just so they can understand the meaning or hidden message of the verse.  But overall, this job isn't that difficult :).
As for encoding, this can be a bit more complicated since everyone has their own preferences in which programs they want to use for encoding.  For example, many people tend to use the virtualdub program.  I use it too but, it's not really my favorite choice to use.. since I'm not that great at it.  Another program I use is videopad, but I feel like the program can be too time-consuming.. I'm currently using a program called xvid4psp (which was recommended by one of my polkadotsubbers team buddy and so far I'm alright with it.  Like I said before, everyone has their own special program they like to use... so it'll really depend on you to figure which one works best for you.  Oh and when you encode, make sure that the fonts match with each episodes.. we don't want to watch so many different videos with different fonts.. we're just trying to organize them :).  This is just my short explanation for you to understand.  I'll make a tutorial for you to see later so you'll get the grasp.  I'll probably do tutorials for each of the program too.  :)


Staff member
Sadly no, because windows movie maker does not have the option of encoding the softsub files :(  You have to use the programs I mentioned or other ones not mentioned.


Staff member
Yes you'll have to download the programs from online.  If you download the links from the original site then you shouldn't get any virus what so ever.  :)


Staff member
Alright, I'll make a tutorial for you on all 3 programs I used.. which will be on videopad, virtualdub, and xvid4psp. :)
Please download the files I'll be uploading shortly.
edit:  Please download these files... it'll be an already timed file which will be used on a music video :)
timed translated file - http://www.sendspace.com/file/vjvli6
music video file - (please download the three files, since one will be in .flv format and the other two is .wmv format or .avi format.  Unless you want to download just one and convert the video file yourself.  There are reasons why I'm doing three files.)
.flv - http://www.sendspace.com/file/24io78
.wmv - http://www.sendspace.com/file/wd67hx
.avi - http://www.sendspace.com/file/30h6tu


Staff member
Here's the first tutorial for the Videopad program.
Do note that I will be using the .flv video file.  But also do note that using the other two video files will be exactly fine as well.



sarNie Adult
I don't think I can use videopad editor, because you have to pay, and I can't. But thanks, but I'll try to see if I can do it with another.
And I'm sure now that I will join this subbing group. I'll be the encoder and editor. 


Staff member
Yeah, I forgot to say that VPad has a short trial only.. and it's a paid program.. sorry na :(  It's one of the easier programs to work with though.
I'll make the other 2 tutorials in a bit or later.