
sarNie Oldmaid
Got new message at YT channel...

Message: when you guy finish sub sbs can you guy put in crunchyroll.com too..please.

I replied back, saying, that I will discuss with everyone first. ^_^ So what you all think?


sarNie Fansubber
Sure, no problem but that means we have to divide the parts half first and then time it. After uploading it to crunchy roll, we then divide the parts into 10-minutes to upload in YT. But why that person wants us to upload to Crunchy Roll? Can't she or he watch it at YouTube?

The deadline for Episode 12 is Saturday. Wow. That's quick. Are you able to translate Episode 12 that fast?


sarNie Oldmaid
Sounds complicated. :lol: LOL.

^_^ I will start tonight and will work on more tomorrow. So yes I think it can be done. Well the translations and some timing at the least... by Saturday. :D LOL.

You know if Pang is done with her part yet?


sarNie Oldmaid
Sorry everyone I'm such a procasinator which is a thing I hate about myself -_-
I'll try to turn in 13-8 soon.

Ek: Take this too. (dont know what he said after that) Put on your shoes too.
Kwan: What is this place mom?
Woosen: This is where I think Woosen is at.
Kwan: Ek lives here!?
Wanna: Be quiet.
Wanna: Ek!
Ek: Wanna!
Woosen: Mom!
Kwan&Wanna: Woosen.
Wanna: Woosen, I came to pick you up now come on.
Kwan: Ek, what did you do to my sister? Let my sister go
Ek: What did you say? Your sister? Ha Ha you idiot.
Wanna: Mom, help me. He kidnapped me.
Wanna: What did you do to Woosen?!
Ek: I haven't did anything to her yet but almost did just by a little bit.
Wanna&Kwan: EK!!!
Ek: Don't come any closer, do you see this? Do you? If you do I'll shoot Woosen.
Wanna: Ek, don't do anything to Woosen. Please.
Kwan: Ek, just let my sister go. However much money you want I'll give it to you, just tell me.
Ek: Do you two not understand anything? I already told you two that I don't want any money from you guys, I need Woosen to be my wife.
Woosen: Why don't you take N'Fun to be your wife, she's way prettier then me. Everyone says that.
Kwan: Woosen....
Woosen: True! N'Fun is so much prettier then Woosen. Take N'Fun. Replace Woosen with N'Fun. I'm begging you.
Kwan: Mom...
Lady: KrungThai Hospital needs someone with group O negative to help a patient as soon as possible. Whoever is willing to help can contact us at KrungThai Hospital.
Gino: I wonder what blood group I have...
Guoey: Khun Lookchin, I heard you were going to go donate blood. A little kid's blood like you they won't accept.
Gino: Well hmmm.. where have I heard about this blood group at? What type of blood do you have?
Guoey: Hey don't even think about it. My blood has diabetes they won't accept it.
Gino: Aw that's too bad, I want to save someones life.
Guoey: Aww, you are so cute. Look at this mom and son related but nothing a like.
Gino: Your mom or dad?
Guoey: Evil huh?
Wanna: Ek, I'm begging you, can you please take N'Fun instead and bring Woosen back to me please?
Woosen: N'Fun, I thought you said you loved mom and you will do whatever she says so come switch places with me please please!
Wanna: Fun, Please I'm begging you please.
Kwan: Mom, you don't have to.
Ek: Wow isn't this weird, N'Wanna, N'Woosen. Whenever you two want something you guys are willing to beg for it even to a dog, but whenever you are two are jealous of someone I bet you guys can probably kill each other.
Woosen: I know it. Ek go take mom, she's your wife go take her.
Ek: ARe you crazy or something! Take her and do what? Make her my wife? She's too wrinkly!
Wanna: Fun. help you sister out help her out!
Kwan: Ek... Ek take me instead.
Ek: Do you not understand or something? When you love someone do you switch lovers that fast? I'm begging leave us alone I'm going to take Woosen as my wife.
Kwan: Mom, give him money right now it seems like he is being serious.
Ek: You guys are so smart huh?
Woosen: Mom.
Ek: Don't bother following us, because if you do I'll shoot N'Woosen.
Woosen: Mom!!!
Wanna: Woosen!!
Kwan: Mom Don't! Mom I think we should go tell the police come on!
Wanna: So they can (something for some reason my computer wont let me hear that part) Gosh you are so dumb! Woosen!
Win: Thank you very much. Keep in touch.
Natae: We haven't got anything yet, Tawanchai.
Win: Noukyoung. It's my fault I should have tooken care of Noukyoung better but I didn't do it. Nurse has anyone called at all?
Nurse: Yes.
Win: Where are they? I want to say thank you to them
Nurse: They are in ChiangLie. They probably won't make it in time.
Win:How long:
Nurse: 45 minutes.
Wanna: You have a part of making this problem happen.
Kwan: I didn't know anything about this.
Wanna: But if you made K'Tawanchai start liking your sister and hate N'Noukyoung then N'Woosen probably wouldn't have that horrible man help her.
Kwan: It's yours and Woosen's fault for bring Ek to the Simantra house!
Wanna: N'FUN! Are you blaming me now!? You evil child! I hate you! I hate you I should have not raised you.
Kwan: How come you are talking like this Mom? You talk like I'm not your child. Like you adopted me or something
Wanna: Get away from me right now. I hate you do you hear me I hate you. Watch if something happens to my daughter then I'm going to kill you.
Kwan: You are even willing to kill your own daughter? Or am I not your daughter?
Lady: KrungThai Hospital needs someone with group O negative to help a patient as soon as possible. Whoever is willing to help can contact us at KrungThai Hospital.
Guoey: Ugh... I don't even know how everyone is doing. Khun Lookchin don't cry.
Gino: Right now everyone is gone. Mom is missing, P'Fun is missing and so is P'Woosen.
Guoey: Don't cry.
Guy: K'Daien are you trying to find the missing person?
Guoey: K'Daien, are you looking for K'Woosen?
Daien: Yes. Are K'TorFun and K'Wanna home?
Guy: They both left earlier. I believe that they are looking for K'Woosen.
John: What is up with this kid, goes somewhere and doesn't even tell an adult.
Guoey: Well actually this is how K'Woosen has always been. Whenever she goes somewhere she doesn't tell anyone but she eventually comes home later.
Daien: And what if she doesn't come back?
Gino: K'John, K'Daien, did you hear that K'Noukyoung got shot by P'Ek?
John&Daien: What?
Guoey: Right now she's at the hospital. The doctors said they aren't sure that she will make it.
JohDaien:Oh my gosh.
Gino: Mom, what's wrong? why are you crying?
Wanna: N'Woosen, you older sister.
Daien: What happen to Woosen?!!!
Wanna: She... I'm starting to think that someone kidnapped her.
John: Ek right??
Wanna: Hey don't be guessing.
Daien: Darling help my daughter please.
Gino: Mom I thought you went with P'fun? But how come you didnt come back with each other?
Wanna: I wouldnt know. She might be dying somewhere right now who knows?
John: My gosh! You are more worried about Woosen who is Daien's daughter more then Tor Fun who is your real daughter? What is this? Darling go tell the police to go find Woosen and Torfun!
Wanna: Don't!!
Gino: Why mom?
Wanna: What if he really did kidnapp Woosen and if you told the police they would kill Woosen for sure.
John: you talk like you know who kidnapped Woosen!
Wanna: N'Daien take your husband and leave right now get out of my house! Leave!
Wanna: Lookchin come inside.


sarNie Fansubber
Thanks, Kayla.

Sorry, guys. I've been busy. Still doing that four page essay. ARG. Writing is not my thing. -_-
I'm really sorry you guys, my parents got mad at me so they banned YouTube. I thought that the proxies would work, they did, but then again I just couldn't lie to my parents. Anyhow, the proxies take FOREVER and a half.



sarNie Oldmaid
I'm really sorry you guys, my parents got mad at me so they banned YouTube. I thought that the proxies would work, they did, but then again I just couldn't lie to my parents. Anyhow, the proxies take FOREVER and a half.

Don't worried about it, I'll finish up the rest of 13.1. :D

Thanks KaylaC for the translation. :)


sarNie Oldmaid
Got another request message ....

hi there again
n sorry for this again.can you guy put suparb burut satan in veoh too.....

And another message for those that know Thai...

thai english translator
Hello StarsSubbingTeam!

Can you read and write Thai? Does your computer produce Thai script?

I am a researcher looking for a Thai English bilingual to translate two surveys from English to Thai for me. Compensation is negotiable. If interested or know someone who might be, please contact me. I'd greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.


sarNie Oldmaid

Win: It's been 43 minutes already, Natae.
Natae: I'm sorry, Tawanchai.
Girl: K'Natae, K'Tawanchai.
Nurse: The person that is going to donate the blood is here now.
Win: Where are they?
Nurse: They are about to take her upstairs.
Win: Khun. I want to thank you so much
Kwan: P'Tawanchai?...
Win: TorFun?
Natae: Tor Fun?
Kwan: Wait what what?
Win: You are going to donate blood for Noukyoung?
Kwan: K'Noukyoung? I'm so happy that the person that I'm donating my blood to is K'Noukyoung. Eveything is fine now P'Tawanchai don't think so much.
Win: Thank you so much, Tor Fun.
Kwan: Yes.
Win: Tor Fun is like an angel from heaven helping Noukyoung.
Natae: She came without even knowing who she was donating to. She is such a good person.
Woosen: Ek you bad person! Why are you doing this to me!?
Ek: Because a person like you doesn't accept it when someone talks nice to you. You always insult me and always think I'm in a lower class then you even when you aren't any better then me.
Woosen: you want to revenge me!
Ek: Yes revenge and love!
Woosen: Watch! you are going to go to prison my mom is going to call the cops on you!
Ek: haha and they will also arrest you and your mom good so we can fight with each other in jail.
Wanna: (K'Something) help my daughter please help her get away from that evil guy. I promise that if you let Woosen escape I will change, I won't be so evil anymore and I'll leave The house os Simantra. And I won't want anything from here either.
Daien: Lucky that K'Noukyoung had TorFun donate blood.
John: I want to say I'm happy for you that K'Noukyoung made it and also that Tor Fun isn't missing like Woosen.
Win: Wait what? Woosen is missing?
Daien: I don't know either. Wanna, TorFun and I have tried everyway to find her but we haven't found her yet. But Wanna is starting to think that she was kidnapped.
Win: And did she say who she thinks it is?
John: I'm pretty sure she knows but won't say anything cause she is scared that the police will catch the bad guy.
Natae: Ek.
John: yes.
Ku: Are you crazy? Questioning me this early.
Police: Well you are related to K'Noukyoung. We want to know if she has any enemies.
Ku: Yes! there is too much to count. Noukyoung is a devil child that I had to raise
Police:From what your saying it doesn't sound like you like her at all.
KU: Who would like her? She always does want she wants and always yells.
Police: but you were willing to pay for her to go study out of Thailand right and she has a lot of stuff that her parents left her with.
KU: Yes but only a little bit. (Don't know what he said afer) But the only reason why I was willing to pay for her to go to school is because her parents were my best friends. Am I done yet? I want to go relax now.
Ploice: alright but if theres anything else I'll ask you to come talk to me.
KU: Gosh how annoying.
Police: Are you leaving now?
Ku: Do you think I want to go sleep in that jail cell or what? I'm so tired right now.
Police: So you aren't going to go visit K'Noukyoung at all?
Ku: She already has a fiance, they can take care of each other don't worry.
Police: Then you can leave.
Natae: Here are the things that Noukyoung left behind.
Police: Thank you very much.
Win: Tor Fun. Can we have some time alone for a few minutes.
Kwan: Nothing is wrong now K'Noukyoung should make it. Don't think so much.
Win: Tor Fun, you saved Noukyoung's life.
Kwan;It's something that every human should do if they can.
Win: Thank you very much, TorFun.
Kwan: P'Tawanchai, please excuse me now I have to go take care of mom at home. If you need anyone to help K'Noukyoung just call me.
Win: Thank you very much. So what about Woosen?
Kwan: I don't know what to do either.
Win: It's Ek would kidnapped Woosen right?

Next Preview:
Noukyoung: How much do you love Tawanchai, Tor Fun?
Win: How come Aunt Wanna has to call Ek to watch out even though she wants Woosen to escape from Ek?
Wanna: This problem, me and N'Fun can take care of.
Wanna: Woosen.
Win: What did you say?


sarNie Fansubber
thai english translator
Hello StarsSubbingTeam!

Can you read and write Thai? Does your computer produce Thai script?

I am a researcher looking for a Thai English bilingual to translate two surveys from English to Thai for me. Compensation is negotiable. If interested or know someone who might be, please contact me. I'd greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.
That's cool. Maya, you should take the job. You also get pay. That's *bling* *bling*. I can help to correct the grammar too. :lol:


sarNie Adult
Yes! I can help now :D haha. Now, that school has calmed down a bit, and that i've turned in all my
assignments for now, you can assign me anything when you have time, P'Thuy and P'Maya :D hehe.


sarNie Egg
To Everybody:
How are you guys? I am having a great time in China.
I can log in internet. Maya, I have time to do assignment.....

Just let me know....


sarNie Adult
you girls are doing great....sorry i can't be of any help except support and you guys are good without me already so whatever...lol...
SO....i heard kwan's having at least 2 lakorns and i'm hoping you guys are booked on subbing those two...well, we'll have to see how the series turn out but just letting you guys know ahead, way ahead of time...lol...yeah, keep up the great work.... :D


sarNie Fansubber
Thanks, skies, for your big support.

Maya, thank you for working so hard to sub these last few episodes. You're a lifesaver.


sarNie Oldmaid
Thanks everyone for waiting to help, but at moment I'm fine with everything else but translators. I need to recruit new translator that have time and can translate part within one or two days, not takes a whole week to do it.

If you all really wanted to help, please spread the words that we need a new volunteer of translators that can work fast.

Thuynmt, thank you to you too for all your help, if I didn't have your help I wouldn't be working this hard and fast either. ^_^


sarNie Fansubber
Thanks everyone for waiting to help, but at moment I'm fine with everything else but translators. I need to recruit new translator that have time and can translate part within one or two days, not takes a whole week to do it.

If you all really wanted to help, please spread the words that we need a new volunteer of translators that can work fast.

Thuynmt, thank you to you too for all your help, if I didn't have your help I wouldn't be working this hard and fast either.
Thanks, Maya.

It's going to be hard to find a translator. -_- Oh well, we got 4 more episodes! I'm going be so proud of our first goal.


sarNie Hatchling
umm.. i was wondering.. can i turn in my translations on October the 16th?? i had tons of homework so i didnt really get it done with.. i think i have bout half of them i need to finish! thnx!


sarNie Oldmaid
Yes only 4 more to go. :D Hope Linda start on translating the last episode already, because I should be done with ep. 13 soon. ^_^ And then 14 and then 15 and then 16 done! :loool: