When to know when its time to let go


sarNie Adult
I have best friend who've I've known since the 5th grade, so we've been friends for about 14 years now.
But our views on pretty much nearly everything is totally opposite and generally I'm fine with it. I rarely meet anyone I share all of my views with, my boyfriend doesn't even share the same religious belief as myself (of course I don't have one so I guess that helps lol). It works because I've always been able to find some common ground with most people and our differences have never been so bad that we couldn't overlook it and focus on the friendship. Or we've learned to stay away from certain topics or be considerate of each other by not stepping on each other's toes when it comes to politics and religion.

With that being said, I finally snapped a few hours ago because I finally got tired of the way she was coming off or talking about beliefs that were different from her own. She says she's hurt that I coud say that she was 'mocking' of being offensive to me. In fact you threw the words back at me and said she was OFFENDED that I found what she said offending. Uh...yeah, okay, once again she's turning it around and making it about HER and making herself out to be the victim.

For years I've listened quietly while she complain about being and outcast just because she's a Conservative Christian, as if she's in the minority or something. I've listened quietly while she was being condescending about her husband's mom's religious practices (she's Buddhist).

If it were anyone else I would've said something a long time ago but because she's my best friend I was being courteous and considerate but she's NEVER once done the same for me as a friend. Well, that's not true. When we were younger she was, but when she moved away to Mississippi her perspective of the world competely changed. She seems so intolerable of anything different from herself, at least that's the impression I get when I talk to her. It's as if she can't take anyone else's views seriously if they're not in line with her own.

So yeah, after a heated discussion I finally snapped. I've had it with her attitude.
I'm sorry she has an illness (nothing that could kill her, it's something else) but I'm tired of her always playing the victim. She's only the victim because she chooses to see herself that way. The world is not out to get her just because she's a Christian, HELLO she's NOT the only Christian in America. No one's against her because of her conservative view, there are tons of conservatives out there.

Anway, yeah. Sorry just needed to rant.

I think our friendship has finally come to an end, I can't find any reason for us to be friends anymore. She doesn't seem interested in what I say when I'm talking, the conversation always goes back to her and things that goes on in her life. If she can relate she changes the subject abrutly to something she likes.
That's not a friend.


Staff member
^__^ Wow I know exactly how you feel. I had this best friend who was like my other half! We were really close and stuff for over a decade. Our friendship crashed horribly and we are nothing short of enemies. She choose to let a guy cloud her view of our friendship. She always played the victim game and act as though she was being victimized all the time also! In her case it's because of "guys" .. "i'm always getting hurt this and that.." I tried to understand and console her, but she took it to far when she tried to ruin my marriage. She wanted me to be in the same situation as she was I guess, "alone." the guy she was with was feeding off her driving her into debt and I warned her continuously and yet she refuse to listen. She even went as far as asking me if I would have a threesome with her and her boyfriend because, "he wanted it." and when I refused and bitched her out about it... she dared call me a, "bad friend." I rather be a bad friend then be a friend who ask her married friend to have a "threesome." I was hurt that she would do anything to cater to him instead of think of our friendship. .. Overnight she turned bitter and hateful towards me. I was so hurt because I stuck by her side when everyone left her side. When her family disowned her and my brother broke up with her and filed for custody of their kids.. I was still by her side believing in the better of her, but I wasted my time for nothing. She will never learn to realize when someone does really care about her or when they don't. People labeled her as Promiscuous yet I defended her (part of me knowing it's true). Til this day I still hurt over leaving her and just letting her go even though it's just been a few months, but I had no choice we all choose our own path's in life and hers was the one going opposite of mines, so I had no choice but to let her go. Sure it's hard and difficult because I've been with her for so long she was a sister, a wifey, a best friend, now she's nothing short of an enemy.

So In your case I'm sure it won't end as bitterly as mines did, but I think it's just space that you need from each other. Once you slowly start to drift and separate you'll either realize that you do want to continue being friends or you don't either way it's going to be hard because 14 years isn't easy to forget, but at the same time if you choose to go your separate ways you can still always be casual friends. Some of my best friends have changed but we still remain casual friends instead of labeling ourselves "best friends" because that was high school and middle school for us. We're somewhat adults now so of course things change and we no longer feel the same.

^__^ muahaha there goes another long post from me again


sarNie Oldmaid
awww im so sorry to read bout you guys' bad experiences..i hope all goes well!

its okie to rant..you have to release it somewhere right!? :)


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ahh... your stories remind me of my own story. I had a best friend since 3rd grade till 11th grade.. but it all came crushing down when she decided to ditch me for some guy. From then on, she never called nor did she return my call, never came by, and never even came to say goodbye to me at the airport when I moved away.

Oh well... a lesson learned on my part.


^ i here ya... i guess the thing between the legs is more important that the bond that we once thought is priceless.

ppl clashes, it's life.


Mama Noy ♥️
Oh i've been in your place before liberty. I was always there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry or when she needed someone to talk to, I was always there. But then one day i just got fed up & say forget it, i've had enough. So now, I don't even talk to her anymore. & i'm happy that it's that way because i feel so much better without her in my life, sounds harsh but good gosh, it was just such a relief!


Yeah i once had a best friend who i grew up with since like before even pre skool...she was maybe 2-3 years older then I was so she decided to ditch meeh for a guy too...so i say whatever...


sarNie Adult
Yeah, I left it up to her after explaining exactly how I felt. I was willing to move on with our friendship and start fresh now that I've got it off my chest and we've both expressed how we felt.

Guess what her response was? She sent me two messages, I didn't bother reading the last one just the most current one and I read up to four lines and deleted it, blocked her and removed her from my myspace friend's list.

Anyway, her response wasn't a complete surprise to me, but I had hope she was more mature than that but I guess not.
She said I was calling her prejudice because of she's a Christian, I'm like WTF? is she talking about, I made it very clear, HELL I even explained what I meant day as night so that she wouldn't get confused on what I meant. I said her being conservative or christian had nothing to do with our issues, it was the fact that she was being inconsiderate of my feelings. I wasn't asking her to change anything, just be more considerate of my feelings as a friend...but no, she had to go and turn it around and made it all about her again, like she's the victim. I NEVER once called her prejudice, she straight out called me LIAR for calling her prejudice which is just stupid. Because like I said, I never called her prejudice, NEVER once. I just explained to her how she came off to me, like she was being inconsiderate of other's beliefs sometimes. Inconsiderate isn't the same thing as Prejudice. *shakes head*.
I don't know why she's always pulling out the Christian card, it's like the only argument she can use and it's not even a good one. Um..hello...did she forget that I use to be a Christian, and that HALF of my family ARE Christians, some are even conservative. I have some conservative views too. But she refuses to see or listen to any of it. It's all about her agains the world. Well, if she wants to continue being delusional then fine. I've tried to explain things the best I could but no matter what I say or write, she only clues in on certain words and doesn't bother to read the context in which it is being used. If she did, she wouldn't keep thinking I have a problem with her belief. She's not going to get any where in life if she doesn't quit this 'the world is against me and out to get me' mentality.
Well, what's done is done. I told her how I felt and sugar coated it as much as I could, but she chose to end her friendship. Yeah, she really said we shouldn't be friends anymore because "I'm making her feel like she's something she's not" I'm not making her anything, I was just trying to tell her how I felt since I kept it all to myself for many years. But no, of course she wouldn't hear anything I said, or in this case read what's clearly in black and white and take it for what it is, instead she saw herself as the victim and thought I was attacking her. Whatever. It's over with, I'm not going to waste any more time on her when she has no consideration for my feeling.


As for the guy thing, OMG I had a friend who did the same thing to me.
We were glued at the hips and she tried to come between me and my other best friend who've I known since first grade. She kept saying that she was saying this and that about me, using me, etc. After a while I started to believe her a little but thankfully my other best friend and I's friendship was too strong to be broken by someone else.
She was actually the one using me, she's always asking me to drive her places, never offering to pay for gases.
She'd be making out and doing god only knows what in the back seat while I drive them around. Eack! I finally got tired of it when she started sobbing at my aunts' graduation party because her boyfriend wasn't there. He wasn't there because he wasn't invited. I didn't invite him because it wasn't my party, it was my aunts' party. It's like she couldn't have any fun or enjoy anything without him there. HELLO? what about your friend?
I'm not a crier but I broke down and cried and I went to go cry in private but my aunts and uncles came down and saw me. Right away they knew why and told me if I didn't want her there they can tell her to leave. I told them not to worry about it, I'll deal with it. I wiped away my tears and told her myself. After that, we were no longer friends. She tried calling several times but I wasn't going to get drag back into that leech-host relationship.
That was back in freshmen year of high school. I never looked back and I'm glad I did it.


sarNie Adult
I made a good friend when I first started living in the US for good.

We were friends for a long time and even were roommates. But after the years, we changed too much from each other and ended up badly.

Now that I think about it, I wasn't sure what happened. People change and in many ways its so different from what they were previously that it really cause conflicts.

Thats why in many ways I think that if you have a serious relationship with someone when you're younger and you change so differently, either politically, religiously, socially, culturally; its such a hit and miss on whether things can continue.

I suppose its just part of becoming older and understanding yourself better. I don't know how much control you truly have over it.

Losing a friend that you know for years sucks and especially in a bad way. But its just one of those things that happens.


the friendships that ended for me involved us just gradually drifting apart. there was never any kind of communication about it. less calling... less face-to-face time and finally, we'll greet each other in a civil manner should we bump into each other. :lol:

it's just time to do your own thing. you don't have to burn any bridges b/wn you and anyone else unless they were REALLY that bad. who knows. she may change or you may change significantly. i assume you both are still very young & have a lot of things to learn about and experience still.

Muddie Murda

=( All my friends got married. And...well I ditched them LOL. Ok they ditched me first because they got married. :p Well it's my fault anyway if I don't keep in touch. =\ But it's not like things will be the same. We can't even hang out because we're hours apart (and her hubby will HAVE to be there). Can't talk on the phone because it's not good manner for her being a daughter-in-law.

Besides that, I did have a few other best friends I lost. =D Not my fault! I'm the innocent one. lol (don't we all think that?). But yeah, we just grow up. They find new people they have more in common with and they leave you or treat you different. Or you just can't take being their bitch no more. Or you can't stand their bitching.

Friends come and go.

I have no heart. :D


sarNie Adult
The sad part is I'm pretty sure I was the last of her friends.
I stuck around this long and put up with her inconsideration because of our friendship and history together, but a girl can only take so much before she snaps. I finally just reached my limits and all I wanted to do was be honest to her about how I felt. All I did was tell her how I felt and she completely turned it around to make it all about her and didn't hear a damn thing I said. Whatever, I don't have to deal with her anymore. I'm happy with my life but from how she's always bitching about things, I'm guessing she's not. She had me as a friend and maybe another girl and that was it. She chose her own path. With the things she says about her "friends" to me, it makes me wonder what she says about me to them. A good friend wouldn't call another friend a slut behind their backs and that's what she does often, that girl finally walked away from her years ago. Of course she doesn't think it's her fault and acts as if that girl was a bad friend.
She did the same with another friend, the very few she has, she refers to her as "the freak". They barely talk, if ever anymore. I think that girl is just trying to distance herself.

Then finally it came down to me and I got sick of her BS too.
If she wants to alienate herself and live a delusional life where she's the center of the universe, a damsel in distress because apparently the entire world is out to get her, then fine. Let her be delusional.

I prefer to keep my life drama free as much as possible.


When my friend and I stopped talking she went home and typed me this size 2 font paper about the silliest things ever and she thought that it would hurt me but i ended up having a good time laughing while reading it LOL. I guess I'm cruel too!

However in our case, we both could not continue being friends because we're so different on so many levels. She loves the party scene and to her popularity is highly important which got in our ways a lot since she always competed for popularity with me lol which i thought was really weird especially since we were friends.

I think I still have the size 2 paper somewhere in my old backpacks :lol:


Staff member
the friendships that ended for me involved us just gradually drifting apart. there was never any kind of communication about it. less calling... less face-to-face time and finally, we'll greet each other in a civil manner should we bump into each other. :lol:

it's just time to do your own thing. you don't have to burn any bridges b/wn you and anyone else unless they were REALLY that bad. who knows. she may change or you may change significantly. i assume you both are still very young & have a lot of things to learn about and experience still.

=( All my friends got married. And...well I ditched them LOL. Ok they ditched me first because they got married. :p Well it's my fault anyway if I don't keep in touch. =\ But it's not like things will be the same. We can't even hang out because we're hours apart (and her hubby will HAVE to be there). Can't talk on the phone because it's not good manner for her being a daughter-in-law.

Besides that, I did have a few other best friends I lost. =D Not my fault! I'm the innocent one. lol (don't we all think that?). But yeah, we just grow up. They find new people they have more in common with and they leave you or treat you different. Or you just can't take being their bitch no more. Or you can't stand their bitching.

Friends come and go.

I have no heart. :D
ahah. this is too funny, exactly how me and my bf drift apart.
most of my friend are married too and when we're together, all they talk about is their marriage life, kids and bills. LOl
i guess, i have nothing in common with them that could lead to why i'm drifting from them.
and i feel that most of the time, i can only endure so much complaining from them or that when we're talking, its' always about them and their family.

and yup, we're all grow up, we have different perspectives, they find someone new and left me behind so if that's how they want it, so be it.
or perhaps, we just drift apart b/c of our differences. --- this is why i'm afraid to take risk in serious relationship :loool:


sarNie Adult
BFFs from childhood is like your first love sometimes. It's not always going to be forever. People change, it's not always worth it to keep holding on just for the sake of holding on due to number of years. One of my best friends ever that I've known since I was in kindergarten, is now just an acquaintance. It wasn't even due to problems or anything like yours but more that our lives took a different path and we didn't have anything in common anymore. I'm still in graduate school and she is now married with one kid. I'm still all about partying and studying and she's all about her work and family. We got together over the summer after not speaking to one another for 3 years and it was just awkward.


Staff member
lol. the awkward moments are weird and uncomfortable .. --- i haven't talk to my bf for over 5 years :(


sarNie Adult
It's strange because I have another best friend that I've known much longer (since the 1st grade) and we're still best friends.
Part of why I moved to Houston for school was to be a litte closer so we could find more time to spend with each other. Before she was always asking me when I would visit but she always understood that I had school and work obligations.
It's funny because I live in the same city now and I still don't see her that much, but it's still more than before.
She's always married with kids, well common law married. She's getting married officially next summer and I'm her maid of honor.
She has two adorable little kids that I try to go by and see as often as I can.