Hot news "N'ek Kob Suwanun a secret mistress"


sarNie Egg
oh.. .okay. lol. deng.. 5 years... she NEEDS to leave him. brooke must be a mama's boy. Kob needs to find a REAL man.
I agree that if anyone needs to be blamed the most, it's Brook. No he's not a mummy's boy. I happened to know one of his close friends here in US. (She told me about his ex-girlfriend too. hehe) He really comes from a very rich and hi-society family. They are a big family and actually very loving. Except the look, Brook is nothing compare to his brother. I don't want to spill more beans on this, but I think Brook's trying his best to be strong & independent. Probably this is the reason why he bought houses and lives by himself for 5 years now. IMO, he's not a bad guy, just weak. In thai culture, we do respect olders especially your own parents. It's important for a guy to bring his girl to see his parents. Cuz we believe that when you marry to someone is just like you marry to his family too. The thing is Brook's family is big and probably more strict than normal thai family. Kob has a totally different back ground, so it's more difficult. Brook's brother's wife (Nusaba) and his sister's husband both are living wih Brook's parents and they seem to have no problems. This is why his mom was hurt when the reporter asked her about her son who she rarely meet these past 5 years is getting married. Brook's brother just wanted to protect his mom, because this is not the first time the media put her in the hot seat. I feel bad for Kob, but I actually feel bad for Brook's mom and his family too. In conclusion, everyone loses but the media. if you know what i mean. lol


sarNie Oldmaid
Is Brook's family upper class or something? Why are they disliking Kob just because she's an actress? They should be greatful because she has fame, fans, money, and everything else.
I think his family is rich. The last time I heard, they lived on Mercer Island. Or did they all move back to Thailand?


sarNie Oldmaid
This is exactly coming out from a lakorn pages... so pathetic and sick hi-so vs. lo-so society of majority of Thai elite family.
Kob's family background has alot to do with how Brook's family is treating her. I'll bet if she is someone with good family connections they probably scooped her up and married them two off with tone of kids by now :D
They somewhat accepted Noosaba is because she has better family background than Kob; she(Noosaba) also listen and do as the family want her to do. But Kob on another hand, she is an independent and strong person/strong wills, in another word she's hardheaded and not easily controlled, and she probably do as she please and not care to lower her head to anyone, even if is uptight-hi-so-Brook's-controlling-family :lol: That's why they don't accept her. They probably want him to marry to gullible/naive/kiss ass/easy to control kind of girl and more of their own kind than marrying Kob.

And I agree with mostly everyone ... as much as I like Kob and Brook together, but if his family doesn't accept her and he do nothing to protect her from them the she is better off without him. She should kick his ass to the curve and find some hot young thing that will accept her and love her for who she is. :loool:


Mama Noy ♥️
This is exactly coming out from a lakorn pages... so pathetic and sick hi-so vs. lo-so society of majority of Thai elite family.
Kob's family background has alot to do with how Brook's family is treating her. I'll bet if she is someone with good family connections they probably scooped her up and married them two off with tone of kids by now :D
They somewhat accepted Noosaba is because she has better family background than Kob; she(Noosaba) also listen and do as the family want her to do. But Kob on another hand, she is an independent and strong person/strong wills, in another word she's hardheaded and not easily controlled, and she probably do as she please and not care to lower her head to anyone, even if is uptight-hi-so-Brook's-controlling-family :lol: That's why they don't accept her. They probably want him to marry to gullible/naive/kiss ass/easy to control kind of girl and more of their own kind than marrying Kob.

And I agree with mostly everyone ... as much as I like Kob and Brook together, but if his family doesn't accept her and he do nothing to protect her from them the she is better off without him. She should kick his ass to the curve and find some hot young thing that will accept her and love her for who she is. :loool:

man... i agree.. sounds like something out of a lakorn... how crazy is that! didn't know that actually exist in real life! let alone kob's life! craziness


sarNie Adult
wow poor kob, yeah i agreed with everyone too that she should find someone else better than him lol, num would be great.


sarNie Oldmaid
if brook is really a man he has to support his fiance.she's with him since a long time now and his mother doesn't like her.poor kob, she has to find an other man!is num single?they have hot chemistry together but with brook, i can't not any!


sarNie Elites
Lies...lies...lies...Kob is the most beautiful, talented, and successful thai actress! She would never stoop that low!

i'm not saying it's true but this is the real world and it could be true so come back from la la land.


sarNie Granny
i think brook love kob cuz they been together like wat 10 years been through the worst and best probable hundred of time .he did propose to her and if he really a mama boy knowing his family disagree he wouldn't darn do that and plus he doing politic now seen like he a serious and mature person ...i don't know him personal but i think they will last . like ken&noi.


sarNie OldFart
i agree sarn, you're so right.
i personally have nothing against brook.
just that he cannot act seriously, lol
and he ain't much of a looker but he seems like a nice person though.


sarNie Oldmaid
I didn't read the news, but isn't he the one that gave and interviews with no advanced knowledge by Kob that they will marry this year, and the elderly was looking into setting the date. But if his mom comes out and said that she knew nothing of this... that mean the mother is the one that is idle to all of this and won't accept them being together... in away it seems like his family don't accept her, and Brook is going to marry her no matter what, and by giving interviews is like tieing his family into accepting Kob, or else why would he he gave an interviews??? His mom probably don't like it, that's why she said she doesn't know anything about it and brush it off as she knew nothing and it means nothing and also won't be any marriage as long as she's concern. :lol: :p

But anyway... I don't know their personal problems... just my speculations. :D Let's hope both of them can overcomes this and move on to a happy life together if that is their destiny.

And rumors that she's already stayed with him ... I think that is their business, it doesn't concern anyone. They can have secret-love child and it wouldn't matter to me, and everyone should just let leave them alone. This Thai Dara News is starting to become like Hollywood craps now. Leave them love birds alone, they can do the bees anyway and anywhere they like. Just because you didn't get some, that doesn't mean they can't have some. :p :loool:


Staff member
Honestly in my opinion (don't hate me for this) but it'll be hard for them to last. They'll end up breaking it off before they get married or they'll end up divorcing after they get married why?

1. When you're engaged and you see this many obstacles especially parents it's a big deal. Sure some people will go off and think (this is just another obstacle testing us) but some couples who are more realistic will go and think; his/her parents don't want us together so would it be worth it to fight it? I love him/her, but at the same time if his/her family can't accept me then what am I fighting for. Kob is hard headed and won't cave into be easily controlled so most likely she'll go about forcing herself to believe that they'll work out and also to prove his parents and etc wrong. So she is the first type of person. I don't know her personally, but I know there are three types of people in this kind of situation. The third type is the type that will make it work. Meaning she would have to be nice to his family and pretend she doesn't acknowledge the things they say and believe about her. Which would be hard to do unless you're completely obsessed over the guy.

2. If they get married they'll end up divorcing because believe it or not married couples fight. When you fight old situations and issues will arise. It'll totally lead to, "Yeah you didn't want to marry me anyway." or "Why didn't you just do what your parents want." Married couples tend to keep these type of resentment in their heart until one day a huge arguement obstructs it then they tend to bring up many other reasons why they shouldn't have been married and etc. I should know it happened with my husband and I plenty of time. Where we argued and brought up resentments we had about each other, but ours isn't as bad as our parents not wanting us to be together. At first my parents weren't able to accept it, but once they got to know my husband and once they saw how he protected me and took care of me they realized even though he wasn't exactly what they wanted in a son-in-law, he was loyal, protective, and caring. In Brooke's case it'll be harder for Kob to prove herself because she is a girl.

-And that's my opinion;


sarNie Granny
............well , there alway that old fashion idea .....wait till we have 1 or 3 kids then take them to our parent hahahaha :lol: they will forgive us . Wait , is this only work when you elope ? :p


sarNie Oldmaid
............well , there alway that old fashion idea .....wait till we have 1 or 3 kids then take them to our parent hahahaha :lol: they will forgive us . Wait , is this only work when you elope ? :p
:lol: LOL, didn't you said Noosaba was pregnant before they got married? Maybe that is what Brook and Kob trying to do if they really did live together already. :D


sarNie Granny
kids will win their parent heart hahahhaha . I think brook only have 1 brother right ? or was it 2 ? but not more than that .


Staff member
LOL sarN that doesn't work for everyone even if you have kids your parents would still resent the mother and also at the same time who knows they might resent the kids also; :p since brooke is a mummmy's boy I doubt this relationship will go far; I think his parents allowed them to be together for 10 years because thats the point they were just together they didn't think he was going to think about marrying her

To bad Brooke's parents aren't like Rita's parents in Yuttakarn Hark Karn Tong :lol: Mart & Rita dated for 10 years until they finally married :lol:


sarNie Hatchling
i'm not saying it's true but this is the real world and it could be true so come back from la la land.
I don't understand the big deal. These two had been dated forever, I believe almost ten years or close. And so what if they're living together just like any other couples who lived together. Kob living with her boyfriend is not mistress material. For someone who is married but still seek other woman or paid woman is more likely called a mistress. The title of this article, a secret mistress is not right. The whole Thailand know they're a couple and couple do not address each other as mistress or consort. Unless she's not his girlfriend and paid by him to have sex with him, but evidently she is his girlfriend. Jop... ;)