Hot news "N'ek Kob Suwanun a secret mistress"


sarNie Elites
Supposedly this and problems between Kob and Brook's family (his mother and relatives) are talk of the town at this moment. Has anyone heard or have anything to share?


sarNie OldFart
I am no sure I was a topic at t-intermedia talking about Brooks family I think but I didnt read it yet.
But I know that Brook's family has never liked Kob.


sarNie Oldmaid
brook's family is stupid :arrg: ! she's a star, a very good actress :wub: , brook can't act at all.if i was him, i married for years cause she's better than him and his family!he's a stupid man :arrg: !


sarNie Granny
yeah, i been hearinng for years that his family doesn't like her because she an actress . Brook 's brother marry Noosb and they wasn't happy because she was pregrant before marriage


sarNie Oldmaid
well some people don't like kob cause of her personality. her acting abilities shouldn't affect how people see her in reality.


Lakorn Obsesser
Is Brook's family upper class or something? Why are they disliking Kob just because she's an actress? They should be greatful because she has fame, fans, money, and everything else.


sarNie Oldmaid
Is Brook's family upper class or something? Why are they disliking Kob just because she's an actress? They should be greatful because she has fame, fans, money, and everything else.
i agree, brook is famous cause he's kob's fiance,it's all, alone, he's just a p'ek who can't act.


sarNie Adult
yeah ive heard for a while now too that they didnt like kob.....i taught they were ok with noos since i didnt hear anything but i guess sarn just cleared that part....i dont know man....his mom doesnt seem to like any of the daughter in law n soon to be......dont know what it is...but if i recall correctly they are consider upper class....or i heard he was related to khun dang from ch. 7.....but do correct me if im wrong....

but seems like the mother got issues being an actor against something or wat does she have to be in order for his mother to like them....


sarNie Adult
yeah it was something like that......its been so long i only remember that much cause it was during the time where they said the two broke up because of that girl from dao pra sook that played as the verison with him n mieng....

so when i found that out i was like ahhhh no wondering he got to be an actor hes got connections.....


sarNie OldFart
oh so that's how he got to become an actor. geesh. i never thought he was a good actor O_O
anyways his mom does has issues. but its not his fault. poor kob :( and they're engaged. well as long as they both love each other.
there life is like a lakorn. gosh.


sarNie Adult
i know who taught acting in one would actually end up having to live in one.....nam nao jing jing....


sarNie Granny
what is wrong with people....kob is awesome...some people just can't see how great some people are until they are gone....poor kob....what is brook doing about this???.......they have been together for so long....hopefully kob will be happy soon^^


Staff member
ah. she could do better if the mom refuse .. if brook's man enough, they can just move out of the house. she's rich enough to be on her own .. no need for any name. i mean, for real, if he loves her as much as she does to him. they should just marry and not care about anyone else. i like kob ..whatever make her happy but if this continue and brook don't' support. move on .. maybe since NUM and NUI are not an item or an on/off item. KOB can just move on to NUM since they work well together ..


Staff member
Ohh I read an article somewhere about this lmao; I read 3 articles actually one article was an interview with his mom and she was shocked that he gave an interview saying, his mom told him too or she is going to find the "Ruek Tarng Ngan" The wedding date in other words; but his mother knew nothing about it and she said she hasn't talked to him for awhile and that she only knew things when others come and tell her. Even going as far as saying I can raise my son physically, but I can't raise his heart;

Don't quote me on that because I can barely barely read thai lmao and from what I saw thats what the article said; I could have mistaken some words;

-Edit ok I read wrong it says something about how his mom is finding reasons to not let them marry lol and she denies that she is;