a n i e ' i s m


maplestory addict xD
^^ ahaha ty gurls


once upon a time,

my stupid bb (bau) trying to be funny one night and send me one jpeg called:


now, i was like 'WHATTTT =.=' and if y'all look properly, while bau was ps-ing tat pic of hers, she forget to throw away noon's pic (cos she was psing tat pic at first, and finally substitute it wif aum's pic) so yeah, noon's pic is hidden behind aum's lol. so whether i want it or not, i had to ps it...got annoyed wif noon's body at the back lmao...i manage to blend it in n add some fonts:

my jpeg was called: idontcareanymoreimlazytoo

lmao...and you know what...she ps-ed it later n got fed up with it. she totally murdered my previous one =[ and named it:


idc = i dont care

in the end, we gave up on these artworks of ours LOL xD.

The end.


Hahaha I see Noon's hair behind Aum in the first poster!
All posters looks great tho!

I love your lil story with each poster An. ^_^


Staff member
muahah. the battle talks among you two are hilarious !!!
you girls must be so bore without ATEAM since they're busy making babies atm LOl

love how you blend everything together ^^
should have finish it before you girl actually give up
it's looking sharp !!!


maplestory addict xD
ahaha ty for the comments gurls xD yeah...we're random lols

but anyway, i havent psed much lately...got bored n psed a new profile pic for my facebook lol

btw, do add me in fb if y'all want to xD search 'raihan chia' ty :)


maplestory addict xD
^ thanks gurls. btw, i didnt psed much lately, been caught up wif uni stuff =.=

here's my avy banner set for the battle ;)
