~aiko's simple work~


Staff member
thanks rr n saifah.. argh i still cant get the hang of it though .. im just doin watever... >_<... hehe.. i cant help usin the same colors.. >_<.. ahhhhhhh... lol .. hehe..

Son&Wiew ..



sarNie Granny
awww more cute ones. margie is so cute. i love rteams :D
lol in your banner, pan looks really funny with all that make-up and at first i thought cheer was a guy lol


Staff member
thanks for the comments ^_^ lol.. im not good at siggs yet so still makin avis instead.. lol..

im mostly makin avis instead.. im plain these days..



Your icons are so cute! Love the ones of Pat&Film. Son&Wiew, are too darn cute! Love the captions you put on them!​


Staff member
thanks rr and noyv ^_^

new ones i made today.. theyre really plain though...

this one was a bored one i made on photobucket the other day....


Staff member
haha thanks rr but i have no idea how to blend still... >_<.. bau said she'll teach me but i havent gone on msn like forever.. n my facebook is disabled.. iono y though.. >_<


sarNie Granny
^ i have know idea how to blend either, and when i look at tutorials, i get confuse ahaha i usually choose to have white or black backgrounds because they are the easiest to work with. same here i go MSN once in a while, i should go on it more though, and i missed an and mine webcam twice now :( gasp your facebook got disable? odd.