Anne sang in the "Willy show"


Media Fanatic


sarNie Coma
khon mai sumkun was made famous by palapol, i think it debuted on his 2nd album but i'm sure it's found on his best hits ^_^ it's currently on my laptop so i just uploaded it ^^/ here ya'll go [Palapol - Unimportant Person]

p'anne's rendition was beautiful by the way. i'm not sure if it was live or not but it's nice :D
omg thank you!!..i really like the song. i think its Anns fav.


Media Fanatic
^ i think so too. i think a lot of people really like it. i remember p'bird singing just a little bit of it.


sarNie Hatchling
Diane, could you please kindly upload the song again by Palapol? I really love that song. Thank you!