Broken Pieces...


sarNie Adult
whatever reason, I love yr fanfic, a little revenge on somehow faulty reason.... do continue soon


sarNie Adult
Chapter Six

By the time the flight landed in Hong Kong, the sky already darken. Ann peer through her side window looking out to the city lights from their cab. Wow. She's actually felt excited and maybe, if they have some spare time she could wander around a bit. Once they arrived to their hotel, Aum checked in and they continued to their room.

He unlock the door and let her in first. Ann enter and turn around to close the door but froze when he entered also. "Wait, you're staying in here to?" Please tell me he booked a second room.

" always" He closed the door behind him. " do have two beds you know."

Two beds? She quickly scan the room. It has a small living room then separated by a room. Must be the bedroom. Ann watch him toss his bag against the couch roughly before following him into the bedroom. This is weird but I should, no, will be OK. It's only for three days and we're sleeping in separate beds. I bet that's why Sue love being near him all the time. She get to see him up close and personal.

Aum could see her worry face and grin as he lay his aching back on the nice soft bed. "Stop acting like you never share a room with a man before..."

She glare at him. The only man she ever had near intimacy with was Billy. "That's none of your business and I'm fine with sharing a room as long we get our own beds."

"Good." His face turn hard when looking at her. "I want dinner now." He got off the bed and walk to door with Ann quickly on her feet right behind him.

"Where are we eating at?" She ask to break the awkward silence between them.

"Hotel restaurant. I'm too tired to go anywhere else." said Aum. His hands tuck in his pant pockets and his eyes fixed on her face.

She stayed quiet as she move her body slightly so her face would be toward the door and away from his face. Man, his stares were giving her the chills.

They settle for a table by the the window. Ann smile as she watch people passing either in groups, couples or singles. Surely a pleasant way to pass time while they wait for their food to arrive. Aum was on his phone the entire dinner which she didn't mind at all since she rather not have a conversation.

As soon they got back to the room, Aum grab his clothes and went into bathroom.

She heard the water running. "Geez, is chivalry dead?." He could of at least ask if she wanted to shower first. Even though, she would say no in a heartbeat but still.

As soon he step out the bathroom, Ann rush in. Once she lock the door, she felt secure. Why didn't he just walk out naked already when he's already shirtless!! .. Grrr.. Not only he's a mad man but he's no where near a gentleman. GRRR

Aum chuckle when he saw her look at him in shock and disgust at the same time. He didn't bother to dress knowing he was going to bed in just his boxers. Sue never appears bothered with him nearly naked after showering. As he settle into bed with the tv remote in hand, he was growing quite tired. It had a been a long flight and her presense didn't make it any better. He let out a loud yawn and continue flipping channels until he find something he liked.

What a nice hot shower!! Ann's a happy woman at the moment. Her body felt relax and calm. And now, she only needed to sleep to start tomorrow on the right not. In her pajamas, she open the door softly and step out light to see if he was already in bed and asleep. A frown appear, he was in bed alright but not sleeping yet. There was no way she was falling asleep before him. Ann walk across the room to her put away her things. Evidently he has select the bed nearest to the bathroom. She grab her book and walk to the living room, away from his eyes.

"I can't believe he's watching Playboy Bunnies: Hong Kong Style. " She mutter underneath her breath as she sit on the couch swiftly tucking her feet under her butt .Ann hoped he would fall asleep soon because she didn't know how long she can fight her eyes to stay open and read.

Oh lord, she can't take it anymore. It's been 30 minutes already. He should be knock out by now! She shut her book and walk in. Amen!! He's alseep. Ann closed the TV before climbing into bed. Ah, soft and warm as she stretch her body on it. Her reach toward the lamp on the table position between their bed but she quickly pull it back. Maybe it's not a good idea to turn it out. He might try to pull some crazy stunt on me particulary when I can clearly see his bare chest. He might not even wear anything underneath the blanket! Ann shake her head to get his naked body out off her mind. Crazy!! She should not have that kind of image of this man who is supposed to be her boss.

"You mind turning off the lamp..." His hard voice spook her.

"I like it on." She pull the blanket close to her chin.

"But I don't. I can't sleep with it on." His eyes remain closed and body unmoved.

"Well you just did." she respond grumpy.

"I wasn't even asleep." he open his eyes and glare at her. He reach over quickly and turn it off. Silence

Ann was not going to sleep in the dark with a nearly naked man.

Her hand reach to the lamp when hard fingers wrap around her wrist. "Ah! Let go!" she squeal.

Aum release his wrist. "Try again, and you won't like what I'll do next." He utter in the dark.

She hiss and again, try to turn on the light with success. Take that!! The smirk on her face appear and quickly went away when she see his body move from the bed toward her. Ah!! She try to turn her head away before seeing stuff that might make her blind when a pair of arms went under the body and lifted her up.

"If you want light... then you sleep here!" Aum toss her on the tiny couch along with the blanket and went back to bed. "Annoying!!"

Ann scramble to a sitting position and turn on the small lamp. She huff and puff, pushing her hair from her face. You stupid jerk!!!!


sarNie Granny
GASP...sharing one room with aum in his boxers :drool:
lol fighting for the light...on, off, on, off
i wonder why ann can't remember who aum is, even if he looks different from before, wouldn't his name ring a bell...


Mama Noy ♥️
ahh.... I was hoping they would have like a little wrestling match. :loool: So that's why Aum hates orchids... interesting...! It isn't ann's fault... :( But I wonder why she can't remember him... hm...


Professional Lakorn Watcher
Will there be more scenes during the night? :D I wonder if Ann will remember him soon? Can't wait to read what Aum got in store for her. Update soon!


Sharing room...Aum half naked in his boxer...that's just hottttt!!! I'm still wondering why Ann still can't remember Aum. Did he change that much during the past years?​


sarNie Adult
GASP...sharing one room with aum in his boxers :drool:
lol fighting for the light...on, off, on, off
i wonder why ann can't remember who aum is, even if he looks different from before, wouldn't his name ring a bell...
She doesn't quite know his name yet.. but she will soon. ^_^

ahh.... I was hoping they would have like a little wrestling match. :loool: So that's why Aum hates orchids... interesting...! It isn't ann's fault... :( But I wonder why she can't remember him... hm...
haha... who would have won in that wrestling match??? :p

Will there be more scenes during the night? :D I wonder if Ann will remember him soon? Can't wait to read what Aum got in store for her. Update soon!
do you want more lome??!! :lol: you know only naughty things can happen at night! :loool: yes, she will remember soon.

Sharing room...Aum half naked in his boxer...that's just hottttt!!! I'm still wondering why Ann still can't remember Aum. Did he change that much during the past years?​
yes he did... :)


Expired Sarnie
Like how Aum changed in BBK. Did he have several plastic surgeries? Ahahahahahah!!!

Geez Aum just forgive beautiful Ann already and make up by having incredible sex. JK
Ahh haven't had these spoiler tag on for awhile. Hehehehehe. I know it is not that easy to forgive someone.


sarNie Adult
Like how Aum changed in BBK. Did he have several plastic surgeries? Ahahahahahah!!!

Geez Aum just forgive beautiful Ann already and make up by having incredible sex. JK
Ahh haven't had these spoiler tag on for awhile. Hehehehehe. I know it is not that easy to forgive someone.

LMAO!!! you are too funny, brighten my day! :lol:
have you ever watched the jenny jones show??
oh man, the people that were geeks turn into some hot babes... like totally a 360 transformation.....


sarNie Adult
Chapter Seven

It's nearly 9am now. Both sit and waited in the conference room in silence. That was probably the best for them since Ann was still piss off about last night. Never once in her life have she been handle in such rough ways. She bit her lips and pull out her note pad to scribble. Sue words replayed in her mind: always your best smile, sharp eye contact, full alertness and remember to jot everything down. Suddenly, the door opens and both stand up to greet the man and lady.

Wow. Ann eyes glue to the client face. Extremely handsome. Tall, flawless skin and beautiful smile. Perhaps in his early to mid 30's??

"We meet again Mr. Aum Atichart." Henry extend his hand out.

A...Aum Atichart??!!?? Immediately she breaks her stare from Henry to Aum. Did I hear it right?? Can't be! Damn Sue! Why didn't she tell me his name when I asked repeatedly for it!! She kept referring to him as boss and instruct me to do the same. This is not good. Hands need to stop shaking!!

Aum shakes Henry hand laughing, "Mr.?? That's how you address me now? Come on Henry...."

Henry chuckle and look over to Ann. "This isn't Sue." he said with a surprise face.

Aum glanced over. "Sue's been assigned to other tasks. This is Ann, she will replace Sue for the time being."

Henry extend his hand and Ann shake his. "Cold hands you have there."

Ann force a smile, "it must be the strong AC in here. I get cold easily." She could feel his eyes on her.

"This is May, my wonderful assistant." Henry introduced the lady next to him as she greet both Aum and Ann. "Let's get down to business shall we?"

After nearly three hours of discussing their joint partnership to build another hotel at one of the busy beach in Thailand, the group went out to lunch except May who stayed behind.

Henry direct his driver to drive them to a nice Japanese sushi restaurant. All three sat in the square table as Henry place the orders.

"So how's Hong Kong so far?" he ask, sipping his warm tea looking between Ann and Aum.

"Our flight arrived late last night so we didn't get a chance to check out all the fun places yet. Particularly the nightlife." Aum smile thinking about all the cute chinese girls he would meet.

"You should. The nightlife won't be a disappointment. Matter of fact, my friend just opened a new renovated night club. Why don't we go tonight?"

"Love to." Aum replied happily.

"I'm afraid I can't..." she quickly said."I didn't pack any nightlife clothes." Actually she didn't have any since she went into hiding.

"That won't be a problem. We'll go shopping after this." said Aum.

Ann tries not to frown. Henry nods his head. "Problem solved. I promised we will have a great time tonight."

After lunch, Henry had his driver drop them off on a block full of stores. Aum entered BCGG store.

"It's.. I really don't want to go; you should just go with Mr. Henry."

He ignored her and walk straight to the sales lady. "Could you find some nice mini skirts and nice tops for her?"

"Sure." Sales-lady disappeared.

"What? No, I am not wearing mini skirts to the clubs." Is he out of his mind!?

"Why not?" Aum turn to look at her. "Don't you love wearing them when you were out to the clubs?"

Her eyes stare at his inexpressive face. "Yes, but that was before....." her words trails off.

"Before what? Before you became poor?" he raised his left brow.

She didn't get a chance to respond, the sales-lady return. "Miss, I have a fitting room ready for you along with the few items he has requested."

Aum flashed his alluring smile. "Thanks. Now Ann, be a good girl and go try it on for me. After all, I am paying for it."

"You don't have to." She murmurs.

"Did Sue tell you what your duties are when you go on business trips with me?" Don't even try to get stubborn with me.

'When you're on these foreign business trips, you will attend to boss every requests and demand.' ERRR! Ann face turn grumpy and follow the lady to the fitting room. After trying so many skirts and tops, she was getting tired and irritable. It's been so long since she wore anything like this. Yes, she loved mini skirts because for one, she have a pair of great looking legs "Shake out of it! You still got it!!" She told herself in an encouragement voice stare at herself in the mirror. After selecting the black miniskirt and black top to go with, she walk out to the fitting room and see how him and the sales lady drooling at each other. This wasn't the Aum she had remembered back in high school. You've changed so much. So much that I don't even recognize you the first time we met. She walk towards them feeling a tint of sadness.

"Ok, I'm done."

"Not yet." he says then directs his eyes back to the sales-lady. "She will need a nice pair of knee high heel boots."

"I don't' think so!" Ann jump in before the sales-lady walk away. "I can wear my heels."

He gaze down at her heels. "I don't think so... totally not going to work with the outfit I'm about to shell out for."

Errrrr!!! "Fine then, since you're paying for it anyways.' Ann replied and walked over to the shoe section. Believe me; I will pick the most expensive pair.

After shopping, they caught a cab back to the hotel. Princess still got her expensive taste. $500 bucks!! We'll see tonight if you still behave in your princess whore manners. The cab pull up to their hotel and both step out and into their hotel. Once inside the elevator, Ann needed to know if it's really him.

"Why are you doing this Aum?" It felt strange to say his name again.

"What did you just called me?" he turn his head with his pierce ice eyes looking at her. "Its boss, didn't Sue informed you that how's EVERYONE address me including YOU." He watched the numbers increase wishing it would go up faster. The air started to feel thick.

"OK boss… Aum. Why do you insist I go to this club when clearly you can just go by yourself? Wouldn't you have more fun with all the girls there without me tagging along?"

God, she's so annoying!! He can't remember if she ever talked this much?! "My assistant goes where I go. Now can you shut up?" he growl.

Ouch, Ann thought. The elevator doors open to their floor and Aum walk out speedily. Ann wasn't too far behind. Once inside, she grip his arm so he could face her. "Then why did you hire me as your assistant? Huh?"

Because I'm going to make you suffer and have you beg me for mercy. He grip her arm and pull her close with their faces only inches away from each other. "Little girl, you are so on my last nerve . I advise you to leave me the hell alone right now or else…" He shoves her away and toss the shopping bag to the floor as he walk in the bedroom and stay there.

Her face grim. She could feel his anger all the way to the very core of her body, thus, didn't dare to go after him.


Aum finished button up his black shirt and grin in the mirror. Tonight he will be drinking and having fun. No work and no worries. He glance at the digital clock on the desk and note Henry will be here in 10 min. "You better be out here in 5 min!" Aum yells toward the closed bathroom door. Geez, she's been in there for at least an hour now. Women!

"I'm all fancy up." she reply, walking out of the bathroom with her hair down, outfit in place and boots ready to kick some butt! Err... dance. She look him square in the eyes with confident. Damn, she never felt sexier. "Are YOU ready boss?"

"Been ready." He said as his eyes gaze up and down her body. Damn those boots will make his blood shoot up tonight. "Let's go."


Mama Noy ♥️
Oh I wanna know who's gonna be doing the bump & grinding... :D who will get jealous... who will get drunk... ohhhh so many ideas running through my mind. :lol:


sarNie Granny
ann finally knows who he is YAY^^ i agree with you Noy, something's gonna go down at the club..if not there, then in the hotel room :D


sarNie Adult
Oh I wanna know who's gonna be doing the bump & grinding... biggrin.gif who will get jealous... who will get drunk... ohhhh so many ideas running through my mind. laugh.gif
and who will make the first move!?! :tease:
drunk or sober..... :rolleyes:


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I feel bad for Ann that she has to endure his wrath, however.. my evil side is also liking it cause pay back's a bitch. I'm glad she finally knows who he is!!


Expired Sarnie
Finally, I would have the creeps too if I was Ann. She is feeling pretty guilty.... Muahaha it means she did to it on purpose or else she wouldn't feel so guilty when she heard his name. Ahhh!!! This is getting me fired up!!!