[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
luloveyaya said:
haha, m9, I know you will be like that, bcs you are opposite with me. can I call you m9lovenadech versus with luloveyaya from now on ? hahaha
For me, I can watch all of Yaya's lakorn (s) with other handsome pra ek.  I'm thinking about Mario and JJ now :pervie:  :bhehe: . BUT Nadech, I cannot watch his other lakorn (s). I think I will try the one with Mint Chalida only. Somehow, I trust her hahaha
Good morning m9  :dance1:
nooooooooooooooooooo...........................lu, never JJ :teary: :teary: :teary: !!!! :nono1: :nono1: :nono1: but i m totally agree with mario pairs with yaya :thumbsup: !!! like i alwys say i cant watch they both pair with others coz i only want them to be together, i m more worse than u and m9 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
but mario would be ok for me, i like him too...hahahahaha!! so if yaya would pair with mario, i think i will be happy to watch them.
BUT, JUST NO JJ :annoyed: !!! JAMAIS!!! :pervie:
u can read my thoughts or what? :pervie: i think the same way as u said about he said once that he would bring the girl who he was interested in to dinner and prepared some surprises.... :rockon: i think yaya is the one special to him.
dear all,
pls check this link and to listen nadech singing 'lucky'' and ''she'' in english song contest of his university today.
he does have beautiful voice :thumbsup:
today's nadech, exam in school and then went to film RS
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sarNie Juvenile
@ Charlenem: ok ok DEAR, forget about JJ then LOL. I want Yaya with Mario or with Mark again. I dont know na, but I like Mark, I want them in modern lakorn. 
You know why we do not want to see them coupling with others, but still able to accept some exception. It is because you have trust in Mario and he is Nadech's bestfriend, the same way I feel toward to Mint Chalida. LOL
Thinking about this, three of us seem impossible to watch together one of their lakorn (s) with others hahaha. 


sarNie Oldmaid
^ I still don't understand how you can go to school with him and not stalk him every single day and take pictures of him all day and take videos of him all the time...hidden behind a bush or up in a tree...lol just kidding .... But I know for sure it'll be really hard to concentrate in school...

Thank you so much for sharing

By the way have any of you girls noticed. Yadech claims that they're nothing but friends. Of course recently that has changed from friends to best friends. And what is the song that they both loved to sing? LUCKY. And what is the chorus? " Lucky I'm in love with my best friend." ❤


sarNie Adult
maybe u r right about the friends thing, but i do like mario...lol! i think if he is not nadech's friend, i would accept him to pair with yaya too :bhehe: . well, since as a small fan who cant stop that they pair with the others, i only hope no much love scenes there, esp. no real kiss scene. ohhh...i dont think  i can support to watch nadech kisses another girl on lips or yaya is kissed by another guy, even by mario.... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
u know, i like teaw too and i force myself to watch nadech's fitting pics and really dont get any feeling from the pictures and dont like they r close, of course i know it was just posing... :lmao: :lmao: ,i like kimmy too, and she is the best friend of yaya but i still cant finish watching RP even nadech was so handsome there....and cant watch yaya with aum either, how pathetic i am. but with por, maybe i will try...i want to see yaya as tomboy
i only can see love and get feeling from their pics, maybe it is just me.....ohh...no, i have to rescue myself :cry: :cry: :cry:


sarNie Adult
Aww, he's getting better with his English! He's so adorable. Good job Yaya for teaching him lol. So is the "She" song for Yaya too? Lol
Right Kashie!? I would probably have tons of photos with Nadech if I attended with him haha I'll make sure he know me by heart! Lol ok im just kidding


sarNie Adult
Morning Ladies!!!
How is everyone today??? I know some are going to sleep so good night to my fellow yadechers. I hope everyone is ready for a LONG FIGHT AHEAD OF US. It ABSOLUTELY :annoyed: annoys me that James is telling his fans to vote where Nadech doesnt have time for that he gets votes based on his charm where he doesn't need to promote himself like that. James has an advantage in a sense hes ALL about social media and Nadech is not. Well this goes to show you that the true winner will come out in the end. Anywhoo BIG THNX to @lu for the wonderful videos and @bubba too!!!. @char @m9 for the pics and @yk @key @sov @bob @falada @pink @queen @fyi @huan @meo @vim for the wonderful comments and everyone please please comment more we ALWAYS love to hear everyones comments or whatever you want to share. Well here is an update and also just some of my favorite moments hehe EVERYONE PLEASE CONTINUE TO FIGHT AND FIN! YOU ALL ARE AMAZING THANK YOU!!! :heart:  :thumbsup:  :clap:  :thumbup:  :dance1: 
UPDATE: 10:40 My posts 2821
Barry: 370,730
James: 368,569
Yaya: 266,975
Bella: 209,222



sarNie Juvenile
I like Teaw too na, but I think they were too close in those photoshoot as well, too much for me to handle hahaha. Pictures with Pat was nightmare for me. I like Kim, but when she is with Yaya only, haha. I've tried to check out some of their scenes ( Nadech and Kim) but my god, I really could not stand it, I gave up. Nadech is good at acting skill, sometimes I like it but sometimes ( like now) I hate it. Let's see if I can be better when Nadech and Mint's lakorn out. We are not pathetic dear, we are HOPELESS hahaha
About Yaya, I finished all of her lakorns already, but still need to watch again to understand the whole stories hahaha. Dao Ruang is hilarious and do not have many intimate scenes, you can skip the last ep and will be fine. Mor Kong is sooooooooooooo cute there, love him, cannot help but mentioning him anytime that I think about dao ruang haha. Watch it na. You will have good time for sure ^^


Live Love Laugh
Ladies and gentlemen,
Since many people were interested and speculated and analyzed every words Yaya was saying in this interview, I went back to watch it again to make sure I didn't miss anything.   It was difficult to hear the questions sometimes because these reporters didn't speak directly into microphone.   One reporter even said that Nadech mentioned they are going to celebrate one year anniversary.  Hello, when was Nadech saying that?  That guy is very tight-lips like a super glue.  You cannot pry anything out of him  "we are still pe/nong like before ".   These reporters could not trick Nadech so they tried with Yaya, poor girl.
They asked her about Banyan Tree? (a very fancy and private restaurant that many celebrities like to go) and Yaya said that must be a long time ago.  Banyan Tree was the place that Nadech took Yaya out on Valentine Day.  Again, we don't have pictures or proofs, but again this place was known for protecting the privacy of their customers.  Lol, these reporters just asked the question seven months later.  So ladies, Yaya didn't deny it.   She said it must be a long time ago;  OMG, anyone want to join me on  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:   
The media asked, you two went out often right? and Nadech always disguised himself with cap, hat, beanies and rode in the tuk, tuk (I think it is a sam lore - three wheels vehicle where the driver has to pedal and the passenger sits in the back).  That's why Yaya said Pe Nadech always wears hat, cap, beanies and he rode in the tuk, tuk?  Oh, he is so handsome....oh, my Yaya :phew: :coverlaf: :shock2:
credit:  yum pooma
▶ Yaya interview @ Beauty Hall 14 th Anniversary 19/9/13 - YouTube


sarNie Adult
@Vim thnx for being so particular with the interview translation. Your wonderful as per usual :)
I wanna share this video of Nadech Thanking his fans... and Yaya's fans Translation below
Nadech: Hello all the young ladies and everyone else,I just want to thank everyone who is helping vote for favorite huggable guy and for favorite huggable girl. I want everyone to be happy and best wishes. bye bye  :dance1:  :heart:  :thumbup:  :coverlaf:  :spin: 
He is just so wonderful this definitely shows hes on yaya's team WOOT WOOT CHEERS EVERYONE YAHHH!!!! OKAY BACK TO VOTING HEHE  :arrg:
UPDATE: @11:33 am
BARRY: 379,535
JAMES: 373,739
YAYA: 272,373
BELLA: 213,136


sarNie Adult
thanks to @vimalee, hahaha, i join u on :cloud9:  for she didnt deny the VD dinner... :rofl:
@ Lu, i m agree with u that we r HOPLESS :lol2: ,  well, i will watch Dao Ruang, i watched teaser already, it makes me interested in, i think i would like it.
cr ny home pantip
nadech thanked all fans who voted for them, hmmm....i think we have to vote as we can, i know maybe to him it is ok not be the no.1, but for us, he is the no.1, yaya is the no.1, we will not let them loose this time and want some stupid medias and ppl shut up :clap: :clap: !
ohhh, @ lovely k, same post. hahahaha!!! yes nadech is in yadech team, his family too...lol! who isnt? i m sure they r yadechers too...maybe they lurk here sometimes to see how delusional we r and laugh at us secretly? :pervie:
so, hi nadech, hi yaya, pls be together forever... :bhehe: 


sarNie Juvenile
ok, seem like I will ask this question again and again. I repeated voting on this link for about 2 days now without knowing whether it's counted or not , haha. As I only have 1 facebook account, I used same thing over again and again. Is that ok ?   :cry:
Bring Thoranee memories back 






cr: FB PAGE  ละคร ธรณีนี่นี้ ใครครอง The Official


sarNie Adult
Thanks everyone for sharing videos, pics and articles!!! I loveeee Yaya's answers to the questions. It doesn't matter who they dine with, as long as they make time for each other outside of work, I'm happy. Thanks Vimalee for the Valentine's Dinner info! I mean how can someone forget a romantic dinner like that?!!! If it didn't happen, I'm sure Yaya would remember and deny it, but since she didn't and used the "I forgot" excuse, it's most likely true!!!

I used to want Yaya to be paired up with James Ji but now I don't. Nothing against him, but I'm just tired of hearing his news. Maybe when this Nadech-JamesJi comparison gets old, then he can pair with Yaya. For now, I'm tired of him. Lol. Anyway, YES to Mario! Him and Yaya would make a lovely couple in lakorn! And he's Nadech's good friend so I won't have to worry about him hitting on Yaya. Lol.

Kashie - I'm with you! I would stalk Nadech everyday if I went to his school! I don't know how celebrities in Thailand can maintain a normal school life, but good for them!

Lovely_K - Not too worry! I have no work today so I will be voting ALL DAY!!!! It seems to me that James Ji only have Thai/Asian fans. Whenever I wake up, he's always making a close comeback (which means Thai/Asian fans must vote for him like crazy when us international fans are asleep) but throughout the day, Nadech leads by far. This is why I love Nadech, he has fans from all around the world! Let's susu! While it's night time in Thailand now, I say we take this opportunity to make the lead again!

Bobby101 - No problem! I was more than willing to help! Glad you can finally participate and join in on the fun! :)

^^^ I have the same problem as LuLoveYaya. I cannot understand if my vote counted or not. I used the same email address and wait atleast a few hours to vote again. Is that okay?


sarNie Adult
Just this morning JamesJi fans caught up and Nadech was down by 1,000. Now Nadech is up by 6,000 votes. See what I mean? I think James Ji fans are mostly in Asia. Nadech Thai/Asian fans where are you??? Hopefully you guys are voting on sudsapda.com since us international fans don't understand it! Lol. We can split the labor! You guys vote on sudsapda, we vote on IG! Lol. Jk. I have faith that Nadech has just as many Thai fans as JJ does. Su su!


sarNie Juvenile
@ Neezy: I didn't even wait for a second and vote again right away ? Did I do sth wrong here? 


sarNie Adult
@neezy and @lu Please keep voting its unlimited but I believe that if the screen looks different from how it normally looks after you submit than you have to wait 30 minutes to do your votes again. unlimited use of the email address. Hope that helps :)


sarNie Adult
Lol this weekend I will post 3000 pics since I have all day. Lol I'm with you Neezy & Charlenem. I'm so tired of hearing about *ahem maybe if it wasn't for my past experience I wouldn't dislike the dude so much but right now I'm just so anoyyyeeddddd. Lol Mario & Yaya I will watch for sure!


sarNie Adult
@dear lovely k, @dear lu,@ dear neezy, @dear m9 and @all ppl who r lurking here,
today is friday, some NY fans r trying to vote all the night( meanwhile JB fans r voting too ), and we dont have time problem, let us continue to support NY as we can! i think for the next two days would be hard, but we can go through it together :cheer: .
for the readers who havent voted, pls try to vote when u r free, even just once, it might help to push our beloved NY to be the favorite hugable guy and girl, thanks.
we want to see them as no.1, it is for them and which also satisfied us :wink: .
at this moment
nadech: 387,617
JJ: 379,436
bella: 215,473
we will not loose to JB fans, dont we?  :strong: :strong: :strong:


sarNie Adult
M9 - Me too! I have an exam on Monday and Tuesday, but plan to post at least 1,000 pics before I start studying. Love our Yaya, she's up by 60,000 votes. That's because if you post pics of Nadech, you can't help but to post the "couple" ones so therefore Yaya gets a vote in the process. Hehehe.

Charlenem - I'm with you! Last night people stayed up all night to wait in line and get the new iphone, tonight we will stay up all night and vote for Yadech! Haha. This is how serious this voting thing is (at least for me). I will not lose to JJ fans! Nooooooo freakinggggg wayyyyyy!!!!!

Okay, no more voting talk from me for a few days. Love and appreciate all you ladies! Keep up the good work on the updates!


sarNie Juvenile
I WANT TO VOTE but I don't know how. Someone please help to post 3 ways how to vote. I only knew that there are 3 ways to do so. Voting on website with email and need towait 30 mins I think cannot help much. But I still cannot able to register for Instagram yet, do we need Android or Iphone Ipad to register as my NOKIA is Window Phone, gruhhhhhhhhhh
OK, this is for Charlenem, m9 and Neezy na.  :pervie:

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