[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie Hatchling
There was no "real" emotional connect shown to be developing between the two leads
It's illogical to think that chit will fall in love with a man who treats her so bad
And I still don't get a sense of when and how and why Wee decided to like (forget love) chit as a person - all he ever did was to have s**, sometimes very brutally, then married another woman and swore undying love to her


sarNie Hatchling
I guess it drives me insane when lead characters are shown as weak and wishy-washy about their own feelings
It's ok not to show your true feelings publicly or to the other person, but to be clueless about it, as an adult is not a sign of maturity
In that sense another lakorn that's currently on air has the lead character completely clear on his feelings and pursuing the female lead very clearly - so even if all the usual misunderstandings develop, he's shown his determination on achieving his goal - kinda like that to what they show here about Wee


sarNie Oldmaid
x0unerthanlater said:
What? Her and Mac broke up? O_O tsk tsk. from cheating too? That's awful. They were so cute.
Yup, it was all over social media last night. She admit to him cheating with a girl outside the industry that he liked for a while. She said it was a shocker and dump him the day she found out. Shame on him!


sarNie Hatchling
Ouch that must have hurt
I don't know how these celebs do it - I imagine it's painful to have your personal life known all over town and then when things don't work out, it's even more akward.
Imagine working with an ex-bf and pretending to be totally cool and professional about it
Always keeping your best foot forward because you don't know who could be taking a picture
Tough life, can't say I envy them (despite the fame and tons of money )


sarNie Hatchling
Ouch that must have hurt
I don't know how these celebs do it - I imagine it's painful to have your personal life known all over town and then when things don't work out, it's even more akward.
Imagine working with an ex-bf and pretending to be totally cool and professional about it
Always keeping your best foot forward because you don't know who could be taking a picture
Tough life, can't say I envy them (despite the fame and tons of money )


sarNie Hatchling
But the damn author cant even use Tui's sexiness as an advantage...theres like only 2 scenes of him half naked...why not every scene LOOOL  :annoyed:  :pervie:  :bhehe:


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Yup, it was all over social media last night. She admit to him cheating with a girl outside the industry that he liked for a while. She said it was a shocker and dump him the day she found out. Shame on him!
Man, that sucks. He could have just asked her for a break up and then go date someone else. Mac was cool, but now, not so much. Shame shame on him!
- Seriously though, why aren't there any sexy shirtless Tui scenes or him swimming ... maybe just getting out of the shower... towel on of course.... >_>
I'm watching this for Kwan. And I thought this would redeem Kwan & Tui's failed 1st attempt. Sadly this script was also a fail. UGH. We'll never get a Kwan & Tui again. T_T