Dao Puen Din (PolyPlus)


sarNie Adult
thank for the teaser. noon and araya look so pretty......can't believe that araya playing a n'rai role......but she sure have all the look....


Thanks Nida! It looks so intense and good haha, yeah hope it doesn't let me down, but I know it won't lol.


sarNie Hatchling
dose anyone know the storyline to this lakorn...


Expired Sarnie
Araya love her without a doubt.

Noon has been letting me down, her lakorns seems to degrade but they are still great.

Vee somehow I just don't see the light for him any more.

The teasers look good, hope it's not too disappointing. By that way what happen to ch 7. No good drama lately, good but not as good as the past.


Noon hasn't been letting me down, neither has Araya, they both play their parts perfect, its just that the lakorns they recieve don't have a good storyline, nor a good role, thats all, not their fault haha. Maybe for accepting the parts but still hahhaa.


Staff member
^they needs to hire good photoshop ppl like ch3 ppl. I mean, ch3 have such nice and beautiful wallies

anyway, the teaser looks good and like everyone, i hope it wont' disappoint me .. ch7 have let me down over the past months :(