Free .Net Domain Host and Free Websites


sarNie Hatchling
I didn't mean when said that I'll die. I die cause of searching too much and its not good for my poor young eyes.
No harm but please please help me and tell me where I can get a free .Net Domain Host...

My website is gonna be named no luck I search 3 months and wasn't able to launch a website!

SOOO Dearly help me so I can go on with my Life!! <_<


Staff member
HmmMM I don't think thats possible... cause you want a domain name right? but like its impossible... the cheapest I can tell you is 2 dollars and yahoo does that... so hope this helps some but if you want a free domain name without the host then thats not possble at least not that me no of...


sarNie Adult
not sure what you mean..

Free domain host? like they will host for free? There might be someone like that but I think it would be pretty much impossible. The reason why people do free hosting is that it promote their main site.. like if it was

But to be honest.. hosting is very cheap these days so why not cough up a few dollars? its not that expensive (provided you don't want high quality service). You have a job don't you? umm if I remember correctly. Hosting isn't expensive.


sarNie Hatchling
I have a job yes.. but some websites provide .net for free as I heard but never tried it cause I heard it last year... and a few weeks back someone in college mentioned it so I was trying to find it but its kinda hard since its just hard!


sarNie Adult
free for a month maybe.. I've never heard of free domain hosting for a year or 2.

And if it does exists.. I would be VERY afraid of it disappearing oneday just like that.


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
na..i think this is me..i've searched this entire year...and still searching..but you HAVE to pay for the hosting...if you want a plain .net site...if whoever you heard from knows where to get to that hosting place with a .net for free..then please...share with me too...i would pay for my hosting..but i mom wont let me work..GRR..i agree with tim..this is pretty much impossible...if you want it for free...if it does exist...I HAVE TO FIND IT! but geez..i've given up i think..


sarNie Hatchling
lol joey.. i gave up hours ago.. ill give it a rest since i areadly place my order for one! hehe well nothing for nothing! good try i guess lol!


Super Momo
I think microsoft launched a Beta think and you could get a free host + com domain for free for a limited time something like that I forgot but its only for US resident


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Hiatus are you serious? REALLY? Microsoft? limited time...aish..i wonder how long the duration is..probably some thing that will lag my comp...grr...Nathalie, really? ahah...yeah, i think its better to give up eh? tru tru


sarNie Adult
Hiatus are you serious? REALLY? Microsoft? limited time...aish..i wonder how long the duration is..probably some thing that will lag my comp...grr...Nathalie, really? ahah...yeah, i think its better to give up eh? tru tru
Ruk what are you wanting to do? Is this to further your interest in the computer field? if that is so I might be able to help you.
I didn't mean when said that I'll die. I die cause of searching too much and its not good for my poor young eyes.
No harm but please please help me and tell me where I can get a free .Net Domain Host...

My website is gonna be named no luck I search 3 months and wasn't able to launch a website!

SOOO Dearly help me so I can go on with my Life!! <_<
if u really want a free domaine..just create one in french( u can create a forum like sarnworld) it just that u have to accept to have a lot of advertissement on ur site.... if u are interested by that just pm me and i will tell u how to take only 5 min to do it


Save World Save Life
wait is they such a thing as free domain??? like example i think u have to buy and pay for the domain


sarNie Adult
err....sorta? maybe? do it illegally tim? :p
you got 2 dollars?

You need that much to buy a domain.

That much you need to do. After that I can help.


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
you got 2 dollars?

You need that much to buy a domain.

That much you need to do. After that I can help.

haha...let me think about it...but dont i have to pay like 2 bucks per month then?? i'll pull cash from my sis's pocket..hehehe.. ^_^


instead of buying the domain, why don't you do something on geocities, tripod, angelfire, and then have a redirector set up... it'd be a free webpage and just have a redirector with the name u want such as unless u really want something with just i dunno then


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
This is where I come into the picture.
that line scared me..what does that mean?

yeah ur rite as well ning...u kno nathalie...i use and filespacer...theyre not bad either...i dont recommend geocities and angelfire or tripod tho...ugh...popups...and crazy