[MBC] Hotel King


Expired Sarnie
I knew it. One of my prediction came true. It is like May Queen all over again but this time HK has not reached the point of stupidity yet.
If anyone has finished episode 11, group hug please. Poor Jae Wan needs it badly!!!


sarNie OldFart
@fun; Cha Jae Wan has got to be the most pitiful Korean Pra'ek I've known in history. P E R I O D . *sobs

Hey hey hey !! Who wants their own Cha Jae Wan? Cause I do:) instead of building a swinging chair, shovel a passageway to my heart will ya!? Hahaah Ouuii hehe JW's ideal type description on the news article describes Chae Kyung but in reality he falls for Ah MoNe who is completely the opposite lmaooo MN even tries to imitate what he likes in a woman lol She's trying way too hard not knowing that JW loves her the way she is. My sister mentioned to me that they fell in love too fast but I disagree with her. How could JW not fall in love with MN when she brought such certainty and real love to his life? She is completely thee breath of fresh air and as cliche as it may sound, she "is" the light at the end of the tunnel for him. For once, someone loves him for who he is without knowing who his real true identity is; heck Jayden doesn't even know who he is himself !!! She trusts a a man who doesn't even believe himself!!!! He based his trust on that painting of angel and a child that was a lie all along! Trust is def one of the keys in HK! Gosh I sobbed watching Cha JaeWan hugging the naive Jayden T___T gosh he grew up so miserably :( How the heck does Joong Goo expect JW to stay away from Da Bae when he hasn't even stop harassing MN? You're expecting the best out of the worst aren't cha JG? I feel like once his daughter works at Chae Kyung's restaurant, that is when her love story begins with Selong. There is so much secrecy that is unravelling that the suspense is killing me :( Since two secrets are out, I feel like Cha Jae Wan is the actual son of Joong Goon and Manager Baek? I maybe wrong? Gosh this guessing game is killing me T___T Plus Manager Baek's attitude towards everything makes me want to strangle her! She is an one of the characters that irks me among the annoying unnecessary employees. Ugh gosh we know those two bickering front desk employees are going to get together despite her many love interests *rolls my damn eyes lmao This whole guessing game is as if I am playing the CLUES board game with my siblings guessing who is the killer. That kiss between Ah MoNe and Cha Jae Wan was what I was waiting for. Heehhe this guy truly loves that imperfect gal <3 And I love how we're getting to see MN's progression as the chairwoman ^___^ Fighting Ciel <3
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Expired Sarnie
It really depends on perspective. I can sense why some people like your sister could possibly be frustrated about JW falling in love with MN. MN's sympathetic nurture turned into love. JW is a little more difficult to see through because in his mind, she is his sister and we the audience knows that he was not, yet some viewers still finds it icky, not because they are not related but because his mind is set to believe that she is his sister. Okay I was no help there to explain LOL
I think I have spoiled myself too much by watching the raw version first. So this time I think I will wait for the sub on episode 12. Now thinking about it we have 20 more episode to go. 


Expired Sarnie
fsdha iufehrio;hvdhvhrgiojo;fVJjvo fj Aj vojrvopjad"S Akfpjvjgviofhvrjgojrvjhg h ioh of9hglfdnv lkfdakgbr viofah gj jvopjop gfhehvdiohv iohv dhilgovoif vdhv hdklvhhviofa oihgialvhfioag bvkj viufh avd fhvoidhdfiue few'ofopew jspofjeopwheihvldafnewkfiewhviodhv ihfio ehifehw hoiwhrioehvdkv kbgvd fidhiofh lfhidg ihfehvoidhva' foegiurh di vhihf dhsvidhg ahvid jvooafoud9yf ewhai hihifodasytioyhfah fehwof hdighf egiorh oih fiohvdhagio aqfg;girofg kalvhdihv iohvih gihfioerhfelw hg ye9y oqfoeiufepog elfjdklv.eow hrp'ejfw'f jewh a;wfa fwabfirihgverf bvuifvh ef jopdjverfl vfov ropgprf a vjiofvd gq rovndaopfewhoihva fiewk foihfjfpoew fjs'ap efwhad vhiafhwejk vdfhovaewqfioifewhgiidps[f hdf jodpog dshaoigh rafdhvodjagoewpog dvhjor 4ejgh9vu f jdjh gkl dlkvja'po jvJ;F JAHGIO;AH;s gjvr;ghr vjbkvjrofj irhfio vdfhioheiovhifg ure voidjfopa fo foia hv' vha' foahv a irf kvnia df ;JFOEWHF EWKCDNKKh difehfids fidhfiodhscks afhiog rhviodhvoid gihovhf dhioahfoah kidhd
I had to pause in the middle of episode 12 and you probably will guess why I went viral up there lol if you haven't seen up to this point yet, you will eventually find out later. Staying calm before I press the play button. 


Expired Sarnie
No preview for next week episode. 
I am emotionally damage right now. 
I pray that the script writer is just screwing with us that JW isn't VP's real son. I hope it is some kind of misunderstanding. MBC loves their twisted twist of a twist. Check out May Queen LOL it was a train wreck of twists among twists but right now Hotel King needs it more!!!


sarNie OldFart
Fun we are on the same boat.....I just...I just couldn't bring myself to come here and release my anger towards ep.12. I had to take a day off.... T_______T I just can't even right now LOL I really love the interactions between MN and JW. We actually got a lot of scenes of the two in ep.12 but damnnnnnnn it came crashing down towards the ending. Dannnggg tho, Cha Jae Wan seemed less human and lifeless throughout the whole episode after finding out who his real father was. Now we know why he gets beaten so badly by JG and treated as a puppet so his real father can take the pedestal as the chairman of Ciel. It's only Ep12 so I foresee a shitload of obstacles and hardships ahead of us. My heart is already crying out...dude they're fxxkin killing us without a preview !!!! RAMPAGE MODE! Oh I guess Selong is out of the picture from being MoNe's brother since he does have a family of his own. I def have a close eye on Manager Baek!!! Who the heck are you? The woman that the late Chairman and VP loved but was tricked into sleeping with the evil VP Joong Goon and conceived Cha Jae Wan? Plus I cheer MoNe on....I feel like after JW acted like they had nothing will only build up her character !!!! 
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So he still thinks they're siblings and he's still developing some feelings for he. Umm...that's a like sickening to be honest. I hope they pass that stage soon...


sarNie OldFart
I, for one feel like flipping tables after watching ep13. Mannnn...seriously? My predictions always get shxted on whenever the next ep airs. Woooowww oh wow! Hotel King is filled with so much secrecy, I can't seem to count em all. Bleh. I really despise JG to the max!! I honestly think he is a total wuss and can't do anything on his own. He seems like a nice family guy who values his wife and daughter and would do anything for them, however unfortunately his love ones don't even know his true colors. He's a hungry shark under a mask. Man his voice irks me the most when he says "J A Y D E N" with such emphasis! His mind is made up of nothing but greed!! His "JG dream" of building a casino next to Ciel will only bring corruption to the hotel..smh! I understand that as of right now, JW is doing everything he could to bring down his real father and if that means he'll have to hurt MN and make himself look like the bad guy, he'll risk it all to save Ciel. It's LOVE...*blushes. Though all at the same time he's using his time to regain trust back from the the shark JG, he's drifting away from MN who is going the opposite direction; the trust is gone. The way JW is acting towards MN is how he was to her at the beginning of the drama which makes everything seem like their relationship is back to square one. *pulls hair lol I just have to remind myself each time that he has a purpose for putting on a show like he doesn't care for her even when he feels like shxt inside. How sad. I pity him so much. T_T I love how JW and MN's different interest of movies depicts who they are. Charlie Chaplin's film for instance is a silent film and it is black and white. To me, JW lives a life with no color and once Ah Mo Ne walked into his life, he instantly now lives in a colorful life so I found it interesting how he was watching Finding Nemo and MN was watching CC's film. How I see it is that they are both each other's strength and inspiration to press on and keep fighting until the end. She had introduced him to a new life; I love seeing him smile at her. Plus I also love how in that scene of the two longing, missing for each other's touch and presence, they both wore opposite colors. He wore a dark grey sweater and she wore a yellow sweater. The colors in that scene along with the movies also symbolize who they are. Good to know Chae Kyung is not a fool to let JW use her to push away MN! I'm starting to like her just a teeny bit because she's not stupid for love but I'll still keep my guards up incase she relapses lol and becomes a typical crazy ex who will go on a killing spree/or wreck MN just to get him back haha The scene where JW was cutting onions and unconsciously sliced his finger reminded me of horror movie. Ahhhh the blood had be going weak....eehhhk! I like how Woo Hyun is understanding towards every situation whether it is personal or work related and how his character ties JW and MN together when something is wrong. He's a true dedicated employee who deserves to be rewarded as "thee employee of the year." Can't wait for episode 14 when JW uses Da Bae as bait to catch that father of theirs; shark bait that is hehe Referring what I had mention at the beginning of my long post of my predictions, ROMAN LEE is Manager Baek's son. WTHAAHAAIL ! So he has to be the one she's been talking on the phone with this whole time huh? Most likely, his decision on which side he's going to pick will be based on his mother? Damn I really didn't see this coming....just damn. This lady mannn....she's something. Dangerous!?
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Expired Sarnie
I was behind in Angel Eyes so I used yesterday to catch up with that drama so I have yet to see any episode of this week for Hotel King. Angel Eyes and Hotel King are similar that they have pitiful leading man and a heart-wrenching story. I think I would die if not for In A Good Way (Twdrama that ended last week) to keep my heart beating.
Will catch up once I finish my Sunday dose of Running Man, Roommate, and Superman is Back.


Expired Sarnie
No I don't mind spoilers LOL 
I am currently on episode 13 since subbing for both channel is slow and I can't believe Jae Wan didn't help Mo Ne but I can understand him. It must be tough on him and he loves her so much that he is willing to destroy his father.
There's a small possibility that VP doesn't know that JW is his son. I am just saying it is a possibility. What I want to know now is who is Jae Wan's mother? I think she could have lied to VP that her child is Chairman Ah and handed him a fake DNA test. Chairman's butler seems to know Jae Wan's mother.


Expired Sarnie
OMG Jaewan's little "brother" appears and it is Roman!!! OMG!!! I knew he was still alive but I wonder how they both got the same exact tattoo? Did they have some kind of telepathy? And did Manager Baek caned him too?
I think Angel Eyes and Hotel King writers got together and say let's screw with the viewers head the same weekend. 
I nearly died when Jaewan narrates that now he no longer has a place to return after Mo Ne discovers the gun!!! My heart is just scattered into mini pieces. OHMYGOD can this get any worse!!!???!!! Help me!!! I think I need therapy!!!
I better get a happy ending!!! 


sarNie OldFart
Hahahaah @fun kekwkek I'm going crazy too. Couldn't continue on with ep14 last night because I was super tired and I finally got to finish it this morning. Ahhhh ! I can't believe Roman is Jayden's little brother. Would've never figured that out if it wasn't for his showering scene. Omggg! HK is killing me! And there they go again, no preview for next weeks episode. Ahhh
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Expired Sarnie
I am wondering who the hell is Manager Baek!!! I think there's a possibility that she was the one who pushed Chairman Ah to make it as if VP did it because he too was targeting Chairman Ah. WOW I am just speechless as I am not even sure where this drama is going? I just hope that we can get a happy ending with Jae Wan and Mo Ne with a small family. 


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
Major spoiler alert for me but I love spoilers. Hahhaha! I haven't got a chance to watch episode 13-14 yet. I've been so busy rewatching Sanae Bangkok and Bodyguard Sao. Lol I'll get to this drama by tomorrow, hopefully. The many twists in this drama is killing me. Lol


Expired Sarnie
Waiting sucks. I dont know how Im going to survive till new episodes.

Jaewan is too pitiful. I cannot stress enough that this man is the most pitiful leading man ever!!!


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
I finally caught up and yes, poor Jae Wan. I just want to hold him and tell him it's okay. 555 So I'm confuse. Who is L/Roman? Is he supposedly CJW's brother? Oh the twist and drama in this drama. It's driving me nuts. Director Baek's theme song is so scary sometimes. It bugs me to be honest. 555 I can't wait to see this weekend's episode. She breaks Bella! Poor JW. She clearly doesn't trust JW anymore even though she wants to. The Vice President is so annoying. Gosh, he just needs to die already. I honestly don't like his family. His daughter and wife is too happy and nice all the time that it bugs me. 555


Expired Sarnie
I think I am going to die before this drama ends!!! It was so satisfying to see Vice Chairman Lee go down but Jae Wan's smile at the end sent the chill up my spine. Seems like Mo Ne is having a better understanding of JW at that scene. I cant keep watching her torment JW.


sarNie OldFart
@rose; Anything that comes out of JG's mouth irks the living hell out of me...esp the name " Jayden." Ahhh I go crazy every time he delivers that name...J A Y D E N omg...Roman isn't JaeWan's actual brother but more like a sworn brother? Even though we didn't get to see much at the beginning of Roman and Jayden, they've gone through hell and back together when they were younger with the hoodlums. So sad. I could already sense that I will break down once they find out each other's true identity.

@fun; mhmmmm yes. It's payback time suckaaahhh ^\\\^"

I hate that MoNe's character is weak but man, everytime she cries, I would freakin' cry with her. Damn *sniffles I feel like JW is toughening her up by acting like he's her real competitor which she does benefit from it because she's unconsciously building ChairWoman skills. Oh he's pushing it! Lol Ouuuu and that Chae Kyung, she's a fair one. An ex who wants to compete in a fair game for that guy who she clearly knows doesn't love her, yet at the same time she's helping the lost MoNe(her competitor) get back to her senses that JW only has eyes on her. This reminds me of the Tawainese drama "Zhong Wu Yan" when the second guy helped the main guy get back onto his feet when he went through financial crisis/etc so they can both compete fairly for the leading lady's heart. Hehe Tell me why Roman sounded like he had a speech problem when he was talking to Manager Baek; his mother. My face just went whdjskajkaowoa when he was talking to her and I want to know how in da haillll did he get in the hands of Manager Baek? Omggg In JW's flashback, JG said Roman is getting adopted right? I think that's what he said! So....Manager Baek became Roman's adopted parent behind JG's back? I'm kinda lost here? Because JG has no idea about Roman's true identity and now Roman is one of the biggest contributor to the JG casino dream plan. Basically JG's dream of building a casino next to Ciel will falter base on Roman's decision right? M. Baek is playing her cards well eh? Ep15 was okay to be honest...I'm feeling like some episodes from here on will kinda be similar to today's episode. It's still good tho. Well at least HK is not draggy and now MN knows about JW and his motives without a reason to hate her father prior to when she became the chairwoman. The weight is officially off our shoulders for a bit lol