New Drama: Subway Guy 電車男


sarNie Egg
電車男 でんしゃおとこ

:p Anybody watch this drama? It's so funny. The story is about one poor guy try to
get a beatiful and rich girl to be his girlfriend. It's a true story about one guy in Japan love to post some topic on 2CH BBS everyday and get some helps or advice from friends there and ................

青山沙織(エルメス)-----伊東美 [ 美人OL ]
山田剛司-----伊藤淳史 [ オタク青年 ]
陣釜美鈴(26)… 白石美帆 崎果(25)… 佐藤江梨子
月裕子(30)… 須藤理彩   介(23)… 速水もこみち
松永勇作(30)… 劇ひとり 川本信二(27)… 菅原永二
木文人(40)… 佐藤二朗 及川尚人(28)… 前川泰之
山田 葵(17)… 堀北真希 武田花梨(17)… 小出早織

Chapter 1. 18.3%
Chapter 2. 21.3%
Chapter 3. 20.0%
Chapter 4. 21.0%
Chapter 5. 18.3%
Chapter 6. 19.5%
Chapter 7. 21.0%
Chapter 8. 19.9%
To be continue.....


From Click Here



yeah it does lloook so funnie and cute! i wanna watch it but i dont have much space on my!


N i n j a
Wait, they subbed this series right? I need to find the links to download this drama.

I found the links to this dorama. Downloaded the first eppie. It's quite funny. The main girl actress is pretty but there's something about her that makes seem phony. I never really pictured her to be a main lead. She was also in Gokusen-- as the hot teacher.