Rook Kard (Dida)


Haha yeah he's so cute! Or maybe I'm just infatuated by him. We're on a quarter system though so it totally sucks! Everything goes by so fast.


LOL Diamend it's alright you don't have to be sorry. It was pretty hot here today and I just finished watching today's episode of Muay Inter and it ended on a cliffhanger! Ahhh, I so can't wait to see the next episode. Anyways the quarter system is crazy. Class officially starts tomorrow and from reading the syllabuses I already have essays due in two weeks!


lol damn, thip stalking u lol aw i like calc LOL i told my brother math is fun and he called me crazy ahha
I know she is stalking me :p . It'd be so funny if she appears on campus one of these days and posts in this thread hey Nai meet me at blahblah :lol:. I agree with your brother, you're crazy haha for thinking math is fun.


sarNie Oldmaid
lol math is fun. everything deals w/ math :) man when they said dat dere's gon be a sequel i felt like it was gon air like now LOL by da time it air i might have forgotten half of what happened in da first one lol


Mama Noy ♥️
My sister was setting up her net connection at her new place the same day I moved into the dorms and when I moved into the dorms I forgot to register my comp to connect to the campus internet lol, i know bad me should've done it at orientation to save time but nope i didn't, so I had to do that and I figured I might be internetless for a couple of days but it only took a day, well not even a day but it sure felt like it lol. And of course I can't stay away from Cee. I even showed my roommates his pics and they're like he's good looking! I told them yeah but he's out of my reach and he's taken so they said at least I still have Erik (he's my hot orientation leader).
aahh... that sucks. Man My semester started since the end of august. so far... i'm behind. :lol: I'm such a procrastinator!!! Nai, are you stalking your orientation leader?!?! :eek: I'm shocked in you Nai... tsk tsk... i hope you got his number! hahaha.

I can't believe you & Diamend spammed without me....! sniff sniff... :lmao:


aahh... that sucks. Man My semester started since the end of august. so far... i'm behind. :lol: I'm such a procrastinator!!! Nai, are you stalking your orientation leader?!?! :eek: I'm shocked in you Nai... tsk tsk... i hope you got his number! hahaha.
I can't believe you & Diamend spammed without me....! sniff sniff... :lmao:
I actually do have his number. You want it? LOL. Sorry Noy no one told you to not be here last night to keep me company! Man I don't want to go back for my math class at 5!


Mama Noy ♥️
I actually do have his number. You want it? LOL. Sorry Noy no one told you to not be here last night to keep me company! Man I don't want to go back for my math class at 5!
Oh well sorry I didn't get the memo to be here last night! :( Eh... Math at 5? ahhh sounds like torture. lol.


Mama Noy ♥️
Alright well you be here tonight since i have no classes tomorrow! Math is torture, only Diamend here loves it.
haha. okay it's a date then! :mellow: lol. I like math, but just not calculus or trig... arrgh... frustrating! I prefer to write... haha.


You're Average Person :)
I know she is stalking me :p . It'd be so funny if she appears on campus one of these days and posts in this thread hey Nai meet me at blahblah :lol:. I agree with your brother, you're crazy haha for thinking math is fun.
lol....I was just looking to the side and it says it