Sarnie IDOL


sarNie Adult
Muddie MuRda said:
SarN! HAHAHAHA damnnn! LOL You're the funniest~! :p

Dood..why don't ya'll upload in Megaupload :( So they won't expire?? T_T
Don't worry I've uploaded most of the files to the server.. plus I converted the giant wav files to a better smaller mp3 files.

Muddie Murda



Did you join that ETA singing contest back then too about 1-2 years ago???

answer meeee! :D please? kekeke

Muddie Murda

^ LOL T_T but it's true....

i REALLY hate the echo...hate it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't comment on me ppl I feel so embarassed...I should have just rapped. lol


sarNie Granny
everyone sound nice it doens't matter how awful u sound the point is ya buddies have teh guts to pull it offf lol..... and dat wat really count yo


sarNie Adult
damn..all of u guyz sound soo...adorable and kute!i especially love sensualite-momo...u got a kute voice..and i love how its in french...*at least i think it was* it sounded sooo swt!but good job to all of u ...i wish i had a mic or somethin or else i woudda joined buti dont :(


Super Momo
Bou said:
damn..all of u guyz sound soo...adorable and kute!i especially love sensualite-momo...u got a kute voice..and i love how its in french...*at least i think it was* it sounded sooo swt!but good job to all of u ...i wish i had a mic or somethin or else i woudda joined buti dont :(

:lmao: lol call me Momo or mo lol sensualite is the name of the song hahahaha don't you have an mp3? you still can record with an mp3.. they have a mic.. if i know well mine does <_<


sarNie Adult
hahha ok MOMO hahaha...i knew sensualite wasnt ur name hahaha...seriously i did old computer used to come with a mic attached to it..but i got a new one and it doesnt have one...grr...and i dont have an mp3...which sucks..unless i steal my friends lolz...but seriously u sound so kute!r u from canada or somethin?lol


Super Momo
Bou said:
hahha ok MOMO hahaha...i knew sensualite wasnt ur name hahaha...seriously i did old computer used to come with a mic attached to it..but i got a new one and it doesnt have one...grr...and i dont have an mp3...which sucks..unless i steal my friends lolz...but seriously u sound so kute!r u from canada or somethin?lol

yeah im from canada =] how did you know? o_O

omg I think im in love with Jayme's voice wahhhhh :wub: :w000t: hahahaha


sarNie Adult
im stalkin u momo das how i no haha jkz....naw i rmr readin it back then dat ur from canada...i used to speak french i dont no sad i wanna learn french all over again haha...but i realli like dat song do u have it on u?if u do can u send it to me please !!!!:)


sarNie Egg
SaoSophab said:
Hey can we get original songs of the songs that some of the people are singing? to compare?? cuz i think pajnviag is reallllly good... :shocked: and i'd like to hear the original. :)
Hey SaoSophab!

Thank you. That's very nice of you to say. :D I will try to upload the original singer by this Halloween weekend. It's a busy one for me (of course, I've got time to be on here though...hahaha). Anywho, look for it this weekend! Laters...



sarNie Hatchling
Hiatus said:
yeah im from canada =] how did you know? o_O

omg I think im in love with Jayme's voice wahhhhh :wub: :w000t: hahahaha
Thanks for the cheer, but I don't think I have can hold a candle to you and the others. I'm still in awe over everyone else's performances. We should all put together a Sarn Idols Album. :p


jaymes said:
Thanks for the cheer, but I don't think I have can hold a candle to you and the others. I'm still in awe over everyone else's performances. We should all put together a Sarn Idols Album. :p
I second that idea


Ahahah part of the plan. Sarnie album.

*round of applause* to all the contestant that posted up their clips. *bow* thank you for participating. Music stinger and I will have to yank our hair out for this one. I'm still waiting on some clips. If those that have change their mind on participate could kindly come up and tell me so I know. Once again thank you ja! Everyone did a terrific job.

I saw your post kawaii. No problem ja... I just wanted to know. Still waiting for a couple more to tell me if they are still in. I'm happy with the outcome!


haha...seriously, all the songs are on my mp3 player, and I was listening to the singers all day yesterday and right I type! sOo talented! :wub:

Oh and my friend really liked 2 of the songs and asked me to burn it for her. So she can listen to them in her car. :lol: