[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


sarNie OldFart
Hahaha probably should have mention it...when I translated his interview about him being busy attending a lot of events and they questioned him. He said he doesn't have any filming until next year after finishing the one with chippy. Because no one had contact or offered him or the channel any roles after the one with chippy so he has no work for filming until next year.
I saw his interview about that and it seems like he was joking, sorta, because the reporters asked if he will have another lakorn with Bella. Bella said that she already has 2 this year maybe next year and Pope looked at her and said oh I'm booked next year but I have nothing else this year cus no one gave me any work lol. So i took it as sort of a joke from him. I'm thinking the big project will start soon cus he said they're in the process of deciding when to start fitting and stuff. He won't say what lakorn or with who yet cus they're still casting, same goes for the other 2 lakorns. It sounds like with the other 2, he himself are not confirmed to be in it.


It's probably not fully confirmed and waiting for all the casting to be done. But he probably does have a lot more roles lined up next year now.
I saw his interview about that and it seems like he was joking, sorta, because the reporters asked if he will have another lakorn with Bella. Bella said that she already has 2 this year maybe next year and Pope looked at her and said oh I'm booked next year but I have nothing else this year cus no one gave me any work lol. So i took it as sort of a joke from him. I'm thinking the big project will start soon cus he said they're in the process of deciding when to start fitting and stuff. He won't say what lakorn or with who yet cus they're still casting, same goes for the other 2 lakorns. It sounds like with the other 2, he himself are not confirmed to be in it.
Haha. Perhaps he was joking.


sarNie OldFart
Yaya acting is questionable and I hope to see her break out of her comfort zone. I don't think that you should be attacked just because you voiced your opinion. Some people thinks that its ok to voice their opinions on everyone else favourite idol but no one can do it to theirs. SMH! No one is perfect.
Yaya has improved, but I lost interest in her because of the repetitive paring. She has stepped out of her comfort zone for a bit.
Yes! At least to me lol. It's pretty short, 7 or 8? episodes and completely stress free.

Basically about Cris, the n'ek, starts off being really shallow and vain due to some childhood insecurity. PJ is her daily taxi driver and movie maker wannabe. He has his own insecurity to overcome too.
Omg, I love Chris and PJ’s part the most! Got me cracking up so much. That was my favorite from the Cupid series followed by Toey/Cheer’s part.


sarNie Hatchling
Talking about Por Date's father a well back (however many pages back... LOL), did you guys know that he was picked by "Hollywood" to act in an American movie. The movie is called "The Hangover 2". ***NOTE*** IT IS RATED R!!!!! But it was funny as well.

BTW, I would love to buy the OST album, however, I want to make sure that the sad humming instrumental version is on the CD. If whenever someone have received their copy of the OST album, could you please share on here if it is included. Please.

Regarding to fans pushing and shoving during Pope's meet and greet event, it is very dangerous.

Another, since Weir has been mention on here. I just want to point out that I "think" he smokes, like cigar and not cigarettes. I use to like him so much since his drama with Pinky, but when I actually met him personally and "hugged" him, I can smell the "cigar" on his clothes. It was quite a "turn off". But anyways, he was my very first P'ek from the lakorn world and the experience was worthwhile as well.
I thought i was crazy! When i saw hangover 2 i was like.... isnt this guy a thai actor? I was really surprised to see him in the movie lol


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
I thought i was crazy! When i saw hangover 2 i was like.... isnt this guy a thai actor? I was really surprised to see him in the movie lol
Omg hangover 2, the ending was so nasty showing all those strip clubs in Thailand. Seriously the ending credit showed everything and it was literally rated X LOL I had to cover my eyes quickly cuz totally didn’t anticipate it.


I seriously need Pope and Bella lakorn together. I’m afraid I will miss them too much after BPS ends :crybaby2:
A part of me wants them again in a few years, but like a part of me wants them now because they both don't have much time in the ET Industry. Pope is getting older while Bella may be getting married soon. If she's lucky like Chompoo or Noon she may be able to return with her nang'ek status if not. . . it'll be sad.


Omg hangover 2, the ending was so nasty showing all those strip clubs in Thailand. Seriously the ending credit showed everything and it was literally rated X LOL I had to cover my eyes quickly cuz totally didn’t anticipate it.
Haha. Yeah it's pretty explicit.


Yaya has improved, but I lost interest in her because of the repetitive paring. She has stepped out of her comfort zone for a bit.

Omg, I love Chris and PJ’s part the most! Got me cracking up so much. That was my favorite from the Cupid series followed by Toey/Cheer’s part.
I wanted to watch Cheer/Toey's part too, but then I couldn't move on from MR. PJ. Haha.


Yes watching the old version will be self-explanatory I think. You know that meme, Chanel vs Walmart lol? It's like that. The old version is on youtube but no subs and the quality isn't that great either.
Lol! I didn't know about the meme but now I do - I get the idea. Thank you! I'll definitely find out for myself because I don't think I'm prepared to have my feelings for the 2011 version abruptly torn down yet - I'll let time and the old version to deal with it. :p

The old version has been in my PTW for some time, so I've been hunting for subs some time ago, and thankfully I managed to find Chinese subs after a long ordeal. It was hard to even find that.

Aaaand so I'm curious: What do you guys think about the movie version?

I know. Imagine if BPS was not mega hit. . . he wouldn't have anything after KSTD. . .I wouldn't have found out about him too!!
Scary thought. But I believe it's meant to be! - that his hard work and talent will be repaid.

Pope said he will have a big project lakorn soon. They are still deciding when to start filming, the script is done. He also said he has 2 more the cintac5ed him but he's not 100% sure yet. They're still casting and it'll be a while. I wonder if this big project will be for ch3 50th anniversary.
Sweeeet. As long he gets work...and chooses them wisely. One way for an actor to go far is knowing what roles to choose, what is suitable for them, I believe. So as long as there are people considering him and he knows what he's doing, his post-BPS popularity shouldn't be a problem.


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
Haha. I wanna go back and rewatch it all.
Did u watch Cupids?? I couldn’t even if I tried to.... I gave Prang’s part a try but im not sure I just couldn’t follow the plot, plus I don’t find Alek likable... he’s more of a supporting actor to me lol but yea, I couldn’t even get into Prang’s part... maybe one day when I’m super bored I’ll give it another go.

For PJ’s part, I couldn’t take Cris seriously either lol she’s super nice bts and off screen but as PJ’s n’ek, I just couldn’t get into her lol plus before I wasn’t used to Cris at all so didn’t find her pretty, too chinky or something but I think I have warmed up to her recently so maybe one day I’ll give their part another go too lol :p too picky sometimes :p

ps —- well, major off topic here but still pertaining to PJ and Prang LOL :p



sarNie Egg
Thank you Phatman for the information. All I can say is that I am now a big fan of Bella even though this is my first lakorn of her that I watch. I just love her character in here. It is so different from other lakorn characters that I watch so far.

I have seen Yaya lakorns with Nadech and I have no comment on her acting. I have been attacked for giving my opinion about her acting before, so I don't want to go though that again. I just stay away.

Kim is a good actress, but I have a change of heart about her. I am not a fan of her anymore.

For now, I only watch Matt, Bella, Mint c, Mew Nittha lakorns.
The same as me as I saw many ppl were attacked by just giving opinion on her acting, I was like whatever stay away from her


sarNie Hatchling
F@#*&^#$%^&$@ SMART.
No thanks.

Don't like him.

Hahaha Aom Suchi..Sushar...what ever her bloody name is. I just can't stand her, acting talking. My cousin likes her and says she's natural beauty but I doubt it her face is probably full of filtersss.
I usually question myself why Smart become P'ek??? hehe and I can't stand her too but she was pretty and cute with her natural beauty before like in "Full house(Thai version)"but after she fixed some parts i don't know how to say anymore :facepalm:

i maybe missed some pages so i just want to know about Sanobypope one of Pope new ad i saw a tweet about him invest in this product anyone know more about this???
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sarNie OldFart
Well it's normal to be off topic now since we are nearing the end and most if not all of the spoilers, ost, bts, and such were already post and shared in like the late 100s or early 200s pages lol.


Just staring into those eyes, warms my heart. ♡
If he's lucky, someone might give him work to film. And take the opportunity of his popularity right now.

I saw his interview about that and it seems like he was joking, sorta, because the reporters asked if he will have another lakorn with Bella. Bella said that she already has 2 this year maybe next year and Pope looked at her and said oh I'm booked next year but I have nothing else this year cus no one gave me any work lol. So i took it as sort of a joke from him. I'm thinking the big project will start soon cus he said they're in the process of deciding when to start fitting and stuff. He won't say what lakorn or with who yet cus they're still casting, same goes for the other 2 lakorns. It sounds like with the other 2, he himself are not confirmed to be in it.
I just hope he will be paired with someone who has decent acting and not someone base on their looks and popularity but very lacking.