sarNie Adult
That's a great question, where the heck did they come from lol. Nothing wrong with shipping couple as koojin but to the point of suing? I don't know about that lol.Whew! I was gone the whole day and only 5 pages to catch up! Thank goodness!!!
Anyways these wacko koojin fans are another level of wack!! It's like no matter who they jin, they go soooo over board! I think everyone pretty much know I LOVE PopeMew but like seriously, REALITY people, reality
. It is unhealthy to only want your star with 1 pra'ek/nangek. Where the heck did these ridiculous people come from? Who spawn them?!
Wait it was your edit?! I want to see! You're so famous now!! Lol first @pangiaxiong with her fmv but unfortunately someone else took the credit, now you! Ooo we have some famous BPS fans here!!!
He does, did he specifically said this OR is it just an assumption? Cus you know what they say about Assuming!
Yes you can add shrimp paste vs dried shrimp. The real way uses dried fish. I'm not a big fan of adding shrimp paste because it's too salty. I do make shrimp paste dipping sauce for green tamarind because it's extra sour so it's good with salty dip. With that type of dip I use shrimp paste, a little sugar, chilis, and shallot. No fish sauce so the sauce is like a paste vs thick liquid.
Hmm...random thought. Because I've been staring for the past hours at Pope's event pic and other pics of him..he got a big nose?..HAHAHA . Cute but when he wear sunglasses, its stand out so much.