[CH3] Likit Ruk (Thong Entertainment) Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya


NY 4ever
I think the scarf scene will come later there is also another mountain scene coming up later according to the story
I think the second mountain scene is in Holy Sauce no? And the skipped scarf scene was in Chiang Rai which is in Thailand.. So we definitely wont see that scene until they publish the uncut DVD boxset.


sarNie Egg
Later part when they travel together to find Alan there is also a mountain scene in the ending credits they have shown the glimpse of that when they were both dining together in the mountains that's when I think this scene will be shown.


sarNie Adult
Look what I found... so, again Anne's bf is saying that if you want the dvd you have to go ask the channel. So, you know what to do! Go ask somrakn, ch3thailand, dew_ka
I don't want to gas everybody up but he did add this, the fan is asking for a dvd with UNCUT scenes and Anne's bf also said that it's not going to go against their contract with their Chinese deal. So, if the channel approves, they will add more. I feel that the fact that he already knows this information says something.... he has mentioned this weeks ago so he's not playing around ahahha go beg the channel. This is huge because it's not just getting the dvd it's the UNCUT version... all the fin stuff he cut out ahhahahaha

He just taunting us lol what a dumb ass . They have the power to push it but they want us to beg for it smh


sarNie Adult
I will not complain too much because the NY scenes in episode 7 were so good that we could forget the editing and we have already said many times what we thought about it but I really try to understand why they cut out those sweet scenes, I don't find any reason.... These scenes are important because they give you the feel in the developement of Dawin & Alice's relationship. It's ok to give time to the secondary characters but if you have to choose between the leads or the secondary, the choice should be easy to take haha.

We are still looking for these scenes hahaha. I don't know if we have to laugh or cry loool. If they want to cut out scenes it's ok but please, don't be stupid to spazz us with all these spoilers if we couldn't see them on screen haha

Nadech's acting was GREAT here, Alice hugs him and he was at the same time surprise and happy with Alice's hug

But look at how they edited this scene yesterday.....when the MV scene is better than the official episode :BangHead:

Also, someone have to told me if you saw this scene yesterday? :confused12:. I don't remember we saw Dawin put his hands on Alice's hip...

The scarf scene

Totally agreed , guess we have to be positive that she will show it as a flashback or just think that those scene don’t exit lol . Ann did say that they edit for Thai and Chinese different , didn’t she ?


sarNie Hatchling
I will try to catch it live, but not sure I will manage to watch it. However, I am looking forward to today's episode. So many scenes from the spoilers I want to see how it will be transformed:aaaaa:
:drooling:When i read a spoiler this morning, my eyes on tears when comes to alice part. I need to watch it live! But i need to put my daughter to sleep first. Lol! :crybaby2:


NY 4ever
Now i know why Khun Ying Swanee hates Holy Sauce like that, the dialogue between her and the general convinced me. :(