[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


Use the @ sign and then their name. I know they will see it because when people do that to me, I see their post to me. Otherwise just PM them in IG hahaha with the vid
Haha. I will figure something out! Maybe I'll go find any Gotbelle hashtags on IG and tag'em!


Wifey #42
Phatman Said
Tru BPS Fan Test #12!!!

Extended/Deleted Scenes:
- Extended mango nam pla wan scene. Kosa Lek suggesting poetry night. All I remember from the original is they just suddenly had a poetry night. Haha.
- Longer flirting between Reung and Kade.
- Different angle of Date staring at Kade when he was trying to listen to her song!
- Kade and Date flashing back!!! Date holding that poem!!!!!!! He is obviously charmed by the one who wrote it, in our case the one who recited it. Haha.
- Mom and grandma flashback and making merit! And then transition into Kade also making merits. Definitely better played out!!! Who else thinks that was Reung as a monk walking away!!!!
- Little snippet of Mae Jumpa's return.
- Extended fight in the kitchen!

- Hey it was Kosa Ban who suggested Kade "play" too. Haha. We thought it was Kosa Lek trying to throw Kade under the bus.
- They creator's are cruel. How can they create such romantic atmosphere and then transition to such depression. Although I must say the transition was smooth and very well edited. I actually really like it. Btw. I cried a liter again.

I agree with you this episode is lovely especially about poetry scene. Thank you for sharing things here. I enjoy reading very much. It makes me more talkative too. I usually only read.

After reading your posts, I would like to talk to you about this episode. I used to watch this in SDJK fansub. Some parts of subtitle are omitted or incomplete and the rerun added some scenes so I think it is the time to make some subtitle (only of this episode) clearer for you, true fans.

First I have to tell you a little about Thai Poetry. Thai poetry has 5 important types, each type has subtypes.

The poetry that Janwad and Por Date wrote, called Khlong while Kade’s was Klon.

Kade’s Klon comes from a Thai literature named Kanok Nakorn written by Prince Krommamun Phitthayalongkon. It took him 7 years (between 2458 – 2465 B.E. or 1915 – 1922 A.D.) to finish this literature, so no one in Ayutthaya Era knew about it.

Khun Lung asked everyone to have dinner in his house and persuaded them to play poetry afterwards.

1. After Janward and Por Date wrote their Khlongs.

Kosa Pan - Mae Karakade, aren’t you joining in?

Por Date - She never does it. No one knows if she can write poetry or not. But it seems like she can’t.

Muen Rueang - Won’t you compete? Mae Karakade

Kade - Compete what, Muen Rueang?

Muen Rueang - This (look at a slate in front of him). You can write Khlong or Klon. (up to you)

Kade - If it is Klon Pratoo I would be able to do it. (Kade was joking)
Pratoo = Door. Klon that she said she meant bolt for locking the door.
This word is the same spelling and pronunciation as Klon (Poetry)

Muen Rueang - Laugh


Ko sa Lek Being insulted like this, won’t you try?

Khun Lung Called a servant to take a slate with pencil stone for Kade. That pushed her in pressure to do something.

2. Por Date and Kade scene outside the house

Por Date didn’t say that he liked the Klon, but didn’t like the writer (Kade).

Kate felt guilty as she didn’t write that Klon by herself and she saw Por Date laughed many times after the poetry play. She thought he laughed at her.


Por Date - I like that Klon.

Kade - I’m sleepy.

Por Date - Wait.

Kade - Er…The truth is…….

Por Date - I like that Klon, not because of who writing it.

Kade - Stared at him and thought if he knew she didn’t write it by herself.

Kade nearly confessed that she didn’t write that klon but Por Date interrupted and emphasized I like that Klon, not because of who writing it.
It means he just liked it and didn’t care who wrote it. (It is like - then Kade didn’t need to say anything).
He said that as if he knew Kade was confessing. That is why Kade thought in her mind if he knew she didn’t write it.

In real life Date would not be able to know Kade did it or not except she would have told him.
Maybe he was not certain and might suspect and guess from her manners and the way she stared at him.
Besides, He might not like her to confess as it would make her feel embarrassed.
Anyway his words seemed like to let her think that he knew what she was doing.
@Amata if all these rehashing the episodes will make you more talkative we love it!! Thanks for that clarity. I always thought no way! that Date knows she didn't write it because it's from the future & ahead of his time. But then I start to doubt it again - because he's a smart poetry guy & all the time the Mae Karakade he knew hasn't shown herself as capable of anything (except being evil), even Khun Loong just discovered that she could read! So he would second guess she'd copied from elsewhere.


sarNie Hatchling
Hey phatman, we are at # 12 already? Why does it somehow feel like it's lesser than that? But I like you summarising every night like this you make us live it freshly again all those feelings..... hhehe we really should start to keep a file, easy to search!

The music editing is perfectly put into the added scenes fact I think it's gone to make it ever melancholy ....

I love this episode more now, leaves me all mushy inside. Because of the extended scenes it explains why Date was behaving oddly, suddenly.... the poem did affected him. The entire sequence of her family is also even sadder. Her mum may be scolding her noisy, jumpy self but under all that her affectionate glances and of the gran's..... Kadesurang is much loved. Yeah, I cried again too.

But the man is such a liar! Said he liked the poem but not the writer! And then go all gooey in his room after stealing her chalkboard. I think Joi is also in the game..... Date told him to "bring the book into my room" when everyone was leaving at the front door; I thought what book? He's been home for ages. Could the chalkboard be called a book in those days? Either way it explains the "hanging" original about him telling Joi to do that.

Now that you've said it I think it's not only Ban but also Lek & Khun Loong who ganged up putting Kade out to dry. Ahh so disappointed! Ban suggested it, Lek pushed it, and dear Loong immediately instructed for the writing materials to be put before her. All 3 jointly owned a double decker company.

I also think if hunky Ban is not an uncle he would have liked Kade in a different way; he's heard she's beautiful & glad to confirm. He looks at her every expression from across and helplessly distressed when Date/Lek joined forces to bite her.

The moon meant so much to Date tonight; her poem, him & Kade under the moonlight, now staring at it out his windows & thinking of her. Of Janward & their promising poetry together it's like it don't exist.
What you said about the book that Date told Joi to bring into his room, is very interesting and it makes sense. I didn't think about it before. It was possible the book was the board but there was no scene that give us more information. Now I would like to know

I typed a word wrong. haha , have corrected it.


. . . continued.

Episode 12 PhatCaps Part III

Date: I just wann stare at you all night long.
He really has her look down. Haha.

Kade: I feel a chill over my shoulder.
Date: Hola bonita.
Creeper status. Haha.

Kade: ?
Date: Hi.
He continued mesmerizing!

Date: Hold up girl. I wanna talk to you still. The moon is beautiful.
Like seriously Date, for be using the moon as an excuse.

Finally. Wait for it. THE favorite scene!!!!!

No need for words. . . .



Date: It really is pretty tonight, Kade.
I agree Date, your "moon" is beautiful!

To be continued. . .


Got Phet?! ❤
Ohhhh I agreed. Gotbella def for JLR and I could see SB with Nabelle.

Omg too many damn ships to jump. I'm such a traitor LOL.
Really? Ann like the photo? I saw the Nong arunosha liking it and broadcast thai but whatever someone just cast them together.

Realistically, Nabelle got more of a chance in pairing than Gotbella. :sad6:
Thinking the same about NaBelle.. because Na is already p'ek and Got is just supporting. So we know in the near future, NaBelle is gonna happen. Idk how long it would take for Gotbelle to happen..


Got Phet?! ❤
Episode 12 PhatCaps Part I!!

Don't mind us, we're just very comfortable that's all.
View attachment 16487 View attachment 16488
Like uncle, like neice!

When is this gonna end. . .
View attachment 16489
Better learn how to flip your hair like Kade.

Hmmmm? Beautifully recited.
View attachment 16490
He looks a he just got stung and hasn't realized.

What just happened?
View attachment 16491
Don't know, but love is gonna happen that's for sure.

Unexpectingly good.
View attachment 16492
You daughter hadn't the only smart one!

Expectingly good.
View attachment 16493
You didn't expect her to fail right??

What do you say Date? Feeling lucky tonight?
View attachment 16496
He lowkey trying to rub it in his son's face.

It was alright. . .
View attachment 16494
Liar. You know inside and out you are the fattest liar.

View attachment 16495
Yes give him your dirtiest Kik look.

To be continued. . .
Love your PhatCaps! Lol keep them coming :thumbup:


sarNie Adult
Hmmm...Got and Belle for JLR? Got would be perfect....Soraya though...thr thing is Bella plays such a good strong nang ek. Feisty. One thing about Soraya is she’s kind of a ditz lol I can’t see Bella as a Soraya...her as Anne’s character I can see though.

GotTaew for JLR? Lol Taew is the doppelgänger of Aff after all and yes, Got reminds me of Aum. If they ever decide to remake JLR I wish they would leave out the rape part.


Got Phet?! ❤
Love that looks Kade direct to Date. Like beech please! Hahaha
Date was such a douche in this episode. She smacked him in the face with that poetry and foo was still acting like he wasn't in love with it lol ugh. Putting on a front with everyone around, but one on one with Kade he was freaking sniffing her under that moon lol

I was team #kadereung (ooooohhhhhh KadesuReung!!!) And even #teamKadeKosaPan for this episode lol #PorDatewho? More like #PorDouche


Wifey #42
Episode 12 PhatCaps Part I!!

Don't mind us, we're just very comfortable that's all.
View attachment 16487 View attachment 16488
Like uncle, like neice!

When is this gonna end. . .
View attachment 16489
Better learn how to flip your hair like Kade.

Hmmmm? Beautifully recited.
View attachment 16490
He looks a he just got stung and hasn't realized.

What just happened?
View attachment 16491
Don't know, but love is gonna happen that's for sure.

Unexpectingly good.
View attachment 16492
You daughter hadn't the only smart one!

Expectingly good.
View attachment 16493
You didn't expect her to fail right??

What do you say Date? Feeling lucky tonight?
View attachment 16496
He lowkey trying to rub it in his son's face.

It was alright. . .
View attachment 16494
Liar. You know inside and out you are the fattest liar.

View attachment 16495
Yes give him your dirtiest Kik look.

To be continued. . .
@phatman you are so hilarious I love you!! haha


Got Phet?! ❤
Thanks! We need Got to quite taking whatever roles and man it up to lead role. Maybe we should start a petition for him to wake up and take praek role and also one to Ch3 too.

Send or tag him and Ch3 with all of those Gotbella MVs hahah
Agree! I hope Ch 3 see how obsessed we are with my Hot Got and promote him to p'ek lol depends on if he wants to be p'ek too. Plus he gets all the good supporting roles.. and 3 lakorns he's in were aired like back to back lol we see more of him as supporting but may see less of him as lead :( lol but i think he deserves to be p'ek. Idc which role he gets! Better yet, he can role play with me :naughty2::naughty2:


Got Phet?! ❤
Wait that's the first I've heard of that? But it's politics and I hate politics so nvm.
Same I'm not really into politics too, but my family are lol also they said that voters may be able to vote for it in November. I think it would be northern ca, southern ca, and ca.

So anything from Fresno - south would be so cal. Anything north of fresno would be nor cal. And along the coast from Monterey down to LA would be CA. Supposed to be better for us? Idk.

As long as i still have a job, food, and can watch lakorns. I am good lol


. . . continued

Episode 12 PhatCaps Pary IV

Kade: *sigh* The moon is pretty, but my fam.
I actually like this transition because it's like reality hit her. She's falling in love, but what dimension is she in?


No words. I'm crying as I'm screencapping these. :(

Pin: Watch this sucka's! Here you go my lady!!
Very quick thinking! I love it!

Kade: Oh! Okay.
I love her puzzled look. Like this sis didn't just steal it real quick.

Kade: I hear a voice.
:sad6:No one will understand her.

Kade Fam: Find peace dear.
I see Reungrit's back .

I didn't see this shot in the original either!!

Kade: When will I ever return??
Awe. Poor baby. Let me wipe your tear for you. :crybaby2:

Okay finally done! Haha.