sarNie Coma
I was going to ask that also.Isn't she wearing contacts in GS? Because her eyes look grey throughout the lakorn
I was going to ask that also.Isn't she wearing contacts in GS? Because her eyes look grey throughout the lakorn
Lol he can kiss me all day and i'll be fine with it. I'm day dreaming here...Haha now I know why Taew said she’s still shy when James Ji kiss her in the elevator, look at the lipstick all over their mouths, they may have to retake many many times, unless James suck her lips so hard....oh I never see any kiss with a mess like this one.
I’m hurtful for Nok. I don’t see it being beneficial to go through all those pains for her dad to keep going back to the same woman?I remember both Nai and Wi have given her very sensible advice: "Your actions won't bring any of the things you hope for." She is setting herself up for disappointment and suffering when it comes to her dad, and then it sucks that she lashes out at Nai.
Anyway I've said it before, that I hoped Taew would get a zaap, rai role and she is killing it in here.
I feel like her anger is justified tbh cause she know Thawat would not believe her if she went full head and announced it, the plan is quite brilliant tbh. And notice how she did not trashed the small house immediate even after Wuttha showed her the cctv. And the next morning she was still holding it in. And yet still Nai lied by telling her he met a client last night.I guess everyone has her own bias... just finished ep 7. The one I really want to knock her head is Nok, somehow I have way more sympathy towards Khae and Wat. Afterall Khae was forced to give up Nai by her B mother, and she never really let it go. Given a chance she wants him back. Wat is seriously into her. Being a man his age, he would not let his now grownup daughter to decide for him. The way that Nok planned and tricked all into this “exposure” is super immature. She gave little consideration to feelings of her own loved ones.
Granted she felt betrayed by Nai’s “hiding” of his past relationship with Khae, but when facing him, she is truly brutal “spitting poisons”. The scene when she was set up by Khae while Nai listening behind her and challenged by Khae whether she is jealous, she responded “no I don’t love him, never!”
When challenged again, she said “.. feel disgusting! It was all about a game. Don’t ever think I will stay with someone like him. Dream on! He is just an orphan staying with my family. He has the guts to court me! He deserves this ending! So what about recycle, it’s still trash!” Wow! My little understanding of her being furious over being left in dark now is out of the window.
Ahhhh the struggle of being at work rn i couldn't play the clip!!OMG...fin mak mak. I am dead.
Agreed!! I've said it before, Nok lashes out at things/people when she feels insecure and in need of a self protection. Bitchy Nok is just a hard shell to keep ppl out from the true softie Nok within. It's her defence mechanismHahahaha the thread is at 300++ i'll never be able to catch up at this rate. Sorry, was so busy with things.
I don't know if someone already said this, since i haven't been able to backread, but i just wanted to say, Nai's crying scene after seeing the wreck is so touching. It reflects how fragile his and Nok's relationship is. He tries to build and recycle and she destroys it in just one snap. But just the same it hurts him how much it hurts her. Nok generally cares for her things (e.g. Not wanting oil in her laptop, or cleaning her old book with cloth) but ends up harming them to protect herself when she is hurt (her car in ep 1 when she used it to bump the other girl's car). Nai knows that when she destroyed her precious things, she was in pain too. And that made him doubly sad.
I was moved by that scene as well. JJ did s great job.Hahahaha the thread is at 300++ i'll never be able to catch up at this rate. Sorry, was so busy with things.
I don't know if someone already said this, since i haven't been able to backread, but i just wanted to say, Nai's crying scene after seeing the wreck is so touching. It reflects how fragile his and Nok's relationship is. He tries to build and recycle and she destroys it in just one snap. But just the same it hurts him how much it hurts her. Nok generally cares for her things (e.g. Not wanting oil in her laptop, or cleaning her old book with cloth) but ends up harming them to protect herself when she is hurt (her car in ep 1 when she used it to bump the other girl's car). Nai knows that when she destroyed her precious things, she was in pain too. And that made him doubly sad.
Which brings up to this issue on why Nai didn't tell Nok orz cause he know she won't take it well,. Cause let's face this, Nok and Thawat is very different in temperaments (or temper to be more precise). i guess that's why he keeps prolonging the time to tell the truth. And who knows what poison Wuttha had planted in Nok's mind during the cctv reveal scene.Nai could have talked to Nok just like what he did with Wat on the hindsight. Wi the wise woman told Nok earlier, people are less straightforward for different reasons. Over protective/ do not want you to overthink is one, feeling unnecessary is another. Drawing a negative conclusion without knowing all the fact is not good. Clearly this mother-daughter conversation did not get into Nok’s pretty little head.![]()
I’m super dead .. these two seriously need to stop being so god damn adorable together offscreen, because it’s make me sick (love sick)OMG...fin mak mak. I am dead.
Aww so cuteOMG...fin mak mak. I am dead.