sarNie Adult
Hmm so is this him after the marothon with you? I better get him out ASAP
p.s.: don't have the heart to put it out in play
Hmm so is this him after the marothon with you? I better get him out ASAP
What I like my samee flexible
Probably because it was a little TOO mean, even for RamSo I finally watched LRT's MV's. . . and noticed this scene!
I PhatCapped this scene saying how Ram just allowed Krathin to button uo his shirt even thigh he was upset at her. But in the MV in that same scene he walked away from her!
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Apparently it did not make the cut.
Wth Ram! Haha.
I don't know who this "your Pope" guy is... but I know MY Pope is lovely to stare atWhat? Some crazy people might follow that to the letter.
By the way what took me so long to bother using a profile pic..... isn't he lovely to stare at, this Pope of mine.
We all vouch for LRT hereYeah, that's what draw me to watch, I always try to avoid anything dramatic at all cost. BPS is so light, so informative and beautifully done. I keep rewatching it over and over again even though I'm supposed to watch other lakorns of Pope. Sighhhhh. Anyway, trying to get into LRT now since so many spoilers here that ignite my interest.
!Yeah, that's what draw me to watch, I always try to avoid anything dramatic at all cost. BPS is so light, so informative and beautifully done. I keep rewatching it over and over again even though I'm supposed to watch other lakorns of Pope. Sighhhhh. Anyway, trying to get into LRT now since so many spoilers here that ignite my interest.
Have you tried Amazon?I can’t get enough of BPS. There’s hardly any dull moments. I’m trying to finish Nakee but I keep going back to it. lol
I think I need an intervention.![]()
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This is one of my favorite scenes between Pope and Kade. Por Date was bold and territorial, but subtle enough to make it romantic.Well at least, I thought it was romantic.
Where can I find me a real life Por Date?
That last pic isWhat makes you think he's wearing tights haha, so incorrigible this Rachel.
Everyone's smiling looking at them, you can feel the cheer! Even me here - it's such a happy picture. There, you see? What I mean about them looking perfect as the ideal couple - she's so shapely & feminine, they look so right together. Although I think I like Por Date with the sandals, he's so manly with those leather crossovers.
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Sorry so many of the same pose I can't bring myself to delete any of his face.
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And the thread says we can use upto 10 pictures
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Check out the sandals (& the hot bod)
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That crazy woman! Who's she calling the Muen guy?
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To be honest, his character at Lep Krut was the most important of the climax for the whole lakorn. You will say what the...after you watched that.Then I'm happy for him CPY, although I haven't seen that movie. At least someone does love him. Of the dramas I've seen & him in it he's so easy to spot even if he doesn't have dialogue or even a grunt, he just stands out as being the one with the most ill-fitting clothes. I felt sorry for him (even if he doesn't mind it himself, as he continues appearing in one drama after another).
I'll try... But I can't guarantee the verbs I teach him will be useful in everyday languageHis twang is more like Japanese in KSTD. I was surprised in LRT he's in England he lapsed into English with the OKs, etc, and bursts of little things & he speaks it alright. Can you do it then, teach him some verbs in between all the bedroom talk.
Hey now this is samee and mia, not 50 Shades of Pope...Most days you can find the real Date in @Rachfull 's basement. Not sure if he's chained though haha.
Love that scene!! That's one of the many daring things he does openly which I of course marvel - given the understanding that Ayutthaya's society isn't used to that sort of caveman's public affection. You can tell by the servants' faces (Prik/Juang) their alarm - it's just not done! But what I can't get over is his overly rude possessiveness when he's plagued with jealousy, he just doesn't care to sugar coat anything even if to his bestest buddies Rheung & Sri Yot. You can almost expect him pee a circle around her in the sand!!
The music & intimacy of their conversation as they watched the outdoor play is surely one of the most romantic scenes in the movie.
Wowww ahahhhaaa HEAD SAMEE THIEF!! You guys are hilarious!!Yeah, that's what draw me to watch, I always try to avoid anything dramatic at all cost. BPS is so light, so informative and beautifully done. I keep rewatching it over and over again even though I'm supposed to watch other lakorns of Pope. Sighhhhh. Anyway, trying to get into LRT now since so many spoilers here that ignite my interest.
I have no idea what "talong" means, but I THINK she's asking if Pope knows how handsome he is, makes all the women "talong maak" or something like that. She definitely said "song kon" which is "the two of you"
Good luck. I have a state-of-the-art security system in my basement and I put an anklet on Pope so I get alerted if he tries to leave the premisesHmm so is this him after the marothon with you? I better get him out ASAP
p.s.: don't have the heart to put it out in play
Oh, phatman, I've just seen it! This is the worst faced by Kratin she's getting it left right & centre; & when she was relying on the last person to give her solace - her dad - Kad walked away because he doesn't want to mess up her life. "Of all the things I've ever had, you're the only thing I didn't steal. But you're the only thing that I can't keep. I left you 10 years ago without a goodbye, but today, here, is our goodbyes," Kad said to her. I cried so much because of Kad's life because he's not an evil man. He has the heart of any loving father.Oh which episode is that?
We now have PanCaps!! Yayyyyy....... I like it. And he's not chubby heheee. Thanks for Got, he's such an intense little thing! Those digs he makes at his REAL dad (King Narai) when they're at Court, the first time I started watching BPS everytime these royal scenes I'm always fearful something crazy is about to break out from him. Got wins for the sneer & his perpetual curt expression.. . . continued.
Episode 24 GotCaps!
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This man. How can he display such aura onscreen!! My boost tingles. Hehe.
Episode 24 PanCaps!
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He looks chubby in here, but it's ok. That smile, so sweet!!
To be continued. . .
YAYYYYYY I STARTED IT!!!!! A few notes:
Okay, without further ado, here is the first installment of the Date-Kaew fanfic
- I'll post updates to the fanfic under spoilers with the title "Date-Kaew Fanfic" until I come up with a better name. That way I don't spam the thread if people don't want to read it. EDIT: Fine I'll leave it out
- This is only the first installment, there are more to come. How many more, I don't know. When it comes to writing, I have a reeaaalllyy hard time holding back
- I even added some fan service in this first installment for all of you!!!! I HATE writing fan service, so you're welcome! I only threw up three times while I was writing it
I don't like writing romance I always feel unqualified- Oh and I'm not totally confident on my "P's" and "jao ka"s so lmk if I make a big mistake or just ignore the mistakes
Also this isn't my best writing so bear with me:
Date-Kaew Fanfic Vol. 1“Khun P’!”
Something was jabbing into Date’s back, something that felt like the beak of a bird, or a pencil, or…
Date rolled over so quickly he almost toppled off the bed. But he had achieved his object: Kade’s finger was no longer disturbing his sleep. In fact, his arms were constricting her every attempt to continue disturbing his sleep.
“Khun P’!”
“Mmmm,” Date mumbled.
“Khun P, it’s time to get up.”
Date nestled deeper into his pillow, tightening his grip on Kade.
Kade giggled. Then she clapped a hand over her mouth. She forced her face into a stern look. “Khun P, you’re supposed to meet with Khun Chantawat in a few hours. Get up!” She pushed against his chest again.
A light knock rapped on the bedroom door. “Khun Mae, Khun Pa jao ka!”
Date and Kade jumped apart, diving off the bed for “Khun Pa’s” shirt.
“What is it, loo?” Kade shouted as Date hurriedly pulled his arms through the shirt sleeves. In a minute, he had the shirt on and the waistband tied, and not a moment too soon: little Prang swung the door open and toddled into the room. She tugged on Kade’s skirt, and began, “Khun Mae jao ka--”
But before Prang could finish, Pin and Yam came hurrying into the room, chests heaving. “Katot jao ka, Khun Ying,” Yam panted, “We were dressing Prang’s hair when she ran away. We tried to catch her--"
"--but she’s really fast,” Pin finished.
“It’s alright, P’Pin, P’Yam,” Kade said. She crouched to Prang’s level. “Did you need something, loo?”
“Khun Mae jao ka, I wanted you to dress my hair today,” Prang explained, gazing up at Kade and sticking out her bottom lip ever so slightly.
Date, who had stood with crossed arms and watched the spectacle unfold, launched into action. “Prang,” he began, raising his index finger. “You should not run away from Pin and Yam. Apologize to them.”
Kade stood up and sent him an exasperated look as Prang clung to her skirts. Date simply stared back, raised his eyebrows, then lowered his gaze back to Prang.
Prang peeked up at her father through her eyelashes, saw the stern look on his face, and spun around to face Pin and Yam.
“Katot.” She turned back to Date. He glanced around the room, purposefully looking everywhere but at Prang. Kade bent down and whispered in Prang’s ear.
“Katot, Khun Pa jao ka.” Prang aligned her hands and bowed once again. Kade smiled knowingly at Date. Date continued to look around the room, but this time his lips twitched infinitesimally upward.
“Come, loo, I’ll dress your hair for you,” Kade said, directing Prang out of the room by her tiny shoulders.
Date, unable to hold back his amusement any longer, allowed a wide grin to spill across his face.
RACHFULL'S DATE-KAEW FANFIC PART IIIYAYYYYY Part 2 of the Date-Kaew fanfic!!!! Yes, I am accepting name submissions because I have no idea what to call itThis is my favorite part so far, and I've completed up to part 5 already! (I actually wrote it all in one go when I posted part one... but I didn't want to post more parts too soon or else I'd have to write more
) Anyway, enjoy!!!
Can I just say I love writing from Date's point of view because he tries so hard to conceal his emotions but he always ends up inadvertently revealing them
Later that day, Date was reading one of his political texts at his desk when a servant escorted two men into the house. Intrigued, Date marked his place in his book and rose from his chair. He crept over to a pillar to watch the men from afar as Kade greeted them. He felt the vaguest twinge of jealousy, then silenced it, reminding himself that he and Kade had been married for almost twenty years now, and had four children together. There was no need for him to feel jealous over her greeting other men. He could just calmly return to his desk and continue reading his book without a care in the world.
Next thing Date knew, he was standing in the common area of the house, staring down the two intruders.
“Ah, he’s here,” Kade said, rising from her seat. The two men did likewise. “Khun P jao ka, this is Khun Chantawat and his son, Khun Natawat.” She pointed at each man respectively.
Date breathed a sigh of relief. Good, a married man with his son. No need to be concerned at all.
Unless Kade wanted a younger man now that her husband was old. Date’s brow furrowed.
As Date tried to ascertain how far a young man could charm his Karakade in the ten minutes the two had spent together, the older man spoke: “You remember, Ork Ya, that we had an appointment today?”
Date nodded, still calculating. Chantawat’s question hung in the air for a few minutes. Then something clicked in his brain, and Date woke up. “Yes. Please, sit down.” He gestured at the seat in front of him.
Chantawat and his son sat once again. Date lowered himself onto the couch opposite, training his gaze on them. “Now, what business did you have to discuss with me? You said it was important.”
“Ah, yes,” Chantawat responded, easing forward in his seat. He glanced at his son.
Date briefly shifted his gaze to the son as well. Did Kade like tall noses?
“My son here, Natawat-- well, he’s had his eye on your daughter Kaew,” Chantawat responded, resting a hand on Natawat’s shoulder.
Date froze.
“And he asked me to come meet with you to ask your permission to court Kaew.”
Date’s body sat rigid while his mind raced at a pace so swift, even his thoughts were blurred. His brain halted for a second.
“Permission for you to date my oldest daughter, Chantawat?”
“No, no,” the older man chuckled, “Permission for Nathawat to date your daughter.”
Date’s face fell, all color draining from it.
Don’t you realize how conflicted you sound? As khun Pisut once said something like if he gave his heart to you, no one can take it back. How the heck you have to put anklet on him if he doesn’t want to leave you?Good luck. I have a state-of-the-art security system in my basement and I put an anklet on Pope so I get alerted if he tries to leave the premises
Plus there's the fact that he doesn't want to leave![]()