Episode 23 Recaps
Wael is walking. She looks around, she stars running she goes to go in a door but I guy is blocking it she try's to go through, but he is blocking still she then starts moving backwards. She then sees Sida. Do you remember what you did to me? (She trying to leave but one of the men grab her) Crazy b****! B****! (OMG Sida then slaps her, slaps her again. Wael try's to kick her but she can't.) (Sida) I understand that what you did was because you love your boss. And you're a follower that your boss loves very much also. Let go of me! Let go! (Sida grabs her hair) I will. Beat her up. (OMG now the men are beating her up

) Drag her in. Let go of me. (Sida grabs her hair again) You love your boss so much, right? (She has a hold of her now) Then follow her. (OMG NOO she throw's Wael down the stairs

) OMG she has to be okay

. (Sida needs to pay for all she done). They they just leave her there

At the penthouse, the next morning
Min and Tor are sleeping. (Her hand is on his chest, she wakes up and stares at him. She touches his face with her finger. Then Tor takes her hand. He is now a wake and looking at her. Tor holds her hand while staring at her. He sit's up a bit moves closer to her he has his arm around her kinda while staring at her more. He kiss her she wakes up. He goes for another kiss but she stops him.) (Tor) You're feeling hot. He kisses her again she hit's his arm

You really are warm. Goes for another kiss she stops him. Aww those smiles. she keep rubbing her neck

. (Min) I also feel my head hurting.(hit's his arm again, they way he looks at her

) (Min) It's probably from what you did to me last night. I did that much? (OMG those looks

) I meant... throwing water at me. Well, yeah. That was what I meant as well. (More looks and smile laughs) It's not true. What were you thinking I meant? I don't know. Then how can you say it? Well, I don't know. Can you go get me the medicine? What medicine? Medicine for fever or headaches. Anything. (More looks and smiles) Go now. (He just keep's looking at her so she sit's up. She goes to get off the bed but then he back hugs her and snuggles his face in her neck His head is now resting on her shoulder.) Tor: Hey. You're a little sick a body wipe will make you feel better.(He now looks and holds her hand) And a small body like this I'll be done in no time. (She hits his hand

) No. What are you saying? Let go. Let go. Enough. Let go. Tor, let go. No more. Let go. (she lightly hit's him he is still holding on. He let's go now.) You keep teasing me. (She walks he follows) He pulls her to him Tor. (She is hitting him) Let go. That hurts. Let go. So let go then. Let go. You're hitting me hard now? Hit me again. I'll hit you back. Why are you so scolding? (OMG he pulls her close to him

) And will you manage? (Hit's him again but smiles) What are you saying? Let go. Hits again while smiling. Go get me the medicine. Right now. Pay the fee first. I won't pay. Pay it first. (He wants a kiss on the cheek) No, not paying. If not, then a body wipe it is. (He takes her arm) Hey, no. Let go. Then pay it. Hurry. (She goes to give him a kiss on the cheek but then he turn's his head so her lips on his his for a lip kiss) Go get medicine for me too. (She goes to leave but he grabs her spins her to face him) What I told you before that your mouth is tasteless and not sweet at all I was kidding. It's not true. (OMG another kiss, wow

) More looks, I'll go get you medicine first. My wife.(GIRLS HE CALLED HER WIFE

ahhh) Sorry for yelling *caps* but ahhh. He spins her and push's her to the door(playfully that smile. She stares at him while he get's his shirt on.