spicy forum


sarNie OldFart
I'm actually HAPPY that they're off-line! The girls over at that forum are a bunch of sarcastic bitches anyway...and they're preaching about professionalism? yea right. So thats my two-cents, spread the news to spicy forum for me. Late.
:loool: Ok...that was a bit too harsh. Sarcastic? Who isn't. Bitches??? Um...no. I admired your straightforwardness though.

They're talking about professionalism in terms of crediting. I tell you what though. Those girls can be buttheads sometimes, but they don't steal. And they put a lot of hard work and dedication into Spicy. It's only right that they get credited for it. That's "professionalism."


Question. Why is the thread on spicy forum closed? Come on.
I wasn’t going to respond to anything involved, but now that the topic is closed, the idea that opinions should be suppressed simply b/c they offend some people is bothering me even more. This is might be uncalled for, but heck, it’s intellectually tempting so I’ll go at it anyway.

Okay, I don't know what's the deal here with spicy or/and sarnworld, or whatever it is because I still consider myself very new here. Whatever it is, frankly I don't care.

I think it is a great thing that many ppl want spicy to come back. It must mean that spicy administrators did a god job running the forum and thereby the forum became a special place in some people’s internet world.

But I can't stand it when I witness "the tyranny of the majority" suppressing the opinions of a minority. (Following from the closed thread) Just because one person decides not to conform with the larger group, doesn't make his or her opinions less valid. What happened to freedom of speech? This is a discussion forum. If we decide not to look at everyone’s opinions equally objectively, how can we get or come close to getting an accurate perspective of what the heck is really going on here. Who knows, there might be people who agree with (following from the closed thread) iheartvi’s opinions but are afraid to express them b/c it seems publicly futile given that there are so many ppl already disagreeing with him/her.

I’ve been to spicy before. Like butterfly123 said, they speak the truth and they pride themselves of it. So if anything, I think iheartvi’s choice to express his/her opinion by calling them bitches is exactly the kind of truthful and blunt response they’d rather take. I may be wrong and we may all be basing our opinions on different things… Like for instance, I’m not even addressing the plagiarism/creditability issue. And of course, if this whole offence is about iheartvi’s choice of words, yeah the word bitch is harsh, but how is the word butthead used by ceda-lee any better. Sure, some may come back and argue why there’s a difference btw the two words… but my point is… words such a bitch, buthead, idiots,.. all have too broad of a meaning.. some ppl use them everyday without thinking how it might offend others and others may be more polite…but when it all comes down to it, it depends on the individuality of the person using those words and the significance of the words arousing different degrees of reaction from different people. My point. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s exactly the kinds of pain we have to endure to get to it—the truth I mean. (basing my argument on Mill’s On Liberty). And by that, I mean, what is really at issue here... that people can’t accept the fact that there are those who disagree…my point is just that iheartvi’s rude expression is frankly another step towards getting to another certain truth…for instance…why exactly has spicy gone offline? Is it plagiarism issue or is it more than that? Or why have they not even bothered to come to sarnworld and address the concerns of those who oh so care and miss them so much? … Whatever the answer, my point is that all opinions, minor or major, positive or negative, are details that needs to be considered equally valid. Opinions are the building blocks for an accurate consensus. It is one thing to disagree, but to suppress is another. ( mean come on, everyone in that thread was practicing conformity. Is that really productive? Sometimes, being productive means disagreeing. You can’t just close the thread or end the conservation..That’s not how issues are resolved)

My whole response is probably unnecessary b/c I’m really indifferent to the main issue at point regarding spicy forum. But like I said, it pisses me off to see the “tyranny of the majority� at work. You guys can disagree with people, but trying to convince that person not to express his/her opinions is flat out rejecting any considerations for objectivity. You want the truth, you have to hear everyone out to come to the most accurate conclusion. Just let it ALL out, be it nice or rude.

But maybe I’m being too rational by not taking in to account the more emotional aspects of the argument. Like KhoOnxNouxWanxJai mentioned about (from the closed thread) sarnworld and spicy being sisters and if spicy disconnected from sarnworld, sarnworld would be dead? Well to that, it would be unreasonable for them to justify their disconnections simply because of one stupid (yeah I just insulted the person I’m supposedly defending) and rude response wouldn’t it. To “punish� the whole group because of one member.

It may be impossible for everyone to agree b/c like I said, the bases of everyone’s argument and opinions are always different—that’s why conflicts are so hard to resolve—b/c priorities are also different. For me for instance… I just hate any suppression of ideas and thoughts…

Nothing personal. I’d just rather play the devil’s advocate and this, I find, intellectually stimulating. Perhaps, reopen the thread and not keep things under the current? Freedom of speech and freedom of the press people.



Staff member
The thing is sarNworld has been a peaceful forum for a long time now and we don't care if someone come out and say they don't like this forum or that forum, but we draw the line when it becomes insulting; What would sarNworld be like if we allowed members to openly curse out another member? Or curse out another forum? It becomes a war of words because people who are biased against that forum may come out and call someone else from that forum a name; it's a bit childlike to behave with profanity. Grown ups don't go around calling each other a bitch and etc just because they don't get along. I agree with you that we can't jump on that person for speaking their mind, but forums have rules and calling the girls "sarcastic bitches" is insulting sarNworld members; as we know some of those girls are members here; I don't give a deng what people say about me, but I prefer not to use profanity as a mechanism of communication.

If sarN allowed members to call each other any names then sarNworld wouldn't be the friendly place that it has been since sarN opened it up. I have a lot of respect for sarN because she is one of the nicest admins I know that's why I've worked hard to support sarNworld and help out when I can. At the same time I expect sarN to keep the peacefulness in the forum like she has always done. I don't care if members fight here and there, but I do care if they get hateful towards each other and sure I may be just a member, but it's the members that make up the forum; just like the spicy members are sarnworld members they also help make up the forum, so I think it's best we all respect one another and not use words such as bitch and etc to label each other. Sure in a thread about a character in a lakorn, but towards each other is uncalled for.

Yeah I went back in circles a lot lol I need some sleep hahah, but I just had to respond sorry-

-Edit I agree with this thread to remain open; unless someone say's it should be closed lol :p or until someone openly complains about it being open;


lol spicy is up front and it kind of good to be up front ;) and i've been at sarnworld as long as some people here but i have to agree ^^ sarnworld members are kind :D


:D I understand. When it comes to profanity, things get ugly. Just glad this thread is reopened.... I'm such a dork. :p


your not a dork you expressing you feeling which is a good thing :D


What? You created that long ass post just to have this thread reopened? LOL.

Hey no offense is meant in my post, i am just confirming that you are such a dork :D, I hope you don't take it the wrong way.


sarNie Granny
after i read what mintwix said , i went to look for the close forum she talking about and open it lmao im a bad admin and lazy . I have to thank tinah and other mod that keep updating the currently lakorn section and so forward cuz ...im slow ..i don't know what lakorn is out or watever .. . Im just a member like everyone else haha . But i just read the the post in here -- yes don't name call please . We can talk normally and disscuz it out . It ok to fight but no profanity and call ppl out . It not dat serious .


Staff member
after i read what mintwix said , i went to look for the close forum she talking about and open it lmao im a bad admin and lazy . I have to thank tinah and other mod that keep updating the currently lakorn section and so forward cuz ...im slow ..i don't know what lakorn is out or watever .. . Im just a member like everyone else haha . But i just read the the post in here -- yes don't name call please . We can talk normally and disscuz it out . It ok to fight but not profanity and call ppl out . It not dat serious .
sarN to the rescue :wub:


sarNie Granny
sarnies member are so funnie at time , i just dont' know wat to do with ya but joint the club :lol: and spam ~~~ im off to write my fiction


sarNie Egg
The girls there have their reasons. They spend a lot of their time for the forum and plus money as well..it's not easy to manage a forum.

A lot of the stuff, Tina has already said...so ditto that. The girls may be sarcastic over there, but that's how they are. For as long as I've known them, they're nice and I haven't had a problem with them.


Staff member
The girls there have their reasons. They spend a lot of their time for the forum and plus money as well..it's not easy to manage a forum.

A lot of the stuff, Tina has already said...so ditto that. The girls may be sarcastic over there, but that's how they are. For as long as I've known them, they're nice and I haven't had a problem with them.
I use to be afraid of the spicy girls but lol after I got to know the forum a bit I kind of got use to it; that's how they are they may be sarcastic in their posts and stuff, but you can't take everything they say to the offense because they are even like that with each other lol;

That's true, we even got sarn spamming now, and so she has to leave and write fanfics to keep herself from spamming ^_^ .
o__O yeah lol spamming I'm trying to beat sarN's post lmao but looks like i got a long way to go lmao 1100 more posts to catch up lols;


What? You created that long ass post just to have this thread reopened? LOL.

Hey no offense is meant in my post, i am just confirming that you are such a dork :D, I hope you don't take it the wrong way.
:lol: I created that long post b/c I love to procrastinate and... well freedom is a moral value I cannot live without... AND YES that's the response of a dork! :p But it's no offense. I'm an odd kid, b/c I've always told ppl I consider it a compliment. Although they don't believe me, duh! b/c they don't know how it feels to be a dork-- IT's SOOOOO GOOOODDD. HAHAH!!


sarNie Adult
I've been a member @ Spicy forum since the beginning. And really they are all really nice. Sometime people think they are too mean. But I think that's because u guys are very new to the forum and ya just don't know them too well ^_^ . So, what they say probably offend u ^_^ . It's actually fun to read Mai and Natty post :lol: .Actually, they didn't mean any harm :D . I love Spicy as well as sarnworld, these two places are my home on the net :lol: . I thought I'll just say what's on my mind :p