I thought so too....true pinky looks similar to aff.....but why not go get the real thing right^^
I thought so too....true pinky looks similar to aff.....but why not go get the real thing right^^
awww...that's nice of you... :wub:more love coming to ya cikna^^
tsk tsk, 98 (yes rr ive shortened ure name again from 1998 to 98)...i busy with ateam and also msn too...give this spammer a break lmaogasp....cikna...you took our pages....at least it wasn't bau heehee
anyways......back to aum......i like him with aff......i don't get why he likes pinky though....
i did...sorry...gasp....cikna...you took our pages....at least it wasn't bau heehee
muaha it all cool 98, anything for my sister! just dont get jealous of mine *wink*i love my sig....thanks again for the artwork bau...my rival