Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
SURPRISE!!!...love you all my sisters, here a pressie from me na.

Okay, I'm gonna edit it so it's on this page and so you sisters could see it properly:

"What? They are R'ing me with their words, OMG...I can't see this happenning. Gosh I know I'm hot but LEAVE ME ALONE lmao"
*turn around*

"Are you sure it's safe? Bau, you're sisters won't R me right?"

"OMG, now they're even stalking me on my forum?"

"What the...? I don't ever remember getting married to anyone besides from 'BAU'." *ahem, cough cough...prisna, RR, sala and everyone else how claims to be Aum's wifey ahem*

"Hmm, bau I've got an idea. Meet me up on the island tonight..."
<---lmao now I'm getting dirty lol, hopefully my sisters won't wack me in the head lol.

"I really have 'STALKERS' after me..."

"I love you all my JLR ladies...but I love bau the most lol!"


anie's bb [c] D=
lmao, this is actually fun spamming by myself. im so sad lol.

EDIT: new stuff, i got bored lol...it's like 10pm now.

"I'm looking so sexy for my ladies...aren't I girls."

"Wow, my muscle are so hot. No wonder girls are after me. That Harit guy got nothing compared to me lol!"

"Gees, these people need to get some sleep. I know they're stalking me but they do need some energy if they are going to R me!"

"Argh...stalkers, stalkers! Get them away from me! Please, I beg you...don't R me."

"Yes, I am looking at you. Stop stalking me for god sake."

"I'm warning you. When I get pissy you know too well what I am going to do. Kiss/Slap/R you. So get away!"
Okay done, god my back is killing me from making too much gifs. But muaha, I should start doing this collection stuff like Sala and her long list lmao.


anie's bb [c] D=
lmao sala, i've got another one for your list. "we are now making animation gif of aum with captions of him talking about us jlr sisters"


anie's bb [c] D=
alright im going, if not i'll just be here and spam by myself like a loner lol...cause all my sisters are busy sleeping lol.


anie's bb [c] D=
hopefully whenever you wake up or come back to this thread you will be suprised by me na. alright, im going of for reals...lol spamming by myself tsk tsk!


anie's bb [c] D=
omg, one last note. this page is full of me, like 9 replys in a row this page is so dedicated to me...how cool is that! btw, it's page 608 too <--- see a connection, 6 "0 8"...so that means im "08"! huh!


anie's bb [c] D=
Added new stuff. It's 10.09pm now, so I'm heading of to rewatch JLR for a bit and then go to sleep. Got school tomorrow.


anie's bb [c] D=
Added new stuff. It's 10.09pm now, so I'm heading of to rewatch JLR for a bit and then go to sleep. Got school tomorrow.


sarNie Adult

Good Afternoon Sisters!!! just dropping by to wish you all a wonderful day!!

LMAO funny... wow that was alot of pages to read!! rahut..i thought you went to bed right after i logged off??? LOL

ellem, good luck on the job hunting!!! :wub:

raiya, no hurry..i have no where to go. *take your time ^_^

ceci..get on msn when you can missy! we all miss you :kiss:

starry & rahut those pics are too cute...cracks me up so bad!

ps..so have we decided to write it for you or just brainstorming LOL

bau...i love the idea...we will see what we can do for you!

moh, vansanee, pze where the heck are you girls!

ps pze are you still having trouble with your internet connections?
LOVE YOU GIRLS MUCH!! will talk to you all later..tomorrow that is! with pics LOL
ami.....my net is fine now but then both of my laptops are down....one isnt charging and the other needs to be reformat....so the only time i get to hop on now is on my bros comp.....but they play alot of games so u wont be seeing me on as often now.....until i get my laps fixed

thanks rr....i love it......such a hot scene....hehe...ruk na joop joop

lol ty rahut!...yea sorry i missed it earlier...man...i thought i was gonna go to bed at 1130 lol

but i end up reading thru the pages of jlr instead, trying not to be that far behind....

lol i will be there to support krit in bangkok dangerous too...hey wasnt there an old movie called bangkok dangerous already??? *i think i even own the movie too :huh:

anyways i will yell it for you girls ..when i go watch FK!...sometime this weekend...lol
well imma go get my beauty sleep now...see you all tuesday...! have a great one sisters! love you all very much!
hi5 ami im gonna go support too.....me n my friends were saying we were gonna go scream when we see him on screen....lolz....yeah theres one for thailand called bangkok dangerous....with bank....the guy from wang waree that got nadia.....its suppose to be a remake is wat i heard....n i still need to go watch fk....lolz.....im a lilo behind



sarNie Adult
Good Monday Morning Ladies

OMG...Im so behind!!! Good job ladies you got this thread to 600 pages... :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: (thanks to RR for spamming and other sisters)

Raiya... Good luck on your story!!!

Miss you girls like crazy: PZE... Moh... Seth... Ami... Cecilia... Chen... Sweet GP... HB... LaLa... Prisna... Bong Raiya... Starry... SarN... and RR...

Hope to caught all you ladies soon!!! I know all you girls miss me more than you miss Harit or Aum.. Harit misses me the most!!! :loool: :loool: :loool:


sarNie Adult
MISS U TOO VAN.....havent seen u in weeks........


sarNie Oldmaid
LOL Bau...soooo cute! thanks for the gifs!!...love em all...even the lil txt on em..although part of it is untrue LOL

pze...lol join me in the behind club again (i think we are the only two sisters that didnt watch it yet)...atleast you have your friends to go with...i have to find someone whoever it is...lol gosh dont i sound desperate now!! <_<

awww i know the feeling...now the darn laptop is not charging properly on me too..i guess all that shoving the laptop under the couch is starting to take affect..talk bout abused?! :mellow:
and hopefully its the charger and not the socket or whatever the heck its called ..


miss you too vansanee...its been 2 days now that i havent talk to you??!


sarNie Adult
I see Prince Atichart everyday and I still miss him.
I dont even get to see you everyday which means I SUPER MISS YOU!



sarNie Oldmaid
moh did you get my txt from last night ??!!

i wont be home...well actually i will be home in a bit ...leaving work early wooohooo!! hopefully i get to chat a lil bit before i head out to frisco.


sarNie Adult
moh did you get my txt from last night ??!!

i wont be home...well actually i will be home in a bit ...leaving work early wooohooo!! hopefully i get to chat a lil bit before i head out to frisco.

How long are you going to be gone Ami? It's getting harder and harder to caught everyone... everyone seem to be very busy these days including myself... AWWWW :( :( :( :(

I will miss you even more now Ami... hugs and kisses